Did you forget that Evan Rachel Wood is pregnant? I had forgotten. I was looking through these photos of the Tribeca Film Festival’s Vanity Fair party (it’s for the opening of Tribeca) and I was like, “Oh, Evan looks cute… OMG, pregnant!” She announced it months ago. And she’s barely been photographed since, which is nice. My guess is that she’s probably due when every other celebrity women is due – late June, early July-ish. That’s when Kim Kardashian, Duchess Kate and Jessica Simpson are due too. I’m not trying to make a side-by-side comparison with any of those women, so I’ll just say that I think Evan looks amazing and really, really beautiful and I’m happy for her. I don’t really understand why she’s belly-cupping (we get it, you’re pregnant), but it’s not that awful. I’m forgiving of her mostly because I like her so much and I think she looks great here.
More photos from the Vanity Fair Tribeca party… Sienna Miller with her baby-daddy’s sister, Matilda Sturridge.
Robert DeNiro and Grace Hightower – Bob started the Tribeca Film Festival as a way to revitalize the neighborhood post-9/11. I think it’s so admirable that he’s stuck with it and that Tribeca continues to grow each year.
Karolina Kurkova, looking boring and goth.
Jean Reno and a date. What in the world is his date wearing?!
Christine Baranski looking amazing in orange-red. How does she do that? I love her so much.
Photos courtesy of Ivan Nikolov/WENN.com.
Now that’s a maternal pose. Love everyone here except for Jean Reno. What’s with the clothes and the pose? Eww.
I suspect that Jean Reno’s date is wearing whatever Jean Reno wants her to wear. She doesn’t look like a woman with a lot of interests outside of her man of the moment.
Maybe she’s belly cupping, because it happens to be comfortable for her.
Maybe she doesn’t know what to do with her hands.
Am I the only one who can’t stand her?
Something’s off about her.
I’m with you. She’s always seemed quite pleased with herself. She acts like shes above it all, but here she is posing with the belly cupping.
I don’t think she’s a great actress (she was unwatchable in True Blood) and I don’t think she’s terribly good looking. Guess we’re in the minority!
Probably because she has MeAnn Rimes tendencies. She’s the girl who home wrecked Marilyn Manson’s marriage to Dita von Teese, remember? Maybe it’s the husband thief vibes you’re picking up on. She even hijacked Dita’s retro-style for quite a while afterwards, if memory serves.
That transgression aside, I have always liked her in everything else she’s ever done. Good actress, makes interesting choices, increasingly fashion savvy. However, I can never completely forgive the home wreckers, even if the husband is an ass equal to MM. Sorry, that will always be my hot button issue. No outraged hate responses from stans, please, just voicing my opinion.
Nah, you’re not alone. The whole dating Marilyn Manson thing really turned me off of her, on top of her bad acting. But I will say she looks gorgeous in these photos.
I always get bashed for saying that I really dislike her, she seems snobbish and bratty. She always look arrogant.
I can’t deny she has talent (Thirteen/Mildred Pierce were great acting jobs), but True Blood? GOD that was horrible acting.
The Manson thing.. I am not sure about it.. Think she was trying to get attention and be a rebel at the same time (look at me dating a rockstar!). Maybe it was her age.. I have no clue.
The homewrecking part was trashy and she got way too much attention after that. Before Manson her career was existing but not very high profile. Afterwards she got a part in a vampire show (she never had a ‘vampire’/goth/edgy image before Manson)and tons of exposure. She hasn’t had a lot of hits lately, but still gets papped a lot.
I honestly think she used him for ratings and he was dumb enough to fall for it. The stories I have heard about her are not nice (bitching at/making fun of Kate Winslet behind closed doors and making fun of Manson when he wasn’t around etc). His friends say he has been a fool for letting Dita von Teese go and that Wood brainwashed him. (Not that he is not to blame of course, he could have decided to not stick his peen in her).
I am blabbing on, but yes, I agree with you 100%. Something is off about her and it is not positive.
The whole Marilyn Manson thing was weird, but I don’t know how much I’d blame her for breaking up his marriage – it was his major substance abuse issues that did that. And Im sorry, how many instances do you hear of an 18 year old girl brainwashing a 30-40 year old man? He was clearly taking advantage of a young girl that was ready to do some serious rebellion, and Im pretty sure he was the one that tried to fit her into the Dita mold. Like or dislike her all you want, but remember that MM is the scuzz who broke up his own marriage.
I just have to chime in here with my signature “other side of the story” remarks, and say that any woman who “wrecks” a marriage carries much less blame. A third girl is not married and didnt make any vows– it is the husband who cheats that breaks up the marriage first and foremost.
I have a particular aversion to a woman who would do such a thing, I think they have issues to not be able to respect the sanctity of a persons marriage– ironically, a person whom they are supposed to care about (married man). But I will always fault the married person who does the cheating, rather than the one used to cheat with– even a cheating wife!
@Bridget and Teehee: Yes you guys are right, of course he is to blame. My statement about her brainwashing does sound a bit weird when I read it again, haha!
I think he had some sort of mid-life crisis and a ‘boohoo, my wife doesn’t understand me because I want to do my music and art and I take drugs and she doesn’t like that’ and then Evan came along, and she was understanding and thought it was all exciting, a rockstar, what will people say, so awesome!
My above comment might (lol, might? xD) have been a bit presumptious, because yes, ERW always rubs me the wrong way. Goddd, i would never pick her over Dita, she seems level headed, smart, modest and nice.. Some guys are just idiots haha!
I’ve noticed I belly cup, too (I’m pregnant, too – not just randomly belly cupping), and it is comfortable, but I tend to do it when baby is squirming around, and I like to feel her.
I think it’s just a natural reaction; i’m barely pregnant (still in the first trimester) but subconciously i keep touching my belly, even though there is nothing to cup yet.
Otherwise the baby would fall out of her uterus? Give me a break. That pose is SO GROSS.
I don’t get why it’s gross. I always assume that because EVERY pregnant celebrity does it that the paps ask for that pose.
How is it gross?
??? Why is it gross? I belly cup. There’s something crazy growing in that general area, and sometimes it just feels like you want to hold it. It’s comforting, and gives you a sense of physical support even if you don’t need it.
Um not understanding where you are coming up that it is gross. I cupped my belly as well. I think it is a motherly instinct of protection and comfort for your unborn child. I’ve always thought ERW was/is so beautiful. Such a stunning face.
I don’t know why belly cupping is so offensive to some people. Personally I find my hands are naturally drawn to my bump; I like to feel the baby. And if I was posing for pictures, yes, I’d be excited to show the bump off- it also gives your arms a nice angle so they look less pudgy, lol. Being pregnant is a special and short time in a woman’s life- enjoy cupping if you want to!
I don’t think it’s gross but I do think posing that way is so contrived. Every single pregnant celeb poses like that. It doesn’t look natural at all. I understand cradling your belly in real life but it looks incredibly forced posing like that on the red carpet.
It’s not gross at all; if she didn’t touch her belly, ala Kim Kardashian, she would be persecuted for that as well. I think she is beautifully dressed, she almost always is. A lot of women, esp. Kim K could take some lessons from her. I also thinks she has the potential to become a great actress. The only problem I have ever had with her is when she bad mouthed Kate Winslet after Mildred Pierce, I think that was way out of line for and very unprofessional and probably just due to her immaturity.
Not enough eye rolls for this. OMG a pregnant woman touching her pregnant belly – how revolting!!!!
I constantly touched my belly while pregnant. I loved my stomach and I loved ‘holding’ my baby.
That being said, some celebs (and normal people in maternity shoots) look so contrived and unnatural doing it in photos. I think that’s why so many people are over the ‘I’m not fat, I’m pregnant’ hold – the fact that its obvious and all for show.
Evan looks lovely. Pregnancy suits her. All the rest of these folks (minus Christine Baranski, who always looks amazing) look busted as hell.
Agreed! It is nice to see a pregnant woman looking so beautiful and elegant. She really does glow. The standard these days seems to be women mashing themselves into a size smaller regular clothing so they don’t look “fat”. You’re not fat, you are growing a human being in there! You may not be your regular size but this idea that being pregnant = fat is obnoxious. I hope Evan and Jamie have a lovely low key experience and look forward to seeing what they have.
ERW does looking pretty amazing – very simple & chic. Also, Christine Baranski is GLOWING compared to everyone else that you posted photos of!
Take notes Kim. No wait, scratch that— fade into obscurity instead.
The celeb belly cup always strikes me as “Remember I’m pregnant, not wearing an unflattering dress!”
Christine Baranski is amazing.
I think you’re onro something there. Evan probably thought the dress would photograph better with a defined waistline.
Evan looks great! Is Jean’s date Alicia Coppola?
It’s his wife.Her name is Zofia. They have two kids. I think she used to be a model.
Oh, thanks….she looks just like Alicia.
That ruins my question of who looked more hooker-y: Jean Reno’s hooker date or Sienna Miller?
Evan looks so beautiful here.
She really does!
So glad she got away from Marilyn Manson. She looks exquisite!
She is looking very Naomi Watts-ish!
All I can think of when I see this woman is that she had sex with Marilyn Manson. And they were both probably high on f knows what.
That’s right…also, didn’t she break up his marriage?
No. He broke up his marriage.
They did Dita a favour in the long run, or even the short run.
Well, yes, obviously he’s a big boy and is responsible for his own behavior. Still, it does demonstrate a high level of moral turpitude on her part as well as a lack of empathy bordering on the pathological.
Pretty on the outside, ugly on the inside.
Can we all heave a huge sigh of relief that it isn’t Marilyn Manson’s spawn up in that belly? Little Billy Elliot is a much sounder choice for baby-daddy. She is stunning.
I like Jamie Bell. I was surprised he took her back after the Manson deal. Very open-minded gent.
I don’t like the neckline on Evan’s dress. But I just dislike that type of neckline in general. Otherwise she looks good. It is weird to think of her becoming a mother though.
God, she’s beautiful! She would have been the PERFECT Daisy in the “Gatsby” remake.
Spot on!
She looks more the part than Carey (who I quite like), but ERW seems kind of… earthy for Daisy.
Great call!
You’re right, she would have made a perfect Daisy for the film.
Sienna Miller and her baby daddy’s sister look like they are there to snatch somebody’s man.
I’m still jealous that ERW had the ASkars dong inside of her :-/
she did?!? I wanna know more about that!
I have two friends due about the same time and they are both at the belly cupping stage. I gather (because I asked) that it means “standing up for too long makes the ligaments on the underside of my belly sore, and putting my hands under there helps”. So I’m not judging, plus she looks fantastic and I’m really happy for her.
Hell, I sometimes feel the need to cup my belly and I’ve never had anything more than a pizza baby in there.
Pizza baby…HA!
Too funny! You made me choke on my coffee. I’m familiar with the pizza baby as well.
Not only that, but holding/rubbing my growing baby became something I did without thought. I just “held” my baby. (Now, I’m not famous – nowhere near! – and I lost my first pregnancy in the 2nd trimester, so maybe that had something to do with it.)
I’m sorry for you, losing your baby. That is just soo sad… Hope that you’ve found a way with dealing with it. It must be really, really hard…
I’m in in the last stages of my pregnancy and I ‘cup’ all the time. Most of the time without even knowing it.
I think the cupping also gives her shape and definition, good when you’re being photographed by a gazillion people
Evan looks lovely. She has beautiful skin & coloring. She is wearing her pregnancy well. As for Christine…I love her so much. She looks wonderful!
She looks absolutely beautiful. I think why she bugs me at times is that goth dude she dated…that whole situation was just plain weird.
She’s all belly. So cute!
And people need to get over the Marilyn Manson thing already. Wtf.
Love ERW. I love her fashion sense and her styling so I have been bummed that she’s been absent from any carpets. I would have thought she’d play with the pregnancy fashion more.
Belly cupping is just a natural instinct I guess. I couldn’t keep my hands off of my stomach when I was pregnant!
Meanwhile, Kim Kardashian smashes her mirrors.
No, seriously I feel bad for Kim. It looks like she’s having the most unpleasant pregnancy and her baby daddy just doesn’t give f… Evan looks happy. Kim doesn’t. It’s sad. The baby can feel everything.
Rachel looks lovely. thank gawd she gave up the ‘Dita-wannabe’ look from a few years ago.
Bob looks really good, like he’s been on a cleanse & doin’ yoga…kudos!
Lovely! Mother and fashion!
Don’t harsh out of the belly cupping — even if it is somewhat salesy on the red carpet. I was constantly patting and cupping my belly after my kid started to kick — with nary a paparazzi in sight.
It was weird and somewhat distressing after giving birth to not have anyone in there to pat. I was so used to having my little traveling companion tucked up in there.
What’s so terrible about belly cupping? Every pregnant woman I know has done it.
Hell I cupping my belly all the time…I love my little chinese food babies. Sadly they go away too fast. I always want another one in a few hours.
Evan looks really good and I like her a lot but what I really like to say is I LOVE Christine Baranski! God she’s just so stylish and elegant and that voice of hers, hot!
Does anyone think Matilda Sturridge looks like Zuleikha Robinson (Roya Hammas on Homeland)? I was sure that’s who was in the photo with Sienna at first!
Aww she looks cute here. She reminds me of Betty Draper a bit. I’m not sure what people’s deal is with belly cupping. I’m sure it just happens as a natural instinct. She’s excited, it’s her first child, lay off.
I find that photo of Sienna Miller and Matilda Sturridge oddly hilarious. On one hand, they both look really pretty. On the other, they are both standing in very weird poses with quite strange facial expressions.
Evan is so gorgeous! I still don’t see why she didn’t play Grace Kelly instead of way-too-old Nicole Kidman.
That would have been *great* casting. NK is sooo completely wrong for that part.
She hasn’t been photographed much, possibly in response to how outspoken she was when the paps published photos of her ultrasound. She has made several public statements about how extremely against having her baby being thrust into the public eye she is.
I’m just noticing that Grace Hightower looks like an older Naomie Harris when she smiles.
Evan looks beautiful.
ERW is a beautiful woman for sure, but she truly has that ‘pregnancy glow’ thing going on. She looks positively luminous! Stunning.
Robert De Niro..swoon!
She looks totally beautiful. Karolina Kurkova looks terrible. Wth that coat!!