In a humorous little interview on the possible side effects of last year’s floods of celebrity babies (and yes they are already playdating each other) kickin’ ska-band mommy Gwen Stefani opined:
that it would be cute for her son, Kingston, to end up with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s daughter, Shiloh. The two were born within days of each other at the end of May last year and enjoyed a playdate over the summer. Gwen told Elle magazine recently: “Yeah! They were like two little blobs when they met. Maybe they’ll get married when they grow up? That’d be cute!”
[via Fametastic ]
Well Shiloh hasn’t quite signed up yet (poor thing is functionally illiterate) for the FBDA, although I’m sure even as pre-verbal celebrity she doesn’t appreciate her future Mother-in-Law callin’ her Blob shaped.
I mean poor Shiloh hasn’t even had time yet to let her infant under-twos pilates classes have their maximum de-blobbing effect. But you know, you just can’t please some boys’ mothers … already with all the judging …
Nonetheless – Shiloh and Kingston – the combo does have that Rivers Of Babylon feel to it … they could combine their maternal inheritances: Momma Jolie’s humanitarianism with the walking bassline, and scratchlike tempo of Momma Stefani’s ska. Hit the Studio and put out a Blob Baby Single which would raise mega-money for UNICEF and UNHCR.
Playdates … the new singles bars! Blogs … the new career counseling!
I thought it was funny and cute of Gwen to suggested it and I’m glad she used the word “blob” again to diffuse all this insanity around AJ calling Shiloh a “blob” (after an interviewer came up with the term). Anyone can see it’s meant to be affectionate but then I read blogs like Celebrity Babies and see some people go crazy again: “I can’t believe Gwen said that”.
People are dumb. I love my son to bits and pieces, and even he too was a bit blob-like in his earliest baby days. A very cute and cuddly blob, but still a bit of a blob.
And those people on the other sites would do well to know that Gwen Stefani can do no wrong! đŸ˜‰
nice they would be cute together
I know Blob is definitely the new cute
she was making a jest about what AJ said.
Oh, cammon, let put Angelinas baby picture on milk. She is tripping that she is something special.