Paris Hilton claims she’s only slept with ‘a couple’ of men

Usually, I’m loathe to even waste my time thinking about Paris Hilton, but I couldn’t pass up this little piece of information: Paris Hilton is claiming to have only had sex with “a couple of people.” In her lifetime! This from a girl who was partying in New York clubs when she was fifteen. From a girl with at least one sex tape out there. Was Paris confused by the question? (Not outside of the realm of possibility.) Did she think the question was “How many people have you slept with today?”

Paris Hilton tells Glamour magazine that, contrary to the way she’s portrayed in the press, she really is not a man-chaser. In fact, she says, she’s only had sex with “a couple of people.” And she doesn’t just mean since November, when she split with rocker Benji Madden. She means always.

“People make up stories,” she insists., “but mostly I just kiss. I think it’s important to play hard to get. Nobody wants the fake Prada bag; they want the brand new bag that no one can get and is the most expensive. If you give it up to a guy he won’t respect you; he’ll want you much more if he can’t have you.”

[From Radar Online]

Most recently, Paris has been “seen” or “linked to” Gerard Butler and George Clooney. So maybe those are the “couple” of guys she’s been with? God, I hope not. I want to think better of those men, even though they don’t deserve it. Gerard Butler, I’m sure, knows how much he hurt me. *sob*

Also, did you notice how Paris equates her hoo-haw to a “brand new” Prada bag? As if. But it got me thinking, if my hoo-haw was a luxury accessory, what would it be? A mink stole? A pair of diamond earrings? A Land’s End tote?

Paris Hilton is shown out shopping on 1/2/09 in Sydney with her sister Nicky and Brittany Flickinger. Credit: Fame. She is also shown on 1/1/09. Credit: WENN

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29 Responses to “Paris Hilton claims she’s only slept with ‘a couple’ of men”

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  1. MSat says:

    I think she meant to add “…at one time.”

  2. Amy says:

    Aw, MSat beat me to it! I was going to say, “only a couple of men TODAY”

  3. Cici says:

    Does Paris know that a “couple” means 2? That is the real question.

  4. KDRockstar says:

    LOL @ Land’s End tote.

    Insert “Paris Hilton’s vag is a…” punchline here.

  5. RReedy says:

    I think she meant a couple of thousand.

  6. Baholicious says:

    “Brought to you by the makers of GLAD”

  7. Starla says:

    Maybe she can only remember 2 of the guys names.

  8. Jeane says:

    I don’t think Paris is the slut we all think she is. She seems like a total tease.

  9. daisyfly says:

    It’s completely true. She’s only slept with a couple of men. She’s f*cked a whole lot, though.

  10. yadira says:

    HAHAHA @ Daisy

    You know in that header pic, it’s kind of hard to tell which one is Paris and which is the dog?

  11. Anoneemouse says:

    Maybe she can’t count past two…?

  12. boomchakaboom says:

    I think “a couple” means roughly “no idea.”

  13. Sauronsarmy says:

    Why are people still interviewing her? And I hope that George thing is false.

  14. vdantev says:

    As in, a couple of thousand, perhaps.

  15. MizLiz says:

    Read her statement again. She said “a couple of PEOPLE”. I find that interesting to say the least.

  16. DD says:

    Oh great another one. she probably got that quote from AJ.

  17. buenavissta says:

    did anyone else think the header picture was from Madame Tussaud’s?

  18. MhjmC says:

    last i checked f*cking doesn’t include sleeping 🙂

  19. Liquid Muse says:

    Now this really made me laugh. First off, let’s address the issue of “people” as opposed to her saying “men”. Paris is bisexual, in case some of you didn’t know (Google the relationship between her and Nicole Lenz). There is a tape of her and Nicole Lenz getting down right dirty in it where they use a strap on and errrrrthang! Secondly, Paris is in denial. It’s real easy for her to try to salvage any hope of a legitimate reputation when the people who know her, all know, that she’s a total SLUTBAG. When she says “a couple”, she meant only the ones she could remember. She’s been screwed more than a freshly built Homes for Habitat.

    Moreover, for her to compare her twat to a Prada bag is an insult to the Prada bag. She claims anyone who wants to get up with her who isn’t a billionaire or a celeb is a “gold digger”. How would she know? Paris doesn’t know what love is; she only knows what sex is. Sad really. We all know she used Benji and her supposed exbff even stated Benji could do so much better than Paris. :::ugh::: Don’t even get me started on her evil, yet quieter sister. :::barf::: If you’ve ever seen pix of Nicky as a child, she was horrible looking. It appears both of these siblings went under the knife to make themselves more beautiful, although beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    I cannot stand Paris Hilton and the mere fact that legitimate magazines (Glamour) are even wasting print interviewing this simpleton shows you just how “stupid” americans really are.

  20. Vern says:

    Maybe she’s not as dumb as we think. Saying she hasn’t slept with a lot of people is another way of saying that she can’t close the deal.

  21. The Third Eye says:

    Yeah, Paris is so like a Prada bag. They’re both overpriced. When you open it up, the hole is really BIG. And after you’ve used it for a week or two, you just want to get rid of it.

    P.W.H. = Pathetic Whore House

  22. Sue D. Nimm says:


  23. Bobby the K says:


    And they both had STD’s


  24. kate says:

    her hands look like hams!

  25. Sue D. Nimm says:

    I was just kidding. I’m such a Paris follower. I envy the very ground she walks on.

    Sue D. Nimm

  26. Sunnyjyl says:

    MIne’s a pair of brand new Jimmy Choos

  27. Truth Seeker says:

    I’ve been reading all the remarks about Paris Hilton and I have this to say:

    I’m very good at reading people and in reading Google’d blogs about Miss Hilton, I’ve found the following to be true.
    1. She’s a complete loser
    2. She’s a total s.h.i.t.bag
    3. She uses people up and spits them out when they don’t follow her rules of how to play the ‘Paris’ game of life
    4. She’s a homewrecker; purposely going after men who are taken
    5. She doesn’t have any ‘true’ friends because they eventually see what a horrible person she is
    6. She used Nicole Richie to make herself appear more beautiful; Miss Richie has a poor self-image and Miss Hilton took full advantage of that for her own personal gain
    7. She is too dumb to see what a puppet she’s become; the butt of everyone’s joke
    8. Pursuing an acting career that doesn’t exist makes her look even more pathetic
    9. Pursuing a singing career at which everyone either vomited or laughed at the songs; When she performed at a club in Miami, she was boo’d.
    10. Dropped by her own agency because they had had it with the self-proclaimed diva
    11. Dropped out of high school to become ‘famous’ for all the wrong reasons
    12. Is laughed at for being a nitwit/whore, yet she thrives on being thought of this way (what’s wrong with this picture?)
    13. Has delusions of gradeur about what kind of person she really is
    14. Associates with D-list losers because any real celebrity with an ounce of integrity wouldn’t be caught dead with the likes of Miss Hilton
    15. Seeks the love and affection of animals because ‘humans’ do not take an affinity to her
    16. Miss Hilton is too naive to see that she’s being used and abused by the papparazi and her own public relations management
    17. The only legacy she’ll leave behind is being known as a sexual whore, media whore, publicity whore
    18. And last but not least, she’s using this poor Britney Flickinger as a ‘phoney’ BFF because any other previous friends/acquaintences she’s had eventually leave her side.

    I read a lot of info. about Miss Hilton and suffice to say, she’s a terribly sad individual. I see things and unfortunately, for Miss Hilton, she’s going to grow old alone and die alone with nothing but her pets to keep her company. As the saying goes: Bad karma is a beotch.

  28. true says:

    True, but after all that she is still glamorized and rich.

  29. human says:

    yer but how many aliens has she sleeped with