Cele|bitchy | “Chris Pratt gave up beer, lost the chunk and looks amazing” links

“Chris Pratt gave up beer, lost the chunk and looks amazing” links

Good God, Chris Pratt is so HOT. [Buzzfeed]
Courtney Stodden & Doug were out & about for the holidays too. [Dlisted]
The Lone Ranger majorly tanked at the box office. [LaineyGossip]
Here’s Vince Vaughn with his daughter Locklyn. [Pop Sugar]
Oooh, the trailer for Burton & Taylor. Dominic West is a great Burton! [Pajiba]
Channing Tatum cradles baby Everly Tatum. [A Socialite Life]
Analyzing Jennifer Lawrence’s Dior look. [Go Fug Yourself]
I really love Salma Hayek’s awesome purse. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Reese Witherspoon was boozing it up in Malibu. [Celebslam]
Real Housewife Gretchen Rossi shows off her bikini body. [Reality Tea]
Eliot Spitzer is going to run for office again too. [Gawker]
Katy Perry settled her lawsuit. [Evil Beet]
Janice Dickinson also showed off her bikini body. [The Blemish]
Sofia Vergara has some skin-tight leggings. [Popoholic]
Jim Toth was out and about with baby Tennessee. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Beyonce & Solange skipped their dad’s wedding. [Amy Grindhouse]
Sophie Turner has a great body & no job. [IDLYITW]

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63 Responses to ““Chris Pratt gave up beer, lost the chunk and looks amazing” links”

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  1. AllyUK says:

    Hopefully he’s done it for a role, the chunk was fine. I’ll take a funny guy over a beefcake any day.

    • Naye in VA says:

      ahh the awesome part is im pretty sure he’s still funny.

    • Reece says:

      Or both. 🙂

    • apsutter says:

      Yea he looks great but it’s pretty clear that he only does this for movies. He did it before but I think his natural lifestyle and natural frame is more like Andy Dwyer

    • Dommy Dearest says:

      He lost it for his role in Marvel comics movie ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’.

      • Bijlee says:

        I must be the only one who is just sick of all the crappy superhero movies. I don’t expect this to be any good. I think it’ll be boring. I’m just so bored with superhero movies now. They bring nothing new to the table anymore.

    • Dommy Dearest says:

      Well Sony/Fox has nothing to do with Guardians of the Galaxy so I’m sure it’s actually going to be decent- unlike all of the xmen, fantastic four, and ghost rider movies. The movies spit out by Marvel doe have been pretty awesome but then again I’m a major comic fan. I’m excited about the movie except for Zoe Saldana being cast as Gamora. I’m honestly sick of seeing her in movies and wish she would take herself else where.

      I think Guardians comes out before Avengers 2. Which means tons of Thanos- something I’m super excited about cause The Titan is my favorite marvel villain. I’d advise staying away from the movies for the next two years 😛

  2. Bubulle says:

    I might be in minority but I like him better before the weight lost, he looks like a narcissist douchebag on this pics.

    • shannon says:

      agreed. He states his brother made him post it but I doubt it. Good for him on the weight loss. it is something to be proud of, but I can think of less douche-y pics to post besides this.

    • carol says:

      people who take care of their bodies aren’t necessarily narcist douchbags!! I am a bit of a gym rat myself and often date muscly guys. Now, there are some douche bags (about the same percentage of douchness, as non-muscly guys) but I find many of them to be intelligent, disciplined, generally good people etc.

      • Jilli says:

        Agree, Carol. Taking care of ones body does not necessarily equate with being a ‘douche bag’. There are plenty of fat, sloppy guys who are douchey. Depends on the man, not his body.

  3. Tessa says:

    Yeah, he looks flipping amazing. I have always found him super cute in the derpy boyfriend kind of way, but this is something else.

  4. Holden says:

    I loved someone’s comment on Gawker, “Not worth giving up beer.”

  5. Bijlee says:

    Lolwhy do people do these stupid selfies?

    • Yvonne says:

      I thought the same thing. I don’t find him attractive to begin with, and that awful selfie just makes it worse.

      • Bijlee says:

        LOL! HE’S DOING DUCKFACE! It’s such a douchey male pose. I don’t get why it’s appealing. I don’t understand the need to put these things on twitter or whatever. Obviously you want people to compliment you. I just think you look vain and stupid.

      • blaize says:

        Celebrities post pictures of themselves on the internet because they and their people know that their fans like it and want to know what’s going on in their personal lives. I don’t think it makes a person vain or stupid. It might make a person vain if they can’t go 1 or 2 days without doing it.

      • Bijlee says:

        @blaize …Dude I’m well aware of why celebrities post these dumb pics. I still think it’s VAIN and yes STUPID. Frankly, it’s annoying that this is what marketing has dwindled down to. It’s like these buttheads saw how powerful twitter was in the arab world and thought “DAMN we gotta get on this.” Freaking annoying. Everything is fake, nothing is real with them. They present to you what they want to present to you. And I find the presentation stupid.

        These guys have a bunch of sycophantic fans that fawn all over them for posting the littlest thing. And the other half of their fans are probably made up sock-puppeting twitter accounts that are never active.

        So it’s no skin off my nose when I think posting a douchey selfie is desperate and tacky. Especially considering he’s supposed to be in “Guardians of the Galaxy” next August. Let your talent speak for you, everyone will see what your body looks like anyways when you pose for magazine covers next year to promote these POS superhero films that keep being churned out by studios.

  6. Arock says:

    Holy mother of hotness. And he’s funny. Really funny.
    Anna, high five girl.

  7. Ryan says:

    I like him in between the chunk and the beef, but still totes jeal of Anna.

  8. marie says:

    he’s funny either way, but damn dude.. Go Anna!

    • V4Real says:

      Aha I agree always like him and Anna.

      Plus he looks in shape; not over the top.

      His small role in What’s your number had me in stitches

  9. srm says:

    I love him either way.

  10. Monica says:

    Did I miss the memo that said babies can breathe well while strapped to your chest and completely covered up with layers, particularly newborns? I see it all the time and haven’t really heard any horror stories, but it’s still physically painful to look at and I can’t stand parents who do it.

    • AJ says:

      They can breath and it’s comforting for the baby to be close to you and hear your heartbeat. I wear my baby who is 4 months. I also have a 3 year old and it makes grocery shopping easier. Besides, sometimes you need to get sh** done and it’s nice to have your hands free.

    • Bodhi says:

      Babywearing, if done correctly, is a fantastic & really easy way for both parents to bond with a baby. The blanket covering the baby is an Aden + Anais blanket & is made of very light muslin. That child is in zero danger of suffocating.

      You don’t hear horror stories about it because, if done properly, there is no danger.

      • Irishae says:

        LOL. I know this is a legit conversation, but I just can’t get over the term “babywearing.” Especially in the context that if done correctly, poses no harm. I’m immature, I know.

      • boredbrit says:

        Yeah, pretty sure I’ve seen woman picking tea leaves in India and China while holding their baby in a cloth thingy that’s tied around them, in documentaries on tv. So I trust something that’s been done for generations, especially when it comes to babies.

      • Bodhi says:

        @Irishae & boredbrit:

        I know, it such a silly term! Indigenous people all over the world have been wearing their kids for thousands of years. There is no way the practice would be so widespread if it weren’t safe

    • LAK says:

      You need to open your eyes to broaden your horizons because babywearing has been the norm for centuries, and continues to be the norm in 2/3 of the world.

      You see women all over the world going about their lives with their babies strapped to their back or fronts, and no problems at all, and baby isn’t in distress.

      There are hundreds of youtube videos demonstrating how to do it properly.

  11. Cam S says:

    I knew there was a lean muscle man hiding in that chub. But, I still liked the chub. I see some men and can clearly picture how they’d look if they just cut back and toned up a little. Some people don’t know their potential.

  12. pwal says:

    Personally, I’m more thrilled that he’s rocking chest hair… puuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyway, loved him since Everwood, only now he’s less jail-baity, or rather, I feel less pervy about looking.

  13. blaize says:

    Ah, more male privilege: A male celebrity can take a picture of himself like this without being called things like trash, fame whore, try-hard skank, or desperate.

    • lucy2 says:

      You know, that’s a really good point.

      Does it depend on who the celeb is, and if they have a talent and do something besides stuff like this? I’m a little biased because I’m a huge Parks & Rec fan and know the he’s pretty funny in real life too. If it were a celeb I didn’t like, I’d probably be rolling my eyes a lot more. But definitely the ladies have a worse time of it when they do stuff like this.

    • Trek Girl says:

      Meh — a lot of people are calling him a douche. That’s something.

    • bettyrose says:

      There are definitely some faux celebs who deserve the label “fame whore” (which, to be clear, is not a statement about their sexuality) but I don’t think anyone one this site -save a for a few pathetic trolls – uses language like trash/skank.

      I don’t know Chris Pratt, though. I only clicked on this thread for the links, but having glimpsed both pics, he’s too clean cut/frat for my tastes at either weight.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      People are calling him a douche because shirtless and ripped or not, he’s a douche (at least IMO). No double standard. I would make fun of KK (whom I also dislike) if she was doing the same thing-I just wouldn’t use derogatory terms to do so.

      Just remember he said this on his blog (directed towards the people who took issue with him trying to unload his elderly cat on his Twitter followers):

      “Bottom line, and not that this is any of your fucking business weirdos, but my wife and I want to start a family and we ABSOLUTELY CANNOT have an animal that sh*ts all over the house.”

      He could have handled that situation with a bit more class and sensitivity and not resorted to assholery.
      Not really funny at all IMO, just douchey.

      PS: I also love Parks & Recs. Great show, but this guy seems like an ahole.

      • bettyrose says:

        OK – Ugh, 30 minutes ago I’d never heard of this guy. Now I despise him.

      • Bridget says:

        By all accounts he’s a pretty decent dude. And I’d probably judge that statement a lot more if it didnt sound like something many of the cat-disliking guys that I know would say. Seriously, I could imagine them saying it verbatim, and they’re all decent guys. There are some pretty crappy people that are featured on this blog, but he’s not one of them.

    • moptop says:

      I think he looks all of these – just like a woman would. It’s tacky for both sexes.

  14. Sumodo1 says:

    Re: Salma Hayek. “I’m Not Obsessed” assumes she’s flying commercial. Salma can wear any shoes she pleases–she is NOT sprinting through an airport, she is getting on billionaire hubby’s private jet.

  15. neelyo says:

    Who is he?

  16. TheOriginalKitten says:

    I still think he’s a douche and this selfie confirms it.

  17. audrey says:

    I love that Channing tatum is so willing to rock the moby wrap.

    which is fantastic btw. any pregnant ladies should grab one.

  18. Grant says:

    Well I think he looks amazing–he looked sloppy and sweaty as a chubster.

  19. Maria says:

    doesnt look like his brother forced him to take the picture with that pose 🙂

    dbags are bad but dbags who dont even have the guts to stand by their douchebaggery are the worst.

  20. Kim1 says:

    Sharon Osborne just Read Jane Leeves re her comments about celebs and plastic surgery.Watching the Talk now

  21. RHONYC says:

    Naomi’s face & bod says it all:


    *drops mic*


  22. Ari says:

    I actually had no problem with his big beefcake self he looks just like a polished version of himself now and in now way is that bad haha

  23. bettyrose says:

    Wow, those pics of Courtney Stodden on Dlisted really drive home the point that she’s just.a.little.girl. She’s sporting some grotesque plastic surgery on her chest, but her minimal makeup look reveals her true age. The only reason I’m not busy barfing right now is that the kreeper husband grabbing her from behind looks like the aging old queen that he actually is. I still hold out hope that they’re both willing participants in this disgusting sham and in reality he’s like a loving grandfather to her.

  24. Bridget says:

    1) I love Chris Pratt, chunky or fit.
    2) this is part of the job – he’s the lead in guardians of the galaxy, so not only is he supposed to get into shape but he’s also supposed to make sure that people know that he’s getting into shape so they know to be excited for his role in the movie. The superhero physique is a big deal.
    3) awesomesauce.

  25. Camille (TheOriginal) says:

    I hate ‘selfie’ pics in general and yes it does look like a douche move, but have to admit- he looks great. So much better without the chub.

  26. LAK says:

    All I see is Jason Stackhouse from TB.

  27. Musey says:

    When I saw “Sophie Turner has a great body and no job,” my first thought was “WAIT NO WHAT DID THEY DO TO SANSA ON GAME OF THRONES, WHY DOESN’T SHE HAVE A JOB?” My second thought was “Why are we commenting on her body? Isn’t she underage?”

    Then I actually clicked on it and realized it was a different Sophie Turner.

    Also, I liked Chris Pratt way better with the layer of cuddliness. He does nothing for me now. Oh well, as long as he’s happy.

  28. Miss M says:

    I love him (with chunk or without it) since Everwood (Loved that show!)!!!!

  29. Lexi says:

    He looks super hot!

  30. tifzlan says:

    Omg those pictures of Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchinson are disgusting, but i actually watched the video at the end of the post and let me just say, i have never felt so nauseous in my entire life!
    At 17 years old, i once sat in on an autopsy and watched a dead man being cut open and his organs and stomach contents taken out and analyzed but nothing compares to that video! Doug Hutchinson looks so proud at himself for having “landed” Courtney as his wife, it’s sickening. And that girl’s mom should be ashamed of herself! She is an even bigger fame-whore than her daughter. So sexually perverted and disgusting. And i’m afraid that Courtney is beyond saving at this point.

  31. Mew says:

    He’s obviously done a whole lot more than just stopped drinking beer. This goes to the category of “oh, I’m not on a diet, I eat everything all the time”.

    Sad that ppl are required to look unrealistic but they are not allowed to say it’s insane amount of work.

  32. emma says:

    he looks great, but didn’t he also gain all that weight for a role as a football player or something?

    love him.