New photos of Benedict Cumberbatch in flip-flops and Capris, to make your life complete. He was arriving in Ibiza. Truly, this Week of Cumberbatch has been amazing. I don’t want it to end! [LaineyGossip]
This Aussie streaker is kind of amazing. [Dlisted]
Shailene Woodley & more at Comic-Con. [Pop Sugar]
Benedict Cumberbatch is everywhere!! [Buzzfeed]
Stephen Colbert grills Eliot Spitzer. Good. [Pajiba]
Channing Tatum goes radically blonde, looks like a ‘90s d-bag. [A Socialite Life]
Vanessa Hudgens’ fug jumpsuit. [Go Fug Yourself]
Britney Spears is going to Vegas, and she will stay in Vegas. [ICYDK]
Anna Chlumsky gave birth to a baby girl. [Wonderwall]
Jay-Z wants to change his name to Jay Z. [Starcasm]
This story will make you cry. Prepare yourselves. [CDAN]
I hate myself for loving Miranda Kerr’s dress. [Moe Jackson]
New photos of Chloe Moretz on set, with a bad wig. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Jennifer Aniston on set in NYC. [Celebslam]
Julianne Hough in workout gear. [Popoholic]
Dem Babies are SO CUTE!!! [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Eliot Spitzer is a feminist, you guys. For real. [Jezebel]
Another reason to dislike him even more than I do already. Men wearing flip flops are disgusting to me.
Are girls the only ones who can let their feet breathe?
I’m exactly one more Cumber post away from handing in my celebitchy badge. For Realz. And seeing as there will probably be seven new Cumby articles before Monday, this is probably goodbye.
Ill try not to let the door hit me.
I have to agree. He just grosses me out and it’s becoming all him all day long.
CB I think joanie need an Idris Elba infusion STAT!! (like my dr. speak?)
This is 9th Cumby post since last Friday. And I am FOND of this dude!
Also – I dont hate the flip-flop look as much as I would expect? I guess guys dont have many alternatives to open, flat sandals as ladies do.
If you guys hate Cumby this much y’all should go comment on the Fassy post!
The Cumby posts around here get 100+ comments every time. Meanwhile, my poor Fassy is dying a slow death with only 24 comments
I don’t like him or his acting roles all that much. These posts are getting excessive because there’s really not that much to write about him. He’s low maintenance and scandal free.
With that said… for some reason these pictures are the ones that makes me see him as attractive. I don’t know why! His strong legs maybe? The jacket? I hate myself for finding a man wearing flip flops and a blazer attractive.
Is all the Cumberbatch exposure starting to warm you up?
I don’t understand this view. You only have to ignore a 2″ square box on the home page and only click on the articles that interest you- like I do.
Sure, once in a while I have to deal with a Hiddleston, etc. photo on the final Links page. But, really, is it that overwhelming to ignore? Doth the lady protest too much?
Cumberbatch is (so far) by all accounts, an actor who is actually extremely gifted and luckily getting publicity. I’m just relieved that it is someone who is so talented.
Please let him have his little overdose moment
Even his lovely CumberManor Ladies are fully satisfied for once and just lie there on the garden grass overly intoxicated
I’m not a real Cumby fan either but hey, at least it’s not Kim Krapdassian all day every day anymore right???
If I may respond to your post directed at another.
I don’t dislike Cumbie posts. I very rarely click on them only to see what the fuss is about. This time it’s on the links page so I had to see it. Lately though he’s getting a lot of coverage on a gossip site, but why? As I said before. He’s scandal free and low maintenance. He’s pretty normal and dull imo news-wise. The part that irks me is there are stories covered the next day because cumbie got 1 or 2 posts just for him and his normal life. All the other gossip sites cover those stories and I pass over them when they make it to the celebitchy page.
I guess if I wanted to know about actors that are normal and sweet I would be on that website. Oh wait! There isn’t a website that blogs and focuses on celebrities and their normal lives where they live as decent people every day? I’m shocked!
Enjoy your Cumbie overdose ladies. He’s certainly cute in the above shots with longer hair.
ToK: Most of the Cumberbatch comments are from the SAME people. Reading those posts is like reading a Tumblr account or something. Its basically a handful of people sending each other GIF links. Ofcourse there are afew others stating that they dont see the appeal and others saying they are just ok with him. But the bulk is from the small circle as they converse and trade links. I counted one user with 14 posts. One liners and funny quips but still.
Now I am not complaining, just clarifying why Cumby APPEARS to have so many comments.
@Kitten – Dearest, I dont hate Cumby at all, in fact I am (used to be?) very fond of him, it’s just when you get 9 posts in a week, well… As for Fassy, just rejoice not having to share him for the time being! Moi, instead of my dearest God of Thunder (and Sunshine of My Heart), I got a dreaded Remora post, where most commenters exalt her beauty.
!!Amen to that!!
agreed. I’m sick of hearing about him and fassbender.
you must live somewhere cold! In 40 degree summer weather, I wouldn’t dare judge someone for wearing flip flops!! god people can be so picky!!
Actually I live in a city that’s HOT ALL YEAR LONG. I still loathe guys in flip flops; what can I say? I’m a picky bitch.
I wrote a comment before but it didn’t show?
I am so annoyed with him being up here all the time. Who is he!?! Why is he being mentioned so much!?! Why do people think he is hot!?! And why is he wearing flipflops with a blazer?!?! That is what annoys me about the flipflops is he is wearing shorts and a blazer with it.
You need to see him in motion. I used to be so skeeved out by him, but he’s grown on me.
He plays Sherlock on the BBC series.
He is also in the Hobbit as Smaug and the Necromancer.
I so seriously do not understand the attraction people have for this guy. He’s got to be the worst dressed ever.
I have not watched any of his acting though so I leave open the door that I could be converted if that’s where all this endless fawning first develops.
You need to watch one of his movies or Sherlock. The man is a brilliant actor. For sure, none of us are going wild for his looks. It’s his talent which far exceeds anyone working in mainstream Hollywood right now. Fact. This year–2013–is OWNED by this man. He’s got numerous movies coming out. I just fear he’s becoming over-exposed and “celebritized” with all the talk shows and games shows and silly things.
He is a brilliant actor and has incredible magnetism. I like his sense of style, how he walks and his upper crust voice. Refined and educated is sexy.
yeah, i just totally do not get the hotness.. this guy? really? I really have an aversion to guys with weak chins.. however I suppose I should take a few moments and see him in motion so to speak..meh
If this guy is straight I’m the Queen of England.
*bows* Your Majesty.
Well, then, congrats on your new great-grandchild!
This man is straight.
As long as the new Sherlock season isn’t held up, he can be as gay, straight, bi or swinging as he wants to be.
Yeah, I hate flip-flops on guys too. I hate them generally, but especially on guys. And I’m Australian.
omg, look at those CALVES! drool.
And big feet!
Eeew. What the hell is he wearing?
He has a new shirt, what an amazing development!
I like that man-bag.
Agreed, its very cute.
Me too.
More cumby yay!!! Lol. He’s been everywhere *sigh*
He has nice legs
He really does.
Bad taste. He is one of the ugliest men in Hollywood.
He’s not in Hollywood. He’s in England.
It annoys me how the label “Hollywood” is placed on anyone who acts and is famous for acting. BC doesn’t live in LA and has no background in American drama or stage. He is 100% a British actor. That isn’t changed by the fact that a couple times a year he spend 3 or 4 months outside the UK making non-British movies.
Ok! Still ugly!
I didn’t know men could not wear flip flops. This must be a new rule. I always see men wearing flip flop. Doesn’t make them less of a man or gross in my eyes. Idk I guess the rules have changed..I guess.
I think it’s a matter if context. Flip flops at the pool or on the beach? Fine. Flip flops paired with a blazer at the airport? Absolutely not. It’s similar to the (mostly) college he girls I see wearing pajama bottoms and slippers out at the store. It’s slovenly.
His legs give him away as a runner. I don’t have a crush on him, but I think he’s a great actor. But, hell yeah, I’m on board with more Idris Elba, too. Sherlock and Luther are two of my favorite shows.
I also read that while he’s filming Sherlock he does yoga so that Sherlock will have a lithe and flexible frame like a cat. I have no source for that bit of info, and therefore cannot prove it’s true, but he does come across as very lithe indeed as Sherlock. However, as you say, he has runners legs (or maybe bicycling).
It’s strange you mention cycling, the way he’s pushing the baggage trolley reminds me of the way someone climbs while cycling . . .
Aha! A quick google tells me that he cycled 72 kilometres/45 miles for the Palace to Palace Prince’s Trust ride, and looking at the photos, he’s got fairly decent quads.
Although for some reason he’s got toe-clips rather than clipless/SPD pedals. Maybe it’s just preference.
Either way, 72 K is a decent distance, so I’d guess he’s at least competent on a bike.
…Sorry. My bike-geekdom knows no bounds!
I want to say bicycling, only because I know he rode in a charity ride on London either last year or earlier this year.
Oh yeah, cycling would explain that, too.
he reminded me of my childhood song
Blimey, poor men not being allowed to let their feet breathe for fear of being called disgusting. Its about 32 here at the moment and I’m barefoot when I’m in the house and flip flops when I’m out, its just too warm for anything else. I wouldn’t deny anyone else that relief
His legs…are…amazing
I’d happily watch more Idris though. The new trailer for his Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom is out..
I think he nails the accent perfectly.
Look, I love Cumberbatch. But many on this site turn against him because of the overload of articles of him. I don’t think it’s fair, because he is amazing.
I noticed he has a muscular body for a skinny guy. He’s tall and lean.
WHY does anyone find him even remotely attractive? Ugh.
the ‘batchbacklash-begun it has.
BTW, he told everyone who would listen that he’s going to Ibiza, so of course the paps would be on the lookout for him in the airport. This is what I call over-exposure. Not appearing on a show to promote a movie. It’s the random papping thanks to no one but himself.
Celebrities: please don’t cry “I’m private” and then constantly tell the world what you’re doing and where you’re doing it. That whole bit about the friend’s gay wedding, as well as the location, was so unnecessary. It smacks of “look at me, I have gay friends AND Jewish friends!”. Just stop.
I think he just yaps a lot. On any subject. There is lots of evidence to support this!
Well, considering that he was the one marrying them he was probably pretty damn proud of both himself and the couple who asked him to do it.
Benedict’s grown up in the entertainment world. Through his parents, he’s probably been around gay people all his life. Fans of his already know he’s good friends with Mark Gatiss and Zachary Quinto, and he’s played gay characters before. I guess what I’m trying to say is he has absolutely no reason to make this statement in order to prove he’s not homophobic.
Like the comment before me said, he’s just being his normal rambling self.
The Ibiza stuff is because they phoned him just as he was about to get on the flight so yeah no wonder he mentioned it.
This. I haven’t seen him “telling everyone who’d listen,” just the same interview being reprinted all over and the one comment about heading to Ibiza.
Enough please with the Cumberbatch posts…you are NOT going to make him “happen”. Yesterday there were 2 in one day. ENOUGH! I’m with many of your other readers…stop with those posts or I’m finding my gossip elsewhere. Sick of that guy.
lol guys he’s happened. Now it’s just because a lot of the more vocal readers are Cumberbitches. He’s so wonderful.
He is “SO fetch”
To be fair, the t-shirt and shorts was prob for the plane and it looks late (a lot of ibiza flights get in around midnight) so he carried a jacket. It looks like a casual enough blazer its hardly a tuxedo jacket..don’t see the harm, it would be worse if it was a denim jacket, but that’s just me.
You know that he’s starring in a hugely popular show, was in one of the biggest movies of the summer and has like a bazillion movies coming out in the next year, right? I’d say he’s already happened.
And was just nominated for an Emmy….for the second time in his career. “Happening”? Please. BEEN HAPPENING FOR A LONG TIME.
OMG why is he soo real. Here’s a guy who isn’t afraid to be himself in front of the camera. I love that about him. He is like me who doesn’t bother to put a little more effort in looking good when stepping out of the house.
I wear the first thing I get my hand on. My crush on him is increasing even more now, oh god Cumberbatch…stahpppp it
I think we can cut the poor guy some slack-he’s traveling and probably doesn’t give a shit how he looks, which is kind of refreshing. If I’m going to be on a plane (or numerous planes) I’m going to be as comfortable as I can.
Hear hear!!
I even hate when my husband wears flip flops because he has similar looking feet (big with long toes) and it freaks me out. But Cumberbatch has really good calves. Imagine what the rest of his leg look like…
I think his thighs look even more delicious!
A close-up of his quadriceps:
Had to LOL @ Eve.
We all appreciate when ppl are competent at their jobs: servers, dentists, mechanics, whatever.
This man is very good (in many ppl’s eyes) at his job. He is an actor with talent. Period. If you are unfamiliar with his work, try finding some of his older stuff. Even in Tinker, Tailor, Ben holds his own with those phenom, more experienced actors. Sherlock alone is worth a peek.
His looks are secondary. So he’s not- whomever you lust after. He is tremendous to watch, if you enjoy a talented performance. If you are bothered by Ben not fitting into some Hollywood macho slot or pics of him wearing anything less than perfection- then, no, he’s probably not your cup of tea.
We love his talent and diversity. We love his goofiness and charm. He rambles- a lot- and is rather dorky. He sticks his foot in his mouth sometimes, but, for an actor, he seems genuine and real. I don’t care what he wears in an airport, when dashing around the world. Just please keep on working, Ben.
And, please, never, ever get a Twitter account. Or go to the MTV Movie Awards in a suit. Or- oh, sorry. Wrong guy.
+ 1,000
Celebitchy isnt pushing anyone – he HAS made it. He is that popular. the US are a little slower than others but they’ll get it too. I’m 99% certain Benedict will be in Star Wars and there a very good chance he’ll be in the next Bond. He isnt going away so those that dont get it – will have to get used to it.
Producers arent stupid they know that an actor like Cumberbatch with a huge fanbase in the orient is one to come in n
I do not find him attractive (to be fair i haven’t seen him in anything as far as I know) but I generally just skip his posts.
The story on CDAN is sad. That photo and the story behind it was so touching.
You guys complain when Tom is dressed to the Nines, but also complain that Benedict is ‘too casual’. Make up your mind ladies.
Me I think he looks darling here but I do question the blazer with the shorts and flops. Shorts and Flops are an American staple so I don’t see why everyone is freaking out. Let the guy be casual on his friggin birthday…
Darling. Just the word to describe it. I too think he looks good here.
…For me, there can never be enough BC posts; thank you, Kaiser, and thanks to everyone that loves him and comments on him; he is a very talented actor, and I think he is very very very hot; don’t know what it is, but he is HOT, and that voice….
Sorry but to agree with the others above no one is trying to make him happen. He is already happening and has happened. No one is forcing him on anyone. He just so happens to be in the news alot this week but it will die down a little. It will probably pick back up again because he is relevant and he has a ton of movies coming out this year alone. And he also is featured here alot because Kaiser is in love with him. Alot of women are in love with him. I’m not a cumberbitch/cumbercollective but I do enjoy the guy (and kinda find him hot). He’s a great actor. If I dont want to read anything related to him I dont click on his post. If I do I will click. I get that its a link post but he’s not regularly featured in link post but his own post.
You slutty sluts, being slutty. The lot of you! With your slutty ways, typing on your slutty computers, living a slutty life! Throwing your vaginas at him like some kind of slutty confetti! Ugh.
*crawls back under the bridge*
He is so ugly…i mean, high unattractive. Am I missing something?
Yes. Talent. Watch him perform in… anything. Random pap photos are not his selling points.
I appreciate the opinions of others, and on this “celeb gossip site”, it is expected to comment on superficial, shallow things.
But, good grief. The reason this man has attention on him (other than the writer of this article has the hots for him) and acting jobs scheduled until the end of time is because he is a ridiculously talented actor. All the “he’s fugly, he wears flip-flops, dresses like he’s homeless” observations of Ben are…opinions, and you are welcome to them.
But, at the end of the day- the guy is talented. And smart, goofy, self-deprecating, humble. Looking for perfection in celebrities (or people in general, for that matter) is a no-win situation, and a waste of time. Just watch him in…well, anything. You’ll see.
I do not understand the hype at all..he’s so unattractive with a weirdly shaped face and what’s going on with his hair..I generally skip his posts beacause I have no interest whatsoever in him but it’s become a tad excessive..maybe I’m missing something
Yes you are.
i use to think the exact same thing. “he’s ugly, whats the fess? he’s not even remotely attractive”
then, i watched sherlock and star trek. Man, is this man beautiful on screen. They must do some movie magic on him, because he is memorizing to watch. Him in motion is amazing and combined with his talen, it makes him one sexy man.
if anyone is unsure about him, watch sherlock before you judge. Yes, in pictures, he is not particularly attractive. But, man is he beautiful on screen.
That man is SO unattractive.
I love the series Sherlock but cannot for the life of me see the physical attraction for this man. Brilliant actor but seems to have his facial features arranged in a very strange way. May I add I’m no oil painting
I don’t care much for Benedict sense of style, but he IS a fantastic actor, and seem like a very nice and adorable person (considering his interviews and attenion to the fans).
Also, I really don’t get the “flip-flop being used by man” hate. He’s wearing a very popular brazillian flip-flop brand. I’m brazillian, it is very commomly used by all (men and women) when we want our feet comfortable, at home, parks etc on hot/warm days specially, with casual/basic looks like shorts/jeans and t-shirt, casual dresses or any kind of beach-y clothes. But around here we don’t really use it with blazer nor at airports or malls.
I think he’s pretty awesome. And I think Kaiser is pretty awesome as well. I have no problem getting on-board with her man crushes.
“Personality matters” is the biggest myth being perpetuated upon the male population of western civilization.
+1, In particular for a person whom I am never going to meet. I don’t want to see and shall not go to see movies with actors who look like my neighbor and are sometimes even less sexy (which is an exploit). I want to see attractive people in movies and series, but it does not seem to be the path which takes the industry at tis moment
Id personally rather see someone who can act. Someone who can draw you in to a character and make you feel every emotion they’re feeling. Attractiveness fades, talent doesn’t. Want to look at insanely attractive people, buy Vogue.
Your screen name petty much sums up that ridiculously superficial comment.
I know this is your site and all but can you please stop shoving this guy down my throat? Super creepy and unattractive
If anyone cares, the reason why he went to Ibiza was because he was officiating his friend’s same-sex wedding.
Check out this beautiful photo: