Liam Hemsworth wants Miley Cyrus to stop tweeting about their bidness

Miley Cyrus Liam Hemsworth

A few weeks ago, Kaiser reported some mild teenage drama that Miley Cyrus had stirred up on her Twitter account. Basically, Miley was going through vaguely existential doubts and decided to express them in a very emo manner, and a lot of people assumed that she was complaining about Liam not being loving enough or some such nonsense. Kaiser’s theory is that these tweets weren’t really about Liam at all and may have even been about something as random as Miley’s new haircut. The theory is quite plausible, and I’ve sort of been wondering how long it will be before Miley give in and gets some hair extensions. This week’s issue of Star would beg to differ and presents that story that Liam thinks the tweets really were all about him, and now he wants Miley to stop talking about their love life on Twitter. He even allegedly wants her to stop tweeting altogether (which poses the question of how Miley would fill her time — but she’d probably just squeeze in another daily pilates classs). Let’s review the tweets in question, shall we?

Miley Cyrus Liam Hemsworth

Liam Hemsworth has had enough of fiance Miley Cyrus’ Twitter obsession, especially since she used it to take a dig at their relationship on Sept. 13.

“Ever feel like you want just … something more. Not sure what exactly … passion perhaps?” And while Miley, 19, later tried to backtrack, tweeting, “no there is not trouble in paradise … just thoughts,” and insider begs to differ.

“Miley’s tweet was such a huge insult to Liam. She tried to pass it off like it had nothing to do with him, but it totally affected him, no matter what she tries to say.”

In fact, the singer may have been using the open forum to get a rise out of Liam, 22. “She was trying to get his attention, but she just ended up making him pull away from her more,” continues the pal. “He thinks she’s acting like an immature schoolgirl, and he wants her to get off Twitter completely.”

[From Star, print edition, October 8, 2012]

I think the problem isn’t really that these tweets could have been about Liam because — who knows? — Miley may or may not have been passive-aggressively tweeting about wanting more attention from her man. The more likely problem, in Liam’s eyes, is probably that people assumed the tweets were about him. If this story is true, I could believe that he may have felt attacked or insulted even if Miley didn’t mean to direct any of her angst in his direction. She could have simply been talking about “artistic” “passion” or something. God knows that Miley’s likely felt a little lost lately without a set career since her adolescence was spent in such a structured environment.

On a related note, I’ve noticed the general trend that Miley seems to walk behind Liam quite a bit, and he’s often got his hands in his pockets while hers swing free. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with that if Liam is not one of those naturally affectionate types of guys. If this bothers Miley, however, and she feels that public affection as the mysterious missing “passion” in her life, she needs to realize that Liam just is the way he is. Marrying someone certainly won’t make them more publicly affectionate.

Liam Hemsworth Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus Liam Hemsworth

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and Twitter

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54 Responses to “Liam Hemsworth wants Miley Cyrus to stop tweeting about their bidness”

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  1. RocketMerry says:

    Oh, Liam, everyone wants Miley to stop.
    You’re not alone.

  2. marie says:

    but.. then how would she stay relevant? I don’t see them being together much longer..

  3. Amelia says:

    Alright, taking bets; the buy-in is 10 cray cray credits with a possible win of 5 cracktinis.
    I’ll say 18 months max.
    The girl’s still stuck in that 14-year-old-updating-fb-every-5-minutes stage of life with nothing to do, whilst Liam seems to be making well thought out career moves.
    Christ, I hate my generation.

  4. Quinn says:

    This is why it’s generally a poor idea to choose a spouse at nineteen..hormones DO cool down, kids!

    • LittleDeadGirl says:

      What?! That can’t be true. No way people change drastically between 19 and 25. Not a chance 🙂

      • Hakura says:

        LittleDeadGirl – “What?! That can’t be true. No way people change drastically between 19 and 25.

        Tell that to my bra size… xD Offtopic but just as frustrating! (Especially when one had amassed a lovely collection of lingerie they can no longer wear).

        ONtopic – I always felt Miley has been a bit immature for her age. The Twitter obsession isn’t the least bit surprising.

    • Liv says:


  5. minime says:

    I think she’s a cute girl and she deserves some admiration to stay in line after all the adolescent success and unstructured family (her “crazyness” is not so different from “normal” girls with her age). They are indeed young and it wouldn’t be strange if they need to meet and date other people instead of entering in a long time commitment. Anyway, I think they look nice together. They are just a nice young couple.

    • Itsa says:

      I don’t think she’s stayed in line at all. I’d be very upset if my kids acted like her and they’re younger!

  6. reeda redneck says:

    What has her man been in? Love her new hair! I think she is referring to her fans in her tweet.

  7. DanaG says:

    What else would she do with all her free time? Liam is australian maybe he just doesn’t think it’s cool to be all over his missus. If Miley doesn’t like it then it’s not going change with or without a wedding ring. I give her another couple of weeks to put the hair extensions in she needs something to put her back in the news.

  8. Labyrinth says:

    What else does this chick do besides tweet about her weight, hairstyles and latest tattoos? She has to throw some cryptic quotes in there while toking on a reefer to sound somewhat ‘deep’ (in her own mind)

  9. Mary says:

    She’s 19 for goodness sake. Aren’t they supposed to do crap like that? And honestly, if Liam has an issue with that, then he shouldn’t be engaged to a teenager.

  10. Brown says:

    I just can’t imagine there being no passion when it comes to Liam. Good God he is beautiful. I feel like he and I have passion and I don’t even know him….

  11. SueD says:

    She wants attention, not passion. He’ll tire of her momentarily.

  12. BRE says:

    Don’t think it is about Liam, she is just being 19. I swear I have similar statements from my diary from back when I was 19

  13. Skins says:

    He will be dumping her real soon

  14. Rhea says:

    She needs to do something else and get busy with other things beside twittering and yoga.

  15. Barrett says:

    She is just young. And too young to marry. Thank god I never had a twitter account as a teen. Geez.

  16. nate says:

    Can someone explain to me this.. fashion? I mean it seems hot enough there (wherever they are) to be wearing t-shirts, but apparently cold enough for (leather?) boots? I’d be sweating buckets.

    • KC says:

      It’s kind of hard to understand your question since I’m so used to everyone wearing boots with t-shirts, but I guess I’ll try. You just do. (Okay, that didn’t work.) I guess I don’t quite get why you think it would be so hot? You start wearing boots or closed toed shoes when it gets too cold to wear your outfit with sandals. Basically in California we don’t like to have seasonal wardrobes so you just change your shoes and accessories (like scarves or tights) to make it weather appropriate, and then finally break down and start wearing warmer clothes when you absolutely have to. Basically you’re just trying to get the average warmth of your outfit to be appropriate for the current temperature.

      Or you could just tough it out and be like me and in the summer wear jeans, flip-flops, and a t-shirt when it’s in the 90’s and in the winter wear jeans, flip-flops, a long sleeved t-shirt and a small scarf when it dips below freezing. (Hey, I hate carrying a coat and it worked in the middle of the day, not so much at night though.)

  17. Dee Cee says:

    She keeps yakking to him on everything that pops into her mind.. and he says, “Yeah.. sure babe.” But she’s getting wise he might not even care if she does something super bad.. so..

  18. aims says:

    i wanna lump miley and taylor in the same, obsession, love me category.

  19. Cody says:

    Studies say that the human brain doesn’t mature until the age of 25, they both still have a lot of maturing to do. I give the relationship a few more months. Liam’s career is really starting to take off, he should be concentrating on that, instead of her nonsense.

  20. Chickie Baby says:

    She’s young and hasn’t figured out yet how to keep her yap shut. Her world has always been very public so she probably just doesn’t “get” that the whole world doesn’t need to know (or care) about her private life, so it hasn’t occurred to her to NOT broadcast every thought she has.

    He’s in the relationship, too, and is certainly entitled to his feelings that some thing need to be kept between them.

    I agree with others–wonder how long before they split.

  21. ladybert62 says:

    Everything she does seems to scream – “LOOK AT ME!”

    I think he is more mature than she is and he is going to dump her.

    She needs to gain some independence and get some type of career back on track.

    Tweeting becomes an addiction and she needs a tweet intervention.

  22. Black Pearl says:

    I guess I’m in the minority here but I think what Miley wants is some attention and a lil PDA, Liam might not be into that but he should at least just do it cos she wants him to. My BF is totally like that, he wants us to be all over each other every time, I didnt really like it at first but now I’m used to it and actually enjoy it. Besides almost every picture I see of them, they always walk apart, maybe she just wants him to hold her hand or some little hugs and kisses every now and then but then again there could be something going on that we dont know about..

    • meh says:

      Then she should say “hey honey, I’d really love it if we could hold hands when we walk down the street together”. I’m not sure how cryptically complaining about it on Twitter is going to make any difference in the matter.

  23. KelBear says:

    I don’t blame him…..I wouldn’t want to be walking next to her in public either.

  24. Marty says:

    This story actually seems plausable. Remember a year or two ago when she left twitter because Liam told her to?

    It’s interesting because they use to be a very openly affectionate couple but now things seem to have cooled off a bit. Who knows with these two….

  25. Kali says:

    He’s already tired of her and is trying to figure a way out. Chris you sexy man come and get your brother from this trailer trash before she ruins his career for him.

  26. bettyrose says:

    My man is 14 inches taller than I am so we have completely different strides and rarely hold hands when walking.

  27. Talie says:

    He seems uncomfortable with fame in general. But I also think, in the beginning, he was seduced by her lifestyle and all the perks that came along. Now, it has probably worn thin.

  28. Whatever!!! says:

    Don’t date an immature spoiled brat if you don’t want the whole world knowing your stuff. Give me a break, you know what you were getting into. Get a grown up woman or shut up.

  29. Zigggy says:

    I’ve been with my husband for 12 years and we do no PDA- he thinks hand holding is weird, and that’s fine with me.
    I had friends who would make out in front of people all the time, everywhere and if she got up to go to the bathroom they’d slowly let go of each other and say “I’ll miss you!”
    I’d rather have no PDA than that! lol (they broke up like 11 years ago, btw 😉

    • Mira says:

      Yo! That type of PDA is an OD. I would literally throw up if that ever happened to me. I hate PDA in general and if I were Liam, I would have fought with Miley on the first tweet and dumped her ass on the second. Then again, don’t think I would have dated Miley if I were Liam 🙂

  30. dcypher1 says:

    I totally agree with liam. Twitter is a good promotional tool for industry to get exposurr for whatever but thats it. I believe that tmi on twitter is a bad thing and can ruin a relationship. Not everyone want to know all ur stupid thoughts.

  31. dcypher1 says:

    But myle seems like the attention whore type so liam might have to deal with it.

  32. mln89 says:

    her outfit and hair look so ridiculous and try hard. is this her version of punk? courtesy of hot topic?

  33. the original bellaluna says:

    Can’t say that I blame him. I’m just a peon, and I wouldn’t tolerate being involved with an over-sharing Twitiot.

  34. says:

    What the hell is “bidness?”

  35. Nikki Girl says:

    No way in hell this relationship is going to last. No way.