I am headed out to Spain tomorrow for a trip with my family. UrbanDK will be covering the current news, and I’ve set up some stories ahead of time for him to publish for me. I’ll see you guys on Monday.
– Is Angelina Jolie anorexic or just plain skinny? [popbytes]
– Nicole Richie is scared she’ll have to go to jail [PopSugar]
– Isaac Cohen dumped Britney’s ass and would rather hang out with his friends than get everything for free and have to deal with her drama [IDLYITW]
– Is Britney into lesbian orgies? [Egotastic]
– The Messengers is not that bad, but not that scary either [Pajiba]
– Drew Barrymore hooked up with Zach Braff? [CelebWarship]
– What the hell is Lohan wearing? [Gabsmash]
– Joaquin Phoenix campaigns for a Department of Peace. It would be a lot cheaper than war, that’s for sure. [Socialite’s Life]
– Will someone please think of the children? [Mollygood]
– Someone raided a girl’s myspace and submitted her for Bastardly lady of the day [Bastardly]
– Teri Hatcher had lunch with George Bush Sr. [DListed]
– Heather Mills got dumped by PETA [ecorazzi]
– Most women would give up sex for nearly a year and a half in exchange for a whole new wardrobe [ICYDK]
– Russell Crowe and his son look a lot alike. That kid is going to have problems. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
– Howard K Stern denies involvement in Daniel Smith’s death. [I’m Not Obsessed]
– Mariah Carey hates J.Lo [CelebSlam]
– That Tila Tequila chick says Jared Leto better kiss her ass, because she’s not just a booty call, at least I think that’s what she’s saying. [Agent Bedhead]
– Dita Von Teese starves herself and brags about it [The Blemish]
WE OFCOARSE she is anorexic… but not only that she is a druggie… how else do humans drop kilos without the help of pain killer/amphetamines/sleeping pills
Wasn’t there a blind item out about 3-4 weeks ago about sexy humantarian resuming her habit of heroine after getting together with an old rock star friend.
I know speculation was on Pam Anderson – but it really could be Angelina.
Wait, is Angelina nursing Shiloh? That caused me to drop so much weight that people asked if I was anorexic even though I was eating like crazy to keep up.
Her mom died just over a week ago – please, how much weight can a person ‘drop’ in a week?! She’s always been deathly skinny anyhow!
Can someone please explian to me how painkillers could possibly cause anyone to lose weight? If it does, I gotta get me some… π
Oooh, Spain. Have fun!
She has always been thin but it seems that in the last year or so she has gotten even skinnier. She would look better if she put some meat on her bones.
I know from experience that grief can definitely put a damper on the old appetite.
Bottom line, however, is they are just trying to sell magazines.
I wish nursing made me skinny. I had to work hard to lose the baby weight even with nursing. I think I just ate more to keep up.
Rest assured that when my child stopped nursing, I started to gain weight. Then I had no excuse but to get on the treadmill. π
I lost a lot of weight and easily when nursing.. never got skinny but was surprised how easy it was. AJ is skinny to begin with, nursing and dealing with two kids while coping with her mom’s illness surely made her even more stressed out. Yeah, I’m sure she’s shooting up between her toes in her spare time.. sheesh!
rubbish tabloid trash the drug addicts are probabably the first two commentors on this blog.
I lost my Mom when I was the same age as Angelina Jolie and I rapidly lost weight. The grief took away my desire to eat. It’s a pretty normal reaction.
Skelator has arrived and she dresses in black. Long live the Skelator!
painkillers can make you skinny because they suppress your appetite. whenever i take painkillers, which is more often than i should prob admit, i can go w/o meals no problem. probably because they take away pain as in hunger pain as well.
I lost my Mother as well, two years ago. She was 50. It was the hardest thing I have ever gone through. I can’t imagine how much harder it must be for her when everyone is nosing around in her life and making mean things up about her. I’m sure she just wants to be left alone. She’s been skinny for a long time.
I think Russell Crowe is a cutie, and his kid is too. How does looking like your very handsome fathre mean you’re going to have problems? Problems with the ladies chasing after him? Cuz, that seems like it could be serious π
I doubt she nursed that baby over two months, they way she talks about her.
Once a crazy, always a crazy. I think she has went off the deep end in the last year and needs to be admitted to a psych ward. Her dad was right about her. Her kids are going to grow up thinking they have to starve themselves cause mom does. She wont send a good message to her kids. Take the kids away from this drug addict.
“take the kids away from this drug addict”? please get a grip
angelina breast fed the baby nearly 4 months she said it herself
Krazy Skelator!
mr T go f*** youre self
dark faith, smile, Jesus loves you. PS, have a great day!
PS, Skelator looks really freakish!
Mr. T, I always think your comments are funny.
Yeah, but ‘sexy humanitarian’ could just as well be Alyssa Milano – or even Jennifer Lopez (didn’t she win some humanitarian award a while back?)
A lot of celebs give to/lend their names to charity.
Angelina’s always been skinny but since hooking up with Brad, her weight has plummeted. It’s likely that with the inccreasing public spectacle that her life has become and her admitted lack of trust in anyone, the only way she feels in control is to control her own body so she’s lost weight as a result.
Add to this that she now has to grieve for her late mother and she needs more support than ever in my estimation – and less tab rag press.
I hope she starts eating or gets signed up for another Tomb Raider soon (if only because she has to bulk up for those movies).