Princess Kim Kardashian wants to marry Kanye in an English castle

Here are some new photos of Kim Kardashian out to lunch with her BFF Jonathan Cheban in Miami yesterday. Kim and Jonathan are super-tight, aren’t they? I swear, they spend more time together than Kim spends with Kanye. Is Jonathan like an honorary Kardashian at this point? Can we start calling Konathan Kardashian? Anyway, look at Kim’s horrible fringed blouse. WHY? Why does she do this to herself? Maybe some of you will like it. We seem to be disagreeing all the time on Kim’s fashion these days.

In other Kim K. news, do you remember how Kim wants to be, like, America’s Duchess Kate? True story. This isn’t even based on random tabloid speculation – when Kim married Kris Humphries last year, she came out and called herself an American princess and said that she wanted to be like Kate Middleton. This is how Kim thinks of herself. So it’s not such a stretch to think that Kim was trying to get a one-on-one meeting with Duchess Kate a few weeks ago, and none of this is unbelievable either:

After visiting London to promote her fashion line, Kim Kardashian has become quite the anglophile, and now she’s hoping to hold an elaborate wedding across the pond. Though Kardashian is still mired in stalled divorce proceedings with her ex husband Kris Humphries, her boyfriend Kanye West is reportedly hoping to ask her to marry him as soon as the divorce is final. And when he does, friends say Kardashian already has plans for their nuptial ceremony.

Her vision is similar to the royal wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton, and the reality star is hoping to carry out her big day as royally as possible.

”Kim would love to wed at Westminster Abbey like William and Catherine, but that won’t be possible. Instead she’s been looking at castles near London,” an insider said. “She wants the most spectacular wedding and she’s talking about having guests like Jay-Z and Beyonce, Eva Longoria, Lindsay Lohan, Rihanna and Katy Perry arrive in horse drawn carriages — just like the royal wedding.”

Kardashian and West have also been shopping for a home to share together in London. Kim reportedly fell head over heels in love with the city during a trip there to launch the Kardashian Kollection for Dorothy Perkins, and she thinks it would be the perfect place to settle down with West.

“[Kim and Kanye] are just fascinated with British culture. They so welcome in England and now feel ready for a change … and a new challenge outside of the U.S,” a source said. “Kim K. especially loves the idea of a cute, nice three bedroom townhouse located close to one of London’s beautiful family parks.”

And though they haven’t chosen a home just yet, the couple reportedly already has some design ideas for what they want their lavish digs to look like.

“‘It’s going to be huge — at least 2,000 square feet. And luxury is top priority from the carpet to the light fixtures,” the source revealed. “Kim and Kanye love Old Hollywood so that’s going to be a theme with lots of white and cream with splashes of butter yellow and black and some leopard print.”

[From Enstarz]

Her first marriage was an elopement, right? And her second marriage was some budget affair in California, correct? Ah… I remember. Kleopatra Kardashian with a diamond headpiece. God, I completely blocked that out. So… why wouldn’t you believe that Kim would want to marry Kanye in England and try to “out-do” Duchess Kate? I would love to see Kim try to schedule her wedding at Westminster. I would LOVE it. I would love to see a gaudy, Kardashian Katastrophe go down in England.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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47 Responses to “Princess Kim Kardashian wants to marry Kanye in an English castle”

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  1. brin says:

    Get a divorce from #2 first, Einstein.

    • Rumorhasit says:

      My thoughts exactally.

    • BB says:

      Jonathan Cheban was once called “Boy Wonder of PR” by the New Yorker. Jonathan got his start doing PR for P. Diddy and of course working with the infamous Lizzy Grubman. But those days are long gone. Jonathan wants to be famous/celebrity. Jonathan is being paid to be on Kourtney & Kim Take Miami. That’s why he is in Miami with them filming.

  2. Lucy says:

    Please stay where you are!! We’re still trying fumigate the country after your last visit. That is all! I can’t bring myself to comment on the outfit as it’s too early even for me and a waste of energy

  3. the original bellaluna says:

    Kartrashian, PLEASE.

  4. little-red says:

    Her friend Jonathan always looks downright exhausted and over it in pictures with her.

  5. DebDebP says:

    I think that shirt could be the new uniform if you’re trying to hide a baby bump. I’m not trying to say that’s what is going on here. But really? Who’d know in the early stages when you’re wearing THAT shirt? With that much fringe you could blame any bumpiness on the wind. Thank goodness she was just overexposed in the middle east so I don’t have to worry about a baby from Princess Kartrashian.

  6. dcypher1 says:

    She looks like shes wearing a mop. Fug as usual for kim.

  7. swack says:

    First, the outfit looks like a 20’s flapper dress gone wrong. Second, what happened to “I want a low key wedding the next time”? Then I saw she wants guests to arrive in horse drawn carriages? Does she really think that everyone will buy into this wedding? Is she having a different guest list than the list for her second marriage? Kim, sh!t or get off the pot. YOU need to move your divorce/annulment along and give your deposition along with your family. YOU are the one holding it up. Seems to me you don’t want to hurry it up and are milking Kanye for all he is worth – publicity wise (just as he is doing to her).

  8. Agnes says:

    She looks terrible, as most of the time.

    As for the rest – MUAHAHAHAHA! (Evil laugh, wolves howling in the background.)

  9. happycats says:

    She’d last a week in London – there’d be too much rain for the sunny so cal gal.

    I wonder what would happen if she used her celebrity for something good – maybe go to a museum, art gallery, a library with all the paps following instead of another shopping trip – in a fur coat – in Miami – HA. She could make reading cool – LOL If she knows how to read more than a sentence or two at a time (or more than 140 characters at a time!)

    • virginia5 says:

      I effing died when I saw the pic of her wearing a fur shirt in miami….did you see her wearing a pantsuit and heels in the middle of the freakin dessert whereever she went to, to open up a milkshake shop. ahaha

      • happycats says:

        She’s just so over the top all of the time – it must be exhausting. She should really put that energy into something good and not the fake photo op with some govt dude in Kuwait. Remember last year when she served the homeless on Thanksgiving and went to Haiti after the 72 day marriage? Nothing charitable this year I see – LOL – I look forward to the day when she reaches the lows of Paris Hilton and Speidi – she’ll be a joke footnote in celebrity history

  10. Kasey says:

    Ahhhhh! That hideous “shirt”!

    I assume most Americans would be thrilled if they moved across the pond. Although I’m not sure how that would work legally/immigration-wise.

    Y’all may not like me for saying this but… I think Kim & Kanye could really work and that her lengthy divorce proceedings are doing them a favor. Don’t get me wrong I do believe that she needs to cut Humphries loose and give him his annulment since SHE ended the marriage less than 3 months and married him knowing she wasn’t feeling it! They’ve been friends for a while, both made some public blunders and experienced being in the public eye as well as knowing the good, bad & ugly while accepting it about each other. (On another note, how many would be gungho to be linked to either of them and their drama and baggage?) This divorce prevents whirlwind romantic attachments and quick decisions and they’re having to walk through various aspects of real life together. It might even give time to bring up major issues they can resolve or realize might mean the end.

    A relationship with someone who enjoys my company, where there is awareness and acceptance of each other despite flaws and failures that I can walk through life with is what I hope to one day find and have. I find myself happy for people who find that in this life, almost more so when I think it would be (in their case) circumstantially more difficult. It kinda keeps hope alive!

  11. Miss Lafleur says:

    She is so lame. That top isn’t bad but it should be worn with a cute pair of white skinny jeans and some nude strappy sandals, NOT with a leather cheerleading skirt!! How can someone with so much money be so damn tacky (not to mention a c.. guzzling whore).

  12. Eleonor says:

    The only thing I remember is Lindsay Lohan crackdressed as Pippa Middleton.

  13. Poppy says:

    Bitch, please.

    Anyway, to get married in Westminster Abbey you have to be either part of the Royal Family (the real one, Kim!) or a member of the Order of the Bath – so a Knight/Dame Grand Cross, a Knight/Dame Commander or a Companion.

  14. spacecowboy says:

    Excuse me, shouldn’t this read – Princess PeePee…

  15. Katie says:

    The only reason I don’t believe this is because they added Lindsay Lohan to the guest list. I think even KK knows by now that LL isn’t funny-crazy, she’s just crazy-crazy.

    Also, the 7 year old in me LOVES that weird diamond headpiece because it reminds me of the headpiece the empress wore in “The Neverending Story.” I spent a lot of time with a necklace on my head when I was a little kid.

  16. Velouria says:

    Does Kanye EVER look happy with her in pics? Ever?

    I can’t decide if he just hates the paparazzi, hates her for being an idiot, is just a dick or all 3.

    As much as I’m not even CLOSE to being a big fan of his….HE CAN DO BETTER!

  17. LeslieM says:

    This woman is delusional. She’s famous for a sex tape and does nothing in her life but promote herself.

  18. Mrsgarrett11 says:

    Omg a mess!! But how come nobody mentioned the giant herepes bluster on her lip that pic is going around the Internet like crazy!! Then poof be gone make up covered that quick lol

  19. truthful says:

    Just the thought of money being wasted on another marriage–tickles me to pieces.

    this time there won’t be a shopping bag full of endorsements, maybe milkshakes and her diet pills can be served.

    she is delusional and dumb as hell.

    I’d love her them to relocate across the seas, if only ALL of them would go.

  20. truthful says:

    and the outfit as usual, is horrible, LOL!!

    at least she covered up the outbreak on her lips.

  21. Sweet Dee says:

    I thought even Kim Kartrashian was too wise to invite the Cracken to a wedding.

  22. tabasco says:

    she *always* manages to F it up. the skirt and shoes look like they might work on her, with some other top that doesn’t look like she was involved in some accident at the car wash.

  23. Suzy from Ontario says:

    What happened to her wanting some lowkey wedding the second time? Yeah, I googled and at this link
    a while back she’s talking about eloping or having an island wedding with just family

    “said her next wedding will be nothing like her last lavish affair and will be much more intimate…She told British magazine Tatler: “It had always been my dream to have a big wedding, and when people said I’d made it over the top for the show, that was just me: I am over the top. But the next time, I want to do it on an island with just my friends and family and that’s it.”

    Yeah, right. Now suddenly it’s a castle?

  24. TheOneAndOnly says:

    Guzzling whore ah, good one MissLaFleur, but it’s toooo early in the morning for that image; is it mean to wish that during their “wedding” ceremony an earthquake strikes the castle and buries them all in rubble and all that remains is bits and pieces of plastic and fill that has been stuffed into various parts of Lardassian’s body.

  25. melca blue says:

    I was going through the Kim Kardashian archive and a thought popped up: maybe all her clothes are too small because she gets them for free? A lot of celebrities get free clothes. I think Kim Kardashian told them she is a size small and still wriggles in them no matter what. The pieces I think she buys herself, are the ones she wears over and over again. Like the awful leather pants and awful leather skirt.

  26. EscapedConvent says:

    Is there any evidence that Kim can read & write? I’m just asking, because if she’s going to sign the wedding register at Westminster Abbey for her Royal Wedding (Ahahaha!) she’s going to need those special skills. 😉

    It just struck me, that if all of England went Cuckoo Ka Choo over Pippa Middleton’s tushie, they will need a special mobile medical field Unit parked outside the Abbey (or the elegant castle of their choice) to handle the seizures & hysterics that will ensue when England gets a good clear view of Kim’s unholy arse wriggling down the aise (whatever aisle will have her—possibly an aisle at a nice Tube station?)

  27. Dawn says:

    She is so plastic it is getting funny. Fake ass, fake boobs, fake lips, fake nose, fake little girl voice, fake wedding, fake everything. American princess my American ass! When is this klan of money grubbing gypsies going to simply disappear?

  28. Ohdear says:

    Once upon a time Paris was calling herself “American Royalty” too

  29. regina says:

    her daggon face! to add insult to injury she puts a pound of makeup over all the plastic surgery and fillers!

  30. D.UK says:

    Oh good god no, please keep her.

  31. gg says:

    Westminster Abbey. Really. That’s not even funny. Dream on, losers. They’re not fit to even step in the place.

    Just because thinks he can just insert himself in front of the queen at the proceedings this summer and the damn Olympics does not mean all the other trash is welcome to a free-for-all. Idiots.

  32. Lori says:

    I cannot see her being happy living in 2000 square feet, even in London. She will complain that her closet is too small, she needs a bigger garage, her sex toys don’t fit in the bathroom, her ego doesn’t fit in the small London doors, etc. Kanye will put up with that for 3 days and dump her huge overly inflated pron ass. Good riddance Kim – Enjoy London.

  33. Lori M. says:

    Sorry, my comment repeated. I don’t know how to delete. Please ignore this.

  34. Laurie says:

    Go away Kartrashians – London can have them! Does this mean we will have years of London Kardashian specials? Why does E! do this to us?