“Miley Cyrus may or may not have posted a pot smoking photo” links

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus may or may not have tweeted herself smoking a blunt. She sort of denies doing so. [Buzzfeed]
Cindy Crawford turns 47 years old today! It’s Patty Hearst‘s birthday too. [Dlisted]
Here’s some awesome popcorn recipes for your upcoming Oscar enjoyment. [Buzzfeed]
James Franco is in Tokyo for the Oz premiere. Sorry, Japan. [Pop Sugar]
Are you eating horse meat without even knowing it? Gross. [Gawker]
Jennifer Lawrence signed on to work with David O. Russell again. [Pajiba]
Lisa Lampenelli may have crossed the line with the “n” word. [The Blemish]
Rita Ora is really fugging it up at London fashion week. [Go Fug Yourself]
Miranda Kerr‘s butt goes to the beach with Flynn & Orlando Bloom. [A Socialite Life]
Michael Buble says his wife is craving blood sausages. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Kristen Stewart named least desirable by British dudes. Ouch. [IDLYITW]
Victoria Beckham “eats” a hamburger with her children. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Jessica Pare doesn’t get why you don’t like Megan Draper. [Amy Grindhouse]
Brandi Glanville does Howard Stern’s radio show. She got a huge raise. [CDAN]
Mario Lopez is so happy his wife is expecting their second kid. [Wonderwall]
Kim Kardashian wants to have sex with herself. Not surprising. [Evil Beet]
Selita Ebanks and Terrance J are over, and she’s moved on already. [Bossip]
Honey Boo Boo says Mama June hasn’t been changed by fame. [Bitten & Bound]

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus

Photos courtesy of WENN

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56 Responses to ““Miley Cyrus may or may not have posted a pot smoking photo” links”

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  1. Rhiley says:

    Speaking of birthdays, Kurt Cobain would’ve turned 46 today.

  2. TheOriginalKitten says:

    If you got ’em, smoke ’em. Just don’t take a picture of yourself doing so.

  3. Kim says:

    Miley doesn’t have IG account

  4. erika says:

    wake me up when either miley or bieber start instgramming pictures of themselves smoking crack…


  5. TheOneAndOnlyOnly says:

    She is so desperate to stay in the limelight; she’s an idiot, doesn’t she realize that if she had real talent, or actually worked on a daily basis to improve her singing/acting, she might have a chance; she wants to be famous without the daily work;
    Nice comment Rhiley, but Kurt Cobain’s name should never be mentioned in the same breath with this corporate disney creation. Was watching an SNL 90s retrospective a few nights ago, and they had a clip of Nirvana playing on SNL from 1993 – reminded me all over again why i liked Nirvana.

  6. amelia says:

    Ahahaha, the horsemeat scandal.
    Feels good to be a vegetarian, sometimes ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Blannie says:


    • justalark says:

      +2! Veg out!

    • Brittney says:

      +3! I was just saying to a co-worker the other day that at least a few times a year, some horrifying headline reminds me to thank my stars that I don’t eat meat!

      (Of course, even more horrifying conditions are the reason for it… but it’s nice to know I don’t have to worry about a vast majority of the food industry’s health scares.)

    • akua says:

      I’m a vegan, so all meat is gross to me, but I fail to see what’s worse about eating horse than cow, pig, chicken, etc.

      • trillian says:

        I guess the problem is not eating horse meat, it’s that there is undeclared horse meat in dishes labelled pork or beef. That makes you wonder what quality the mixed-in horse meat is likely to be.
        But then again, what do people expect when they buy ultra-cheap meat or complete meals (in that case, lasagna) for less than 2 EUR …

      • Tiffany says:

        This is quite silly, but I am going to share anyway ๐Ÿ˜‰

        I think horses are very smart. Kind of like a dog. I wouldn’t want to eat either of them. Chickens don’t seem to have intelligence, so I don’t feel guilty when I eat them. ๐Ÿ™‚ But my rule doesn’t apply to pigs, because i have heard they are pretty smart, but I still love bacon.

      • MollyB says:

        Human beings have an aversion to eating their companion animals. Different cultures have different animals they consider companion animals but most cultures have this aversion. In the United States, horses are considered companion animals, like dogs and cats, and the notion of eating one is therefore repulsive to us. I’m a vegetarian and while I don’t eat meat, I can understand this concept.

  7. skuddles says:

    Apparently the world is not paying enough attention to needy Miley so she was forced to pull a Rihanna.

  8. j.eyre says:

    I am embarrassingly excited to try those popcorn recipes. People magazine has a good recipe for Truffle popcorn in this week’s issue as well.

  9. Jazz Fabulous says:

    I really like Miley’s B/W striped jumpsuit with the gold earrings, it really works with her short hair. Usually she looks terrible and doesn’t know how to wear the right clothes w/ such short hair, but she looks good here.

    • Beatrix says:

      I wish I knew where she got that jumper. Also, I wish I didn’t already know that I can’t afford it… ๐Ÿ™

  10. christina says:

    this pot smoking celebs driving me crazy. want to be so cool. its not cool even at all, if u are public person, who is example for kids who is fans of Hannah Montana ๐Ÿ˜€

  11. Esmom says:

    I saw on another site this morning, People maybe, that Liam’s brother’s wife seems to be rocking the same hair as Miley!

    • j.eyre says:

      Oh my goodness – I hadn’t put those two together yet… they do have the same hair. Why does that creep me out?

      I assumed Elsa cut hers because many new, first time moms do (I did), now I am wondering if maybe they didn’t form some weird Cult of the Big-Armed, Small-Eyed Giants during their time in the Outback that forces the women to all sport bleached blond uber-short haircuts.

  12. daisydoodle says:

    we get it, you’re a badass…

  13. MelissaH says:

    She may or may not have been smoking pot, but she sure as hell is wearing way too much foundation in that picture. Holy f*ckballs!

  14. MonicaQ says:

    I’m not even upset about this horse meat thing. Had it in Germany and it was good so eh. /shrug. When it’s regulated, it’s great. The fact that it’s *un*regulated is the issue (to me). Ah well–I don’t live in Europe anymore.

  15. Bookworm mommy says:

    The link didn’t work…why is there a circle around her fingers? Is that to prove it’s some one else?
    Eta: never mind ๐Ÿ™‚ figured it out :)) who cares if she smokes, she could have a MMC for all we know.

  16. DebraSam says:

    Not you too, Miley! *&%#@!!

    First the Beibs (blech) and now her too? I’m so disappointed. I mean really – I couldn’t care less if they smoke in private, but can’t these young celebrities keep it to themselves? My 13 year old daughter has been a huge fan (of both) since she was in first grade. Probably these kids didn’t ask to be role models, but in reality the tweens/teens look up to them. And emulate them.

    Just yesterday I got an email from the middle school concerning the district wide drug problem and what steps the school is taking to eradicate it – and also what the parents should do, too. Like inventorying prescription meds, paying attention to behavior, etc. My daughter told me the kids take drugs because they think it makes them “cool”. WTH- their brains are not yet fully developed!

    Anyway – thanks alot Miley. In trying to appeal to an older fan base you are setting a poor example to the kids who have loved you all along:( Arrgh

    • kitkerenina says:

      Wait until the High School E-mails. I get chills just hearing my phone blip.

    • NorthernGirl_20 says:

      Although I dont see a big deal with pot smoking posting a pic like on the internet is innapropriate IMO.
      Some drugs are so dangerous and kids just don’t get it. ๐Ÿ˜ข This summer my stepson went to visit with his Mom for the first time (very long story he just met her 2 years ago and she lives about 8 hours away from us). While he was there his older half-brother died of an overdose to Fentanyl. It was heartbreaking, he was only 17 and not a bad kid, just hanging with the wrong people. My son was just getting to know his older brother and it was so hard to see him dealing with this at only 8 years old. His family has been devastated by his death it’s really sad.

  17. mugsy says:

    miley and justin are so in need of attention, they are almost as bad as courtney…see this is what happens when mommy and daddy don’t “LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME”

    • blaize says:

      Proof? Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber are not the only celebrities who have tried pot. Demi Lovato, Justin Timberlake, Megan Fox, Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Anniston, Angelina Jolie, Lady Gaga, and Zac Efron are just a few others who have done the same (so did rihana and vanessa hudgens). Having a vice isn’t automatically a result of a desperate need for attention or emotionally detached parents. It’s often about natural curiosity or an oppositional-defiant mentality (authority figure says ‘don’t’, therefore it appeals to me). This is definitely something I understand, as I’ve been oppositional defiant from an early age. Just because they’re young doesn’t mean that they should be expected to be innocent. As for pot itself, it’s not deadly and in some places it’s legal.

  18. Missanne says:

    Who cares? If she were drinking a glass if wine no one would care.

  19. mkyarwood says:

    I assume those are cuts in the red circle?

    • Tiffany says:

      It is a tattoo of an equal sign that Miley got for marriage equality (Miley is trying to say this isn’t a picture of her).

  20. Bella Bella says:

    Thank God she’s high! Now there’s a reason for her return to the original 90210 wardrobe…

    Seriously she has more money than she knows what to do with and access to any fashion house she wants… and she wears that shizz? Money can’t buy you class… or taste.

    • bettyrose says:

      I was hoping we didn’t have to wait till tomorrow to discuss this. Doesn’t she ever get tired of being pointlessly destructive?

  21. Gabby says:

    Uhhh looks like Flynn is butt naked, literally. Seems kind of wrong when you know you’re being papped and the pics of your son’s tush and such will be all over the Internet.

  22. Iyanla says:

    Never post pot smoking pictures of yourself, grow up Miley- its desperate! And im from cali, and totally was a huge pot head at her age and even I knew that was a no no. Smoking, anything really, just isnt becoming of a pretty 23 year old. Flaunting the fact that you smoke is so try hard. Keep that private amongst your fellow pot heads only , not the masses. And Rihanna needs to quit with the dumb smoking pictures too. Who do they think they are, Snoop? They both need to call 411 and get a clue!!!

  23. Dea says:

    Beetlejuice called. He wants his pants back. ๐Ÿ˜›