Timothy Olyphant & his whacked out hair do ‘Sesame Street’: would you hit it?

Timothy Olyphant

Perhaps this has been a long time coming for Timothy Olyphant (who has three children with his wife of eleven 21 years, Alexis Knief), but the man has finally appeared for a stint on “Sesame Street.” Since Olyphant is often seen wearing his “Justified” hat, it’s nice to see him without it to visit his puppet friends, and I love that Olyphant hasn’t colored those endearing grey temples of his.

In this video clip. Olyphant hangs with Abby Cadabby as they discuss the word “proud” with Hansel and Gretel, Humpty Dumpty, and the Big Bad Wolf, who huffs and puffs and turns Olyphant’s hair into a huge mess of bedhead proportions. This clip is so damn cute that I just had to write a few words about it, so watch the video and enjoy:

Timothy Olyphant

Does “family man” Olyphant make you feel even more hot under the collar for his sexiness? The only thing that is missing from this video is the Olyphant swagger, but that would have been too much for “Sesame Street.” Even moreso than Katy Perry’s misguided cleavage.

Timothy Olyphant

Timothy Olyphant

Screencaps courtesy of YouTube

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86 Responses to “Timothy Olyphant & his whacked out hair do ‘Sesame Street’: would you hit it?”

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  1. mkyarwood says:


    • Heather says:

      He is so gorgeous! I think I spoke to him at Cancun Airport, I thought he looked familiar but didn’t figure it out until on the plane back to UK! How daft am I?

      • the original bellaluna says:

        I commend you on your restraint. I likely would have jumped him, right then & there! ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Canda says:

      I totally would, weird hair or not (look at Charlie Hunnam or Viggo, the bad hairdos don’t deter the most faithful). It’s a little strange to say that bc my husband is the guy’s biggest fan, but DAMN. Yes please.

  2. Gina says:

    hell yes. all day, every possible way

  3. marie says:

    most definitely

  4. Jenna says:

    Always. I love Raylan Givens so damn much. Unf.

  5. SolitaryAngel says:

    Hell yes–I’d turn that man every which way but loose!!

  6. lucy2 says:


    Good thing they didn’t have the swagger, or they’d have to do a whole Sesame Street episode about hormones and “adult feelings”!

  7. Skipper says:

    He has a naturally creepy look but he’s completely not. It’s intriguing so yes I’d hit it.

    • hoya_chick says:

      Yes! That’s it perfectly! He has a naturally creepy look about him! I can’t get past it.

  8. Train says:

    All. Day. Long. Andrightintothenight.

    • Hautie says:


      And had Olyphant whipped out his swagger… those muppets would have self combusted. Or at least I know I would!

  9. Kaye says:

    I’m in.

  10. Rumorhasit says:

    Remember Pat Healy in Something About Mary? When Mary said she liked perfect teeth, and he ran off and got the largest veneers possible. The bartender called him “choppers” in the next scene. Hysterical….but Olyphants teeth have always struck me as a bit Healyesque…a bit too much for his mouth to handle, upstages all his other features, but otherwise a fine looking guy.

  11. mia girl says:

    Olyphant is all mine. Please, kindly back the eff off!

  12. Gracie says:

    Who? He looks like my really creepy 5th grade art teacher who would make us sit in his lap *shudders*

  13. Kimbob says:

    Absolutely! And, by the way, HE should be the “new” Brad Pitt!

    He’s so damn sexy even in a Sesame Street skit…..not many dudes can pull that off!

  14. Miss Kiki says:

    Yes, oui, si, ja, da, sim, ken, hanji, ano,igen. If I say it enough times, in enough languages then it stands to reason that it’ll totally happen.

  15. silken_floss says:

    Sex on legs. Hells mfking yeah!!

  16. Victoria says:

    Oh yeah hit that all day long! Thank you for reporting on hotties to get me thru the day.

  17. V4Real says:

    Yes I would hit it. I have always found that man incredibly sexy; especially in the movie I am Number Four and The Perfect Get Away.

  18. Lee says:

    Yep. He is so seexxxxeeee.

  19. Co says:

    Ohgod yes!!

  20. The Original Original says:

    I just loved him in Deadwood. Yes please.

  21. the real mccoy says:

    Wild hair is a trademark for him, I think. He made me laugh in “Girl Next Door”. He looks great and his hair matches the muppets.

  22. kingkayski says:

    Yes!yes!& yes!oh,shit sorry ,too much!That man can kissed like there’s no tomorrow,he’s one of the best kisser in hollywood,ofcourse it’s a yes!

  23. Jocelyn says:

    A big fat yes. He is one of those men who get hotter with age. He is so sexy.

  24. Darlene says:

    He’s 1,000 kinds of hot. Adding Dad Hot to him just makes me love him more.

  25. Adrien says:

    A Tim Olyphant post only means one thing — Bedhead wrote this. Tinginingining…

  26. Eve says:

    Yes, thank you very much.

    • Miss Kiki says:

      Getting a bit greedy aren’t we Eve? This is why I took Cumby off your hands the other day, you’re chasing so much tail you can’t even keep your eye on the ones you claim you love! You may also want to have a *talk* with a certain other poster who was posting about being in the same place as Hiddlestone.

      • Eve says:

        Yes, but I mean this as an innocent (not really), one-time only thing :).

        Cumberbatch is forever mine though. You all can have Chris Evans (we parted ways a while ago).

        About that certain other poster…*sigh*…I’m so f*cking jealous now.

        I’m not sure how effective I’d be if I had “a talk” with her. As I read on that other thread, she’s tall. I’m 5’2″. I’d need a ladder in order to grab her by her shoulders (and shake her).

      • Jenna says:

        Dammit, Eve! Stop giving away my Captain Sexy!!!

      • dooliloo says:

        Nah-huh! No “talk” needed y’all, Hiddleston is MY husband, all the others are potential one night stands, no more no less. (and to be clear in a timeline they’re all one night stands *before* I meet MY husband)

        Well Eve, who said height matters? Yes you’ll need the ladder, cuz I won’t kneel before you bitch! ๐Ÿ˜€

      • Eve says:

        @ Jenna:

        Girl, we must have one to keep (in your case: The Hardy, in mine: Cumberbatch) and one to pass around. Unfortunately, that has to be Captain Sexy — he had it coming when he chose to date Minka Kelly, non?

        @ Dooliloo:


      • Jenna says:

        @Eve: Ugh. FINE! I will pass around Captain Sexy, BUT I want him back in tip-top shape!

  27. Axis2ClusterB says:

    My god, YES. Any way, every way. Hell, I’d even let him bring the damn puppets.

  28. LadyBird83 says:

    Yes, yes and yes.

  29. Eleonor says:

    Of course.

  30. Jay Elle says:


  31. Lem says:

    I’d swear I did and I’d do it again

  32. roxy750 says:

    He is handsome.

  33. Dimebox says:

    Cute, sexy, endearing….sigh.

  34. TheOriginalKitten says:

    Before Raylan Givens he was Seth Bullock and I’ll always love him for playing an awesome character on one of the best TV shows to ever grace my TV set.

    • the original bellaluna says:

      OKitt – I can’t tell you how many times I’ve suffered through Perfect Getaway to hear him drawl and see his nekked ass! GLORIOUS!

      (I’m still working my way through Deadwood – I’m on season 2 or 3 now.)

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        @Obels-his VOICE. Gah! So much hotness.

        Are you liking Deadwood? Like most HBO dramas, it gets better with every season. Wish it hadn’t gotten cancelled though because it was never properly “wrapped up” with a solid finale. It’s still great though ๐Ÿ™‚

      • the original bellaluna says:

        OKitt, I’m LOVING Deadwood. I have to watch it with the headphones on (Toddles repeats EVERYTHING!) due to the language, but it is GOOD.

        I was really bummed to see there were only three seasons, though. It bums me out that Oz (also good, also catching up on) and TB are like five or six seasons and Deadwood only got three!

  35. Malificent says:

    How could I not hit a guy who has the same cowlick I do?!?

  36. Lexi says:

    A rhetorical question, surely?

  37. kpist says:

    Oh yeah

  38. Christian says:

    YES X 1000. I’ve had the hots for him since Deadwood.

  39. j.eyre says:

    What rock have I been under? I know this gentleman in name only. Yes, please, I would like to queue up for the hit line. He’s quite sexy.

    Sorry to be all “yes, I used my children to watch Sesame Street for as long as they would let me” about this – but did Abby’s voice talent change?

  40. the original bellaluna says:

    ABSO-F*CKING-LUTELY! I’d hit it like a house on fire!

    I would hit it like a fox; I would hit it with my box; I would hit it here or there; I would hit it ANYWHERE. I do so love the Olyphant, I would gladly trap him with my c*nt. (Foul, yes, but it rhymes!) ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Axis2ClusterB says:

      Just spit water all over work computer and the psychiatrist that I work with is looking at me like she maybe needs to start paperwork on me, but it’s worth it for that bit of brilliance.

      • the original bellaluna says:

        ๐Ÿ˜€ Sorry Axis2! It was early and I didn’t want to be up, and then I saw my lover in all his sexy glory on Sesame Street, and it just…happened.

        Tell your co-worker it’s my fault! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • kingkayski says:

      @the orig,Bella
      The best poem i’ve ever read,good job!

  41. Alli says:

    Man I love this man. After reading these comments, clearly I need to get on this Deadwood show.

    Also, Hottie McOlyphant is going to be guest starring on The League this Thursday night (FX) as a sushi chef. Should be hilarious!

  42. The Original Mia says:

    Everyday & twice (three times) on Sunday.

  43. dooliloo says:

    eh… hell yes! Anytime, up and down.. We can play hard if he wants it too, he’d be Agent 47 and I’d be Xenia Onatopp…

  44. twoblues says:

    “Seth Bullock” and I are well acquainted.

  45. lucy2 says:

    BTW, he’s been married for something like 20 years, not 11.

  46. Camille (TheOriginal) says:

    Adorable AND sexy. I adore him.

  47. d says:

    YES. He and his co-star Joe Anderson were GREAT in The Crazies. I mean, good looks, and good acting too.

    • kathryn says:

      “…who has three children with his wife of eleven years…”

      21 years, not 11. They got married in 1991.

      Oh, and yeah, I’d hit that.

  48. Grace says:


  49. Jilly Bean says:

    i love him so much i call him my boyfriend all the time…. my poor husband is so sick of me going on and on about TO is during justified….

  50. Ashling says:

    I love him always and forever!

  51. Vicky says:

    I’d do him right on the muppets. He’s the only man I can think of that can be so entirely manly and yet so freaking adorable. He’s a guy’s guy, all swagger and rough around the edges, swilling JD, shooting people, kicking ass, cussing like a sailor, walking around in his ripped jeans and flip flops after GQ calls him TVs best dressed like he couldn’t give two shits- capable, smart, funny and is still– and at the same time!- monogamous dad of three, toting kids to piano recital and swim class, doing Sesame Street, attending church, drinking red wine, visiting art galleries and wearing turtlenecks. HOW DOES HE DO IT? He’s done the impossible- he’s everything to everyone. I love that he’s so secure in his skin and yet not in the least cocky or arrogant. Handsome fella inside and out, that Olyphant.

    I like his sinister good looks. He seems dangerous at times, but the safe kind of dangerous. Like a declawed panther. I can dig it.

    PS- Deadwood > all other shows. I love Justified, too, but that’s more cause TO is on it. It’s not the same. I loved DW for so many reasons, and that glorious, barely-contained, man-beast Canadian by way of Montana sheriff beating everything on two legs within an inch of it’s life and consoling the grieving widow with his hot man-wiles was just icing. You gotta watch it. It’s not like Justified. It’s dark, depressing, foul, violent, smart, funny, gives you questionable morals and is thoroughly fucking awesome. WATCH IT NOW.

  52. Sunlily says:

    I pretty much only sat through I Am Number 4 because of him. He can get all day, erryday!

  53. pluiedenovembre says:

    Yes, yes I would.