“Alien-goddess Tilda Swinton does her alien thing for W Korea” links

Tilda Swinton’s W Korea magazine shoot is alien-gorgeous. [OMG Blog]
Lady Gaga goes topless for ART. You wouldn’t understand. NSFW. [Gawker]
The Hills (that MTV show) was super-fake. [Starcasm]
Rihanna is blowing through her money. [Celebslam]
I’m starting to think Colin Farrell is a yoga addict. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Sophia Grace scored a movie role. [Bitten & Bound]
Drake responds to all of that Amanda Bynes nonsense. [Amy Grindhouse]
John Stamos turns 50 years old this year!! He’s ageless. [Wonderwall]
Why does everyone always blame single moms for everything? [Bossip]
Here’s the trailer for the new season of American Horror Story. [PopBytes]
The trailer for CBGB is pretty boring. [Seriously OMG WTF]
The GOP needs to shut this down. [The Frisky]
Hilary Duff’s romper isn’t as bad as it could be. [Yeeeah]
Evan Peters is getting Emma Roberts a promise ring. [Life & Style]
Here’s the trailer for Muppets Most Wanted. [The Loop]

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68 Responses to ““Alien-goddess Tilda Swinton does her alien thing for W Korea” links”

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  1. V4Real says:

    I wonder what would her and Hiddles baby look like.

    • blue marie says:

      they need to make that happen simply for curiosity sake. an alien ginger.

      oh and have a fun weekend in Boston.

    • Crumpets & Crotchshots says:

      What brings you to Boston?

      Hiddles is no qual to Tilda. I think when OLLA comes out it is all going to be about her.

      • V4Real says:

        I have a friend who lives not too far from there. We are all traveling from Boston to New Hampshire to a friend’s baby shower and then back to MA. I love the view of The Boston Harbor and walking Downtown Boston.

      • Crumpets & Crotchshots says:

        I live in Boston! It’s a wonderful town and I hope you have a nice trip!

    • Anna says:

      She needs to mate with Cumby. Not THAT offspring would be a FORCE MAJEURE on the humanity.

      • E-v-E says:

        I’m perfectly fine if someone does it in the lab for them, that baby would be the IT-thing, model, alien-emperor and victorian genius in one simply by inheriting the minimum of traits 😀

  2. aims says:

    she’s so fierce it’s ridiculous.

  3. blue marie says:

    those are amazing photos, beautiful

  4. bns says:

    Go away Lady Gaga.

  5. Really says:

    She stole Miley’s haircut!

  6. Raquel says:

    You know that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you liked a celebrity until you found out that they think a child rapist should be able to walk free because he’s a great director?

    That’s how I feel when I see a photo of Tilda Swinton.

    • Nerd Alert says:

      My thoughts exactly. I used to love Tilda, but I just can’t with the Polanski supporters. Wes Anderson broke my heart.

    • Samtha says:

      Same here.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I didn’t know she was a Polanski supporter! Ugh! That is heart breaking…

    • MissMary says:

      oooooooooh now I has a sad. I love Tilda and think she’s amazing but I just can’t support someone who supports Polanski. I’m the same way with actors/directors/celebs who support Allen and Gibson, too, but Tilda…this actually gives me a pang in the chestal region.

      • Raquel says:

        Oh, good lord. There are celebs who support Allen and Gibson? I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised–if people who anally rape 12 year olds get the showbiz support, why not stultifying bigots?

        Do I even want to know who, or will it just make me cry?

  7. magz says:

    Love American Horror Story, Cant get enough!

    • Kitten Mittens says:

      Super excited! I hate that it’s just a teaser trailer. From the caption I expected a full trailer.

  8. Miss Melissa says:

    Tilda is flawless.

  9. Samtha says:

    Whoa! Leah Remini filed a missing persons report for Shelly Miscavige. She has some serious balls.

    • Nerd Alert says:

      Really? Where did you read that?

      • Samtha says:

        The details are on Tony Ortega’s site. Lainey and a few other gossip bloggers have begun posting about it too.

      • Nerd Alert says:

        Okay I read the story. Thank you! Go Leah! I love that woman now.

    • Laura says:

      4 real????? damn s*it’s bout to hit the fan! lol

    • Happy21 says:

      Oh wow! That is some balls! Go Leah!

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Yeah, that is really bold of her! I am glad it is getting press, it makes me feel like that might make her a little safer.

    • Kiddo says:

      Someone on this site, or elsewhere, basically said that if they find her, she will just say that she is where she wants to be, (out of fear and/or brainwashing).

      But no matter, this is a very strong message that Leah is sending back to the mother ship; that she is on the offense, not defense. She knows the way they operate and seems to be using their methods against them.

    • MissMary says:

      My respect for her just went up like ten notches, both from leaving the cult and also for having those huge, clanking, brass balls…

      • Raquel says:

        I don’t know how she can even walk in a straight line…the balls it takes to do a thing like that are so big.

        More seriously, though, I hope she has a major security detail to go along with her stones. People crack jokes about Scientology like it is just a silly little ego-cult so much, that they don’t realize that it is capable of, and has done, some criminally horrible shenanigans.

  10. Nerd Alert says:

    That Hillary slapping game is awful. Misogyny at its height. Would anyone make a game like that about a man? Doubtful.

  11. CarolinaBelle says:

    Dear Goop, This is what great skin looks like…not yours.

  12. UsedToBeLulu says:

    In regards to the single mothers thing: I agree that too many women use pregnancy for all the wrong reasons, and the children pay for it. And the men who father these babies, then abandon mother and child are equally to blame.

    If you’re not married, use birth control. That goes for both men and women.

    • MBP says:

      How about “if you’re not prepared to be a parent for the rest of your natural life, regardless of marital or relationship status, use birth control”?

  13. Sumodo1 says:

    The Tilda/Bowie video was NOT enough. There needs to be a sci-fi movie with those two.

  14. Helaene says:

    I just saw Tilda Swinton in my city in France today with her man and her two children, doing some sightseeing and looking for a book (the french bande dessinée her next film is based on). She is very beautiful, charismatic and very impressive in person. Tried to speak a little french, it was cute !

  15. Nev says:

    Leah Remini filed a missing report for Shelley Miscavige!!!!!!

    holy shizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  16. Olivia says:

    OMG!! Leah Remini is amazing!!

  17. blaize says:

    “Why does everyone always blame single moms for everything?”

    Because basically Bill O’Reilly is a P.O.S. He’s One Of Those People, like Rush Limbaugh, with a messed-up agenda of sexism and racism. (As well as homophobia)

    One Of Those People will look for any opportunity they can to restrict women’s freedom and attack those who don’t wait until marriage, just like they’ll take any chance to attack gay people and people of color. A bigot through and through. And yet they whine about losing the election.

    • Nerd Alert says:

      Oh. Man, I thought it was because if you have children out of wedlock you are devoid of morals and therefore responsible for all terrible things? You know, on a broader scale.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I can’t handle people that complain about women’s reproductive issues, moan about single moms and that other controversial issue…and then don’t support comprehensive sex ed and access to exams and birth control.

      I think the dems needs to start using contraception and education as their version of the “border security” bargaining chip that the GOP uses as a tactic in regards to immigration (GOP says no compromise on immigration until border is “secure”).

      Dems could say we’ll allow modifications to abortion laws only after you work with us to provide contraception and comprehensive sex education to all Americans.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I don’t like Bill O’Reilly, but I thought the Bossip article was very misleading about what he actually said. I thought he was saying that having children out of wedlock should be discouraged because it continues the cycle of poverty. He wasn’t blaming single mothers, just saying that when the father abandons the situation, it’s really hard for the mother, if she is already in a difficult financial position, to pull out of it by herself.

      I don’t know if he was saying it’s not moral to have sex outside of marriage, but rather that it’s not moral to have children when you don’t have the means or family structure to support them. It condemns them to a life of probable poverty.

      As I said, I’m not defending Bill O and I’m sure he said things I disagree with in this piece, because he always does, but I didn’t think the Bossip article was very honest.

      • blaize says:

        He made it sound like black people are the only people who have children without being married, and he made it sound like that’s the cause of the problems that black people face. The whole conversation just came off as disrespectful, condescending, sanctimonious, and a little racist. I really, really loathe people like them. When public figures make comments like this, all sorts of bigots come out on the internet and say nasty things. In anonymous opinion sections in newspapers, people come out with their closet bigotry as well.

      • Kiddo says:

        “Civil Rights Industry”? What an enormous ass. Every time some entitled prick goes off about rights, another check will be written to the ACLU.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I agree with each of your points.

  18. Stubbylove says:

    Can’t wait for AHS and Muppets!

  19. QQ says:

    YALL!! OMFG leah remini done went FULL G and filed a missing persons report on SHELLY!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Bijlee says:

    Lol everyone blames single mothers FOR EVERYTHING in EVERY single community in the world. Lol it’s literally how the world works apparently. It’s not right and this is bill I Reilly’s shtick.

    Why do people blame single moms? Because they do everything! They go through all the hell to raise their brats (I was one of those brats that’s where I’m speaking from) and put up with them through every stage.

    That’s why single fathers are applauded. Because its rare! What does this tell you about the state of men? They’re lazy, entitled, skanking it up, selfish, and refuse to take responsibility for all the FUN they have. And disappear then come back trying to make amends. Lol. I have no respect for such slags. Bill o Reilly should shit on them all around the world for refusing to take up the incredible responsibility that is being a parent.

    (Again worldwide basis. Yes, I’m well aware of the exceptions. Well aware.)

    Sorry guys I’m mad about this today because I was listening to the radio and there was a man who had 16 children with a couple different women and no one knew. And this isn’t even the first story I’ve heard like this. Don’t put a ring, put a condom on it!

  21. Lark says:

    Wow, I can’t believe Leah Remini filed a missing person’s report on Shelly Miscavige. That is seriously ballsy of her. Good for her.

  22. RPG says:

    What kind of promise could be, well, promised with a ring? That Emma doesn’t bite him anymore??

    Promise rings are something you did in high school in 1995, anyway.

  23. Andrea says:

    It looks like my last post was prob caught by the spam filter (probably because i put a link?)…

    but it was already being reported that the lapd closed the missing persons case because it was “unfounded”.

  24. honey says:

    Like her as an actress but i can’t support anyone that signed pro polanski list. This is bigger than just that polanski case! People get raped by people with power/fame everyday and think they will get away with it. Shame on you Tilda!