Jennifer Aniston is going to turn 40 in February and with all the press she’s doing for Marley & Me it seems like just about everyone is asking her about it. She recently told Hello Magazine that she’s happy to put that decade behind her and that she went through a lot in her 40s that she’s glad is over. She also talked about her boyfriend, John Mayer, and being impressed by his musical talent. Babies are in her future, she repeats, but says she’s aware how much work children are and what a trade off it is.
On John Mayer’s talent
“I don’t know many musicians. But he’s an extraordinary one. When I see him with his guitar, it’s like that instrument becomes a channel for his whole being. It’s just beautiful to be around, because when he plays, I can really see his brain working. He’s quite wonderful – I really think he’s a rare one.”On turning 40
“I’m going to be 40 next year, and I’m ready for it. Quite frankly, I felt my 30s were a challenge. You know how some people spend their 20s figuring out who they are? They learn about themselves and clear out a lot of crap from their lives. Well, I’m a late bloomer in some areas, and maybe this was one of them. I was only 25 when Friends started, and I think being famous can stunt your growth in many ways. I was much more panicked about leaving my 20s than I am about leaving my 30s, but there was such a lot going on, from Friends to, well, everything else. So now, when I look back on my 30s, I bow to that time in respect and look forward to moving on.”On going through tough times
“My endurance level is actually pretty great. Listen, there’s an interesting mix of people in the world. Some are wonderful, but others can disappoint you, and not everybody’s going to be looking out for you. I’ve also learned not to take stuff as personally as I used to. If you can be truthful with who you are and what you’re about, then you have a much easier time walking through the world. I’ve learned to be stronger and also to have more fun.”On her future plans
“There’s so much I want to do. Travel, for instance, because I’ve never really got to spend much time in any of the places I’ve been to….“I don’t make goals… You do that, and then you get bummed out if it doesn’t happen.”
On learning about motherhood from friends
“I’ve always wanted this, and it’s still my plan. I know it’s a challenge to raise a child when you have a career. I have a girlfriend who was very successful in her career, and three kids later she had to stop working because something had to give. Now she’s at home looking after those babies while her husband’s out working, and yes, it’s difficult, and she sometimes things she’s losing her mind, but it’s what I want to do.”
[From Hello! Magazine, print edition, December 23, 2008]
It’s kind of refreshing to read an interview with Aniston where she doesn’t mention the unholy Trinity or bring up Angelina in even a veiled way. She talked about going through a hard time in her 30s, but didn’t say much more about it. I have mixed feelings about her because while I ascribed to the “pity party” version of her months ago, she started to grow on me the more she talked to the press. Then she blew it by bringing up the past more than once and sounding like she wasn’t over it at all. She’s a smart woman, and a charming one when she wants to be, and I hope her movie is a success.
Jennifer Aniston is shown at the Marley & Me premiere on 12/11/08. Credit: WENN
does she think she was the busiest woman in hollywood? her career so hot and awesome that she put off having a baby? 50 other actresses better and busier than she managed to have babies and a career. its not like she has been out saving the world, making blockbuster quality movies in hopes for an oscar and time just got away from her. she’s been making crap movies occasionally and doing literally nothing else but tanning and yoga. she couldnt find the time or fit it in to her busy schedule or was worried there was going to be a trade off? a trade off with what? god aniston, you suck.
Let the Jennifer Aniston bashing begin…. Im sure someone will have something rude to say about her own opinions of her life.
For some reason turning 30 was traumatic for me. One of my friends sent me a funeral wreath on a stand. The ribbon said; ‘We mourn the passing of your youth’. 😯 Turning 40, not so bad.
I turn 50 in a few months. I am grateful that I have lived this long, didn’t think I would even make it to 40, especially after my lifestyle in the 70’s 8)
Say what you want, she still has some amazing hair.
Well I really hope she moves on and have the children she wants to have and a great man to be by her side.
Find it so interesting that she hasn’t travelled much. That fits and explains a lot about her – she comes across as someone with very narrow horizons. All that opportunity and money and the whole world out there to explore and she hasn’t bothered? And yes, she could have made time if she really wanted to do it. The rest of us with our jobs and commitments and limited incomes manage to do it just fine.
Reckon a year or two roughing it around the world would improve her no end.
If she waits too long, she’s going to be 70 years old at her kid’s high school graduation. I predict she won’t ever have kids. For all her good girl image she tries so hard to have, I’ve always sensed a mile-wide selfish streak in her and that doesn’t go well with having and raising kids.
i’m not buying what Jen is saying. i mean your hubby wanted to start a family and you said no to focus on your career, how selfish. she could have balanced both and kept her husband. now she has to settle for seconds.
I agree with you… These are her own words.
I’ve got news for Maniston: her 40s are going to suck even worse.
mel said:
‘i mean your hubby wanted to start a family and you said no to focus on your career, how selfish.’
Oh lordy me. It’s nice to know we’ve moved on from the 1950s.
If she spent her 30’s in turmoil and in her own words as a ‘late bloomer’ who spent time ‘clearing the crap out of her life’, then maybe she is smart to have waited on motherhood? People decry her as being selfish and narcissistic – maybe not the best qualities for raising a child? It’s refreshing to hear her admit her limitations and although I don’t think it’s anyone’s business what she does with her womb, seems to me, she’s waiting until she feels ready – not society’s opinion of when she should pop those kids out. God knows there are enough dysfunctional children of celebrity parents out there… celebrities who were not emotionally equipped to raise another human being.
@ Geronimo: I take what she said differently. Not having spent much time at the places she’s been to – but seeing enough of them to want to revisit and explore that in full.
And to that I can relate. When actors do their promotion for movies it must be crazy to go from LA / NYC to London, Rome, Barcelona, Tokyo and Sydney in the course of a few days. You get a feeling that Rome might be awesome and well worth a longer stay, but you have to immediately leave again.
Still, she would have a better idea of which places looked interesting than if she just hit the local travel agent & asked for recommondations for the next summer holidays.
She is being honest and I can relate to that.
I don’t think should be any different than men- in the sense that they can postpone having children to a later time and focus on establishing yourself professionaly first.
Welcome to the 21st century. Women are not reduced to a mere childbearing function.
why does everyone still think she has “amazing hair”?? she clearly has extensions like everyone else does in Hollywood and quite frankly i always thought her hair was average!
Girl looks amazing for her fourties! And the way I see it haveing kids before you’re ready is totally selfish. Waiting until they are your central priority is a gift all children should receive. Having (or adopting) them to fill the void left in your life by your absent father or to gain fame sounds infinately more self serving. IMHO.
Well, she said (after Friends) that her future was travelling and then a baby… 6 years later she has’nt done any of this( but she keeps talking about it)!!! I don’t know if it’s just a basic answer or if she just doesn’t know how to do the thing she wants to do… With all the money that she’s got and her years where she was in hidding, how come she never traveled (except Cabo)?? It’s like she just follow her life, say she will do stuff, but don’t make the efforts to do them… If I was her, I would have already see the whole world!
And I just HATE when celebrities (or women) act like having a child is something they don’t have control on… “yeah it will come when it will come” No!! You have to take control over your life and decide to plan a kid! It doesn’t fall from the sky!
What I hate about her is her perception of having a kid. She always talks about it, but never has a kid. It’s more than OK for a women not to have a kid (cameron diaz, sandra bullock), but embrasse it and be proud of the choice!! It’s just weird to hear her talk about kids (for almost 7 years now) and never see her having a kid. It gives the impression that she used the “kid” card as a PR stund or that she doesn’t control her life… One or another, she doesn’t appear as a grown, mature women. You knwo what I mean? She really should act like she is not the kind of women who is meant to have a kid or she should have a kid (if that’s she wants to). But always saying she will have one and never having one is just WEIRD 🙁
Ruby, i’m with you… that comment made me gag…
best of luck to JA. my mom had me when she was 40 and my brother when she was 43 and this was 30 years ago and she wasn’t a movie star… this might come as a shock to you people… but there’s no need to toss a woman in the dumpster after a certain age… 🙄 🙄 🙄
Jesus. Can’t this woman come up with an original thought? First she’s stealing quotes from Jolie – wants to work with children and travel the world? Pffft! 🙄 Now she’s stealking quotes from Brad Pitt as well? 😯 Pitt said in his V interview in 2007 that his 30s sucked and he got lost in fame and drifted too much, but after 40 his life has been great because he has direction and purpose. 😀 Now along comes Aniston to say her 30s sucked? Too bad, so sad…and stop stalking Pitt and Jolie!
Just when I think this moronic chick can’t get any more pathetic she does the impossible. I hope the dog movie tanks big time. Then few remaining movie opportunities open to her will dry up…just like her skin…and she’ll go into seclusion and give the world a break from her annoying presence and constant pimping of herself. 👿
@SB – I always thought her hair was limp and lank and a little bit stringy.
@Daisy424 – my 30th was my worst also. Not helped along by the husband dragging himself out of the bar with the intention of taking me to dinner at the nice Italian restaurant we’d loved when dating and finding out it burned down, and eating my birthday dinner at 9:30 at night accompanied by 3 screaming, tired, starving children in a truck stop on the interstate. By the time my 40th came along, the husband was an ex, I was doing well at work, my boyfriend sent flowers, my boss took me to lunch, and friends took me to dinner. Got home to find the kids had pooled their money to buy me 40 daisies. Infinitely better.
50 was even pretty good, at the time I was dating three guys ranging in age from 24 to 36 (each thought the others were platonic, does that make me a ho?) and having a good time.
60 – fairly numbing to even find yourself that old, but gratifying in its own way with the accompanying permission to be a crusty old broad, and free public transit.
There’s good to be found in all ages. If JA is not finding it, with her money and opportunities, she’s lacking in something.
just to confirm: do we know for sure that Pitt wanted children with her? (ie, has anyone verified that?) I don’t think we ever will know who wanted what there, and it’s just as well: nobody’s business.
I agree with Phat Girl. Having children before you are really ready to give them everything you have is incredibly selfish. Waiting to have them is not.
I think it’s great that she’s being honest and not pretending that her life is peachy-keen.
And I think she’s been a whole lot of places promoting films and such but never has time to stay in one place for very long. I’ll say this again and hopefully some of you will take heed: You do not know what she does every moment of every day of her life. You don’t know that she has all this free time where she isn’t doing anything, so don’t comment about it.
@KatyAlia – You could be right but to me it just sounded like something to say rather than something she has a genuine passion for. Travelling has always been a huge priority for me and I find the means and the time to do it as often as I can, so I just find it difficult to believe that someone with her means and her flexibility who says she loves to travel, wouldn’t already have made a point of spending extended time in places that really interest her. I’d never stop if I had her money.
Please shut this women up. Her life is fabulous………live it.
mel: “i mean your hubby wanted to start a family and you said no to focus on your career, how selfish.”
Selfish?! Jesus Christ almighty.
Ooh, hurry mel, it’s almost time the Master gets home. Better make sure the pipe and slippers are next to his favourite chair.
I am tired of women ascribing to the martyrdom of motherhood. To be a mother is selfish,not the other way around. If you believe that you are capable of being to that little life everything that child deserves to have, then more power to you. If you wanted to do or be somewhere else, well, then you should not have made the choice to become a mother. To be a mother is a blessing, it is not an obligation. Nor should being a mother be your reason for happiness. You should be complete before. Women with these feelings pass them on to their children which I believe is a major reason for unhappiness in the world.
Career aside, if she doesn’t want kids then she doesn’t want kids. who has the right to question a woman’s control over her own body?
Funny . . . .Jolie finds time to have 6 kids AND keep her career going just fine.
@ Syko – I love you…can you move to New Zealand and come live with me???
@Daisy 424: A funeral wreath!!! Unreal! I spent my thirtieth birthday night passed out in my en suite after one to many ‘Dr Peppers’ (beer and amaretto tastes just like the soft drink) having set my house alarm off and having the alarm company call my then husband who I was separated from at his mothers to come and check out the house…where he found me zonked out. I have never been much of a drinker so when I do have some it affects me big time.
My fortieth was spent with my best friend eating Chinese food having just emigrated to Wellington 20 days before and my 41st was spent in Adelaide convocating with my PhD with my new partner! I’ve had some good birthdays 🙂
I think most women struggle with the whole ‘youth and loss of’ but its also liberating getting older…I’ll be 43 on Monday. A colleague of mine died on the 13th of December from cancer, she was 38 and that also makes me very aware of how lucky I am to have my health, my children and my husband whom I adore. The rest is all window dressing really…
@Christina TOO RIGHT! Great comment…
@Syko, so the moral is; It just gets better with age, right? I laughed out loud about the truck stop dinner, very romantic. 8)
@drm, Happy (early) Birthday !!
Can I fly out with Syko?? I would need an entire box of Nicorette to make it on a flight that long.
Those Dr. Peppers sound yummy, have to try that one for the holidays.
I am sorry to hear about your friend 🙁
drm: packing even as we speak. Always wanted to see New Zealand!! 😆
Syko, daisy and drm – your comments on all your wonderful birthdays have seriously made my day. Thank you for sharing! I hope to be able to share such happy “milestone” days… although, I still have to make it through the 30th and you guys all have some, er uh INTERESTING stories for that particular birthday! wish me luck hahaha!
Good for Aniston that she’s so pleased with THIS point in her life. She seems happy, hopeful and full of life… and doesn’t even have kids? Imagine that!
To everyone bringing up Jolie in this post, you’re exactly what’s wrong in the “bermuda triangle” – get over it.
Can she just STFU??? Every day there’s some “press” about her blah blah blah. If she really wanted a private life she’d have one but she courts the press.
It sounds like she’s still a stranger to herself in some ways. Or maybe she just can’t decide between her single life and the mommyhood. She shouldn’t have babies just because someone else wants her to. No one should.
I could not agree more, cakes. No child should ever be born just because someone thinks they are supposed to have children.
However, I do think that her desire to wait for a family was probably one of the key issues with her and Brad. He’s some years older and was ready to start his family, she wasn’t. This is probably something a couple should work out before the wedding, but sometimes the hormones are overpowering and you don’t think of all the details.
I think that there is something wrong with everyone judging her for her choices. Just because she is a celebrity doesn’t mean that she knows what she wants all the time. Aren’t we all subjected to not being sure with what we want? I think that everyone who’s being critical needs to realize that she’s human too and that you’re putting her up on a pedestal.
And just because Angelina Jolie has six kids and manages her life okay, doesn’t mean that Jennifer Aniston is going to be able to live the same life… even if she finds someone great to settle with. Besides, who do we all know that Angelina & Brad’s kids are going to grow up to be well-adjusted & functional? If you’re a time traveler, let me know.
Well jenn its not so much that she’s not allowed to be undecided or indecisive I think that she makes so many declaritive statements about her life. Then when she doesn’t follow thru that’s when people comment. It happens to everyone.
Thanks syko! I agree with you when you said that people get caught up in the hormones of it all. I know so many families that got started because it was a romantic idea and they were in love with the idea of having babies. And now its causing major problems. Personally I can’t wait to have kids with my hubby when he gets back. But he doesn’t feel ready and I respect that.
Sometime I feel as if you keep waiting for the “right time” to have a child you will wait forever.
A stable relationship and the means to provide are very important but you never know when your world is going to be flipped upside down. And if it does, you find strength you never knew you had for your children.
that being said, many woman are waiting longer to have children and there is nothing wrong with that.
Sometimes I think she just wants to stay in the press with the is she or isn’t she pregnant stories.
And she should ease up on the tanning because her skin is starting to freckle.
Angelina won an Oscar, just got nominated for Golden Globe AND has 6 kids. Other major A-list actresses manage home and work just fine. Aniston didn’t choose work over family. She chose not to have kids, which is why Brad left her.
@Ms Daisy: When I used to smoke (I quit on January 10th 2007 – and then went on to become a Senior Policy Analyst – Tobacco Control for the New Zealand Government haha) and I would fly back to Canada for a visit it used to almost KILL ME. I also suffered from huge fear of flying and I found that taking a valium before and halfway through the flight killed the nic fits AND the fear
All good…
Lila, Pitt was on Opra or some other show and said he “wanted children” before he got too old top enjoy them. He told the world and his wife he wanted kids. SHe chose not to ..therefore he is now happy with someone else and has the children he wanted and it does not make him a bad person, or Jen a bad person for not really wanting children. If you know you dont want kids dont jhave them but don’t put on the the poor cheated on wife crap when he leaves you for someone who wantsd to have his children either.
Why is not having kids incredibly selfish. I find that not having kids is an incredibly unselfish act, considering the societal pressures and prejudices for women to have children. Who says she didn’t want children, maybe she wasn’t able to conceive and Brad couldn’t wait around… You know most women don’t take time off work to get pregnant so just because she was working doesn’t mean she wasn’t trying to get pregnant.
oh and brad who really wanted biological kids ended up hooking up with a woman who publicly acknowledged that she never wanted biological children and interestingly enough her reasons for saying this was to up her saintly image of being unselfish by choosing to adopt children instead.
There is nothing selfish about choosing not to have children. There just isn’t. Selfish people don’t tend to want kids because they want their own life to be about their wants, their dreams, and their aspirations. But that is not the ONLY reason people choose not to have kids. I would MUCH rather a woman who doesn’t want motherhood refrain from reproducing. It’s not about the mother. It’s about the kids.
Frankly, though I know there are exceptions, I think when a woman waits until after 40 to have kids, she ought to really sit and examine why that is. If you’re 40 and motherhood has never reached the top of your priority list…maybe it’s because you don’t want to be a mother.
In which case, checking off the “motherhood” box on the list of life’s achievements should drop from your future plans.
I know that SOME women truly do settle down and want a family in their 40’s. That’s rare, though. Most of the women who reproduce after 40 do so because it’s “what they are expected to do.” I contend that women who really want to be mothers will become so earlier in life.
if she wasn;t ready to have children before that doesn’t make her selfish. obviously there was some trouble in her marriage, and having kids with brad might not have been the best idea. we don’t know what goes on behind the scenes of these marriages, regardless of the tabloids. i am so tired of women being made to feel selfish or immature for not having kids. how come men aren’t made to feel bad? how come nobody’s on clooney’s ass for being childless?!
I have watched Aniston declare..TWO TIMES…on national tv that having a baby is next on her goals. There is no way you can convince me that Aniston and Pitt did not discuss this issue before getting married. Brad Pitt even built a nursery on their Normandy style mansion. Pitt came from a simple midwestern family from Missouri, and just look at his family and siblings…they are all happily married with children. Why is it bad to call Aniston selfish and narccissistic? If you are not ambitious and have a strong drive. then you won’t make it in Hollywood.
You know just because that is a goal of hers does not mean she can make it happen. I recently learned that close friends of mine have been trying to conceive for 8 years and guess what it hasn’t happened yet and people keep badgering them about it as if it’s up to them. Just saying consider the possibility that some couples have trouble conceiving and they do not share these problems with even people close to them. It is very insensitive to suggest she is just saying that she wants a baby and the fact she didn’t have one with Brad meant she’s just lying for publicity.
1. I find the concept of having a career OR having kids really odd. It’s 2008, Jennifer. Come with us to the 21st century.
2. As someone said above, there’s nothing wrong with choosing to be childless, but why the constant coming back to saying she’s going to have kids? She’s been saying that for about ten years or more now. You start to suspect after a while she’s just saying it for the attention.
3. My selfish remark was because I secretly suspect she doesn’t want to risk what pregnancy can do to your body, your hormones, etc. And she doesn’t want to put in the time and work necessary to be a mom. Yeah, as someone said above, it’s a blessing to be a mom, but you’re crazy if you think it’s never any work and doesn’t involve a MAJOR investment of your time (hello, 18 years?). Sheesh.
What it boils down to is she needs to either do it or shut up about it. Prattling on about how she’s going to have a baby when the time’s right or the stars line up or whatever crap she’s saying just gets boring.
” Other major A-list actresses manage home and work just fine.” It might appear that way but how many kids in hollywood actually turn out OK and do not get involved in drugs and wild lifestyles? It is very difficult if not impossible to raise a family of even one or two and continue to work and do a good job of parenting. You can but then nannies are looking after the children alot. Movie stars who make a couple of movies a year act like they are with their children alot but in reality they are not.
Oh and Halle Berry, Nicole Kidman both older than Jenifer said for years that they wanted children. But it took them awhile to have them. Sheryl Crowe adopted at 45. Saying you want children does not mean tomorrow. And please don’t go into the age thing. Women are having children much older these days. Jennifer has 6 years yet to have a child or adopt one. Actually if she were to adopt she could be any age. we don’t put age standards on men so lets not do it to women either.
I think that Jen is waiting for the right time to have a child and with the right man. Obviously she hasn’t found that time or that person yet. I am sure she will though.
I love how people defend her by saying that everyone is pressuring her to have a baby, and then talk about women’s rights (a women can have a baby by the timle she is 40, that’s her right etc….)
Ofcourse she has the right to wait to have a kid!!!
But don’t forget that SHE IS THE ONE who keeps telling she “will have a baby next year” “that she is on the verge of motherhood”…
Never asked youself why Cameon Diaz, Sandra Bullock or Halle Berry back then, were not asked when they will make a baby (no pressure)??? Maybe because they set the record straight and no one is critizing their choice (so we’re not in the 50’s anymore, as someone suggested). Aniston keeps talking about it… So she is the one bringing the pressure and the comments on herself…
Obviously her 30s were traumatic, half the time she was married to a cad and her marriage was on the rocks, the other half she has been in a bermuda triangle none of us would wish on our worst enemy.
Before we call Jolie a successful working mother, lets see how those children turn out. We don’t have long to wait. The do grow fast and now they are surfing weapons.
I know a friend who loves kids and she has always said she wants to have one soon. She is now pushing 30 and still no child. There is no problem with that. Jen was better off not having children with a dickhead like Pitt. 4 children never stopped Balthazar Getty and I am sure they would not have stopped Pitt from running off with that woman. May be she was tempted at one point to have a baby, I guess she now realises that she had a lucky escape. Pitt is dumb. Having lived with him, she must have realised that his DNA was crap.
Women having children to cling onto men is so 15th century welcome to present. Where women have children as and when they want.
Tell me, with your husband ‘falling in love’ with another woman and flaunting it’ can you have a child with him?
Lilou, whatever she says, it is her body. How come you did not call out those celebrities who committed adultery, lied about it only to admit four years later? You may say that they did not commit adultery, but they also categorically said that the feelings quote ‘came later’ and ‘ to fall for a married man would be like what my father did to my mother’. Stop the double stanadards already. Jen will have her child as and when she wants. Not because people who hate her want her to in order to criticise her. Give her a break.
Lilou, whatever she says, it is her body. How come you did not call out those celebrities who committed adultery, lied about it only to admit four years later? You may say that they did not commit adultery, but they also categorically said that the feelings quote ‘came later’ and ‘ to fall for a married man would be like what my father did to my mother’. Stop the double stanadards already. Jen will have her child as and when she wants. Not because people who hate her want her to in order to criticise her. Give her a break.
I hate adultery… If Brad and Angie did cheat, then shame on them… But, you twist their words: they said they fall in love (no one talks about sex here). Falling in love is no something you can control! Even you, can (one day) fall for a man while you are with another. It can happen to everyone. In that case, you realize that you have to end your other relationship if you don’t want to commit adultery… I think that’s what happened. It’s not the best thing but it hapens (unfortunatly) and it can happens to everyone.
As for Jennifer, of course, it’s her body… But come on, she is the one talking about it: when she was with Brad Pitt, then with Vince Vaugh and now with Mayer. I would understand your comment if she said that she refused to have kids and I critize her choice. But, she talks about it!!!! And that’s something I hate, because she is using her possible pregnancy as a PR stund… She talks about it to make the headlines. And, the worst is that, when she was with Brad she said she will have a kid after friends but ended up signing for 4 movies (1 year of shooting, 1 year of promotion). I admire women who have a strong career and I can understand women who choose career instead of motherhood. But, promising a child to your husabnd (both Brad and Jennifer said that familly was their next step) and not giving him, is just awful!!!!
Seriously, think about it: you want to start a familly, your husband tells you “yeah” but keeps postpone it because of his carrer. At first, you will understant, but then, you will start to lose your mind. You see the time goes by, you’re 40, you want a kid and you cannot have it… It’s a very very hard situation to live! Jennifer doesn’t owe brad a child, it’s her body. But then, she can blame him for divorcing her and making 6 kids.
If you think that it’s jennifer’sbody and she can do whatever she wants with it, then, you also have to admit that it’s brad’s life and he can do anything he wants with it! You cannot blame Brad for his choices in life and not blame Jennifer for the same choices…
I don’t blame Jennifer for her choices (and I don’t blame brad for his), but I blame her for her attitude and sending mix signals about her personal life. For the last time: she has the right not to want to have a kid. But in that case, she should stop pretending she wants one. You know what I mean? It’s been 7 years that she is talking about it…
What a gorgeous woman she is!
bs: why does everyone still think she has “amazing hair”?? she clearly has extensions like everyone else does in Hollywood and quite frankly i always thought her hair was average
im pretty sure they’re not extensions. she had amazing hair wayyy before this whole hair extension trend came along.
and about the baby talk. she’s waiting for the right time, the right man to have it with. i dont think she’d want to rush into things. worst comes to worst, she might adopt. you never know. just stop judging her already, she never hurt anyone!
Screw Jennifer Aniston. I want to hear more about Syko’s life. You are my new idol!
Her 40s will suck even worse than her 30s unless she stops kidding herself about wanting a family (if she had really wanted children she would have had or adopted some by now), stops bringing up Brad and/or Angelina at every opportunity, and comes to terms with what she wants and where she is going for the rest of her life.
I think that Jen is waiting for the right time to have a child and with the right man. Obviously she hasn’t found that time or that person yet. I am sure she will though.
So with this statement Aniston fans are stating that BRAD PITT was not the right man for ANISTON so WHY does Aniston and her fans cannot MOVE ON about the divorced thing????
Haha late addition to the thread here, sorry – I just have to say that as we all note she gets slammed for saying she wants a baby and waiting until the right time. When she has a baby or adopts, won’t everyone be saying she’s “copying” Angelina??
Second – I agree with KR Rock – Syko, I gotta hear more! You rock!
It is interesting that the same people who are so upset about Brad Pitt dumping Aniston seem to be the same people who are saying Aniston hasn’t met the right man to have children with yet. She was married for five years; are they suggesting that her husband was the wrong man for her to have a child with? If so, why would she stay married to him to being with — unless, as some have suggested, she never wanted children anyway?
Aniston needs to take a long and honest look at herself and sort her priorties out. The last thing she needs is to keep making excuses for her herself, or apologists to make excuses for her.
yes.. it is very obvious Brad was not the right man… look at him, he’s a weasel with no mind of his own. btw noone really knows whether they tried to have kids or not. just because she was making movies while she was married to him didn’t mean that they couldn’t have been trying. look at angelina she never took breaks from her career to get pregnant. So why do most ppl think that jen needed to stop working to get pregnant while married to the holy lover of children.
LOL @ Daisy – For some reason turning 30 was traumatic for me. One of my friends sent me a funeral wreath on a stand. The ribbon said; ‘We mourn the passing of your youth’. Turning 40, not so bad.
Fucking hilarious!!!!!! But man that would depress me too!!
Let the debate continue…I find it amazing how boring your lives must be to focus and pass judgement on people who you have never met and will never meet. All three have amazing lives, nannies raise children and maids clean, business managers pay the bills and none of them read your pithy comments. I am because I am home sick with a cold and need to feel sorry for someone worse off then myself..and it is not Jennifer Aniston…
@Best of British: I know, right? But at least the flowers were beautiful it was all done up in pink roses….
some time not saying anything is better jennifer be happy
Lets just cut this girl some slack, she could be just sitting at home with her great dane puppies and not speaking to the world at all!