Lindsay Lohan’s stalker arrested after lunging at her

I would really like to know what kind of person would stalk Lindsay Lohan. I mean there are so many better celebrities out there. All of them, really. Q-list celebrities are a better stalking choice than Lohan. But apparently she’s got at least one guy committed to the cause of following her every move. Which has got to be pretty damn tedious: all she does is go to clubs and buy boots. You’d think any stalker, no matter how irrational, would have gotten bored long ago.

Unfortunately 38-year-old Daniel Combs is so irrational and into the Lohan stalking cause that he lunged at her last night as she and Samantha Ronson were exiting a club. He started screaming the typical stalker lines of “I love you I love you I love you!” and other highly creative compliments. He was swiftly arrested.

With suitors like this, it’s no wonder Lindsay Lohan has shied away from the company of men. A man accused of stalking the actress was busted in Scottsdale, Ariz., early this morning, after making an aggressive play for Lohan’s attention as she and gal-pal Samantha Ronson exited a local nightclub. The dynamic duo were on their way out of Scottsdale’s Jackrabbit Lounge, where Ronson had been on official spinning duty, at roughly 1:30 a.m., when 38-year-old Daniel Combs lunged for the actress.

“The gentleman became very excited when he realized he was so close to Samantha, and he has a history of being a stalker with Lindsay Lohan, so he immediately attacked her and started yelling ‘I love her, I love her,’ ” the club’s owner, Dan Wierck, told the local ABC affiliate. Bodyguards and police were quick to tackle the man—photos of him being detained are already making the rounds thanks to an intrepid local blogger—and Lohan and Ronson were subsequently ushered off the premises.

“Combs tried to get around security and pushed one of the guards,” the police report said. “He became disruptive and was subsequently detained by club security personnel.” Combs was arrested for disorderly conduct and released from police custody at 6 a.m. Police said they contacted Lohan and Ronson at their local hotel after the incident, where both women denied knowing the man.

[From E! News]

From all the reports it seems that the club owner’s account is a little off: Combs lunged at Lohan but didn’t actually attack her. Most other websites are noting that not only did Lindsay and Samantha deny knowing him, but they didn’t actually realize what had happened. So I don’t think Combs ever made contact with Lohan. No articles mention where he’s from, but if he doesn’t live in Scottsdale this guy must really be into Lohan to travel for her. If that’s the case, he might be more of a danger than she realizes. Luckily Lindsay has a lot of bodyguards around her, but hopefully she’ll be mindful of her safety.

Here’s Lindsay and Samantha heading to LAX airport yesterday. Images thanks to WENN.

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23 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan’s stalker arrested after lunging at her”

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  1. huh says:

    Those are some insanely hollow cheek bones. Not looking too healthy there.

  2. Ladee says:

    Wow, she still has fans?

  3. Elizabeth says:

    Wow, I hope that’s just a bad photo. She looks frighteningly skinny and unhealthy.

  4. Cheeky Monkey says:

    Holy coke face!

  5. Syko says:

    She looks like a corpse. Stalker musta been into necrophilia.

  6. prissa says:

    She looks a lot like her mother in that header pic. Not a good look…

  7. Dani says:

    The guy probably just wanted his money she owed him for the blow.

  8. Autumm Leaves says:

    She looks awful. bleech.

  9. Shingles says:

    No leggings were harmed in the making of this publicity stunt.

  10. SeVen says:

    she does look like death in the header …. wow

  11. WTF?!?! says:

    Her face looks like Keira Knightly’s– scary skinny.

  12. Something like a phenomena (baby)
    Telling your body to come along (baby)
    Cause white lines . . .
    Blow away . . . (Freeze!) (Rock!)

  13. holdup says:

    Good god, she’s looking B-E-A-T!

  14. Kate says:

    Its early in the morning when those pics were taken and the paps were flashing in her eye,there are far more better pics when she and Samantha are waiting at the airport but this site always choose the worst.Iam glad she is ok,this guy seems dangerous i believe he keeps on changing id and posts at her myspace blog.As for not having fans,this year she has been named by Yahoo as the 3 more seekable celeb in the Internet,and by google the 8th.I guess all that millions hate her.

  15. dovesgate says:

    I guess we know who has fallen off the wagon… and was ran over a few times.

  16. Syko says:

    Yeah, Kate, that’s pretty much it.

    Most people look her up on the internet to see what crime she’s gotten away with this week – carjacking, kidnapping, grand theft. It’s like watching the Britney train wreck, horrifying but you can’t look away.

  17. nag says:

    I second cheeky monkeys comment!

    Holy coke!

  18. MySeLF says:


  19. MySeLF says:

    Ppl chill… Lindsay is such a good actress.. and very succesful at what she’s doing.. my god! its not like if you call her names you’ll be any better >>>LOSERS . kisses

  20. yaright says:

    So when did Lohan start hiring publicists to post messages to Celebitchy?

  21. yadira says:

    I know this has nothing to do with her crappy picture in this thread but whatever happened to her crazy, blabber mouthed father? It feels like he hasn’t said anything crazy or done anything ridiculous in years

  22. HeyKobe says:

    We broke the story and have the only exclusive pictures inside the club that night. Some sites were saying us and Jackrabbit staged this for pub. We have more info on the stalker just posted on

  23. Christina X says:

    He must be bland as a peanut.

    You can only watch a drunken lesbian get into so many of the same fight over and over.

    Easily amused much?

    Myself: I don’t know how many couple hundreds of times I have succumbed the urge to point out the flawed logic that is suggested by other posters in your likeness.

    You exerting just as much time in energy in “defending” your favorite celebrity is just as pointless as everyone else taking the piss out of them. People like you really want to believe that everyone who criticizes someone famous on a gossip website have all the time in the world to “search” for these celebrities.

    I dislike Lindsay Lohan because she’s a lazy, incompetent b*tch who disrespects people with less money than she does, and quite frankly, you’re not helping her case. Do you realize that the whole “you’re nobodies because you’re not famous” card you pull is only proving my point?

    Silly me, I thought that having more money than others didn’t mean it didn’t make you any better of a person. My bad.

    I’ll keep my values, my personality, my humility, and an actual career over wealth if that’s how having too much money dilutes a person. Kthanks.