“Naomi Watts’ Princess Diana movie, trailer looks kind of terrible” links

Naomi Watts’ Princess Diana movie looks terrible. [LaineyGossip]
Rest in peace, Sean Sasser. [Dlisted]
Jimmy Fallon’s daughter is already smiling! [Pop Sugar]
Vintage Drew Barrymore: the Guess campaign. [Buzzfeed]
What to watch instead of watching The Bridge. [Pajiba]
French Stewart named his daughter Helene Claire. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
The Olsen twins are in Norway. [A Socialite Life]
Jessica Stam looks like she just came from a clambake. [Go Fug Yourself]
Trailer for Jennifer Hudson’s Winnie Mandela. [Moe Jackson]
Bruce Willis wanted $1 million a day for four days’ work. [Evil Beet]
Dear Florida: why so crazy? [CDAN]
Joaquin Phoenix falls in love with Siri. [The Blemish]
Pregnant Jennifer Love Hewitt is doing yoga. [Popoholic]
Katy Perry’s ‘Roar’ artwork looks budget. [ICYDK]
Seriously, why does anyone care if a lady breastfeeds in public? [Jezebel]
Teresa Giudice gives a speech, wins an award. [Reality Tea]
Ashley Greene in yoga pants. [IDLYITW]

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87 Responses to ““Naomi Watts’ Princess Diana movie, trailer looks kind of terrible” links”

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  1. mata says:

    I love Naomi, but I really don’t understand why she took that role. The whole thing has looked like a bad Lifetime movie from the beginning.

    • The Original Mia says:

      This. There was no need for this movie or for Naomi to take the role. Was she trying to compete with Kidman’s Grace Kelly movie?

    • lisa says:

      i second all of this

      i think she is a great actress, i dont know why the project looks so budget

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      I came here to type the EXACT same thing.

      Love her to death-she’s one of my favorites-but I don’t get this at all.

    • Bijlee says:

      It looks awful! At 1:08 I had to rewind because I thought she was talking into her shoe. And while Diana could pull off short hair…Naomi in this wig cannot.

    • Decloo says:

      I knew it would be crap the second I saw that budget wig on Naomi.

      • QQ says:

        That Wig My God That wig!! Matt Damon had a prettier do’ for Behind the Candelabra ffs!

    • Fue McCormick says:

      I was laughing so hard at the size of the mobile phone (I am old enough to remember when the first mobiles came out and the fact that they were so heavy they required a tote bag with shoulder strap.) Although a great actress, I don’t think NW was a good choice for Diana. I also think that, no matter how good or how bad the movie may be, people will flock to the theater to see this in order to get an “inside view” of this romance.

    • Kitten Mittens says:

      I always assumed from how horrible the stills looked that it was lifetime!
      Naomi is far from pulling off Diana’s look. And truly Diana was such a complex person with so much depth there is no movie or script that can do her story justice. She’s a subject that would take novels to uncover.

  2. Anna says:

    I dont buy her as Diana in the least. Not since the very first photos came out, and even more so here. This is like that Lifetime movie about Kate & Will.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      ITA. I think she’s a good actress, but she doesn’t have Diana’s star power, at least in the trailer. And the wig….no.

  3. Sel says:

    I will be in the minority, but I don’t think it looks that bad. Although it does seem like something that you’d see on women oriented cable television (Lifetime?) not something in the theater.

    • kcarp says:

      I thought it looked pretty good too. I haven’t been to a movie in 18 months since I have a toddler, so I might not know what good movies are about anymore.

      • Bird says:

        I’m right there with you, I have a 2 year old. I don’t think it looks bad – I will totally watch this when it comes out on video (only because that’s how I see movies now lol).

    • SnarkySnarkers says:


    • Celebutard says:

      I was never going to see it anyway. But the trailer actually makes it look better than I thought it would be. And don’t worry about being in the minority. People with taste often are.

    • lana86 says:

      it looks very cheesy and clishe

  4. Nessa says:

    I absolutely love Naomi, but this movie does not look good. I really want it to be. She is such a good actress!

  5. Tara says:

    If the Diana movie sucks that would be a shame. Her life deserves to be portrayed realistically with insight, honesty and compassion. But how do you accurately depict someone who was so much larger than life without fawning over them and editing awaytheir flaws?

  6. MollyB says:

    So sick of women being harassed for breastfeeding in public. When it comes to how a woman chooses to feed her baby–MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. If that means a formula bottle from birth MYOB. If that means you *gasp* see her breasts as she’s nursing, MYOB. Worry about the babies who don’t get fed. That’s your business.

    • Bijlee says:

      This. If people are so bothered by it, then they should start working on ways to make new mothers lives more comfortable instead of trying to interrogate them at every step about how they do things.

    • Audrey says:

      Agreed. It’s natural, not indecent.

      Happier note- I breastfed my daughter in 4 airports, 3 flights and countless restaurants during a recent move. Nobody said a word or looked at me funny. I was relieved/expecting worse

      • AliceInPains says:

        I’d love to think that this is what its really like and that mommy blogs and a small minority (on both sides of the issue) are perpetuating this stupid sh!t. I don’t see that many breastfeeding mothers, and the ones that are have always been covered, just like the mom here was, or with a blanket. Seems like people in real life are pretty decent about it.

    • Kitten Mittens says:

      Mothers Who BF
      Put a shawl or light fabric over yourself when BFing your child and stop harassing mothers who choose to use formula and not BF.
      Mother’s Who Don’t BF
      Stop getting so uppity at a natural behavior. It’s called a nipple. We all have them.

      People need to stop enforcing their choices on others. And I see more women scolding mothers who don’t BF their babies than vice versa. Seems pretty simple to me.

      • m says:

        Im fine with people breastfeeding in public as long as they cover up. It has nothing to do with it being indecent, its about this thing called having respect for those around you. If you pull it out without covering up, than you dont get to cry foul when I start gawking and taking pictures of you.

      • blaize says:

        @M: Taking pictures would only prove you to be immature. We’re all in control of our own actions.

      • unmade_bed says:

        I’m a pretty jealous girl, but I would never be offended or weirded out if a woman took her breasts out in front of my husband if it were to breastfeed. Honestly, if a man gets excited in that context, he’s a lost cause and I don’t even care.

      • Kitten Mittens says:

        If it’s pictures to post to FB then yes it’s immature. If it’s a photo to be taken as proof to share with someone for say.. an indecency lawsuit then it’s not immature.
        This raises a good point though. We live in a world where there’s no privacy. Photos are taken at random and we are constantly being caught in the frame. So, it’s not so morally awesome if anyone takes a picture of a woman BFing without consent, but it’s also a risk they must take when taking a new born with them at a restaurant or public venue. And i’m not saying stay indoors until you’ve stopped BFing. I’m saying pump beforehand and use that milk.

      • Marigold says:

        Good luck putting a light piece of fabric over a baby that doesn’t want anything over their head, which is a lot of babies. At a certain point, babies can most certainly remove blankets from their head. Also, they often sweat under there, which is uncomfortable and unfair to them. Why don’t you go eat your dinner under a blanket and see how you like it. Ask yourself, do you want to listen to an angry, screaming, hungry baby under a blanket? Or would you rather see a bit of someone’s boob (not even the nipple because usually the baby’s head and mouth cover it) and have a quiet, happy, fed baby? As you said earlier, it’s a nipple. We all have them. I’ve seen more boobs on reality TV and walking past Victoria’s Secret than I’ve ever seen when a woman is breastfeeding. If it makes you uncomfortable, LOOK AWAY. It ain’t rocket science.

        Also, I truly hope you have the luxury of trying to pump milk some day. Then you might realize that some women cannot pump any milk. Or you might realize that once your body regulates your milk supply, you don’t have enough left over for a bottle. Or perhaps you’ll get a baby that refuses the bottle. They definitely exist. You honestly know jack sh*t about breastfeeding and it shows. Educate yourself. Otherwise you just sound ignorant and hateful.

      • Audrey says:

        I don’t nag moms who don’t bf

        But I don’t cover up either. I try to be discreet by going to a quiet area out of the main drag. But my daughter doesn’t eat properly when covered. She gets distracted by hitting at the cover and such. I’m not going to have her feed poorly and end up hungry and cranky just cause some people can’t imagine a nonsexual use for boobs. Look away, move away or get over it

      • Bridget says:

        Yeah, breastfeeding isn’t considered an ‘indecent’ act anymore, so either way you’re just a jerk taking pictures of someone feeding their baby, hoping to get a flash of nipple.

        And it’s just plain not your call whether a woman needs to cover up or not, and stop trying to justify it by saying that breastfeeding moms shame formula moms. Just stop.

    • Flappydo says:

      What about the women who do it for sexual attention? They are there. You can’t pretend it’s all innocent all the time.

      • siobhan says:

        Women breastfeed in public because their baby is hungry. Women don’t always cover up because babies get hot even under light receiving blanks. People should learn to look away if it makes them uncomfortable. The gross immaturity surronding this issue is incredible.

      • Bijlee says:

        Breastfeeding a baby is not done for sexual attention. Are there some women that do it because it gets them off? I mean I guess it could happen but honestly it seems like men have this “fetish” or “kink” so ewwww nasty.

        Ignore it. Look away go about our business. Think whatever you want in your head like ewwww that’s gahrosssss. I just think lung cancer every time i see a smoker, but i dont give them a lecture about it or bother them for it.

        It’s their right to feed their baby and its perfectly legal for them to do so. So we shouldn’t bother them. Not gonna lie I feel uncomfortable sometimes too. One time a lady squeezed her boob, milk squirted out and landed on the table *shudders* that was a little weird. But a few moments of discomfort in my day really aren’t that big a deal.

        The reality is they aren’t hurting anybody and its best just to leave them alone and not bother them. Say nothing! Anxiety isn’t good for a mother so don’t add to it.

      • blaize says:

        “What about the women who do it for sexual attention?”

        Our society really needs to get over its need to police women’s motives for doing things that they have every right to do when it comes to our bodies and get over it’s hang-ups about the human body altogether. If we all did those two things, the “But what if some women do it for sexual attention” issue wouldn’t even be such an issue for people to fixate on. Just because some may do it for attention doesn’t mean all women should have to be punished/policed because of that possibility. We need to learn to start trusting women when it comes to matters of babies and their own bodies.

      • Kitten Mittens says:

        You’re correct. Some women and men have this fetish and thrill seeking behavior. Yes, a baby is hungry and it must be fed no matter where you are, but we’re not all programmed to find the act of BFing completely not arousing.
        The argument here that BFing is for one thing only and no one takes it as anything different is tunnel vision.

      • Bijlee says:

        @kittenmittens it doesn’t matter. I honestly think you are blowing this “issue” way out of proportion. I realize everything is a kink or fetish nowadays, but its ridiculous to suggest that women not breastfeed because there is one person who finds it arousing. thats such bizarre reasoning.

        Let them continue doing it in peace and look away. It’s really not that hard to ignore people. It’s actually pretty easy to get lost in your world. And if it makes you uncomfortable fine a different seat or sit with your back to her. There are more important things to worry about then a baby being fed. You will survive if some baby got fed in front of you.

      • blaize says:

        @Kitten Mittens: Like Bijlee said, just about anything can be turned into a fetish. Why should anyone worry about whether or not somebody finds something a turn-on? We shouldn’t have to alter our lives and live in fear of the fact that someone, somewhere, might find some thing, that we’re doing to be sexy. That isn’t the purpose of breastfeeding anyway. Many of us- myself included- are turned on by the sight of a hot topless guy. Guys may also deliberately take their shirts off because they know some of us women will find it attractive.But that doesn’t mean society needs to ban males from going outside topless. So for society to make a big fuss about women breastfeeding in public just because some people find it a turn on or just because some women do it because they know some may find it a turn-on is sexist.

      • Kloops says:

        lol good grief. “Anything-* is possible because the human animal is one odd duck; HOWEVER, this is extremely rare and unlikely. The vast majority of breastfeeding mothers are simply feeding their offspring the way our species has evolved. Period. Full stop. This really can’t be any simpler. The fact that *some* people have cultural hang-ups regarding breastfeeding is just as weird as those people who make it into a sexual attention seeking behaviour.

      • Kloops says:

        This is why I refuse to go barefoot. Ever. Foot fetishists can’t control themselves so I must wear socks 24/7 to curb their lascivious intentions.

  7. RHONYC says:

    look, the story about her ‘true love’ who ‘wasn’t’ in fact Dodi, looks good…

    i’m just distracted as F*CK that all the furniture, cars & people surrounding ‘Princess Diana’ are TALLER than she!

    who was the genius numbskull that didn’t think through that Naomi is like 5’4″ opposed to the ‘model-height’ Diana who was 5’10”?? 🙄

    • Kitten Mittens says:

      Hah! Good catch! Sigh. This movie is going to blow. It didn’t need to be made.

    • HappyMom says:

      Yes-the height (or lack of!) is really annoying.

    • LAK says:

      You’d think they’d catch that and fix it in post.

      If they can make Dustin Hoffman look taller or similar height to 6ft Geena Davis

  8. ClaireB says:

    It just doesn’t look interesting. The people who already know everything must know this part of her life quite well, and the one who doesn’t..well , why would we want to?

  9. Rhiley says:

    Usually Dlisted makes laugh until I am crying, today at lunch, it just had me crying. I had forgotten how wonderfully unique and intelligent reality tv used to be. The early years of the Real World were the best, and Pedro’s and Sean’s relationship was certainly one of the most memorable. Rest in Peace, Sean, you beautiful, brave man.

    • LAK says:

      I was glued to that series of The Real World. Every single person in that series was so compelling except for Puck. It was good riddance to him.

  10. Katie says:

    I think it looks ok. But its been morphed into typical Hollywood love story triangle (also, where everyone is really good looking) and you figure it could have been done with anyone. Using Diana just makes it seem more interesting.

  11. BooBooLaRue says:


  12. Happy21 says:

    OMG Drew Barrymore was so, so, so gorgeous in those Guess? ads. In recent years I’ve forgotten the bad girl of the 90’s Drew because really she isn’t my fave person but wow those shots took my breath away. The grunge days were so rad. Loved the combat boots!

    And as far as the Joaquin trailer for “Her” I didn’t even watch it because I was very confused by the write up on the bottom that grossed me out and weirded me out…

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      “Her” is about a man that is pretty much antisocial and alone. He pretty much gets a Jarvis-like system in his house, based on his personality-antisocial, bad relationship with his mother, no current romantic relationship. And he falls in love with “Her” (can’t remember her name) because she pays attention to him. Or something like that.

  13. neelyo says:

    No matter how good Watts’ performance, she’ll never be able to win against that dreadful wig.

  14. Annabelle says:

    When I watched the trailer yesterday, I thought the movie looked bad. Watching it again today, I thought it looked dreadful. I can’t understand why Naomi Watts would sign on for this.

  15. Apple says:

    besides the wig, Diana was 5 feet 10 inches tall. Naomi barely scrapes 5 feet 5 inces.

    The height thing really bothers me. Diana was tall and gracious and floated along like a butterfly.

    You can’t just replicate that with a (bad) wig and stacked shoes.

  16. erika says:

    please leave diana alone for at least a half century….more actually.

    NO one, nobody will ever compare in looks or heart like Di, i loved her!

  17. Kim1 says:

    So noone in celebrity news noticed Jimmy Fallon’s wife was never pregnant,they used surrogate.But every celebrity’s lunch or bloat is labeled a baby bump

    • BeesKnees says:

      I am also confused as to why that story didn’t get more traction. No one has to admit they used a surrogate, but other celebs have been put through the ringer for supposedly lying about it. I like Jimmy and all, but there was a lot of underlying gossip about him and his wife having relationship problems about her infertility issues and then all the sudden, we hear they have a baby. No one on here was really talking to much about it, which surprised me.

  18. taxi says:

    The wigs are wrong & they should have given Naomi a fake nose to help her resemble Diana. Naomi is physically dainty compared to the much larger Diana. She managed a couple of head tucks ala Diana.

    Fayad will be fussed about this. Doesn’t he still claim that Dodi & Di were on the fast track to the altar?

    • Funtimes18 says:

      Dodi al Fayed died in a plane crash in 16 years ago.

      • melma says:

        Plane crash? He died in the same car crash that killed diana.

      • LAK says:

        What melma said. His dad then claimed that they were were engaged and about to marry. Complete with a shrine to the love birds at Harrods that stayed up until he sold the store to the Qataris a few yrs ago.

        You can see why he would object to a film that contradicts his version.

  19. Dana says:

    She looks too much like Tina Brown, formerVF editor, for me to see her as Diana.

  20. the artful dodger says:

    All I gotta say is that position Jennifer is doing feels awesome when you’re pregnant. More so when youre like 40 weeks pregnant and you feel like there is a bowling ball lodged in your crotch.

  21. Yelly says:

    Nice to see French Stewart’s baby isn’t a purple tube.

  22. Bella says:

    not working for me.

  23. F5 says:

    She’s a lousy actress..pretty face though.

  24. blaize says:

    “Why does anyone care if a lady breastfeeds in public”

    In a society where women aren’t free to go braless without people clutching the pearls, it’s not surprising that people are still also puritanical about women breastfeeding in public.

    Good for the mom for not backing down. Anyone in the 21st century who has a problem with a woman openly breastfeeding in public is a prude. It’s about time people overcame their old-fashioned hang-ups about the human body.

    • siobhan says:

      Thank you. Yousaid it perfectly. It is insane how unsupportive so many women are about this issue. A baby being properly cared for is a billion times more important than not offending anyone.

  25. cubfan34 says:

    Naomi looks more like Diana then Helen Mirren did the Queen. Naveen Andrews is in this that makes it watchable.

  26. Quinn says:

    MAN, did Drew Barrymore look juuust like Lisa Marie Presley!!! Crazy!!

  27. littlestar says:

    I think it looks good! I’ll definitely be going to the theaters to see Diana. And I am not joking lol.

  28. Lucy Goosey says:

    The “Her” trailer and movie seem weird. (And that is putting it mildly.)

    Still, I love Joaquin Phoenix. I will always be unfashionable and love watching great actors act no matter how different their films or how they make an ass of themselves in their offscreen lives.

  29. Carolyn says:

    This Diana movie has bad karma all over it.

    Still it will probably rate through the roof through sheer curiosity to see how bad it is and how Diana is portrayed.

    You can’t stick a wig on someone and try to replicate the makeup/styling of someone so iconic. Naomi looks like she’s playing dress up 🙁

  30. Lilo says:

    Tons of eyeliner does not a Diana-Look make.

  31. Andrea says:

    I hate how you guys are in Europe or something so you can’t really report on stuff as it happens… but Amanda Bynes’ mom got conservatorship AND her 5150 was extended to 30 days!

  32. Aud says:

    I like Naomi as an actress, but I’m disappointed in her choice to be in this film for various reasons:
    1. No one will ever know the full details of Diana’s death, so to have a film like this will dredge up all the theories once again.
    2. Diana’s sons are still alive and the pain of losing a parent never recedes.

    From the above two reasons, I think that Naomi should have appreciated the second, as she too is a mother, but I’m beginning to think that she is a little shallow and it was all about her bank account and fame than anything else.
    She really doesn’t need this type of movie on her resume, nor the salary.
    For that alone, I’m shifting her down to a lower position on my actress list [the actresses that will make me think twice before I pay to see a film].

  33. CC says:

    “The queen” already did all the coverage I need to see about leading up to Diana’s death. A wannabe romance or whatever isn’t a compelling story for me. I hope this is a “movie of the week” kind o fdeal, because it looks tacky.

  34. Cali Diva says:

    I saw a biography of Diana, Princess of Wales on YouTube, and I’m sure this movie would be the same, just someone playing her instead of people she knew talking about her. Now a movie about Camilla’s life would be something I would watch.

  35. Harryg says:

    No, no – it looks awesome! I’ll go see this! Go Naomi!

  36. anet says:

    Dear Naomi (as thee gallant and gorgeous Diana Spencer) and some producer, Are you fucking kidding me? And how dare you!

  37. Mel says:

    I can’t believe how “low rent” her hair looks, especially on the reclining photo.

    In this case, perhaps surprisingly, the hair seems to be the make or break element. It is also surprising that they couldn’t get it right.

  38. LaurieH says:

    This just reminds me of one of the myriad cheesy made-for-tv movies that came out shortly after Diana’s death. There is nothing about Diana’s life we don’t already know, so this movies offers nothing new or interesting. Hollywood has lost it’s creativity and this film is nothing more than a transparently cheap attempt to make money by capitalizing on the resurgent interest in The Royals due to Will and Kate. I am surprised, honestly, that an actress of Naomi Watts’ caliber would stoop to participate in this film.

  39. Suse says:

    They should have given her a fake-nose. Naomi´s nose is too normal and tiny compared with Diana´s big (long) nose.
    Diana was no great beauty, but she had “it”. The WOW factor… pure charisma. No actress could ever play that. Poor Naomi.

  40. shannon says:

    Anyone have the scoop on Amanda Bynes? Her mother was granted conservatorship but I’m wondering how long she will be kept in the psychiatric facility. She’s been on lockdown for almost a month now.

    • Audrey says:

      I think tmz reported that doctors got it extended another 30 days cause her illness is pretty much a disability at the moment. She needs more treatment before she can function in society again

  41. Amelia says:

    She may be a fine actress but she does not look like Di one bit.

  42. Eleonor says:
