Cele|bitchy | Maybe Kevin isn’t that Bad; a Bit of Good News

Maybe Kevin isn’t that Bad; a Bit of Good News

Well, I wouldn’t have thought this of Kevin ever. But the hard-partying, money grubbing SOB either really does care, or he’s making very calculated and intelligent moves in an effort to win the custody battle for his children. If you think about it, it’s pretty certain that he’ll at least get joint custody of the children considering how Britney’s spiralled out of control.

During Britney Spears’s recent wild weekend, her ex, Kevin Federline, canceled plans to party in Las Vegas during the NBA All-Star weekend in order to stay in Los Angeles to be available for the couple’s children, sources tell PEOPLE.

“Kevin is concerned for Britney and his children,” says a friend of Federline’s. “Of course he’s concerned about her. He loves her. He’s always loved her – even after she started divorce proceedings.”

The pair, who split in November, have two sons together, Sean Preston, 1, and Jayden James 5 months.

According to another source, Federline had booked a room from Feb. 14 – 19 at the Venetian Resort Hotel Casino, but canceled the reservation.

It’s not clear if Federline has been in direct contact with his two sons or Spears, who voluntarily entered a rehabilitation facility on Tuesday.

A rep for Federline could not be reached for comment.

Even though I’ve never been a fan of Britney or her antics, I really hope that she sticks with rehab this time, especially for the children’s sake.

Thank you People Magazine.

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7 Responses to “Maybe Kevin isn’t that Bad; a Bit of Good News”

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  1. Mr. T says:

    Well, Britney has always been a white trash kind of woman, so I am not suprised at how she is behaving. Kevin always stuck me as an oportunist and perhaps an enabler. Pass the barf bag and move on.

  2. Mandi says:

    someone should just hand the kids over to Brit’s mom and call it a day

  3. Fabiola Thing says:

    God help those kids

  4. Iva says:

    Well Rehab lasted all of one day.

    Someone needs to get those kids away from her – if she wants to self-destruct I don’t give a rats ass, but those children need protection from this skank.

  5. Keri says:

    Maybe Kevin will step up, do the right thing, and be a good father to al FOUR of his kids, proving that he’s not 100% the gold-digging dirtbag we thought.

    Still, as of right now Britney and Kevin are total proof of why just because people CAN have children doesn’t mean they SHOULD.

  6. MizLiz says:

    K-Fed’s obviously had some good advice from his lawyer….if he wants the money, he’d best act like a “caring” father and stay home. By “caring”, of course, we mean being somewhere within five miles of the two kids who are being looked after by nannies. What he’s really afraid of is being found just as unfit a parent as his ex-wife. That would leave his mother-in-law with all the $$$$, and I’m sure he doesn’t want THAT.

  7. Randi says:

    I actually feel bad for her. To me she’s past the ‘dumbass’ stage and onto genuinely mentally ill. Too bad that creep K-Fed will profit from it. Whatever is best for the kids though.