Kim Kardashian manages to find a flattering maternity outfit: surprising & nice?

I’m worried about Kim Kardashian! Sort of. I’m worried that Kim has been paying too much attention to what we’ve been saying about her pregnancy and how it seems like she’s carrying the baby in her ass. I’m worried that Kim is conscious of it now and she’s making more of an effort to cover her ass nowadays. These are some assorted photos of Kim over the past few days in LA – look at the (somewhat flattering) clothing she’s chosen! That white and beige outfit is particularly flattering on her – she hasn’t looked that slender in months! So, just prepare yourselves – Kim is “punishing” us for a week or two. No more butt shots. No more Kardashian Kameltoe in leggings. Sad face.

Meanwhile, there’s some other Kardashian news – you remember that Kim and Kanye purchased a huge Bel Air mansion in January? Well, the mansion they bought is so envied and adored that they’ve already gotten several offers to sell at a huge markup. Because of course.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West just made more than a million bucks in a month, but they’re so rich they’re not even cashing in … TMZ has learned.

We broke the story … Kim and Kanye bought a $9 million, Bel Air, CA mansion on January 30th. It hasn’t even been a month, and they’ve received 3 offers from people who want the estate so badly … they’re willing to pay A LOT more. The highest offer — $10.5 million.

Sources directly connected to Kim and Kanye tell TMZ … the couple turned all 3 offers down — they’re already deep in the throes of remodeling and they plan to move in a few months from now. There’s a report out that they sold the estate — not true.

The main house will be 14,000 square feet. After all, they’re having a baby.

[From TMZ]

The California real estate market is so funky. I don’t want to believe that all of these people are willing to pay so much for a property just because it briefly belonged to Kim and Kanye, but I do think that’s a factor. I remember looking at photos of the property – it’s beautiful and lovely and all of that, but once you’re in the $8-10 million real estate range, you’re getting all of the same beautiful add-ons, you know? What I’m saying is that these people should take a look around and check out similar properties which probably cost several million dollars less.

Last Kardashian story – Hollywood Life’s sources claim that Kim has decided that Khloe will be the baby girl’s godmother. I’m sure that will make Khloe really happy. For real.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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109 Responses to “Kim Kardashian manages to find a flattering maternity outfit: surprising & nice?”

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  1. anneesezz says:

    Which one is supposed to be flattering?

    • Jano1981 says:

      Perfect 🙂

    • sheila says:


    • elceibeno08 says:


    • Little Darling says:

      Worst dressed reality star ever. Why can’t this woman pull together anything decent for her figure??

    • celine says:

      the first one….

      i think she looks beautiful.

      • Elceibeno says:

        I can assure you. Kim’s face looks like porcelain on the first picture because she applied a layer of plaster of paris on her face and then she belt-sanded it and then she applied a bottle of foundation, and then the actual make up.

      • jwoolman says:

        Yes, she looks wonderful in that first one, except for the shoes. They look uncomfortable, her feet seem stuffed into them. Wish she would just wear flat shoes, everybody knows she’s shorter than average and we don’t need her to look taller. Short is nice, too.

  2. carol says:

    I still think she’s too dumb to be pregnant/be a good parent

  3. marie says:

    wow, just want to say she looks a lot like her mom in that second photo and that is not a good thing..

  4. gogoGorilla says:

    I think it is hilarious that she is wearing the same color as her 12-year-old fan in that one pic.

    I can’t believe I’m saying this, but… she actually looks relatively normal in some of those outfits. I wonder if that means she usually picks fug stuff on purpose for attention??

    I will also say that in some of those pictures she does not look even a tiny bit pregnant. Weird.

    • Larissa says:

      Agreeed ! Those are hardly maternity clothes.

    • LadyMTL says:

      ITA! The only time I recall seeing her in something where she looked preggers is that pink dress in Brazil. Otherwise it’s like…where are you gestating that fetus?

      Honestly though, I do like the first outfit she’s wearing, sorta. Not crazy about the cami but I don’t like sateen in general. I love the shoes tho!

    • kevin says:

      I’m not convinced she is pregnant. They are both media whores.

    • kudzuqueen says:

      My girlfriend carried in her butt, and had a relatively FLAT stomach the whole pregnancy! Could not even tell from the front but her backside was huge. I have never seen a woman carry like that. Her stomach looks great after 3 kids too, I cannot say the same for mine :/

      The only way I can really say I tell on KK is her lips and her boobs. You got a lot of blood going there.

      • PinkG says:

        Sure Khloe, sure.

      • Kudzuqueen says:

        PinkG: Bwhahaha! Now THAT was funny! No! But I am serious! This friend tried to hide the fact that she was pregnant (found out later she had been doing some things she shouldn’t have been). I swear she gained in her hips and butt…and her boobs, cause she was really, really flat chested otherwise.

        Kim K really should grease herself out of the spandex. I am all about pregnant women showing off their bodies, but she needs to try a little harder. Is the top photo current? I only ask this because she looks better here and all of her pregnancy outfits have been embarrassing.

    • Raised Brow says:

      As a parent to an 11yo girl, I find it disturbing KK has 12yo fans!

      • TalkyTina says:

        THANK YOU!
        I can’t even imagine the parent who would let their 11yr old know who this scum is!

  5. brin says:

    Yessss, vastly improved from those other fug things she was wearing.

    • Anne says:

      I agree but she’s got to quit flaunting those vein ridden disgustungly large melons.

  6. Buckwild says:

    She looks very pretty! Amazing what clothes can do…

    • lilred1 says:

      I think it helps too that she left her hair down and loose,not pulled back in that perpetual face-lift tight pony tail.

    • Meaghan says:

      With boobs that big, there isn’t much that can be done to hide them. Both my sisters have huge boobs and I’m flat. And it doesn’t matter what kind of shirt they wear, their boobs are always in your face big.

  7. MollyB says:

    Damn, I loved maternity clothes. Stretchy pants, billowy shirts. With my first pregnancy, I waited like 5 months before buying my maternity pants. When I slipped those stretchy babies on, I nearly cried. Second pregnancy, I had the suckers on before the pee dried on the stick.

    • Maria T. says:

      Oh my god me too. First time I tried on maternity jeans I was like “Why did I wait so long???” Second pregnancy, I pulled those puppies out in my first trimester… And I had my baby 4 months ago and am STILL wearing them!!

      • Alarmjaguar says:

        I just wonder why all jeans aren’t maternity jeans. I had my kids 4 years ago, and I still miss them…so comfortable!

  8. Gracie says:

    Is this heffa really singing an autograph in that pic? Ugh!
    I remember on Modern Family when Gloria announced her pregnancy, Claire was excited cause: “she was gonna get so fat.” She was excited out of jealousy maybe, but as far as Kim goes, it is hardly jealousy. Get @ me Kardashian apologists.

  9. Jane says:

    Which one is the maternity outfit? The tight white pants and camisole? Pretty camisole though. Pants are still too tight.

    • bella says:

      agreed, her clothes are always too tight.
      but am i the only one who thinks that she doesn’t even look pregnant in the white outfit with the tan sweater?
      best she’s looked ever – pregnant or otherwise.

      • Jane says:

        Agree. Her rear and hips shrank, her boobs deflated and her face is thinner. Something fishy as that photo is dated 2.28.13.

    • amilu says:

      Yeah, it’s been bugging the crap out of me that this blog keeps referring to her maternity pants and clothes. She may be wearing them while (allegedly) pregnant, but these are not maternity clothes. These are regular clothes, and she’s just trying to make it work. AND FAILING.

  10. Jennika says:

    Did y’all hear how Kim’s infertility claims on her show are going to hurt her in the divorce trial? HAHAHAHAHAHA all the karma seems to be coming back at her. And I still don’t think she’s really pregnant.

    • kevin says:

      I agree!

    • BB says:

      @Jennika – I can’t believe that people believe that Radar Online story. All Radar does is watch their reality show and then create a tabloid story about the episode. ROL is a joke and they did not run one single story about KH divorce attorney dumping him unlike all the other media outlets. And that story is true!

    • celine says:


      that’s mean. she’s pregnant now, trying to move on with her life and u wish her all the bad things. the humpdumb is an idiot. he knew what he was getting into, he’s a piece of isht for dragging it out so long-

      it’s kim k but hating on her nonstop won’t do your karma any good.

  11. MyLeNe - Montreal says:

    Khloe is good choice for her .. when she become over this poor baby she just ship to the poor khloé

  12. MyLeNe - Montreal says:

    u thing this outfit is good ? She sufffocate her baby in skinny jeans …

  13. Smaug says:

    I think she looks great. And I am so down with body snarking her. A few days ago, people were defending whatshername’s (the Sports Illustrated one) figure. But when it comes to Kim, no holds are barred. Hypocrisy much? I get that people don’t like her, but why hate on her body??? Mock her clothes but spare me this body shaming.

    • pfeiffer87 says:


    • china says:

      People body shame her because she’s a fatassed fame ho who likes to be peed on.

    • Cece says:

      It would be one thing if she were born with a bad shape, but this woman purposefully created her assets. I think that opens her up to comments on her freakish physique.

      I seriously wonder what percent of her body is plastic now. She must have an amazing amount of chemicals stuffed into her body.

  14. evyn says:

    I think their neighbors are behind that purchase.

  15. CC says:

    lol! Well, was to reply to the “which is flattering” but yea, good one! I don’t think KK will ever choose something that doesn’t show her trademakrs….

  16. Madpoe says:

    Gawd! Her war paint distracted me, is she pregnant in these photos? IDK

  17. Dawn says:

    I agree its the neighbours behind the real estate bids, I wouldnt want her moving into my neighbourhood either.

  18. Dawn says:

    Nope I am not seeing which one is flattering or nice? Everything she is wearing looks extremely cheap and not well made.

  19. janie says:

    She looks so pretty in the white outfit! I had forgotten how beautiful she really is. She actually looks nice in all the photos! Keep up the good work Kim!

  20. dagdag says:

    This pictures are phothoshopped to the max. Look at the girl´s hand on the authograph picture.

  21. lady mary. says:

    the young girl is as tall as her ,and she is without heels

    • Alexis says:

      The little girl looks like she could be KK’s daughter. SMH, KK needs to grow up. Her maturity level is just ridiculously low…as is Kanye’s.

  22. DeltaJuliet says:

    She doesn’t even look pregnant in those first few pictures. What’s the deal?

  23. babythestarsshinebrite says:

    That’s a sad picture of that young lady obviously looking up to the porn star; who by the can’t even focus on her fan.

  24. Prinny says:

    I feel sorry for this baby. I just don’t think Kim has that Motherly instinct. She’s too self-obsessed. And she’s the ultimate hypocrite. When she gave Kourtney crap for having a baby and not being married. Kim looks way worse than Kourtney ever did. And, I’m sick of seeing her sour face! Kim, it’s ok to crack a smile once in awhile.

    • Dawn says:

      Even when she cracks a smile it doesn’t look real, it’s her eyes they look dead and vapid always. I too feel very sorry for this kid and sort of sad for Kayneee because she will kick him to the curb before too long as well. That’s her pattern, she is in love with love and that’s it.

  25. Elizabeth says:

    Just because you’re wearing clothes and happen to be pregnant, doesn’t mean it’s a ‘maternity outfit’….

  26. JanMa says:

    The thing that worries me the most is that the look on that pre-teen’s face in one of the pics. She looks like a perfectly sweet, innocent, excited young girl meeting one of her idols. KK has done nothing, not one thing, with her life that that young girl should be trying to emulate. KK’s life choices are her own and she can have them but what kind of super race of vapid fame seekers could we be raising if KK is anyone’s idea of someone kids should get an autograph from?

  27. GossipG says:

    Stupid Kim..Didnt she take note of Beysus?When Beysus HAD the baby,she told us she was preggers.So if its a ala Beysus pregnancy,she didnt take notes.

  28. Dani says:

    God help me but i REALLY like that white outfit.

  29. Carrie says:

    You call that a maternity outfit?!?
    She couldn’t keep a kitten alive, god help the baby

  30. anon says:

    Id still take Simpson’s new mansion over this K one anyday. After Simpson reno’s are done that property is to die for.

  31. Tiffany27 says:

    Why would Khloe be godmother when she’s the Aunt? I thought you picked friends and not family for godparent roles?

    • Lucky Charm says:

      Godparent’s can be anyone, friends or family. In my immediate and extended family, most of us have aunts, uncles or cousins as godparents because we are close and know that if something happened to the parents, the child would still be raised in the same religion. But then, we tend to always do everything together as one big family anyway!

    • jwoolman says:

      I’m hoping she’s making Khloe the godmother because she intends to leave the kid with Khloe to raise while she runs around the world doing whatever it is she does…. 🙂 Not really kidding.

  32. RHONYC says:

    aww! her lil’ cutie-pie fan’s outfit just gave me L-I-F-E!

    super-duper adorable! oh, too be a tween again. lol 😀

  33. PinkG says:

    Her face is freaky looking. She is obviously still having work done.

  34. Simple Red says:

    I’ll give her credit but only cause she is pregnant.
    It’s a shame it took her to get pregnant dress better

  35. diva says:

    This girl doesn’t look pregnant to me just heavier like she stopped wearing triple spanxs.

  36. palermo says:

    This sure reminds me of the whole Katie Holmes/Beyonce thing. Bump size goes up and goes down, goes up and goes down

  37. mrs j says:

    Is this Douchebag family 15min of fame whoring over with yet
    Surprise she hasn’t shoved a camera up her twat yet

  38. G says:

    Didn’t she have a belly in the black/white dress the other day?

  39. Lucky Charm says:

    She does not look pregnant at all. What happened to the pregnancy bump in the pictures of her wearing the black & white dress? Especially the white/tan outfit she looks even thinner. I’ve been pregnant twice, and as time went by and I got further along in my pregnancy, I got bigger, not smaller. Of course, I actually gave birth to a real baby, not a padded/pillow baby…

  40. 2OutOfFive says:

    Looks like an old pic

    • Happy21 says:

      It totally does. I was just going to say Are we sure this isn’t an old photo?

      White is not a flattering colour on most people – especially Kim Kardashian. I don’t imagine she could pull that outfit off pregnant. Because from what I’ve seen lately she’s looking a little on the pregnant side these days…

  41. Dea says:

    I posted the same at DailyMail but they did not publish it (DM is very pro-kardashians and I think they have a contract with them)

    Anyways, my take is she either is not pregnant because she does not look pregnant to me at all (there is no pregnant belly and surprisingly she had a big one a few days ago), or, and more likely, these picures are old. She is so worried about her current weight that she is posting pictures of her younger self everywhere and maybe giving these earlier pictures to DM to post.

    • dagdag says:

      You are right. They do have a contract with them and the pictures here are from AKM Images.

  42. the original bellaluna says:

    WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER FACE?!?!?!?!? And lmao @ “Kardashian Kameltoe”! 🙂

  43. Amanda G says:

    She has the worst style.

  44. JudyK says:

    When was that first pic in the white taken…she doesn’t even look pregnant there.

    I’m through commenting on anything Kardashian after this.

  45. Bella says:

    Her face,her butt ,her clothing…HUGG
    GO AWAY!

  46. aud says:

    I love the cardigan

    She looks good there. She should dress more like that. Everything looks like it fits

  47. Jaxx says:

    I carried a bit like her. I didn’t have the basketball belly that stuck out front, I just got thicker and thicker in the middle. By the end I looked a bit like a barrel. I can also attest that my stomach snapped back flat immediately. Even in the hospital the nurses were commenting on how flat my stomach was.

  48. kitkerenina says:

    Wish the blue plaid/matching trainers outfit was a blanket and slippers with black pajamas. And she was home taking care of herself instead of taking such care at being photographed.

  49. Lexi says:

    I like the white and cream outfit, its a nice outfit, looks kinda flattering! The black blazer and yellow skirt just look like her usual ensemble

  50. Nicolette says:

    I’m sorry, how far along is she supposed to be? Not buying it.

  51. NEENAZEE says:

    I’m not convinced she’s even pregnant in the pics with the white/beige outfit… her face, chin and chest look so much thinner than they do in all the other photos. Are you sure they’re recent?

  52. EscapedConvent says:

    What in the nine circles of hell is that black & white harlequin-checked & navy paisley tablecloth/thing? A bad acid trip in cloth form? Someone actually thought up, “designed” & sewed this? I’m gobsmacked.

  53. LIVEALOT says:

    SERIOUS QUESTION: why do people choose relatives to be “godparents”??? Like isn’t Khloe already the aunt? Thought godparents were reserved for non relatives…???!

  54. Stefani says:

    Do doctors tell pregnant women its ok to wear spanx everyday? This never occurred to me to do when I was pregnant, but I wasnt being photographed or trying to be fashionable at the time.

  55. novaraen says:

    The baby is in her butt…because it sure isn’t in her belly.

  56. Katie says:

    Absolutely LOVE this look! So chic! Reminds me of Kim’s style a few years ago!

  57. Pixiestix says:

    This beige & white outfit is the best I’ve ever seen her.
    For all her money, she dresses without any class & I have no idea why her fashion gets raves. It’s ironic that she & her sisters own clothing stores when they don’t ever choose clothes that fit or flatter them. She’s a pretty girl, and can be a master of makeup done well, though.

  58. Jane says:

    Lord have mercy, ever since she got pregnant she has such an sour face. There is something seriously wrong with her. Most pregnant woman actually do something that this woman is incapable of SMILING! I hope when the baby comes she gets an attitude re-adjustment fast. SHe got herself onto this mess. She bloody well make the most out of it.

    • Dawn says:

      I don’t buy that she is unhappy…it is just the look she thinks makes people THINK she is so unhappy but in reality she I think is bursting with happiness every single time she pays someone to take her picture. And yes I do believe she pays the paps to follow her everywhere every day.

  59. Dommy Dearest says:

    That little girl should not be that happy she met Kim. It’s like going to the toilet and being happy it’s there to take in all your waste- though the toilet has an actual use.

  60. Queenfreddie says:

    This pictures can’t be recent. Look at her face in white/beige clothing so much thinner and her face is bigger when meeting the fan along with recent appearances.

  61. wow! many thanks for that incredible post. I really loved it on the main. Hope you keep posting like remarkable posts

  62. mimi says:

    Maybe she is pregnant like Byonce.

    Perhaps nowadays, being called “pregnant” includes having a gestational carrier.

    I do agree that these outfits flatter her the most in a long while.

    I also agree that these are not matrnity cloths and I would feel uncomfortable wearing those.