This is what Miley Cyrus has become — a parade of sensational outfits to make us talk about her on blogs, and obviously, this tactic is working. I guess it’s the pop star way, so I shouldn’t judge Miley so harshly for what her peers have been practicing for years. Last time we spoke of Miley, she was coming up for air after spending 24 hours in a hotel room with Liam Hemsworth as she visited him on location in Canada. Miley stayed with Liam for a few days and then returned to LA where she spent some time with her mom Tish. In the process, Miley walked around inside Trader Joes while wearing this tight croptop and miniskirt made from dollar-bill-printed fabric. I probably wouldn’t question this outfit if Miley was going clubbing, performing, or even just doing an ordinary pap walk, but it’s a little much for grocery shopping, right?
Then on Sunday, Miley hopped onto a private jet to NYC where she was scheduled for another appearance on “GMA” after she twerked in a fuzzy diaper on the same show a few weeks ago. This time, she was only on hand to help promote IHeartRadio with Ryan Seacrest and Keith Urban. Miley arrived in this cute black-and-white dress that was relatively demure even though she was supposedly braless.
Then Miley changed into this outfit, carried a Honey Boo Boo sign, and posed with Mama June. Miley’s body is insane! I also like this mesh/polka-dotted outfit a lot. She’s showing off the goods without appearing too obnoxious. I’m also glad she left the grill at home for this appearance — maybe she decided that Madonna made grills uncool again.
Here’s a video clip of Miley with Ryan and Keith on air. Apologies for the terrible audio quality.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN
All of the outfits are bad.
Forget the outfits, who is her body guard and where can I find him so I can wear him?
If I walked into my Trader Joe’s wearing that get up, believe me the people in there would heckle the daylights out of me. Dear Lord what an attention w***e. Is it just me or is her mouth totally and completely wrong? It literally makes my skin crawl the way it looks these days. THIS is what Liam wants to marry and look at for the rest of his life? Perhaps he needs glasses and a psych. evaluation. Really, men find THIS attractive?
I’ve seen wilder outfits at Trader Joe’s.
I’ve seen the “People of Wal-Mart” viral.
The post traumatic stress still keeps me up at night!
@Tapioca, Oh gawd, I forget about that. Now I’m gonna need a brain bleach to get rid of the thoughts.
I work at Trader Joes in Southern California. Trust me, between rich cougars, Angelynne (who ALWAYS causes a scene) & celebs we see a TON of weirder shit than this. I could write a book
Meh. She’s well covered and the fabric is thick. Nothing new to Trader Joe’s and any other supermarket in the summer time in San Diego.
I get yelled at for calling her ugly, but I’m sorry, her face turns me RIGHT off. From the neck down, she has a great body, but her mouth makes me want to punch myself in the face. I can’t even explain why, it’s the lip & teeth combination that somehow looks absolutely hideous and… punchable? I can’t put it into words but I cannot stand looking at her face. Commence the yelling, I can take it. :S
I won’t yell. I am 100% with you. Right on the money with the hideous mouth issue.
I’m with you! Every time I see her &%#*@$ up face, I want to kick her right in the teeth while wearing wooden clogs.
ITA. She is attractive from the neck down. That is all.
Totally agree! Don’t see the appealing
Don’t feel bad because I’ve been saying the same thing for a long time now. I just think she has the UGLIEST mouth. I don’t know what it is specifically, but it’s like the combination of her oversize choppers and lips (especially when she wears that bright red lipstick). And I know it may sound very mean girl of me, and I’m sorry for that, but she is NOT cute enough to pull off such a bold hairstyle/color.
just another try hard former Disney starlet…
Hell yes. What did the world ever do to Disney to deserve years of Christina Aguilera, Brittney Spears, Justin Timberlake and now Hannah Montana: The Raging Whore Years?!
Last time I checked it was normal for pop stars to experiment with different looks.
The worst is that she doesn’t even seem authentic. If that’s her style, fine, but I think she just wants to rebel.
Madonna, Rihana, Lady Gaga, Pink, Katy Perry, and Cher are not former Disney starlets, and look at how they’ve dressed. There’s no need for a double standard with Disney starlets- this is normal pop star behavior.
she’s got the body for it but everyone of these outfits is butt ugly (OKitt where you at?)
Totally. She and Glanville must use the same stylist–both have amazing bodies that they dress in trash.
I get that she wants to have fun with her clothing choices but honestly, some of the shit she wears looks straight out of Rave, circa 1991.
It pains me to say it but Miley’s outfits are better than Brandy’s. Ooof.
One is a very young woman and the other middle-aged. I think that makes a big difference.
You’re on point about Rave 1991! I could’nt quite put my finger on it.
Worn apart would be better
She used to be really pretty but now she’s just a wreck. Pretty or not I’ve never gotten her appeal.
She had youth on her side but I don’t think she was ever “pretty” Now her trailer trash roots are really showing! (Look at her feet in those white heels!) She has a fantastic body, but otherwise looks like something from Hee Haw that got loose and went to the big city.
LOL and ITA to all that
They aren’t even cute or nice outfits. She is wearing them to shock and it is so try hard. If you can really sing and have talent you don’t need to do this sort of crap.
So true.
I think the TV show/music stuff really arrested her development. It’s like they say about a person who starts using drugs or a teenager who gets pregnant: they are stuck at that age when the event happened and then, at a much-later age, pick up at age 12 or 16 or wherever.
I’m not sure when Miley’s career started (I only knew of her existence when she went on some radio interview sounding like a burned-out trucker bitching about how Radiohead hadn’t rushed to meet her at the Grammy’s-HA!), but I’m guessing she’s at about 9-12 yrs old in a lot of ways.
It has nothing to do with talent- otherwise Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera, Beyoncé, and Pink wouldn’t dress the way they have. It’s not about being stunted either, as pop stars of all ages do this.
wrong again. not all pop stars drsss like sluts
The only thing that bugs me about these outfits is her obnoxious, preachy and self-righteous lecture of not so long ago that she didn’t need to take her clothes off to sell her music. Apparently she found that she did.
She’s not a beauty, so she’s working what she has. Nothing wrong with that, but she comes off as very seriously needy. At some point, someone will come along with more provocative outfits, better music, more controversy, etc…
She is entering into Courtney Stodden territory with most of these outfits.
Thank god she’s not sporting Courtney’s newest look! I’ll give Miley credit for NOT having two infected-looking, seriously-plastic volcanoes shoved under her skin. If she goes down that avenue, it’s heckle-time.
I don’t think that’s what she said or meant in that interview. I thought she was saying that she doesn’t want that to be her whole career- that she wants to be famous for her music. Too bad she’s not more talented.
I don’t find any of the outfits “shocking”.
Seriously, and some of the pearl clutching/slut shaming comments in here are ridiculous and disgusting. Give her a god damned break…she’s 20 years old and wants to have some fun
Thank you! Everyone here loves to call Miley ugly/skanky/desperate for attention. wat
Gawd, she’s a 20 year old celebrity with millions in disposable income, of course she is going to wear ‘attention whore’ outfits. These are not even bad, just funky/hipster, and lots of non-celebs wear stuff like this all the time.
oh, thank the gods there are some sane reactions on here. she’s 20 years old and having fun with fashion. i don’t get some of the outfits but i feel that way in the street every day. i’m in my 30s, it’s not meant to appeal to me. anyway, she’s all covered up, it’s hardly scandalous.
+1000. There’s snark and then there is just being mean for the sake of it.
I’ve never heard anything other than Miley being a kind and decent human being who treats other people with respect. That’s all I care about.
I couldn’t stand the whole Hannah Montana thing, but I now like the fact that she’s grown into her own person.
I couldn’t give two shits how the kid dresses.
Agreed. If I had photos of me at 20 it would not be so different.
But I think that her hair is much better now. And I don’t know, I kinda find her nice, she’s got cute honest smile.
She seems like a sweetheart in every interview I’ve seen of her but that doesn’t redeem all her fashion choices. She’s hit or miss for me with the clothes and does seem kind of try-hard and eager for attention with some outfits.
I think her style is young and punkish…. Not necessarily bad. She has the figure and she is not hurting anyone. I say wear it why you can!
Nice to see that SOME people are tolerant and open-minded rather than pearl-clutching and puritanical.
She can really look like a butter face at times. Bad photo where she’s sitting.
I like the last outfit. Other than that, she always said she’s a big Honey boo-boo’s family fan. LOL
I like the last outfit, too, but the shoes. Dear Lord. I detest bright white shoes.
Other than that–yawn. Miley continues her quest for nonstop attention, part 8761098.
How desperate are you for publicity that you would pose with Honey Boo Boo’s mom? I didn’t recognize her in the black dress, but the hoochie-forms? They don’t say edgy; they say thirsty. I can see why she pushed back on the Liam break up stories; he gives her some respectability. He dumps her the public will assume it’s because of the trashy image.
Yep, it’s all about female sexual purity. Better dress modestly, girls, or you’re trash.
And we wonder why there are so many cases of girls being slut-shamed to the point of hospitalization or suicide. The kiddies learn this mentality from the adults.
It’s also little wonder why there are so many rape apologists out there.
feminism goes out the window when someone wears a short skirt round here. the fashion taliban, judging other women for showing some skin.
Blaize you are a rude person. I can’t believe the vile comments you post to others as you pretend to be so sanctimonious and concerned for the kiddies. If you’re so concerned about how people treat others, how about you try to treat people that disagree with you with respect instead of resorting to juvenile name calling. As a victim of sexual violence I can’t tell you how offended I am by your rape comment here. Very insensitive and misplaced.
It isn’t rude to point out the FACT that slut-shaming is related to rape culture. There are many books that touch on the subject- for example, read Leora Tanenbaum’s Slut! Growing up female with a bad reputation or Jaclyn Freidman’s What You Really Really Want: A smart girl’s shame-free guide to sexuality if you think I’m making this stuff.
Why is it ok in your eyes for these people to call women trash, sluts, and wh-res but not ok for me to call them out on their misogynistic anti-sex bigotry? You’re upset with the wrong person.
@ blaize The fact that you’re comparing criticism of clothes on a blogging site to rape apologism is disgusting, as is acting the victim when an actual rape victim calls you out on it.
It’s not disgusting, it’s the truth. But people are too caught up in their constitutional ‘right’ to call a woman trash or a skank on a blog for dressing provocatively in order to see it.
when I was a bit younger than her(a million years ago;P) I shaved the sides of my head a la Billy Idol, dyed it red, and shopped in cool used clothing stores. She’s young. It’s ‘normal’ Some people have such a hate-on! She seems like a sweet kid who’s rebelling, like everyone wants to at her age.
ok back to real life…;)
I agree. She reminds me so much of myself at her age. She seems like a sweet kid and she’s obviously having fun. Not understanding the hate.
The reason for the hate is because she’s not conforming to peoples’ conservative ideas about how a young female pop star is to dress and behave. To the people berating her, there’s only one acceptable way for a young woman to be: demure, sophisticated, and dressed modestly. Any other type of young woman is, to them, trash.
The ironic part? Some of these people call themselves ‘liberal’ and are oh-so-concerned about rape culture and young women being bullied.
@blaize If you actually bothered to read the criticism about her in past articles–including her try hard behavior, bad fashion choices,(not “slutty”, but just hideous clothing) and apparent hypocrisy–you’d see it has little and less to do with “rape culture” and “slut-shaming”. I have yet to see any of the commenters on here that are advocates of female sexuality(from what I’ve observed from their posts) call her slutty or a bad person because of her dress(though they have called her out about her not needing sex comments) and it seems to me as if you’re desperately inserting your own opinions into what people are saying. But I guess anything that doesn’t conform to your views is an attack on womanhood. *eye-roll*
Sweet kid? I guess u never saw the youtube video she made making fun of other Disney stars. she also stole hr current boyfriend from a girl who was engaged to him
Xloban, I’m an oldster. Through the lens of time those don’t even count as sins, just typical teen behavior.
@Xioban: Being a sweet kid or a nice person doesn’t mean that one is perfect or never does anything wrong. She was 15 when she made that video, and all she did was mock them anyway. She apologized and her and Demi are cool now.
By the way, Liam was not engaged to that other girl when he and Miley started dating. He had been dating her, and he broke up with her. He started dating Miley shortly afterward and the girl was upset about it.
Constantly painting the floor and ending up in the corner of an radioactive building seems to be the least of her worries..
lets just assume that if Marijuana Cyrus is wearing it…its trashy
She looks awesome. I love Miley. Also, her body guard is wicked hot. I hope she climbs him like a tree.
he is hot!!!!!!!!
Rihanna wanna be.I knew she was worht a few dollars;)
My mom would beat me if I walked out of the house like that. Especially in her presence.
My mother would laugh and laugh and make fun of me for years to come. She thinks the reason I don’t tell her things is because I’m in some perpetual teen angst phase when the reality is I’m so scared she’s gonna find something to make fun of. My mother does not let an embarrassing moment slide.
She looks great! If i had that bod, i’d be rockin them outfits too!
Still think she’s gorgeous w/ the short hair but tired of defending her.
Her outfits are absurd…beyond trying too hard…look at me, look at me. She needs counseling…and I don’t even believe in counseling.
Miley, when one is as gorgeous as you are, it speaks for itself…you don’t have to go to ridiculous lengths to get attention…it doesn’t impress anyone, just the opposite. Less is more. Speaks to your youth that you can’t comprehend that. Time to GROW UP, because you appear classless at this point, i.e., trailer trash.
Since when does a pop star’s experimenting with attention-grabbing, or wild looks mean that they need counseling? Have you not SEEN how Madonna, Cher, Christina Aguilera, Pink, Beyoncé, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, and Rihana have dressed? This is normal behavior. Anyone who truly feels that a woman who proudly exercises her right to wear whatever she wants is ‘trash’ and ‘not respectable’ has internalized some reductive, anti-sex views about the human body and some very close-minded ideas about physical appearance.
I agree. She is young & a pop star, she can wear whatever she wants. None of the outfits are that bad (the money one isnt great). She is wearing Chanel in some of the pics for goodness sakes. Ive seen way worse on grown women in Walmart.
“tired of defending her”
LOL for what? what has she done that is so bad? Wearing crazy outfits? It’s summertime and she’s 20 years old, why should she be expected to ‘grow up’?
Let the girl have some fun without calling her TRAILER TRASH
She always looks like she strolled out of a trailer park.
Yes, she has a great body but that dollar bill outfit is so cheap looking and trashy. She needs to learn that there are ways to show off your assets without being tacky. And even though she looks uncomfortable, I like her in the black dress.
no boobs or butt is a great body?
….is the second GMA one see through? Is there some sort of slip or bra thing underneath? Because I feel like I see a nipple. What is it? Some sort of design?
Miley Cyrus is a young pop star wearing whatever she wants (and rightfully so) and experimenting with different looks. Apparently some uptight prudes- oops, I mean people- have a slut-shaming problem with that and have some very conservative, old-fashioned, close-minded ideas about physical appearance and how a young female pop star is to dress, and they think there’s something wrong with Miley Cyrus because of it. This isn’t 1950, people.
I think we could all use Amy poehlers advice today!
You obviously have no idea just how slutty Miley’s concerts are. and those are attended by little kids mostly
So are we to police the kinds of outfits one can wear and the dance moves one can do like a bunch of rabid extremists, and adopt an if-it’s-suggestive-it’s-a-sin policy?
The outfits just look so CHEAP, like dollar store cheap and in turn it diminishes her cuteness.
I hate all of it, smdh.
ps. her mom remains thin and in shape..her thighs are tiny and I need to hit the gym.
In other words, Miley Cyrus has her moms body…..hmmm I wonder how involved he rmother is in this whole image thing.
how come u don’t hate Miley like u hate Selena Gomez?
@harvey W omg. I do not hate selena gomez. I dislike her. Her career makes me eyeroll that someone with minimal talent is able to get so far simply because of marketing and the Disney machine. The girl always talks about how she loves acting and she wants to become a good actor…well then DO IT! She’s an example of what I hate about the current state of the music industry. There is no substance, there is no brain, she’s simply a manufactured popstar with a trolling and stupid fanbase and anti-fanbase, just like ALL popstars these days. And then they are put on pedestals to an embarrassing degree by you tweeny boppers.
I don’t see any of the others differently, but at least Miley can sing and when she sings live it sounds like the actual record. I’m not asking for Selena’s head on a platter though. I criticize because frankly she utterly disappoints me with her choices. She was great in Hotel Translyvania. She should do more voice acting she’s good at it. But in everything else, she’s bad. She took dance classes to get better at dancing. Why not taking the acting classes as well??? People are going to criticize her regardless so might as well study what she wants to do more.
I hate people like Chris Brown, Sean Penn, Charlie Sheen, Lindsay Lohan, Kris Jenner, Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, Harvey Weinstein, and like a million other assholes, ie just all around trashy idiots who are just completely f*cking stupid.
Yes Blaize, we get it-anyone who criticizes Miley Cyrus or who doesn’t walk around half naked is obviously a pearl clutching old spinster cat lady who doesn’t have a social life. You can climb off your soapbox now.
I said nothing about age or social life- you can be a slut-shaming prude at any age, regardless of your social life. And I could care less how you dress yourself. Just don’t be a Rush Limbaugh.
Nothing against cat ladies either. I’m a cat-lover myself.
*woops, on my phone and replied to the wrong person* But in any case, blaize, how is you shaming someone for supposedly not having an adequate sex life any better than the “slut shaming” you’re constantly on about?
@side-eye …blaize took you quite literally didn’t she?
@biljee Indeed. Her soapbox might be obscuring her comprehension skills.
I never said anything about lack of sexual activity. And yes, I’m well aware of the fact that the cat-lady thing is a metaphor. My taking it literally was an attempt at being lighthearted.
Proud crazy cat lady here (or a crazy-cat-lady-in-the-making? I guess I need more than just one cat to qualify) and I’ve admitted many times that I have a strange fondness for Miley (even though I think her music is shiite). My comments about her clothing choices have virtually nothing to do with *slut-shaming*. I’m talking simply from a fashion perspective, and I stand by my opinion that mesh should be used to catch seafood, not worn as a dress.
I mean come on…I’m a feminist and I abhor slut-shaming but this is celeb gossip blog—people have an opinion of how celebs dress around here. It’s really nothing more sinister than that–well, not in this case anyway.
@Blaize-Not for nothin’, I agree with a lot of what you say, but I don’t think it applies here.
Blaize, for someone who repeatedly keeps calling posters out for being judgemental, you seem awfully preachy and judgemental yourself.
Gosh, you’re so right and I’m so wrong. We should let people call people whatever they want. There’s nothing wrong with a good old slur!
@blaize That’s right–crawl back into your juvenile comebacks that would sound better come out of a middle schooler after MULTIPLE people called you out on your policing garbage.
totally amazing body
For those of you who say give her a break, ummmm no. She’s 20. Which means she should be trying to be seen as being mature. she’s really awkward looking and I’m sorry but she’s not a beauty. At all. She has nice features like beautiful eyes and full lips but they just don’t work on her face. She has some sort of talent but refuses to showcase it correctly. It’s actually too bad and kind of sad but I can’t fully blame her. She does have a management team and they are adults. If they wanted her perceived differently they would help her. Usually it’s all about quick money. So if she can get quick money by being scandalous they everyone is for it. The life of a….I wouldn’t call her pop star anymore…sooo I’m just going to say privledged individual
Since when does being 20 mean that a pop star doesn’t or can’t do whatever she damn well pleases with her physical appearance? She has the whole rest of her life to be the sophisticated, conservatively-dressed debutante that you old-fashioned slut-shamers are berating her for not being.
Oops, I forgot that the demure, conservatively dressed, sexually modest, elegant young lady is the only acceptable thing for a young woman to be in 21st-century America. Excuse me for not being ok with that repression.
I’m sorry, but I didn’t see hateonit mention anything about her dressing slutty or anything like that? Do you just come to this website in a huff with a preinclination ready to attack? Do you really think that you’re any better than the people you claim are “slut-shaming” her, when you’re consistently using what you believe as a lack of sexual activity as a means to shame, humiliate, and attack them for their own opinions on how somebody dresses? I mean, really. The “virgin” insult is better left in high school, don’t you think?
Nobody is saying that she’s a horrible person, but they are saying that she’s a try hard, and desperate for attention–which she is! When was the last time she was lauded for her acting or singing skills? I’ll wait. All of her attention is being garnered from this pseudo-hardcore personality and abrupt change in musical style to create a buzz about her less than stellar vocal skills, and until now dormant career.
And I have yet to see one person, say that we should all dress like this is the 50s. In fact, I’d say this website is one of the most body/sex positive I’ve been to, and just because sometimes it doesn’t fit your set of rules and regulations, doesn’t mean that some people don’t have a point.
What you need to do, blaize, is have a seat, take a chill pill, and get over yourself, because you’re constantly policing any criticism of people you have no personal connection to and trying to link it back to some pseudo-politics.
*throws up hands*
And I’m *done*.
I never used virginity or lack of sexual activity to attack anyone. ‘Prude’ is not an attack on someone’s sex life or clothing choices- it’s an attack on the way they talk about other women for THEIR sex life and clothing choices.
And I care about how people talk about celebrities because it reveals a lot about society. A person doesn’t have to be personally connected to me in order for me to care about what is said about them. By the way, you don’t have to use the word ‘slut’ in order for it to be slut-shaming. The fact that people automatically label any young woman who doesn’t fit the narrow standard of young womanhood that I described as try-hard, trashy, and a whore IS directly related to slut-shaming and is problematic. Well, not so much the try-hard part- I do agree that she can be try-hard sometimes. But why are people so bothered by what a woman does with her own physical appearance that they feel the need to attack her character, value, or mind based on it? I agree that this website is sex-positive, but some of the commenters aren’t. After all, a sex-positive person wouldn’t have a problem with immodesty in clothing or the naked human form, would they?
And of course Miley Cyrus does things to draw attention to herself- she’s a celebrity. She had BETTER draw attention to herself. All of them do it. I don’t see how she’s any more attention-seeking than your average pop star. Why is that a bad thing?
@blaize Except you did. A prude is someone who is scared of sexuality, and you’ve used it multiple times as if not having an active sex life is a source of shame, simply because they had an OPINION about the way another person dresses. The backtracking and attempts at doublespeak are getting really old. You’ve said people are living like it’s the fifties, you’ve accused people of being ashamed of their bodies, and you’ve read way too much into simple criticism about the way she dresses and have thrown out multiple attacks on people’s characters based on some comments on a blogging site. Take a deep breath. It’s not that deep.
Saying that some dresses poorly or is desperate for attention does not contribute to slut shaming or rape culture and it’s absurd the mental gymnastics you took to get to that conclusion. This is a blogging site. These are celebrities. People aren’t always going to say nice things just because she’s a woman, and the idea that they should, just because she’s a “young girl experimenting” is ridiculously naive.
And if she wants attention, why doesn’t she get it the way people with talent do, instead of all these BS shenanigans and contrived behaviors.
(Also, by your same logic you can prude shaming without specifically saying someone has no sex life. But I’m just saying.)
But just because she’s 20 doesn’t mean I have to like her clothing choices. And i think its pretty clear she is dressing for attention. And it’s a gossip site!! Hence I judge!! 🙂
I don’t think anyone is slut-shaming Miley here. That’s the argument you keep returning to. Criticizing someone’s fashion choices is not slut-shaming, the article didn’t slut-shame her either. I seriously doubt everyone that posts their opinion on Celebitchy is a total prude and slut-shamer like you claim. My dislike of Miley Cyrus is not because I think she’s slutty, which I don’t, but because she’s such a try-hard. Oh, and her voice grates on my last nerve. Experimentation with fashion and hair is totally normal for someone her age. My issue is that she seems to be using her new look and the clothes for attention. Its a weird mash up of stealing Pink’s, Rihanna, Gwen Stefani’s looks. And it looks ridiculous on her. So stop repeating the tired “everyone that has an opinion on Celebitchy except me is a total prude and slut shamer.” I for one am neither of those things.
The site is called CeleBITCHY. People that post here are entitled to their opinions without having to justify themselves against the offensive insults you throw out.
She has a killer body, but these outfits are ridic. First of all, why so matchy-matchy all the time? Kate Moss judges you, Miley!
Anyway, the dolla dolla bill fabric is cheap looking (heh), and that skirt! It wouldn’t be so trashy if she didn’t hike it up to her ribs so that her cooch can practically talk to the patrons at Trader Joe’s. “Good day! Come for the cheap wine and trail mix, didja?”
Trader joes sounds like a magical place of wonder and ale. And lots of cheap food.
…but seriously am I the only one who sees a nipple in the two piece GMA outfit? Please someone tell me what that thing is.
Trader Joe’s is ah-mah-zing. I love it. They have been trying to get one in my area but you can’t sell alcohol in grocery stores here, except 3.2 beer, so they are jumping through some legal hoops.
For now, the nearest one to me is in Santa Fe, NM and I make the trip a couple times a year for some cheap ass booze, wasabi nuts and about 5 tons of dried fruit, assorted trail mix and cheeses. Oh! And their green tea mints. Sigh.
Anyhoodle, I think it’s tapering in the fabric you’re looking at. You’re seeing the dark spots at the bottom, right? About a half inch below where her nipples belong? Strategic fabric fold-over.
I rarely go to TJ’s now that I moved to Charlestown and away from Fenway (in Boston) but there’s one not far from me. Problem is that it’s always packed with have to time it just right.
I really miss their roasted red pepper spread. Do they still make that?
The roasted red pepper sauce is soo good! Last time I went was in April but at that time they still had it. I bought two, and nobody likes it but me so you can tell I use it a lot.
The Joe’s in Santa Fe is never all that busy, which is nice. I went to the one in Tempe and it was a friggin’ zoo, so I’m glad the closer one is not like that. Plus there are a few awesome microbreweries there and one of them has a brewpub with amahhhzing food. Nice place to visit for a weekend, but it’s like 7 hours from here. Which shows you how much I need my Trader Joe’s runs. *slaps vein*
I can’t be the only one watching her slowly spiral. Someone please get her help before she found dead on the bathroom floor of some hotel.
I don’t think she’s going to go the Lohan route, honestly. I think she’s a huge attention whore, but she’s not fundamentally nuts or bad. What I wish she would do actually is go back to singing country.
I used to think she had no talent whatsoever, but after listening to her Backyard Sessions videos, she can be at the very least, a decent singer when she wants to be. All this pop&B and try-hard attempt at the thug life is ugh. I mean, at first it was kind of cool, because it seemed like she was being more true to herself than her annoying as Hannah Montana persona, but pretty soon it just started feeling incredibly contrived and desperate.
If so, it’s the slowest downward spiral ever. Like those plastic curly slides at the park that your leg skin would stick to on a hot day, and you’d have to literally push yourself to the bottom.
A joint and a miniskirt does not a Lohan (Hasslehoff?) make.
I’m beginning to think she and Liam have an open relationship. I also think Tish and Billy Ray may have a similar agreement.
Ok, she’s very fit and doesn’t even have an ounce of fat on her body, but she has no tits and no ass at all. What’s sexy about this?
Shhh, don’t give her any ideas…next thing you’ll know she will be sporting Leann Rimes style bolt-ons. (LOL)
Meh. I’m tired of this look.
She’s cute, a size 0/2 and what? Around 19 or something? If she can’t dress this way no one can, so, meh. I dressed as revealing as I could get away with when I was in her boat too. I don’t think she’s ACTING in a disturbing manner like Courtney Stodden, and that’s the main thing.
A dolla makes me holla! Miley Boo boo Chile!
How are her boobs so saggy when they’re so small??
Because they are real. Real breasts come in all shapes, but female celebs would have us all believe women’s breasts don’t move when they do and range in size from half melons to half basketballs.
That Miley, she is so money!
She is in great shape, but that haircut and lipstick color aren’t doing her any favors!
The mesh outfit would be better if parts of it weren’t the color of her skin, making it look see-through….
I like the polka dot skirt. the top not so much it reminds me of a little girl’s sports bra.
she looks good. short mini is good on her body and looks really sexy. I also love dressing up during the day. people judge because they have no sense of art or style or self expression. clothes can be art
f*k em. she looks great.
Now for her music. Meh and double meh. I love her country ballads. so trash her music if it’s not your thing, but she looks really cool and sexy
I think the dollar bill dress is cute. Its stripper chic.
I can forgive the style no substance thing. 20 yrs ago I wore really low rise jeans with red lace thong underwear purposely showing. Oh and gigantic platforms shoes so you couldn’t miss the spectacle. that was in the spice girl/coyote ugly era of 90’s dressing. so I can and should forgive all trashy expressions of finding style identity.
NOw I’m purged of all style shame. Can’t judge the girl for trying.
Well, she didn’t stick her tongue out in any of those pictures. That’s a BIG improvement.