Cele|bitchy | Holly Madison says she’ll propose to Criss Angel

Holly Madison says she’ll propose to Criss Angel

Premiere of "REPO! The Genetic Opera" in Las Vegas

Holly Madison is no good at getting guys to propose to her. She spent years by Hugh Hefner’s side, itching for marriage. After way too long she finally wised up – only to land herself with another guy who doesn’t seem interested in popping the question. Holly recently told Us Magazine that she’ll propose to boyfriend Criss Angel – but only after he agrees to wear the paper ring she made him.

Things are getting serious between illusionist Criss Angel and Holly Madison, but don’t expect him to pop the question any time soon.

“I actually made Criss a paper ring, but he won’t wear it,” Madison, 28, told Usmagazine.com at Las Vegas club LAX on Friday. “When he starts wearing his paper ring, I will be the one to propose.”

Added Angel: “You know, what Holly and I have is really something that money can’t buy. She is enough for me.”

In between passionate kisses, the couple — who were celebrating joint birthdays – Angel turned 41 on Friday – while Madison turns 29 on Dec. 23. – opened up about their Christmas plans.

“I am getting him all snowboarding stuff. But I’m not supposed to tell you that!” Madison whispered to Us.

[From Us Weekly]

It’s hard to tell if that thing about the paper ring is some inside joke/pretend fight between the two of them or if Criss really doesn’t want to wear it, and Holly’s saying she’d propose to him if he puts it on in a “when hell freezes over” sense. But they seem pretty into each other and happy, so it’s probably more of a joke.

The pair are – not surprisingly –spending New Year’s in Vegas as well. In fact they don’t ever seem to leave. Lest you think it’ll be a romantic night for them, they’ve managed to make sure that doesn’t happen – by inviting their parents along. Holly noted that it’ll be the first time they all meet, which sure sounds like they’re getting serious with each other. I’m guessing a non-paper ring will probably be in the works in short order.

Here’s Holly, still doing her Playboy duties with Kendra Wilkinson and Bridget Marquardt, launching their new book “The Girls Next Door” at the Forum Shops at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas on December 20, 2008. Images thanks to PR Photos. Header at the premiere of “REPO! The Genetic Opera” in Las Vegas on November 7th. Image thanks to Splash.

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19 Responses to “Holly Madison says she’ll propose to Criss Angel”

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  1. boomchakaboom says:

    Well, okee-dokee then.

  2. RReedy says:

    I am underwhelmed.

  3. 99 says:

    Isnt he still married to that woman from Long Island? Never heard that their divorce was finalized. Could be a roadblock for her plans.

  4. abbizmal says:

    She looks way older than 28.

  5. vdantev says:

    Criss Angel, Peter Wentz, Justin Timberlake, Zac Effron- did I miss the meeting when the ladies decided it was cool to only be interested in soft hairless fruity little boys? Past a certain point they might as well just be lesbians.

  6. mamalama says:

    And a “paper ring”? Didn’t we do that in, like, 4th grade?!

  7. HEB says:

    The most obvious change I’ve seen in Holly since the break up is that she no longer has the Playboy funded make-up artists.

  8. mel says:

    Criss just delayed his divorce proceedings yet again,so holly will have to wait. of course,after the life she has led in the mansion with all the free loving and orgies,i dont think she will have any problem living with Criss’s other ego: CRIMSON and her USHERS!

  9. Codzilla says:

    Can you imagine introducing your parents to THAT. I was talking about Criss, initially, but I suppose that sentiment could go either way.

  10. meow mix says:

    vdantev you stole the words right out of my mouth.

    I’m pretty sure I wasn’t invited to vote at that meeting.

  11. CB Rawks says:

    Abbizmal, that’s exactly what I think! I was convinced she was in her late forties, just by the look of her, and then I read that she claims to be in her twenties.
    She just doesn’t look *real* in any way, so I assumed the overprocessed skin, hair, plastic nose, were all indications of trying to hide her true age.

  12. doodahs says:

    #1 – 28? Really?
    #2 – Definition of world’s worst kept secret? : Whispering to a gossip rag journo what you are buying him for Christmas.

  13. Rosebudd says:

    Mel, if it is true that Chriss just delayed his divorce proceedings, then hell will freeze over before that paper ring even touches his finger! Either one, Chriss and/or estranged spouse can get the big “D” w/o hassle. If it is a question of dollars, then he can bifurcate the proceedings, re-marry & settle the money issues later.

  14. Megan says:

    She looks a lot better with less makeup.

  15. gg says:

    Uh, Christopher? Oh, excuse me, “Crisssss” – You are waaaay too old to be dressing like K-Fed.

  16. Hunter says:

    To all of the men out there…NO! Real women DO NOT like those shaggy haired, prepubescent physique wearing fucking skinny jeans from the 80’s guys that you would never look twice at on the street! Celebrities are WEIRDOS!!! They never finished high school and are living their lives like that.. Fuck. Them.

  17. Hunter says:

    Oh…and 28 my ASS Holly… she looked better without all of those surgeries.

  18. C says:

    I was surprised that she was only 29 too!! But, I was in some forum for the Girls Next Door and a poster said she went to school with her and that she really is only 29!. She had high school pictures of her to back it up. Shocker, cause I thought for sure she was older. She looks at least mid thirties. Maybe it’s all that plastic surgery she’s had? Some people just look older for their age I guess.

  19. gg says:

    It’s the California sun and the bleached white hair. Ages you.