Cele|bitchy | Will Charlize Theron & Alex Skarsgard ‘come out’ as a couple at the Oscars?

Will Charlize Theron & Alex Skarsgard ‘come out’ as a couple at the Oscars?

Here are some new photos of Alexander Skarsgard and Charlize Theron – not together! – yesterday in LA. Charlize was seen out with her adorable baby boy Jackson, and Alex was out in Hollywood, apparently checking out some real estate. I just thought it was interesting that Alex and Charlize were both out – separately! – at the same time in the same city. Maybe it’s the conspiracy theorist in me, maybe it’s because Alex and Charlize maybe-probably have a history of getting dirty together. The last time they were rumored to be hanging around each other was last November, when there were reports that Alex had flown to Namibia just to bang Charlize as she was working on Mad Max: Fury Road.

So, are they still together? Are they friends with benefits? When they mate, do they look like a giant blonde spider? Will we find out for sure this weekend? Some undercover Hollywood couples choose to “come out” for the first time on Oscar weekend, arriving at some of the Oscar parties together in full view of the press. Will that be Charlize and Alex? Charlize is due to present at the Oscars, and Alex has come to the Vanity Fair post-Oscar party for the past few years, so they’ll likely be in the same place at the same time. Watch for Viking Dong News!

PS… How cute is Jackson Theron? SO CUTE.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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59 Responses to “Will Charlize Theron & Alex Skarsgard ‘come out’ as a couple at the Oscars?”

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  1. Gabby says:

    Can’t tell who is who.

    Just kidding 😉 but they are two very attractive people and I think they’d make a hot couple.

  2. Lydia says:

    Kaiser – you conspiracy theorist, you are so funny. Personally, I like them as a couple. Yes, there is a lot of beautiful happening there but I’m ok with it, for some reason.
    Even if they are a couple (and I’m guessing FWB), I’d be shocked if they came out as a couple. They strike me as the, keep it as quiet as possible, for as long as possible types.

  3. Abra says:

    That little boy is so adorable! Look at those little red pants and stylin’ shoes!

  4. Tiffany says:

    Seriously that kid makes my ovaries explode.

    • loudval says:

      +1 (and a squeee! of cuteness for good measure.)

      Seriously, I love all these celeb kids, hope they stay cute and untouched by the Hollywood machine in any bad way.

      H7 = love her chunk cheeks
      Louis = great side eye
      Empress Z = benevolent ruler of all
      Flynn = his big, beautiful head

      am I missing anyone else? <3

  5. Minx says:

    Yes, yes, yes!!! Totally on board the Kaiser Theron-Skarsgard Conspiracy Theory Ship! Can somebody please make this happen? The very definition of power couple, I would think.

    According to gossip, he was really out carpet shopping. No new real estate. Makes much more sense.

    Charlize looks amazing, and Alex’s smile is killing me.

  6. Launicaangelina says:

    I’d love them together!

  7. Isabel says:

    I personally think they would make a great couple (they seem to have the same sense of humor and are both independent and of course drop dead gorgeous), but I don’t think it is happening. Besides the rumors from november they haven’t been seen together ever.

    There are some stories about Charlize or Alex making a Viking movie/tv show, and that they were in negotiation about doing that. I am not sure who was the one who is producing/directing and who is the one acting, but it was suggested that that’s why they were seen together in november.

    Still, I would love it. And then they should adopt me (hahaha now it’s getting creepy).

    • cr says:

      He sold his Viking movie to WB two years ago, and she’s working on a Viking series for ABC. And his brother Gustaf is the Discover Channel’s Vikings,starting next month.
      Gustaf’s series and hers have more in common than Alex’s movie idea.

      And I don’t they were even a couple back when the rumors started a year ago.

      • Isabel says:

        Ah thanks, then I was talking about CT’s show for ABC 🙂
        And I agree, didn’t think they were a couple either.

  8. j.eyre says:

    Although I full-heartedly endorse this pairing, coming out doesn’t really seem like Charlize’s thing. One of the reasons I like Charlize is because she really does not seem to use her personal life as a publicity point. She doesn’t hide it but it seems to be something she holds for herself, not public consumption.

    • LAK says:

      Let’s just call me curious Georgina!

      I looked at link you posted for someone else and read your stuff. It was wonderful and so funny.

      My mother insisted we read the classics as children. The adult unabridged versions!my mother (even as a grandmother) doesn’t believe in the concept of children so children’s books were/are a no no to her. We had to read the gloomy classics which were her favourites.

      Unfortunately, to this day can’t bear Dickens, Bronte,Hardy, the gloomy russians etc and usually avoid them, but your writing was so funny that I picked up Great Expectations and Jane Eyre today to give it a second (adult) chance.

      • j.eyre says:

        Thank you LAK. I am flattered you would click on the link, let alone read it. There is a story as to how that series came about but I won’t bore you with it. I am primarily a fiction writer, satire being my only ventures into non-fiction.

        About 15 years ago, I realized I knew all the stories but had not read most of the classics and now try to read at least 2 a year. I am (almost) always happy I did.

        My mother taught Shakespeare, which may be why I am just now getting around to Macbeth, and had your mother’s philosophy on children’s books. Her idea of children’s literature was Little Women which has left me so cold on that book that the only adaptation I can brook today is Rachel and Joey’s on Friends.

        Again, I thank you. I will try to remember to let you know when Macbeth is up.

      • Izzy says:

        Gah! j.eyre, I’ve been looking through CB for the link, you’re writing for an ezine, right? Can you post the link here? I’ll keep an eye out for it. (I’ll be keeping a close eye on this post in general, and sharpening my slutshank.)

      • LAK says:

        I love Shakespeare. I tend to go through phases of loving certain authors or themes. Shakespeare was my mid-20s love. read everything, saw the plays, straight forward and re-imagined films. Haven’t read it in a while but i am always up for a re-visit.

      • j.eyre says:

        Good morning Izzy. Sorry, I just saw this. Thank you for asking for the link. I do write for a literary e-zine called Fictionique. T. Fanty and I were discussing a series I do we’re I satirize classic literature. Here is the link to the first one. Have a wonderful day:


      • Izzy says:

        j.eyre, that was freakin’ hilarious!

  9. Mira says:

    Oh the little boy is gorgeous. Those red pants….he’s so freaking adorable!

  10. anonymous fan says:

    I can’t believe this rumor is still going strong.They haven’t been seen together in over a year.And Alex has been linked to two anorexic looking models since then.As much as these 2 are photographed it would be impossible for them to hide this long.There would be a pic of her leaving his house at two in the morning or something.I think this is like the gossip site’s fantasy couple,because their both so good looking.But no I don’t believe it.

  11. LittleDeadGirl says:

    I’d love them as a couple but I don’t see any evidence of the fact. Both being in Hollywood … err isn’t that were most of the actors at any one time? But they’d be such a cute couple …

    • Jen34 says:

      Agree. It would be hot, but I doubt it is true.

      And even if it is, both actors aren’t the type to sell their personal lives to the press. Askars hated being photographed with KBosworth, remember?

    • cr says:

      At least they’re actually in the same town at the same time. In December Lainey did an update to the Namibia post, mentioning that she thought the relationship was still on, since Charlize was back in LA after finishing MMFR and Alex was also in LA.
      Except Alex was in NYC.
      I don’t think he was ever in Namibia with her.
      I’d ship them as a couple, but I don’t think it’s going to happen.

  12. LAK says:

    His brother’s film KON TIKI is nominated in the foreign film category so we are more likely to see Alex and Gustaf walking the red carpet this weekend.

  13. Kim says:

    Yeah they will come out as a couple,Jennifer Aniston will reveal she is pregnant.Travolta will come out and Cruise will announce he left COS.All on the Red Carpet to Ryan Seacrest.I already set my DVR.On a serious note I wish there was a pic of Louis and Jackson at that party the other day.

  14. mom2two says:

    If they did show up to the Oscars as a couple (and again, I don’t think this is either one of their styles) they would be the most beautiful couple at the Oscars, hands down. Maybe even the most beautiful couple in the world. Perhaps they shouldn’t be photographed together, the world might not be able to handle that.

  15. JH says:

    Thank the Lord she died her hair blonde again. Short or long, it’s necessary for her skin color.

  16. A says:

    I’d love to get a hold on his shirt! As in him taking it off -swoon- and me putting it on.

  17. Lucy2 says:

    That would be a whole lot of tall blonde hotness.

    Her son is so cute’

  18. Maria_Spain says:

    they look like twins :p

  19. Jellybean says:

    “When they mate do they look like a giant blonde spider.”

    That line made my day

  20. bcgirl says:

    Ever since the baby shoes in the covered empty baby carrier thing I just can’t take her seriously.

  21. RE says:

    Hey!!! I was out in LA yesterday around the same time. Maybe Alex and I are together!!!!Wait for us at the Oscars!

  22. anonymous fan says:

    One more thought:That boy is only 1 why can’t he ride in a stroller?He still looks young enough.His little feet look tired.Jeez Charlize,atleast pick him up it looks like a long walk.

    • Kim says:

      What? There are pics of them on other sites where she is carrying him.His feet look tired? LOL

    • cr says:

      Well, it’s a grand total of two pics, and we don’t know how long they’ve been walking or how long the walk is. She still carries him a lot, something tells me if he made it clear he was tired she’d pick him up.

    • Cece says:

      Lots of kids like to walk. Can’t tell much from a couple pictures.

  23. Tammyla says:

    Kaiser, I see what you did there with that title.

  24. Izzy says:

    I adore Charlize, but b!tch better keep her hands off my Forever-Viking-Dong.

  25. Lexi says:

    Alexander skarsgard is really hot and sexy, luv luv luv him!

  26. Mara says:

    She really is striking!!!

  27. andrea says:

    Oh, people just like the idea of these two blond giants going at it. Especially now that Charlize is rocking the androgynous look. They’d practically look like twins from the back. Skars was spotted in Sweden with a girl over the holidays, but who knows how long that lasted.

    • cr says:

      The only source for the Italian actress hookup was a Swedish tabloid about as reliable as The Enquirer, so I doubt that ever happened.

  28. Ayda says:

    Too bad. So Alex is a male fameho.

  29. Ace says:

    I remember when she was on Ellen and she kept calling her son “THE baby”. It was so weird.

  30. Raven says:

    They are no doubt 2 gorgeous people, but she seems very controlling to me. By all accounts he is pretty laidback, so I can’t really see it.

  31. anonymous fan says:

    I know she seems very standoffish in interviews.And the only time I have seen her be nice and charming was when she was promoting Prometheus last summer and flirting with Micheal Fassbender.With everyone else,ice queen.

  32. Valerie Greene says:

    I think the reason Alex is wearing those dark shades all the time is because he had eye surgery to get those bags removed.I hope he did.They were awful and aged him.Ntm,it is a pretty simple procedure.In the second pic what could he be talking about when he is gesturing with his hands? I wonder.

    • cr says:

      Why would he remove the eye bags? He’s always had them and I actually hate when they photoshop them out when he does photoshoots.
      Same thing with the overbite, it’s part of what makes him his goofy adorable self.

    • Ashling says:

      His eye bags are a natural part of him. I don’t see him getting procedures like that.

  33. Missy says:

    Pics of her with her son always look so staged, and they always look really over dressed, although in these ones she actually dressed him like a baby, but when he was younger and couldn’t walk, she had him in big trainers and a backwards baseball cap!

  34. Ashling says:

    I’ve always liked Charlize. She was so funny on Arrested Development. I like both of them, but it doesn’t seem like either of their styles to plan a relationship reveal tonight.