Last week, In Touch ran a cover story featuring details that were -allegedly- from the late Robert Kardashian’s handwritten journals, penned in the early 90s. The journals included Robert’s observations on Kris Jenner’s poor mothering skills during their separation and divorce. In Touch recounted anecdotes in which Kris would leave her children with Robert for days at a time to go off with her young kept lover, never giving Robert a number to reach her, and never checking in on her children, all under 11 at the time. One of the most disturbing claims was that Kris once kicked and beat little Kim, who would have been around 9 or 10! In response, the Kardashian’s rep issued a statement that “these accusations are ridiculous and not true” and that they had no idea about the journals. The diaries were sold to In Touch by Robert’s widow, Ellen, and the Kardashian sisters of course went on to use social media to attack her character. We didn’t cover all that back and forth, but In Touch has more details here, including Ellen’s responses to the Kardashian’s jabs.
Kris Jenner and the Kardashians probably thought they put that mess behind them with last week’s gossip cycle, but In Touch wisely held on to some of the more damning stories about Kris, which they released in this week’s issue. Not only did Kris – allegedly – beat Kim as a child and pull her hair, the journals also make reference to Kris beating the other children. In 1993, Kourtney (then 14) is said to have called Robert crying after her mother “pulled her hair and twisted her arms.”
Robert wrote of a day when young Kourtney called him “crying and hysterical” after what Robert claimed was abuse that included Kris pulling her daughter’s hair and twisting their arms. Kourtney and Kim “are scared and nervous, have been beat up several times before and are very, very intimidated,” he wrote in an Oct. 20, 1993 memo.
Those episodes left Robert, who died of esophageal cancer in 2003, devastated — and determined to protect his children. “He loved those kids more than anything,” Ellen Kardashian, who was with Robert for five years and married him shortly before his death in 2003, tells In Touch. “Kris didn’t even want kids…Though she liked buying them clothes, making them beautiful,” Ellen claims.
Last week, Khloé, Kim and Kourtney took to Twitter to defend their mother.
That sentiment was echoed by Robert in his journals. On April 23, 1990, the father of four wrote: “[Kris] doesn’t really care about the kids at all.” And in a private memo, he claimed he heard her say, “I love Todd more than anything in this world.”
Enough for Robert to foot the bill for Kris’ romantic gifts? Robert found a $1,200 charge for a refrigerator on his monthly Sears bill and when he called to tell them they’d made a mistake, “They informed me that my wife had purchased this refrigerator for Todd Waterman,” he wrote. He also accused Kris of not returning his gun and silverware, “with a value in excess of $35,000,” that they had been given as a wedding present.
Though Kris has said she’s unaware of the documents’ existence and denied the allegations in last week’s story, some close to the family tell a different story. “What Kris put these girls through is right there in black and white,” a family source tells In Touch. “Their father was brutally honest.”
Let’s assume these journals are authentic and that they were written by Robert Kardashian at the time. Even if they were really written by him, that’s no guarantee that these stories are accurate. As I wrote in the last story on this, Robert Kardashian was a lawyer and he knew that he needed evidence against Kris in a custody case. It’s possible he wrote down all these details in a diary in order to stick it to her in court. That’s not to say I don’t think they could be true, I just hope they’re not.
As I’ve mentioned in other stories about Kris, that detail about her bankrolling her kept lover on her husband’s dime is totally true. The lover, Todd Waterman, went on the record to In Touch last year to confirm that Kris was his sugar mama. He also had the same sentiment as Ellen about Kris’ mothering skills – that Kris was only concerned with superficial things and was instilling those values in her children. That’s obvious to any of us who pay attention to this family, but did Kris abuse her kids? I believe she was probably a neglectful mother – she’s a narcissist and they’re not known for their parenting skills.
How will the Kardashian’s respond to these latest claims? More trash-talk on Twitter about how Ellen isn’t to be trusted?
Photo credit: FameFlynet and Instagram
I’m beginning to think there is some truth to this. I know that there are some horrible people walking around, but I can’t imagine that someone would want to take the legal risk of making this stuff up.
+1 Wasn’t there a nanny a couple years ago that said the kids were mistreated by Kris?
the nanny said the kids are spoiled by their parents
If all of this is true, now what? People already think low of the Kardashian’s and to me this is just more publicity for them. How can you damage an image that’s already damaged? These stories about them keeps going because people are interested, good or bad. If there was no interest in them these stories would have no legs to stand on. The public keeps feeding the Kardashian machine.
I think you’re right, good or bad, Kris is still getting her name in the media…which is great for her since she has her new show coming up soon. I’m sure all of this will be discussed on hew new fabulous show!!!
The tide will turn eventually.
Here’s my question about all of these stories and allegations: why now? If they are true, why wait after all these past years of their high fame to come out with it? Seems too little too late,IMO. I mean it makes Kris look bad either way, but they certainly aren’t losing many fans over it, at least right now. Seems like Robert’s widow was needing some $$$
She abused me by making me pull out my hair.
The Kardashians are like cockroaches , no matter how much you try and get rid of them they aren’t going anywhere. ( I almost feel over when I read Kris was getting a talk show! )
So with that said I hope more stories come out and expose them for who they really are. That will kill them the most because they can’t “edit” that out in their favor.
I believe this.
1) These losers sue everyone, but she hasn’t made a peep over these claims
2)I watched the show way back when, and remember Kim used to always hit her family (usually Khloe) if she didn’t get her way. And it still seems like they all still hit and punch people. I can see Kris physically hurting those kids, they learned it so they’ve always lash out in physically ways.
Obv, there are a million more reasons, but its too early in the morning. I can’t wait until Kim has to give Kris the annulment, the giant ass that is the Kardashian brand will sag and collapse.
re: 2) Anyone remember Kim with Kris H on the reality show right after they married? I remember she seemed physical with him in the hotel. I found it very strange…like she would push/’playfully’ hit him to show she was mad, but it seemed super aggressive to me. Maybe I’m incorrect but it was a small thing that stuck out to me.
Yeah, she would like actually punch him pretty hard in the gut,etc ..It was more than playful brawling it seemed.
ah yes, he chipped her manicure or pedicure and he actually hit/punched him an not sweetly you know for a newlywed couple
I cant stand Kris but i find it hard to believe that Robert would stand by while his kids were being abused.
specially after their nasty divorce
I agree. My sense is that he kept these as “backup” or for blackmail purposes in case the divorce wasn’t going his way. He was a very good lawyer after all, and even in normal divorce cases, people are told to document everything. Who knows whether they’re factual or were ever meant to be seen by anyone.
I agree – Kardashian may have worked up a journal to use as leverage with Kris. She makes another demand for money and he says “I’ll show the world this diary”.
But that does not mean the journal isn’t made up of things the kids told him.
Perhaps when he learned he was dying, he made the journal as a way for his new wife to make $.
Mr. Kardashian had a law degree, but did not work as an attorney. He managed a music business that he owned. When his friend, OJ Simpson, an old tennis buddy, was accused of murder, Mr K reactivated his law license and was nothing more than a peripheral figure at the trial.
well… it’s probably because Kris was always on her A-game with being a sneaky, conniving bitch…
if everyone from kris’s past is saying she was a shitty mom. it must be true. 4 people already thats robert kardashian, 2 of his ex wives, and even kris’s old jompoff.
Why does Kris look so heavy in that purple dress. She normally looks slimmer.
She looks like Grimace from McDonalds or Barney in the purple dress. Take your pick.
who cares? obviously the girls aren’t holding grudges. funny how this is coming out at the height of the family’s popularity. just saying
Well, I can only imagine how bratty and annoying Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney must have been at times when they were little. What parent hasn’t felt the desire to slap their children sometimes when they misbehave? Rob, because he was a boy and the youngest child he probably got a little more spoiled than the girls. Mothers sometimes spoil the boys more, and fathers spoil the girls more than the boys.
o_0. I grew up in a spanking family, but I received actual spankings, not beatings. There is a huge difference between popping your kid on the butt, and kicking them
Way to justify child abuse. The parent’s duty is to care for the kid, no matter how “bratty” or “annoying” they may be. You had a kid, it is your responsibility to take care of them.
Abuse = Parenting Fail. Duh.
Why would a lawyer,dying of cancer leave this evidence diary behind with a second wife?
Fourth wife….
So he’s a powerful lawyer and he knows his ex wife is beating his kids (the wife who cheated on him!!) and did nothing? Please. Who in his position would do nothing? Not to defend Kris but Robert Kardashian was not exactly a nice man. Kris and Robert were very close friends to OJ Simpson and his wife and when she turned up dead Kris begged him not to represent OJ and he did it anyway.
If this man was able to manipulate the truth to release a murderer, he’s capable of other things and probably concocted a plot to ruin Kris further. But he probably realized that was taking things too far and never got rid of the fake evidence and now the ex has them. If she didn’t write that herself. I’m with Celebitchy here.
I don’t know but it’s fishy how this woman is completeley broke and now this crap comes out. Also, she’s always had bad blood against these girls since they were young, preventing them to see their father when he was dying, marrying him almost on his dead bed to have something on his will. Wouldn’t a woman who knows those were abused kids be nicer to them?
I’m not a fan of the Kardashians, but ask yourselves questions before believing what you read. We have enough real reasons to dislike this family and they are valid. No need for made up crap to cloud that.
Drink the Kardashian Kool-Aid much?
All those kids had high respect for their Dad.So are they claiming he lied?
I think they are claiming the widow made up the journal. I believe the widow.
If these stories weren’t true, Kris would of threatened to sue if she didn’t stop with the ‘lies’. I know I wouldn’t sit by and let someone make these horrible stories up. No threats from her bolsters the truth more than anything to me! B¡tch!!!
The way this wOman pimps out her daughters,I would have no problem believing this. All Mama is concerned about is cold hard cash. She has no conscience.
Let’s stop saying “pimping” though. Now that we know that Dina Lohan legitimetely whores Lindsay out to rich men, she’s the pimp. That is a pimp. Creating a career out of thin air is something Dina wishes she could do instead of selling her daughter like that.
Good point.
Yes Porn is distinct from prostitution.
I don’t know what to believe. Robert Kardashian was known for always being madly in love with Kris even after the divorce so who knows what a hurt, scorned person would say or do…or write. May be a little validity but sounds exaggerated.
I believe it. She’s a total narcissist. I can completely believe that she’d put her lovers at the top of the list and treat everyone else badly including her daughters. She doesn’t strike me as someone who would’ve been a good mother when the girls were young. She’s too self-involved and clearly was too interested in having affairs and proving to herself that she was desirable to men outside her marriage. Kids would’ve put a crimp in her style. She likes the image of being a mom (or grandmother) but the actual work involved. Plus she’s very immature so dropping down to the level of a ten year old and pulling hair or arm-twisting? Totally believeable to me! Not being there at Christmas for her kids? Totally believe it.
Why would he bother writing it down in a journal is it wasn’t true? I’d find it a lot more suspect if he had just told her verbally and she was repeating them, but the fact that there are personal journals? He didn’t know at the time that Kris would be famous or that anyone else would really care about this stuff or even read it. He didn’t write them thinking they’d be worth money some day. He clearly wrote them because that was what he was feeling at the time. Was it reality? I guess it was reality as he saw it.
At this point I’m not sure it really matters. Everyone knows she’s not much of a real mother and that she’s all about herself and her sexual prowess. She wrote her own book bragging about it. Hard to imagine anyone could think worse about her than everyone already does.
I believe it too. She is so nasty and she raised her daughters to be nasty too. What kind of a mother edits and re-releases her daughter’s sex tape the way she did? Only a pimp and it worked for her, they were simply well-to-do before that tape and that was mostly thanks to Bruce Jenner and now they are multi-millionaires. And unfortunately they seem to be untouchable with their fan base that doesn’t care how nasty they are or how much they lie or how much they don’t care about them (the fans). It is a sick world and the Kraptrashians prove it on an hourly basis. Their fans might as well walk on down to whatever area in their local towns that the girls walk the stroll and just throw money at them because it really is one and the same thing as watching these god awful excuses for human beings. Yuk, yuk and more yuk.
Well, this explains how the girls grew up to be coalburning hos, doesn’t it?
I can totally see this being true.
I 100% believe these stories. The girls especially have been doing anything in their power to please their narcissistic mother and it does seem to come from a place of a need to please her. That especially goes for Kim who is turning out to be most like her.
As I have said, I hope the girls eventually get the courage to walk away from her. Also, did Robert ever do anything to help get the kids away from her?
No, he never did, in fact his wife did everything to keep him from his kids. If you know your cheating wife beats your kids you take custody from her and try everything in your power to take away spousal support so she doesn’t give lavish gifts to the boyfriend. He would’ve done that in a second. Why didn’t he?
I don’t doubt she’s narcissistic and maybe neglected the kids for her lover, I totally would believe that, but the beating allegations are too much. Robert would’ve ruined her and if it is true and he did nothing? Sad. What father lets this pass.
Kris got a restraining order against him and painted him as a danger to her and the girls. She was manipulative even then. I’m not saying he was perfect but Kris was no saint.
For those who say that he didn’t do anything to protect his kids…I can see that, however, it is VERY difficult to prove abuse, especially if there are no visible scars. As a lawyer, he knew this. Also, we don’t know if this was ever brought up in court and just thrown out due to lack of evidence. No matter how open they pretend to be on their shows, the Kardashians reveal what they want to reveal. It’s not like Kris would bring something like this up. Do I think Robert was a good father? I don’t know. That is questionable, but we don’t know if he tried to protect those kids and get custody and we just don’t know about that. Especially if court documents were sealed…
I honestly don’t buy these stories at all. Kris may be many things, but I don’t see her beating her children.
he said, she said sure….against a PR Famewhore Matriarch and a Dead Man…
BUT, the proof in this lies w/ Kris as narcassist , THAT we all know is TRUE. So, more than not it lends a truth or at least partial truth to these allegations.
I cannot imagine a mum like that and I can’t imagine what I would be like today w/ a mom like that….jesus….
I think she works so hard for her girls spotlight because it gives HER the spotlight as well. NARCISSIST. an underhanded way of doing it.
And this crazy lady wants a talkshow? Wtfever
Ya I hate that people even elevated them so far..
They are not celebs and have zero talent so suck it clan of the kardasses!
She’s still abusing them. When these girls “grow up” and realize how pathetic they look to the rest of the world, they will be mortified.
I highly doubt that Kris physically abused her kids. Yes she is shallow and a narcissist but that’s a huge leap to abusive parent.
You would not believe the number of people in the world who think that slapping, smacking, arm pulling/twisting, and hair pulling isn’t really “child abuse.”
Maybe he had an agreement with Bruce to keep an eye on it. He may have introduced those concerns in private during the divorce proceedings, for all we know. The problem is that there were no hospital visits involved, so no doctor could verify that kind of abuse. Also he would have had to call his children as witnesses against their mother, which he may not have wanted to do. Kourtney was the oldest, I’m sure she has clear memories of it and that would help explain why she acts so distant to Mama Ten Percent and also seems so generally rigid, as though she learned to walk on tiptoes to avoid triggering mama rage. I see a lot of submerged rage in Kim as well as that odd emotionless demeanor in between outbursts over nothing. Khloe was only about five years old at the time of the divorce so her memories are fuzzy to non-existent, but she said once that she was in therapy at 5 because she had trouble dealing with the divorce. She may not have yet been the target of mama rage although mama used her as a cover for the affairs, bringing her along. The older two daughters really do fit a lot of characteristics of abused children.
I agree with others who say if they don’t sue, it’s true…