Bradley Cooper at the LA ‘Hangover III’ premiere: hot or fug serial killer?

Bradley Cooper

Here’s a photo of Bradley Cooper with Ed Helms at the premiere of The Hangover III. Dude on the left looks like he can’t shake the 1970s American Hustle vibe (what’s with the burnt orange suit and the matchy matchy shoes?), but I’m glad the perm isn’t really a perm. While I often delight in poking a bit of fun at my favorite serial killer, it’s nice to know that Bradley is still enthused to show up and support his more “lowbrow” movies after achieving the status of Oscar-nominated leading man. He looks happy and healthy here, but the suit is … well, Ed looks great!

Now for an interesting diversion of sorts. This week’s issue of Us Weekly printed a tiny paragraph about how BCoop’s new 20-year-old galpal, Suki Waterhouse, really put the moves on Bradley because she so badly wanted him: “Suki asked Harvey Weinstein to introduce Bradley because she needed to meet him.” So Suki is one of Harvey’s girls? That actually makes a lot of sense. Let’s get back to burnt sienna and more premiere photos.

Bradley Cooper

I dig this photo so much and am naming it, “Ladies (& Dudes) Love Bradley Cooper.”

Bradley Cooper

Heather Graham looked surprisingly “meh” at the premiere in this teal Herve L. Leroux gown. She can do better although the statement necklace is a nice touch.

Heather Graham

I don’t know why the Hanson brothers were in attendance, but they’re my local Tulsan boys, so I’m including them. They probably appear in the movie as comic relief and party with BCoop and his bros. Taylor is still a cutie.

Hanson Brothers

Here are Justin Bartha, Zach Galifianakis, and Ken Jeong. These crazy boys are all back for more. Justin just got engaged to Lia Smith, personal trainer! Good for him.

Justin Bartha

Zach Galifianakis

Ken Jeong

Photos courtesy of WENN

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71 Responses to “Bradley Cooper at the LA ‘Hangover III’ premiere: hot or fug serial killer?”

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  1. Pastyousayyouneverknew says:

    He seems like a decent person, don’t really have anything negative thing to say about him but those eyes – serial killer, all day, everyday.

    • Liv says:

      I really don’t see the serial killer look in his eyes! Wtf? πŸ˜‰

      But his suit looks awful, the color doesn’t flatter him – does it flatter anyone? Plus he needs to cut his hair as soon as filming is over!

      • Pastyousayyouneverknew says:

        Haha I’ve been saying this to my friends for years and I thought I was the only one who thought he looked creepy but then I found celebitchy and there are LOADS of posters on here that feel the same here. I guess creepiness is in the eyes of the beholder lol

      • Fefe says:

        I don’t see it too… For me is perfectly normal and I do like him. But his suit…. Nevermind…

    • Rhea says:

      His eyes—and for some reason—his face always seems oily or sweaty to me. Kinda like a serial killer getting sweaty or excited whenever planning the next victim. Lol. Sorry, Coop. I’m sure you’re a nice guy. I think. πŸ˜‰

      • velourazure says:

        I think his look is from the Little Lord Fauntleroy collection. WTF with that hair?

  2. GoodCapon says:


    They really should have stopped at Hangover I.

    • Camille (TheOriginal) says:

      Yep, it so should have. The first one was bad enough that I have ignored all of the others.

      Also, BC: fug serial killer. Yuck indeed.

  3. Rosalie says:

    Love love LOVE Ken Jeong and Zach G ( whom Michael K aptly named “real life fozzie bear” hahaha so true). However I don’t see it at ALL with B Coop. It looks like someone shrank his head.

    • Joanna says:

      Zach and Ken forever!

    • RocketMerry says:

      Ken and Zach are amazing comedians! Love them πŸ™‚

      The thing with Bradley, I think I understand it when he’s acting. In person, there’s just something… and it’s not the eyes for me, I’m thinking it’s the hair, so greasy and stiff and weird…

  4. Dawn says:

    To me Bradley is one of those guys who can look incredible one minute and just not so much the next. I don’t get his appeal.

    • Lizzie says:

      Exactly! He can look so so hot….but here….HIS HAIR! Serial killer hair to match the eyes.

    • doofus says:

      agree completely.

      it’s like that girl on that ep of Seinfeld…depending on the light, she was either drop-dead gorgeous or supremely heinous.

      most of the time I don’t see it but every so often it’s like “DAMN, man, you look smokin’!”

    • Becky1 says:

      I agree and was thinking the same thing. I do get his appeal, though. When he’s looking good he looks really hot. I hated “The Hangover II” but enjoyed looking at him with his shirt unbuttoned LOL. I thought he looked good in “SLP” too.

      I think a lot of it with him is the hair. This is not a good look on him. Also, I find him less attractive now that he’s dating a 20 year old. It’s creepy and really makes him look shallow.

  5. Matty says:

    Weird – he doesn’t look like him in these pictures.

  6. GeeMoney says:

    Oh man. Bradley’s suit is like the color “burnt orange” from my 64 color crayon box when I was a kid… yipes.

  7. marie says:

    Coop freaks me the f-ck out, like if I were in a dark alley with him I’d knee him in the balls and run like hell.

    I absolutely adore Zach, especially after reading that story. So sweet..

  8. blannie says:

    I’ll take Ed Helms for the win; I prefer the nerdy/smart types. He was outstanding in Cedar Rapids.

    Bradley is good when speaking French if his hair isn’t greased down, but otherwise, I’ll take a pass – particularly with that Godawful suit.

    • Bubbles says:

      I like his hair short. He’s really hot then. And not speaking French, it’s such an ugly language.

    • Nerd Alert says:

      I love Ed’s suit! He looks really good here.

    • Kate says:

      Oh yes. Ed Helms. He guest starred on Arrested Development a bunch of years ago without his glasses and I was like, “Who is THAT?” and was shocked it was the nerd from The Daily Show. He does it for me.

      Bradley Cooper is hot at certain angles. But he looks like a sloth most of the time. An attractive sloth, but a sloth nonetheless.

  9. hadleyb says:

    I hate when men over dye their hair — its too fake looking. A little grey is fine on men.

    And his haircut is horrid but I am assuming it’s for a movie?

  10. doofus says:

    that orange suit is a big, fat NO.

    heather graham looks great, albeit a bit frozen.

    • nina says:

      Forgive my ignorance, but what are “Harvey’s Girls”?

      • gloaming says:

        As far as I know, they are women he ‘collects’ from the casting couch who he casts in his movies. Apart from having to sleep with him, they also suffer the degradation of having to wear Marchesa dresses. Poor girls.

      • nina says:

        @Gloaming Thanks for the lesson! Ewww! Not sure which is worse, having to wear Marchesa or sleeping with Harvey.

      • Bubbles says:

        So, JLaw slept with him too?

      • bridget says:

        Its the lower tier girls that have to sleep with Harvey – the ones that would never in their wildest dreams see a script otherwise. Someone like JLaw, who now has a ton of connections as well as a massive franchise that’s not a part of Winstein, isn’t dependent on Harvey for access and most likely doesn’t have to sleep with him. Some women (like Kate Hudson or Anne Hathaway a few years ago) just have to wear the ugly Marchesa dresses. Some women have to wear the dresses AND be one of Harveys girls.

  11. aims says:

    Bradley looks like he had a really bad dye job. I loved the first Hangover, the second was just ok, I’m fearing that the third one is going to suck. Sometimes it’s best to stop at one.

    • gloaming says:

      @Bubbles I should have clarified that I don’t think absoluteley every woman who has acted in a Weinstein film or has worn a Marchesa gown has had to screw Harvey Weinstein.

    • F5 says:

      I believe it’s illegal to dye raccoons, even when they’re dead and on your head.

  12. lisa says:

    i have no idea how bradley cooper happened

    i cant see any value in his looks or acting, and neither is even bad enough to be memorable

    • Pixie says:

      He was outstanding in Silver Linings Playbook I thought.

    • mercy says:

      He’s been working non-stop for years and finally landed a good script in a Weinstein-backed film. I think he’s a good actor, but not a very interesting one.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:


        I haven’t seen SLP and The Place Beyond the Pines was the first real movie that I’ve seen Cooper in. I thought he did a fine job but he’s just rather bland, particularly compared to Gosling. I know people love to hate him around here but Gosling is a really special kind of actor.

    • Kate says:

      @lisa, I really disliked the movie, too, but I thought Bradley Cooper was the best part of it, I was surprised. But the movie sucked for the most part. I couldn’t believe it was an Oscar contender.

  13. Chrissy says:

    I like to believe the flash of cameras highlights his very pale blue irises and constricts his pupils.
    He looks like a fug serial killer especially with that disgusting suit but I’d hit it just for the sake of having him speak French as we holiday in Paris. Haha

  14. Anna says:

    Oh Bradley….we need to talk

  15. gee says:

    HANSON!!!!!! I love all of their albums.

  16. Alexandria says:

    Serial killer.

    They are pictures of him online before his supposed chin implant and cheek implants, and he looks seriously fug. Go search for them if you don’t think he can look any worse. Although, I’m not sure if they’re photoshopped….I’d love to think they’re real….

    Also, LOL at the blond guy in the stripped shirt behind Bradley.

    • mercy says:

      I’ve never seen them, but he’s been around long enough that major changes to his appearance would not have gone unnoticed.

      I’ve never liked his long hair look, but I think what’s going on here (besides the obvious bad cut / styling / dye job) is he has lost some fat in his face (normal with age) and he’s been botoxing the hell out of his forehead. Not a good idea for anyone, but especially not a man who already has kind of a feminine appearance.

      Love Zach, but I don’t know if I can sit through another Hangover for him. I’ve been hearing the latest one is not that funny and the second act drags.

    • III says:

      I don’t think he’s had plastic surgery. His chin has always looked the same to me.

    • Jill says:

      Watch Wet Hot American Summer. B Coop looks VERY different now compared to then. And its not just a shave and haircut.

      Jeong’s suit is perfect.

  17. MsAubra says:

    I miss his slight facial hair…

  18. Quinn says:

    Yucks. πŸ™

    And, I admit I thought he was hot in the first Hangover.

  19. bee says:

    Hanson!!! I heart this post just for including them.

  20. Katie says:

    I think Bradley’s only hot in the Hangover movies and in He’s Just Not that Into You. I don’t like the orange suit (although I like that he plays with color) and his hair looks awful.

    If I was at the premiere, I’d have no problem with the ladies “swarming” Bradley because that means I’d have Ed Helms all to myself, even if he looks short in that picture with Bradley.

  21. pantalones en fuego says:

    His eyes look cokey and he has an American Psycho thing goin’ on so no (and I thought he was hot for a minute.

    And I agree-they should have stopped at Hanover I.

  22. pam says:

    in a lot of pics of bradley he doesn’t look good. he just doesn’t really photograph well (all the time). in movies, now thats a different story.

  23. Nerd Alert says:

    OMFG two things:

    HANSON!!! I was obsessed as a teenager. I was totally going to marry the young one, Zac. That all fell apart when I realized I was an atheist and they are supes devout Christians, nothing to do with not meeting him. No hate though, I still love them. Ah, memories.

    Also, did you guys know Zach Galifianakis brought his friend to the premiere, who he saved from homelessness? They met before he was famous when she would panhandle at a laundromat where he did his laundry, and when he made it he got her an apartment, which Amanda Seyfried furnished. I think she has a legit job now, too, thanks to Amanda.

    Anyway, he’s married to this awesome lady who runs a charity, but she doesn’t like premieres and red carpets and all that, so he always takes his old laundromat friend. Love him.

    • Bubbles says:

      I heard that story. He’s awesome. But Renee Zellweger furnished the apartment, not Amanda.

  24. JC says:

    B.Coop looks more ridiculous than he ever has. The suit is a shiteous color and his hair is awful. Why is he fighting the hot? You know it’s bad when Ed Helms looks better than Bradley Cooper.

  25. andrea says:

    Still love them
    They all look Mmmboppin good!

    That is all.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      I feel dirty for wanting the middle Hanson because he’ll always be 11 years old in my mind.

  26. andrea says:

    Oh, and that is one fug suit.

  27. Starlight says:

    He is a good man.

  28. JaneSmith says:

    I actually think Heather Graham looks pretty here, more than “meh” anyways!

  29. Kayla says:

    How long is he going to wear his dead father’s wedding ring before it becomes weird more than sweet.You see Bradley,this is the stuff that makes us think you’re creepy!

  30. Halicon says:

    Get a hair cut and maybe a steal Ken Jeong’s jacket then I think he will look better.

    Ed Helms should refer Cooper his plastic surgeon. He looks younger than he did in the office.

  31. gefeylich says:

    Cooper: Fug serial killer AND the male AnnE Hathaway. Ugh.

    The Fug Girls said this suit was “the color of rotting yams.” Priceless, and horribly true.

  32. blunt talker says:

    I hope Bradley gets to work with other a-list actors which can bring out his understated acting potential. I would like to see him in a movie with Matt Damon, or Ben Affleck, or even Daniel Day Lewis. I recently saw him in an episode on Law/Order SUV. He could really pull off being a kick-ass lawyer. I think if he ever gets to play someone truly evil in a movie, he might get an Oscar for it. Bradley will do some great work in the future. I just sense that about him. I maybe wrong, but I do wish him the best of luck.

  33. Slika says:

    Bradley looks gorgeous,as always.

  34. Juicy Lucy says:

    Who in the world told Brad that orange is his color? Suki? No, his hair looks greasy and that suit is hideous. He looked much better on Jay Leno.