“Jenna Dewan’s maternity style is better than Kim Kardashian’s” links

Jenna Dewan’s maternity style continues to impress me. [Popoholic]
Lana Del Rey is wearing an ugly bathmat with a hoodie. [ICYDK]
YAY. Chris Hayes got the 8 pm timeslot on MSNBC. HUZZAH. [Gawker]
One of the Olsen girls is wearing Toms, LOL. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Ed Sheeran was in Swifty’s hotel room but they didn’t do it. [IDLYITW]
Kim Kardashian really needs to stop with the lip injections. [Yeeeah]
This poor dog ate 111 pennies. Bad dog!!! [The Frisky]
Is Amanda Bynes wearing a Farrah wig?! [Amy Grindhouse]
Was the conclave worried about voting for a black pope? [Bossip]
Stephen Baldwin isn’t going to jail. What a shame. [Wonderwall]
Nicki Minaj was late for the American Idol live show. [Seriously OMG WTF]
Shia LaBeouf looks buff. And kind of roidy. [PopBytes]
Kris Humphries is a brilliant detective. [Life & Style]
Olivia Wilde is getting hate-tweets from tantrumy Bieber fans. [The Loop]
Tom Hardy on set without the puppy. BOO. [LaineyGossip]

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56 Responses to ““Jenna Dewan’s maternity style is better than Kim Kardashian’s” links”

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  1. Sara says:

    But Jenna is way smaller and skinnier than Kim. I’m sure it’s way easier for her to find cute clothes. She’s mostly useless though just like Kim.

    • Tiffany says:

      You don’t have to be small to wear a maxi dress and cropped jacket.

      • The Original Original says:

        Actually you kind of do. Otherwise you look like youre expecting even when you arent

    • menlisa says:

      Jenna actually has a career unlike Kim.

    • Happymom says:

      Size has nothing to do with it. Kim is trying to squeeze into pencil skirts and all kinds of odd, tight outfits that are not flattering to ANY pregnant woman. This chick, whoever she is, is dressing appropriately.

    • PinkG says:

      What does size have to do with dressing appropriately? K-Trash has money access to many stylist. Face it, K-Trash has no taste and no class.

    • Naye in VA says:

      I’ve always been heavier and I had no problem dressing appropriately when I was pregnant. Kim is intent on looking like a sausage when pregnancy should be all about being stylishly comfortable. Kim isnt wearing maternity clothes. She is wearing the same clothes in bigger sizes and it doesn’t look good. I was Hot Stuff! when I was pregnant. Pregnant chicks all have equal style opportunity.

  2. Amelia says:

    Jenna looks lovely! I really dislike denim jackets, but she pulls it off.
    I really wish we had a black Pope! I saw a feature on him before Conclave started, and he came across as such a chirpy, happy guy.
    Also, the racist lady who lives down the hall from us would probably have freaked out and not left her home for a good few months too.
    Olivia Wilde gets points for Belieber baiting.

    • j.eyre says:

      I heard The Walking Dead Vagina’s interview on Leno and thought she was really funny. It kind of bums me out because I am pretty committed to not liking her but I am such a slut for a good sense of humor.

      OT just for us – I wore nude hose to a funeral the other day and people were petting my leg as if I was an alien “what are these magical leg devices that hide your veins and hold your shape?”

      • dagdag says:

        leg devices that hide …., I love it!

      • Amelia says:

        Aha, that’s brilliant! 😀
        Speaking of alien tech, I think dear Mr Cumberbatch is probably capable of using his alien technology to create a never-ending supply of nude pantyhose. Or, at least ones that don’t rip at the first sign of trouble.
        Pretty Polly are usually my go to tight company. I rocked up to work in PP butterfly tights last week, and one of the girls in my deparment thought I had a tattoo on my leg! In her defence, I think she was still hammered from the previous night.

      • j.eyre says:

        Discussing Jaguar Holmes anywhere near ladies legs is dangerous in this arena – must remember that the next time I need to throw a few celebitches off another dong’s scent.

        I swear by JCPenney’s hose. They are inexpensive and last much longer than they should. Next time you are in New York, check them out.

        Butterflies? Fabulous! I am all over print tights if they make a full comeback – 40s be damned! We have the knit looking patterns now but not the prints – I will keep an eye out.

      • Lamb says:

        I missed something. Who is the Walking Dead’s Vagina?

        Update: I think I figured it out. Never mind 🙂

  3. lori says:

    I major difference is that Jenna dresses much more casually and Kim is still trying to be all “high fashion”. While I dont’ think Kim did a great job of High fashion before…..that stuff is not made for Maternity wear.

  4. Susan says:

    She looks beautiful but between the length of the dress and the height of those wedges, I’m scared she’s going to trip!!

  5. amanda says:

    Must piss Kim off that there are so many other thin celebs pregnant right now who are pulling off pretty and pregnant with ease.

  6. CC says:

    And water is wet.

  7. menlisa says:

    I was so hoping we would get a Black Pope.

  8. AMLM says:

    Anyone have an ID on Jenna’s sunglasses?

  9. wellsiemczim says:

    has popoholic always been so gross?

  10. Juliette says:

    Re: Shia LaBeouf. Looks buff but still a douche. He’s creepy, pumped up or not. From the face to the body just eww…

  11. dagdag says:

    A pregnant woman looking this relaxed and content puts a smile on my face.

  12. Lilo says:

    Seeing that way too long dress plus the wedges I immediately fear she will trip and fall. I am not one of those women who think pregnant ladies should never wear high heeled shoes, but in combination with that long dress it just looks really dangerous. She even has to hike it up a bit.

  13. Gemini08 says:

    Hmmm.. I don’t think it’s fair to compare the two. Their body types are so different. Both are small but Jenna doesn’t have curves like Kim does. Kim would look like she was wearing a Mumu if she put something like this on.

  14. realitycheck says:

    Amber Rose is still my fav for maternity styling…she was cute in (almost) everything and always looked happy and glowing while Kim looks awkward and miserable…all the time. She hasn’t embraced her pregnancy at all like these other women have and it’s very obvious.

    • Ailine says:

      I thought Holly Madison was cute too. But I agree, Kim as not embraced her pregnancy. She always looks kind of awkward–self conscious. Or she’s trying to dress how she used to before pregnancy, but it ends up looking like she’s wearing something two sizes too small.

  15. pissmidget says:

    helps if ya’ have actual legs & don’t depend on stilts & photoslop ….

  16. Jenna says:

    It’s Tom Hardy, there’s nothing ‘boo’ about it. I need to search my borough better. Oh yes, he will be mine. Unf.

  17. Erinn says:


    Super excited here. Though… I feel like they won’t have her with Logan. And I love me some Veronica and Logan.

  18. Happy21 says:

    She might have better style than Kim but what the hell is with hearing a dress and/or pants that are so long you’ll trip. Kim K is as guilty of this as Jenna. It looks ridiculous.

  19. RobN says:

    In other news, the sky is still blue.

  20. Claudia says:

    I love this look 🙂

    Olivia Wilde was hilarious on Leno. I don’t know how Bieber isn’t ashamed of his moronic fanbase, two peas in a pod I guess.

  21. Thiajoka says:

    Hell, I think even the Duggars maternity style is better than KimK’s.

  22. elceibeno says:

    I hope she doesn’t trip and fall on that long dress.

  23. Leek says:

    Louie Anderson’s pregnancy style is far superior to Kim Kardashian’s.

  24. Sarah Monty says:

    I agree with you Leek

  25. Memphis says:

    Jenna looks great but the length of the dress is scary. She looks like she could trip at any second!

  26. Jamie says:

    I come from a tiny outback town and the nearest city (50k people) is 45 minutes down the road. There is one maternity wear shop, plus target and Kmart.

    Even I had better maternity style last year than Kim K.

  27. lucy2 says:

    Jenna does look cute.
    I think Kim is dressing like an idiot for the attention (shocker, right?) Every time she goes out looking like a demented stuffed sausage, the blogs light up.

    I don’t really care for her, but I have to go Team Olivia Wilde here.

  28. Renee says:

    Those shoes are scary. Not a good choice IMO. Much easier to trip and fall. I’ve seen it happen. Total nightmare.

  29. Sarcasmo says:

    For WHY do women wear those gawd-awful wedge heels? Is it a height thing? An inferiority complex? WHAT?!?

    You wouldn’t catch me in those NOT pregnant, let alone pregnant! (I’m a “faller.”)

    • Joanna says:

      totally! i bought a pair once just b/c they are so trendy right now, but honestly, they’re ridiculous! you could hurt someone with those suckers

      and it’s not like she’s wearing them to make her legs look longer. so what’s the point, besides adding 4 inches? if you’re short, you’re short, who cares?

  30. chaser says:

    It is soooooo much easier to dress when your pregnant. Jenna is doing it right, picking styles that suit her new shape. Kim k can’t even dress herself generally so not really surprising that she looks as terrible as she has.

  31. Isa says:

    That’s because you have to accept and emphasis the bump. Trying to hide or minimize a pregnant belly is just going to make you look like you ate too much at lunch.

  32. Ryan says:

    I don’t think those are TOMS on the Olsen.