Cele|bitchy | True Blood Star Deborah Ann Woll’s boyfriend is going blind, running marathons

True Blood Star Deborah Ann Woll’s boyfriend is going blind, running marathons

A month ago I received an email from a guy named EJ Scott. Scott suffers from an inherited degenerative eye disorder called Choroideremia and is raising awareness and money for his cause by running a marathon blindfolded every month this year. At 36, Scott still has some of his vision, 15 degrees of sight per eye, but is legally blind, has lost all of his peripheral vision and expects to be fully blind by the time he is 50. This disorder also affects his brother and one of his sister’s sons. In his e-mail, Scott never mentioned that his girlfriend of over four years is Deborah Ann Woll, Jessica Hamby from True Blood. He did include a link to a “PSA with me and Deborah” but he didn’t even use her last name! Well Scott is getting more recognition and publicity thanks to an article about his quest in Men’s Fitness, which just got picked up by People Magazine. It’s kind of a heartwarming story yet still-sad story about triumph in the face of adversity:

True Blood star Deborah Ann Woll… is dating E.J. Scott, 36, an activist who is slowly losing his sight and expects to be fully blind by age 50.

Scott is running marathons to raise funds and awareness about choroideremia, a degenerative eye disease that reduces sight to “tunnel vision” before ultimately leaving those who are diagnosed legally blind, reports Men’s Fitness in its November issue, on newsstands now.

Scott – who has dated Woll, 27, for nearly five years – began running marathons to raise money for the disease in January 2012. He plans to run one marathon a month in a different state for 12 months.

“I thought he was very brave to be so open about it. I hadn’t heard of the disease before I met E.J., and I was very moved by his story,” Woll says. “I thought that anyone would could have such struggle in his life and still be positive and motivated is a very special person.”

Scott learned he had the disease at age 27, when his younger brother (then 16) was diagnosed. He would soon learn his older sister was a carrier and his maternal grandfather also suffered from choroideremia.

“I was scared, really angry, and pissed that I was 27 years old and just hearing about it,” Scott says. “It was screwing up my whole family because we all got tested at the same time. It explained a lot.”

Despite his condition, Scott decided to move to Los Angeles to follow his dream of becoming an entertainer. Prior to his diagnosis, he had taken stand-up comedy and improv classes.

While living in L.A., Scott met Woll on an online dating site. After some correspondence, he invited her to see him perform. Scott later moved to Chicago to continue working in improv, but their relationship survived the distance.

Compelled to raise awareness for the disease that was gradually taking away his sight, Scott moved back to L.A. and began hosting stand-up comedy events for the Choroideremia Research Foundation. Then, he began running marathons to raise money.

“E.J.’s a big dreamer and most people who get big ideas have trouble following through. I know I do. But I learned very quickly that when E.J. puts his mind to something, he achieves it,” Woll says. “When he came up with the idea for the 12 consecutive marathons, I knew it would happen.”

But it hasn’t been as easy as Scott had hoped.

“I’m raising a lot of the money on my own, auctioning DVDs on eBay and doing comedy shows in most of the cities,” Scott says. “The donations have been less than I’d hoped.”

Although Scott expects that he will eventually go totally blind, he knows his fundraising efforts won’t be in vain.

“We’ve tried to get funding for this for close to 10 years,” Dr. Jean Bennet, a scientist studying chororideremia at the University of Pennsylvania, says. “What he’s doing could help thousands of people worldwide.”

[From EJScott.com]

Here’s a PSA that EJ and Deborah did together:

It was a little chilling to me toward the end of the PSA (above) when Deborah mentions that one of people’s biggest fears is going blind, and EJ agrees that it’s his too. Props to him for running a marathon every month blindfolded! That’s incredible. The article in Men’s Fitness even says that EJ is “not a runner and has never liked sports.” You can learn more about EJ and his cause on his website, EJScott.com.

The gossip in me wants to know when these two are going to get married. I heard Deborah say in an interview that she met EJ on Match.com, which I thought was great of her to admit. The Huffington Post has a “love profile” video of Deborah and EJ (it’s at the bottom of this page) in which she says her dream for the future is a peaceful house in the mountains with EJ. He agrees and it’s kind of romantic. She never mentions kids, though, which makes me wonder if he is avoiding having kids so as not to pass on his disorder. That’s speculative of me, but it’s an impression I get from their story.

Photo credit: WENN.com and VH1 Morning Buzz

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50 Responses to “True Blood Star Deborah Ann Woll’s boyfriend is going blind, running marathons”

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  1. Brown says:

    He is really sexy. Also this is the saddest/most heartwarming story ever. Also I didn’t realize celebs use Match.com… I might need to make a profile…

  2. gee says:

    I love that they met online.

  3. Samigirl says:

    Both of them are so attractive! And she’s right. I’m terrified of going blind. To not see my children’s smiles…damn.

    • Naye in VA says:

      Word. Something crazy happened with my left eye last week for like an hour after i rubbed it I had huge black spots in my vision. My mom just had a retinal detachment, so she was all freaking out.
      needless to say I dropped a $50 copay on a perfectly healthy eye. Better safe than sorry tho right?

      BTW they are a beautiful coulple. Match.com!!! There is hope yet.

  4. PrettyTarheel says:

    I am a truly horrible person, because here is where my mind goes: “Wow, she’s stuck with him for life. Even if she wants rid of him, there’s no way she can ever dump him. She’d be castigated as the woman who dumped that nice blind man.” They got together when she was relatively young (yes, yes, I’m sure there are tons of you who got married at 22 and are still happily married today, but please admit that’s not the norm in H-W), and now she’s going to have to stick by his side through hell.

    • Erinn says:

      That is kind of terrible of you. I mean, I get what you’re saying but maybe she truly loves him, and has accepted the life she will have with him.

      If my boyfriend (we’ve been together for almost 8 years) started going blind, and would lose his eyesight completely by 50 I’d be right there beside him.

      • Iggles says:

        Same here. I’ve been with my bf since January and I would not dump him if he was going blind. I love him and blindness is not a dealbreaker for me.

    • Celebitchy says:

      Well she seems to totally love and adore him, judging by that video I linked. (not the one in the post.) Going blind isn’t a death sentence and with all the technology we have it’s something that people can learn to manage. I know it seems incredibly scary and hard to us, but he will learn to navigate and he has time to prepare. Plus this may sound bad but she probably doesn’t have to worry about him cheating, and it sounds like she’s ok with not having kids. They seem really devoted, who knows though.

    • Sarah says:

      on the plus side, he’s never going to notice her getting wrinkles though…

    • PrettyTarheel says:

      Look, if my husband went blind, I would absolutely have his back, til’ death. But I’m not a Hollywood actress and we didn’t get together when I was 22 and he was 31. I’m just saying…there’s no out. A lot of relationships that start that young cave. Adding the loss of sight-that’s a LOT of pressure on a relationship, a relationship that started when she was 22. *shrug* Or maybe I’m pissy because I have to go fight Atlanta traffic today. Could be that.

      ETA: CB- I would think it would be safe to believe she would have the same chance of him cheating as a sight-capable man with similar morals and temperament.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        I don’t think you’re awful for thinking that, Prettytarheel. I think it’s particularly relevant in the context that you gave (she’s in HW and they started the relationship really young).
        They DO seem devoted but sometimes just the stress and hardship of coping with a degenerative disease can be enough to break a couple.

        I wish them a lot of luck though-they seem like determined people.

      • Iggles says:

        He learned he was going blind at 27. He was open about it when they met, so it seems she doesn’t have an issue with dating someone who is going blind..

      • PrettyTarheel says:

        I’m not saying she would dump him because he is blind, or going blind, or whatever. I’m saying that there is tremendous pressure on relationships as you grow, and that if she ends it, it will result in public commentary about the impact of his blindness. Nevermind that his condition may or may not have any impact on their relationship. It’s just the public perception will always be: Sighted person leaves non-sighted person=BAD sighted person. I’m not discussing their ACTUAL dynamics, just the public perception thereof.

    • Chelley says:

      You’re right, you are a truly horrible person. So if a person is perfectly healthy, they deserve love, but once they get sick with something, they should be tossed aside? Let’s hope nothing bad happens to you and your significant other doesn’t consider blowing you off because they’re inhumane.

      • PrettyTarheel says:

        Well, now I’m going to cry. You’ve completely managed to make me feel remorse, and I’m going to really work to change my ways.

        Or merrily continue speculating about people I don’t know on gossip blogs without fear of my husband leaving me because I don’t deserve his love. You know, that’s probably what I’ll do.

        I didn’t say he didn’t deserve love because he’s going blind. I said it would suck get with a guy when you’re 22, and then be bound to him for the rest of your life because there is going to be public scrutiny. I think they should be able to have a normal relationship, complete with either one ending it if they want to do so. However, because she’s in the public eye, there’s added implications. See: Ben Affleck.

    • Beatrice Sparkplug says:

      I don’t agree with you, but appreciate your honesty. I think you’re just completely lacking in experience. I lost my leg in an accident in my early 20s, and when I got engaged to my husband almost a decade later, his father told him (before he knew me well & what kind of person I am), “I hope you know what you’re getting into.” As a very able-bodied disabled person, it was hurtful to me, because you don’t ever want to be a burden on someone you love, nor perceived as one. I had feared this moment since my accident. However, in reality, I bike, spin and do yoga 5-6x per week and have to beg my ‘healthy’ husband to get off his brain every once in a while. Believe it or not, disability is generally only an aspect of a person — just like sight is only one sense — and I know plenty of so-called disabled people that are far more active and independent than so-called able-bodied people. Clearly you lucked out with your husband; I’ve dated a bunch of emotional cripples in the past. I don’t think you’re horrible, maybe just a little insensitive?

    • yoyo says:

      Well if we are sharing snarky thoughts …what I thought after seeing how cute they were together was: hold on a minute ? how old are they? hmmm 36 and 27 which meant that they got together when he was in 31 and she 22?! what a caricature: stereotypical male. So she’s coming up on 30, she’s getting close to his past due date! But hold on blessing in disguise! He’s going blind, so will remember her as a fresh faced beauty and is going to need lots of assistance (going blind in your 30s isn’t the same as going blind as a child, adapting is way more difficult) so hey they might have a shot and they are very cute in that video. That was my snarky thought., so I might be going to hell too…

    • hatsumomo says:

      I know what you mean. If the roles were reversed, a man’s rep would never recover from the vitriol he’d get from women for leaving a sick wife, even if both parties hated each other guts but hadnt gotten around to a divorce. Its what happens. *Shrugs* Hollywood couples are known to divorce or separate for trivial things. Especially if she were to get an even higher profile in H-wood.

    • Scarlet Vixen says:

      @TarHeel: Don’t feel guilty–and don’t cry!–because someone else misinterpreted your meaning. I thought basically the same thing. What if their relationship disintegrates for OTHER reasons, just like most relationships do? Will she feel ‘obligated’ to remain in a relationship that isn’t working or makes her unhappy because of his impairment or potential backlash? I know that you didn’t mean that she wants to dump him just because he’s going blind but can’t because of what people say. I’ve thought this occasionally about my own marriage–what if something happens to me, then along the way my marriage crumbles for other reasons. Will my husband feel the need to stay because he feels responsble to take care of me? I think wondering that about your own relationship or others is completely valid, and that you didn’t mean it in a nasty or bitchy way.

    • RdyfrmycloseupmrDvlle says:

      Well, that lady from Gossip Girl dumped her husband when he came down with cancer. Look how she ended up.
      My 24 year old husband has retinitus pigmentosa and will be 100% blind in a few years. We were told he had 10 to 15 years of sight left. One week after we were wed we were sitting at lunch with his family and he turned to me and whispered he cant hardly see anything. Most of his vision literally went over night in his sleep. It was devastating.
      All I can tell you is this man has been such a blessing in my life, so loving, so affectionate, so giving and loyal I cant imagine NOT “being stuck with him.” Yes, when he tries to vacume and help out he sucks up all of our socks and knocks over the lamp. But thats ok because most husbands that have their sight dont even bother to help out around the house. You should know that just because someone seems to have a “flaw” it might just be what makes their personality supreamely rare and special. Look beyond artifice.

  5. Lee says:

    How sad for sufferers like he and his family, but what a truly inspiring quest he’s embarked upon, and a touching love story as well! I liked Deborah Ann on True Blood, but now, wow. She’s one in a million. Not often do we get to know beforehand the challenges that will arise in a relationship, and most people would not stick around if they knew what they were in for.

  6. Sara says:

    There was a blind item a few years ago That she cheated with the guy who plays Hoyt? I wouldn’t have trouble believing it….. http://blindgossip.com/?p=12344

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      First of all, is it really wise to post a “blind gossip” item on a story about a man suffering from a degenerative eye disease?
      Secondly, why can’t you let us have ONE nice story without trying to ruin it with unsubstantiated gossip?

    • Jag says:

      The comments say that she was the one who told everyone about the cheating co-stars, not that she was the one who was cheating – unless I’m reading it incorrectly.

      Best wishes to them both.

  7. Bubbling says:

    this is the best story of the day! Yay for love and I’m cheering for them!

  8. Dhavy says:

    Wow I hope he gets to raise more awareness and encourages those people that have family members with the disease to get tested.
    it is nice to read about a hollywood celeb who is standing by their partner knowing what the future will be like. Some people will run the other way if they knew the kind of responsibility they’ll face.
    I met my b/f online about 12 yrs ago and our relationship is still strong. I would be more cautious these days because internet has also found a home for the sickest but stories like these give hope for those who choose to go that route.
    I hope they stay together, I’m still rooting for long term Hollywood relationships!

  9. Lexi says:

    Wow.. I never knew this about him. I think that she is a smart woman and clearly she knew about his situation when she met him. They seem very much in love. Plus they could still always adopt!

  10. GoodCapon says:

    This is absolutely heartwarming and extremely sad at the same time. I applaud him for keeping a positive outlook and preparing for the worst.

    Also… I’m sorry to be obtuse, but 15 degrees of sight per eye? I guess that would explain the walking stick but can he even see *anything* anymore?

    • Sam says:

      Most doctors recommend starting the cane before one loses all their vision so that they can learn to use the cane in relation to what they can see so that when they finally lose their sight, they are already proficient with the cane and can use visual memory to assist them. That’s why.

  11. Sarah says:

    I remember seeing this guy at the Austin marathon! We leapfrogged a few times. He was easy to pick out because of his height and guide. Definitely going to donate.

  12. Jayna says:

    What is his career? Being married to someone blind at a young age would be stressful, but does he have a career, a passion of his own for a career? can’t access the video right now.

  13. Michele says:

    That’s sad but also inspiring. I love reading about people who try to make a positive out of a negative situation.

  14. Red Starburst says:

    Aww this is sweet. I love that they admitted meeting online. My guy and I met on myspace in 2005 back when it wasn’t cool to admit that so we stuck with the “we met at the food court” which is literally, where we met offline so we have to keep that story going.

    as for the “which makes me wonder if he is avoiding having kids so as not to pass on his disorder”

    I have good friend named Adriana with Cystic Fibrosis. She has to be hospitalized for weeks at a time just about every other month for infections and its gradually getting worse as she’s in her mid twenties. Her little sister has said she will not be having kids because she is a carrier of the cystic fibrosis gene and could not watch her child go through what Adriana has to experience.

  15. Toot says:

    He’s good looking. His disease is almost like what my mother has, RP or retinitis pigmentosa. Being around someone going blind or already blind isn’t a burden.

    They can be very independent; adjustments just have to be made.

  16. claire says:

    I remember a story about their relationship a year or so ago. For some reason, this whole time, I’ve thought he was totally blind. It’s nice to hear that he does currently still have some sight left, and is dedicating time to raise awareness of the disease. I honestly couldn’t imagine – it’s one of my worst fears.

  17. hoya_chick says:

    She is absolutely gorgeous! Inside out especially now that I know about her and EJ. This is a wonderful cause. I’m going to donate. Maybe they’ll adopt or do some type of genetic testing preemptively CB since its seems the disease is genetic. Totally puts things into perspective. Health, and love are everything! Happy Mondays ladies!

  18. Feisty says:

    This is really sweet, it makes me think a lot more of her as a person. She’s one of my favorites on True Blood anyway.

  19. Melissa says:

    I just looked up this condition, and it is X-chromosome linked, so occurs almost exclusively in males (both sides would have to have the gene to pass it on to female children). So, they could always do IVF and do genetic testing on embryos and only implant female embryos if they wanted to make sure that their children didn’t have the condition. That’s if the wanted children of course, which they might not, either b/c of his condition or for a million other reasons.

    • Steph says:

      Then again, if she isn’t a carrier, their male children would inherit her X and his Y and would be disease free + not be carriers. Any female children would necessarily inherit his X and while (again, assuming she isn’t a carrier) they wouldn’t have the condition, there’s the potential for their offspring to have it.

      If she isn’t carrying the gene, none of their children will have it but I guess the possibility of producing some carriers might also not be what he wants.

  20. j.eyre says:

    I like this story – they way they are addressing it and responses to it.

    I would be devastated to lose any of my senses but I think I would be more afraid of losing my hearing than my eyesight. That may have to do with me being an oral learner more than a visual learner.

  21. Sara says:

    I wonder if that’s her natural hair color? She is really beautiful, with her long neck and limbs she looks like a dancer. Ugh, I’m envious.

  22. Andrea says:

    What a touching, tragic story. You got to applaud her for sticking by him, most people would not, which is sad also.

  23. ramona says:

    What an inspiring, attractive couple. I will definitely be donating…