Jason Sudeikis: Olivia Wilde & I were only joking about all that sex stuff

Jason Sudeikis Olivia Wilde

Oh, it’s these two again. Jason Sudeikis and Olivia Wilde have been grossing us out for a few months now with their inability to stop gushing about each other in interviews. She has publicly fretted about possibly losing his love because he’s just SO amazing, and she claimed they “have sex like Kenyan marathon runners” while he matched her level of grossness by claiming, “I have the greatest workout partner ever” for bouts of physical activity that definitely did not take place in the gym.

Now Jason, who is promoting We’re the Millers, says that we’re all weird for believing all the crap that he and Olivia have been saying about their sex life. In fact, he says that they were both just joking. That’s sort of his excuse anyway, but I have more to say about this a bit later:

Jason Sudeikis Olivia Wilde

Funnyman Jason Sudeikis was left exasperated after responses he and his fiancee Olivia Wilde made about their sex life appeared in print – as serious answers to silly questions.

The Horrible Bosses star is still learning what to say and what not to say in magazine interviews and a recent showdown with an Us Weekly reporter taught him never to be too flippant or funny when dealing with the media.

When asked about his fitness regime, he told the magazine, “The truth is, I’m not getting up an hour earlier and walking on a treadmill. I have the greatest workout partner in the world – and you don’t need a gym membership for that kind of workout.”

His remarks came just after Wilde joked that she and her man are like Kenyan marathon runners in the bedroom.

Asked to comment on the sex talk in a recent chat on U.S. news show Access Hollywood, Sudeikis got serious and said, “She (Wilde) was joking… I thought it was hilarious… We make jokes off the cuff and then those things get misrepresented and reprinted out of context.”

[From Canoe – Jam!]

Really? Jason is claiming that both he and Olivia were quoted out of context (which, interestingly enough, is what she claimed when saying that her vagina died at the hands of poor Tao Ruspoli). Bitches, please.

Let’s see how this shakes out if we want to get pedantic. Jason was specifically asked about his fitness routine, and he claims his answer was quoted out of context. An actual example of a journo quoting Jason in such an irresponsible manner would have been to slice up his quote if he had truly said, “I have the greatest workout partner ever. We really work up a sweat while going to the gym together, and we love to hike near the Hollywood sign and take selfies in front of it in the pale moonlight.” Is that what he said? No way, Jose. Jason answered as such: “The truth is, I’m not getting up an hour earlier and walking on a treadmill. I have the greatest workout partner in the world. And you don’t need a gym membership for that kind of workout.” So yes, he was talking about sex. He was not quoted out of context. Neither was Olivia when she claimed they “have sex like Kenyan marathon runners” because there is no other context in which to place that quote except for … sex.

Douche and douchette. I hope Jason and Olivia are proud of themselves for acting so damn juvenile while promoting their work. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go contemplate how best to keep writing about farts for a living.

Jason Sudeikis Olivia Wilde

Jason Sudeikis Olivia Wilde

Jason Sudeikis Olivia Wilde

Photos courtesy of WENN

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52 Responses to “Jason Sudeikis: Olivia Wilde & I were only joking about all that sex stuff”

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  1. Anna says:

    I think what’s interesting is that Olivia looks at Jason like he’s a god – and talks about him in the same way. Oh the illusions of love…

    • Iggles says:

      Yep, I’ve noticed that too, and by Hollywood standards that dude is overwhelmingly average!! Downright homely looking.

      They are so gross, and clearly backtracking! Olivia is the same woman who publicly declared her ex husband made her vagina die! Wtf?? She was not kidding, maybe he was, but I doubt it!!

      • mom2two says:

        Yeah, he is not attractive. There are times when Olivia comes across very intelligent and then there are the times where she comes across like a total douche when she talks about Sudekis. These two are chronic oversharers and I think it’s just occurred to them how bad they’ve sounded in the past about their supposedly excellent sex life.
        The less I hear from this couple, the better off I am. Really their interviews would be so much better if they didn’t talk about each other.

      • Sally says:

        I met both of them in person and he is surprisingly attractive in real life!

      • Lauren says:

        mom – More likely it occurred to their publicists how bad they were coming off in interviews! Olivia has made so many stupid comments I would be shocked if she suddenly developed the capacity for insight or introspection.

    • Liv says:

      I think she wants us to believe that she scored the best man ever. There’s no way that this girl is shy or insecure.

      Seriously, my dislike starts to turn into hate – can they just disappear please?

      • TheOriginalKitten says:


        And I agree with others-he’s a very VERY average-looking guy. Not sexy.

    • emmie_a says:

      I saw him on Kelly & Michael a few days ago and I got the feeling that he is just a huge nerd. I’m not putting down nerds in any way but the way Olivia fawns over him I was surprised by my impression of him.

      As for him and Olivia, I cannot stand either of them at this point. I started out liking them but they should really STFU if they want to keep their fans.

  2. Carolyn says:

    Backpedalling much? Proof that some people should be seen and not heard.

  3. Badirene says:

    These two really do belong together don’t they. Like two douche canoes passing in the night.

  4. Olivia says:

    Well done! Now they can get a second round of press with their back peddling statements! Wonder if they are friends with Katy Perry?

  5. Rialto says:

    Joking? Riiight.

    FAIL. womp womp.

  6. Tessa says:

    Oh, perfect, now they’re going to pretend that they weren’t acting like a bunch of horny assholes in a new relationship who couldn’t help but overshare. It was a joke. Of course it was.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      I saw this interview on Access Hollywood and laughed my ass off. He’s obviously really embarrassed by her overshare.

      This is Olivia’s pattern though-she doesn’t seem to understand that it’s crass to publicly discuss your current sex life or your prior sex life with an ex.

      • Sullivan says:

        Apparently, he doesn’t understand the crassness of oversharing, either. They are a silly couple. I used to feel indifferent about them, but now I dislike them as a couple and individually.

    • Liberty says:

      Didn’t she just meet his parents or spend time with them — saw it somewhere last week. So possibly it becomes magically not what they said due to that…..maybe thinking of the daughter-in-law path.

  7. Jayna says:

    I believe him. A delivery of a line can be dry humor, sarcasm, and it never translates to print that way.

  8. Sabrine says:

    He looks kind of dumb and goofy.

  9. blue marie says:

    I don’t think either are funny and I’m firmly in the OKitt camp of these people making me rage-y.. morons

  10. lisa2 says:

    They seem in love. Like they both lucked out on finding each other. I don’t think either has to worry about anyone being jealous.

    I think they sound gross because nobody wants to see them having sex. If they were a couple people had some real interest in then those quotes may not be as gross.

  11. Suze says:

    Own it. Just say, “Yeah – we shared too much information. We’re backing off of statements about our personal life now. Thanksbye.”

  12. shump says:

    I don’t know, I just can’t get worked up about these two. It’s kinda gross, but mostly meh. I kinda feel like they just suck at self promotion.

  13. Eleonor says:

    Probably someone told them we’re over their stupid sexlife, and this is a sort of “damage control”.

  14. Bird says:

    Mmmhmm, sure, okay.

  15. H. Scott says:

    Their relationship makes dislike them both. They are just smug and unlikable. Oh, and Jason, I wouldn’t worry about being “too funny”, you are only funny when you are working with someone else’s funny script!

    • Laura says:

      I know right! They just seem like smug smuggertons, and honestly I know very little about either of them. And they should be careful cause with all that backpedaling they might fall off the bike.

  16. Steph says:

    When I read the title of this post, I rolled my eyes so hard they almost fell out my ears.

  17. Jennifer says:

    Like many people, I have a favorite maybe couple. There is some basis, along with a lot of wishful thinking. I wished I knew exactly what was going on. Then these two happened, along with Superman. Stay “friends” maybe couple, for as long as you possibly can.

  18. BorgQueen says:

    I kinda liked them together. Yes, he is average looking but he seems to be a nice & funny guy. I rather an average looking nice & funny guy over a good looking smug asshole. She is probably happy she found a nice guy in Hollywood (which I am sure is rare) after kissing a few frogs and he is THRILLED not to have a pyscho like January Jones who had his baby without telling him. There was a blind item that JJ would show up to Sudekis house unannounced with baby pics while Olivia was home. I am sure the crazy train that JJ has bonded Sudekis and Wilde forever.

  19. tat2dgrl77 says:

    I don’t know if any of you people realize this, but he is a COMEDIAN and she must have some sense of humor to be dating a comedian. I totally believe that they were just making off the cuff jokes, being sarcastic. That’s what he gets paid to do. Lighten up. Not everyone on earth is out to say whatever to get press time.

    • Nerd Alert says:


      I completely agree. I don’t know why we can make fart jokes and not sex jokes? Sex jokes are unclassy in comparison? I like both.

      I mean, I’m no huge fan of either of them (Olivia is a horrible actress, IMO), but her twitter is funny and crass. That’s her sense of humor and while I don’t support her work, I do share with her the urge to make/laugh at inappropriate jokes.

      I might even have made the “vagina died” joke, albeit not in public. I’ve said much worse about my exes. Reason #3247638746 I wouldn’t want to be a celebrity.

  20. MissNostalgia says:

    These two take “try hard” to a whole new level. She still is not happening and cannot carry a film.

  21. diva says:

    Douche and douchette is the perfect description of then. Neither of them are funny and think way to highly of themselves

  22. ClaireB says:

    How can “my vagina died’ be taken out of context?

    • Kim1 says:

      “Leave her alone she is a beautiful,powerful woman being attacked It’s an injustice to doubt her “,signed Jen Aniston

  23. Saffie says:

    Olivia raves about Sudekis like he is a raging sex god and I can’t even picture this guy in that way ever. He looks like he should be driving a minivan and wearing khaki pants…not sexy. I found her comment about how they have sex with the endurance of Kenyon marathon runners tacky. Sorry, not an image I want in mind ever.

  24. JFerber says:

    As soon as she divorced the guy who “made her vagina die,” she bought a Hollywood house for well over two million dollars. So I guess his money is okay with her. Also, in the last pic I wondered, “What did she do to her face?” Because there’s something gaunt there that makes her look older than the 29 she claims to be.

  25. Kelly says:

    She is truly obnoxious, enough that I would stay away from anything she is in. By extension, Jason. Yuck.

    Now go away and SHUT UP.

  26. Mew says:

    Trouble in paradise. Mark my words.

  27. stinky says:

    she gives me the heebs

  28. Alexandra says:

    They should own it and shut up.

  29. Bridget says:

    His comments I did actually take as a joke, but part of the problem with the internet is that we lose all tone and inflection. That is one of those statements that could legitimately be a joke if we’d SEEN the interview instead of reading an excerpt. The dude is supposed to be funny, after all. That said, he should know by now that most celebrity interviews (especially with us weekly for goodness sake) are reduced to soundbytes and blurbs and that humor like that just doesn’t come across.

    Olivia on the other hand… I’m sure she’s actually pretty fun to hang out with (I think that was the word on the street?) but she should steer away from jokes in interviews. Though the whole ‘vagina died’ thing – wasnt she also separated from the first husband for a long time too? I’m willing to give her slack on that one, just considering she married the guy at 18.

    • Lauren says:

      But the “vagina died” remarks were made publicly, during a monologue at an event. It wasn’t just an off-the-cuff interview remark that was taken out of context. Ostensibly, there was more thought put into her statement, as well as the realization that she was, in fact, saying it to a group of people she didn’t know.

  30. moon says:

    The best part is they’re kinda b-list, and no one really cares.

  31. Mitch Buchanan Rocks! says:

    He looks like a mix of Dennis Quaid and Sean Hayes (from will and grace)

  32. Mitch says:

    Kenyan marathoners…sooo funny, I’m still laughing about it days since I first heard it!
    I hope these two never change!

  33. Alexa says:

    Sorry to be contrary again – but she has made ME quite jealous. I’d be delighted to catch this adorable and hilarious guy.