Cele|bitchy | Lady Gaga complains about Perez Hilton, then quickly calls off her monsters

Lady Gaga complains about Perez Hilton, then quickly calls off her monsters

Here are some more photos of Lady Gaga over the weekend. She was wandering around in various outfits – one look was a too-tight black dress and clown makeup, the other outfit was black pants and a turtleneck (in August…) with two different shoes. AVANT-GARDE. On Saturday, Gaga did do one nice thing – as she left the Chateau Marmont, she served chilled beverages (“Pop Water” I kid you not) to her waiting fans and she spent some time with them, taking photos and such. Apparently, there were also cookies and roses. Which is genuinely nice. Still, Mama Monster has to make some money so she served up a new “controversy” with Perez Hilton:

Lady Gaga has sparked a Twitter feud with gossip blogger Perez Hilton over a nasty text message he allegedly sent her after she sustained a hip injury. Gaga took to the social networking site on Friday to take aim at Hilton, accusing him of mocking her when she hit a low point earlier this year. Gaga called off a string of tour dates after undergoing a hip operation in February, and she was left needing to use a wheelchair for several weeks.

She tweeted, “Still have the text Perez sent me of me in a wheelchair w (with) the words KARMA written across + Madonna pointing a gun at me. Day of my accident.”

Gaga’s post came just hours after Perez shared a video with his Twitter followers in which he criticized Gaga’s new single “Applause,” saying, “It’s so unrelatable. This song is all about her. It’s a few steps backwards, I’m really disappointed.”

He also compared the track to another by Madonna, asking fans, “Does Lady Gaga’s Applause sound too much like Madonna’s Girl Gone Wild to you?” and again slammed Gaga by announcing her song had dropped to the No. 4 slot on the iTunes singles chart, writing, “Woah! Lady Gaga’s Applause has dropped to #4 on iTunes in America. That country singer, Luke Bryan, is beating her.”

But after her loyal fans began sending vicious messages to Hilton, Gaga urged them to “ignore” him, adding, “Please monsters (fans) do not be affected by someone like this NOTHING merits this kind of hatred. Im ok & I always survive. Ignore him. Just Dance.”

[From Wonderwall]

So first Gaga basically tells her monsters that Perez is fair game by tweeting a self-pitying message about Perez “bullying” her, then when her monsters attack him, she tells them to chill out? Is that her M.O.? Is that how she keeps her “anti-bullying” credibility? Is she going to call out all of the bloggers who ask if “Applause” sounds a lot like “Girl Gone Wild”?

UPDATE: Gaga’s video for “Applause” dropped today. We’ll discuss it in further detail tomorrow.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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160 Responses to “Lady Gaga complains about Perez Hilton, then quickly calls off her monsters”

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  1. grace says:

    You missed all the stalking accusations from this weekend…

    • Wrachul says:


      • A says:

        Perez Hilton went apartment hunting with his mother and son and was looking at an apartment in Gaga’s building. One of Gaga’s fans who were camped outside tweeted her that Perez were there and Gaga went nuts, saying he was stalking her.
        She arranged with the doorman for the fan to go into the building, to get pictures of Perez inside the building while constantly saying what a EXTREMELY SERIOUS situation it was.
        Eventually Gaga said that she got Perez (and his mother and child) kicked out of the building by security.
        She then went on a CAPS LOCK RANT about how she’d end up with a bullet in her head because of Perez and all the critics bloggers.


      • A says:

        You can read the whole story and see the screen shots from Twitter here:


      • Liv says:

        She really seems to lose her mind. I expect a meltdown/rehab in 3,2,1…

    • Andrew says:

      Yeah and it was ridiculous. Perez put a post on his site that I think explains it well. I’m no fan of Perez (or Gaga) but he handled it well and his side of it makes much more sense than Gaga’s crap.

      • Meredith says:

        Agreed. Going after Madonna’s children and Perez’s baby son is Gaga BS. I like her new song – good dance tune but “artpop” it is not. Video looks good too but again, not artpop. This looks like she’s overreaching. Nothing wrong with being a pop star who puts out good dance tunes.

    • Eleonor says:

      I’ve read Perez post, and it sounded very logical to me.
      I don’t know if Gaga is on coke again, but just like when her fans started bulluying Adele she has not condamned their behaviour: she is just “let’s move on”, not “I don’t want you to death threat someone else”…

      • Samtha says:

        It does seem kind of weird for him to go apartment hunting in her building though, right after they’ve had some kind of falling out. There are plenty of apartments in New York.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I’m pretty sure she Did say things about not picking on Adele. I think there were tweets and a radio interview where she told them to back off.

      • Nance says:

        They were friends, maybe he wanted to talk to her about this.

      • jaye says:

        I thought she and Perez were besties. What happened?

    • Downton fan says:

      Doesn’t it seem like a publicity stunt? She wants to BE NUMBER 1!!!! And she obviously isn’t… So, she created this drama to score some headlines. I mean, this is a woman who just recently had to settle with one of her assistants because of how awful she was and had some sort of testimony sealed because she didn’t wanted it to be made public. She is a “monster” alright… But the literal kind

  2. lem says:

    It’s that black dress the same dress (but in black) that aniston wore recently in purple? If so, it seems like it’s just ill-fitting in the mid-section b/c it hasn’t flattered either woman.

    • Kaye says:

      My exact thought!

    • Latisse says:

      True. And am I the only person that thinks the painting of the face thing is really cool and beautiful. Like I find lady gaga in every other respect to be painful and untalented, but I love the idea of walking around with mini impressionist paint on my face.

      • Lama says:

        Ha! I hadn’t thought about it as a mini impressionist painting. I had more of a clown thing in my head. Dang it you made it sound cool

      • Babalon says:

        I think Bowie did it better.

        Along with the breathy, torchy singing style she’s trying for in the new single.

      • gg says:

        Yeah, I have to admit I love the colors on the white face like that.

        I also think her recent paranoia is coke-related.

      • Kcaia says:

        I kind of likeike it too, and wouldn’t be surprised if it became even popular, but not everyone could pull it off. My husband thinks it looks a hot mess, but he doesn’t really care for women’s fashion and make up anyway.

      • Mink says:

        I thought it beautiful, as well. I like it a lot better than the makeup in the turtleneck picture…or lack thereof.

  3. Marsha says:

    Lord lady gaga and perez had twitter buzzing last night. The feud was real.

    • Britney says:

      More like real pr stunt. Timing of this “feud” is really interesting. Her song is flopping hard, music video is on the way… SHE IS DESPRETE FOR ATTENTION.

  4. Assistant Rachel says:

    In the black dress photos it looks like crayola gang banged her face…

  5. Kemper says:

    What makes you think she is the one posting on her twitter? I heard some celebrities hire people to run the account for them for publicity & that is what this sounds like.

    • Jayna says:

      No, it was her. She went on a tirade on twitter and then deleted it after Perez released a letter saying he couldn’t believe she was accusing him of stalking and in fear for her life, that he was out with a realtor and his family looking at apartments, and now he has death threats coming in to him and his family from her fans.

      After she deleted her tweets, she then posted a new tweet saying to her fans, let’s move on to my video promo tomorrow and talk about that, basically. She never denied it was her on her fan site nor did the moderators.

    • emmie_a says:

      I don’t think it matters who wrote the posts. If it was her or her hired help, either way it’s a reflection of her. And if it’s all for publicity, it’s pretty pathetic. I think people don’t find her or her style outrageous or shocking anymore and there’s really nothing she can do about that.

    • Zoid says:

      I’m kind of confused as to how, if it was someone else, it makes this better somehow? It’s still her Twitter that she is in charge of! Like someone she hired would be stupid enough to start a random tirade/feud against someone else without her orders? Yeah right.

  6. Jayna says:

    Celebitchy missed the best tweets, the accusations of Perez stalking her at her apartment and saying he was going to kill her basically. LOL She sent out a tweet accusing him of stalking her because a Little Monster saw him at her apartment building. He was with a realtor and his mother and his baby looking at apartments in NY and his realtor showed him a unit in Gaga’s building, which he even denied knowing she lived there until afterwards.

    Gaga was in California. But she accused him of stalking her at her apartment and talked about does it take getting shot in the head, blah, blah, and posting some tweet he had sent her back sometime ago, something to do with Madonna and her guns in her show, I think. Is she on cocaine again and delusional, too much pot? She’s really comparing herself to Lennon now in her greatness and martyrdom, going to be shot outside her apartment building in the head? (Rolls eyes). Perez is going to kill her she thinks. LOL Now she deleted those tweets because her Little Monsters are sending death threats to Perez and his baby, I guess. Gaga sounds paranoid these days. LOL

  7. Lulu86 says:

    yeah you need to make an update. Perez has been seen looking at the same apartment building that Gaga lives in NY, so she accused him of stalking and he wrote a long letter defending himself. This is about to get ugly.

  8. blue marie says:

    she is so ridiculous.. how many months of this do we have?

  9. agentscully says:

    Ughhh go awaaaaaay

  10. hadleyb says:

    I am questioning how on earth this fool Perez can afford an apartment in the same building as GaGa, why does he make so much money blogging?

    What a waste of $$! Who is giving him that much after all the years he was dick to people?? To gossip, get swag, and suck up to certain celebs?

    I can’t stand either one of them!

    • Bette says:

      His blog is so amateur-ish, too. I could do a better blog than that, with a better design, better writing and better photos. I don’t understand how he got to be rich and famous by doing something so crappy!

  11. Jacqueline says:

    They’re both irrelevant.

    • Tapioca says:

      Yep. I don’t think Applause would have even made it as an album track on either of her first 2 CDs. If I’m this underwhelmed by a lead single how good can the rest be?

      • TheOneAndOnlyOnly says:

        Good point, the buzz just isn’t there; hell, she was on GMA shilling her music(owned by Disney): how “rebellious” and “edgy” is that. If applesauce, or whatever it’s called, is her best track, one wonders what the rest of the tracks sound like.
        She will never have Madonna, Tina Turner, Babs, Donna Summer’s, etc. career. She should be thankful she got this far with average talent and endless marketing.

      • Christo says:

        And she has claimed that Applause is the best track off the album, and was told by Jimmy Iovine to release it first because it was the stand-out track of all the ones that he listened to.

  12. Nev says:


  13. stay-cee says:

    They both need to get over themselves and calm the f down.

  14. MeowuiRose says:

    I used to love her but now there is nothing about her that is appealing and genuine. I thought she had a painful hip issue that was going to take months to care for? I don’t think her hips appreciate her shoes.

    • Hakura says:

      I never believed her regarding that ‘hip’ thing. Im a total cynic, & not really a ‘fan’. But I always felt like she &/or her management, realized people were getting tired of her, & she needed to find a way to cancel upcoming concerts (& have plastic surgery of some kind) that wouldn’t hurt her PR. The hip thing gave her all that; along with sympathy from fans.

      If I’m wrong, I do apologize, but she’s just made it hard to buy *anyhing* she says.

      • Isabel says:

        Totally agree on this one. She has had major surgery on her hip, yet walks around nude/half nude. Where are the scars??? Ive been wondering this for ages.

  15. Leah says:

    This time i am on Gagas side. Perez hilton is an awful excuse for a blogger, he has bulied so many people, really young girls. He deserves it.

    • Lama says:

      Does his kid also deserve the death and kidnapping threats? I think PH is despicable, but just because he’s an a-hole, doesn’t mean the Gaga fans didn’t take it too far. There were spewing some rampant homophobia as well.

      • Zoid says:

        +1 Lama

        Her monsters make a mockery of what it is to be a fan. You don’t need to tear down others to make your person popular (how they go around on YouTube and say every music video ever ripped her off). And on top of that they spew bullying, awful rants towards anyone and everyone that doesn’t kiss her feet or is more successful. That death threats they sent to his kid just… Ugh. I don’t even have words! Disgusting behavior. I don’t know who’s worse, Justins preteen horde or the monsters.

      • Leah says:

        @Lama I havent said anything about his kid.Of course innocent kids should be left out of it but maybe now that he is a father he can act more responsible himself.
        This man has bullied people, especially young women for the last decade, i dont have any sympathy for him he has used his platform of power in the celeb world to bully people so tell me why would i feel bad for him when the tables are turned? As for homophobia this is a man who used homophobic slurs in his blog and doesnt moderate his followers from doing so like they do on this site. He called Will I am a “faggot” to his face and was called out by Gay rights organisations so this man is every bit as capable of being nasty.

  16. Londongal says:

    He can’t cry because he’s getting a dose of his own medicine. He plays the media for a living?! A very comfortable living if he can afford a large NY apartment apparently. She’s lost it utterly it seems. The hip injury story was always odd and now she’s back and contradicting herself again with the goading fans ‘but I’m anti-bullying’ thing. Dear oh dear oh dear!

    • paranormalgirl says:

      If his CHILD is getting death threats, then he certainly has every right to “cry.” I think both he and Lady Gaga are deplorable people but no one deserves death wishes on their innocent child.

      • MonicaQ says:

        Co-fucking-sign. Leave the kid out of it.

      • Hakura says:

        Paranormalgirl, I cosign as well. It’s never an innocent child’s fault who their parents are, even if 1 is a professional asshole for a living.

  17. A says:

    I’m really starting to feel that Gaga is just a horrible, horrible person.

    • Jayna says:

      Just surrounded by a bunch of yes people telling her she’s the next Madonna, the next John Lennon, the next great whatever, and me thinks she’s back on coke, considering she really got back down in weight again.

    • Jillian says:

      I’ve always felt that. I’m sure she’s not all bad but she’s very self serving. The only times she does anything nice is so that people can say “look how nice she is to her fans blah blah blah”. I don’t feel like she’s someone who makes music bc they love the art of music, she just loves being famous and having everyone kiss her ass.

      • Hakura says:

        I think she lives on a perpetual power-trip, having a hoard of nut jobs just waiting to jump at her every command & at her defense with no limits in the lengths they’d go to for her. It’s sick.

    • Isabel says:

      Remember her wanting to keep courtdocs sealed because they were damaging for her, a woman ‘who shares everything with her fans’-her words? Sounds fishy.

  18. Dawn says:

    Well at least she does have some talent when it comes to singing. I think she rips off Madonna, Cindy Lauper and other people from the past so I don’t find her overly original. And as far as this Perez Hilton goes he is just a new version of a gossip queen. I want truth in my gossip and he just doesn’t seem to deliver on that end of it. Other than that I have nothing.

    • cs says:

      But her fans are not from that era. Her fans represent kids born in the 80’s/90’s. They may have heard of Madonna but they are not comparing her music to Gaga’s.

      When Madonna did the Super bowl half time show there were so many comments on other sites afterwards with “sit down Grandma”. I thought it was mean-spirited but, I realized they are not familiar with her legacy. To them, she comes from their parents or in some cases grandparents era.

      I actually think Gaga is much more talented than Madonna. Madonna never wrote and produced her own songs, she doesn’t play an instrument, doesn’t have a powerful voice and I never thought she was that great of a dancer, compared to Michael/Janet Jackson.

      Madonna is considered Iconic because she’s still in the game 30 years later.
      But what I’ve read, when she first came on the scene critics accused her of ripping off Blondie and predicted Cyndi Lauper would outlast her because she was more talented.

      If there’s an artist Gaga may be ripping off it’s Grace Jones, not Madonna.

      I really like this video/song.

      • Emily C. says:

        Madonna did write many of her own songs. And she’s considered iconic because she was a huge, huge, HUGE deal. Massive. Humongous. Gigantic. Kids these days just can’t know what an incredibly big deal she was. She was a game-changer.

        And Gaga does 100% rip off Madonna, in everything from attempt at getting controversy (sorry, Madonna sucked that well dry) to the music and beats of the songs themselves.

      • diva says:

        Cs- Madonna plays the guitar and had for several years

      • Adrien says:

        Madonna wrote many of her pop hits. She’s also wrote some good, enduring ballads. Haven’t heard Gaga sing a ballad that stuck with us even though she is known to play a piano and has a great powerful voice. She had few power ballads on Fame which were not bad but also not that memorable. I think her strong voice is her liability.
        I’m not sure if what was said on twitter or forums represented Madonna’s relevancy to the youth during her Superbowl performance but most of the people going to her concert are of varied ages.

      • Eleonor says:

        Madonna in the 80’s and the 90’s was the hugest superstar around, no one was as huge famous and powerful as her, except maybe Micheal Jackson.
        I was a kid, living in a small town in the country, but I knew who Madonna was, and that was the pre-internet era. There were girls all over the world who wanted to dress like her, move, dance like she did. And all without internet, sorry if I remark this but it is an important point, to understand why Madonna changed everything. There was a moment when she was collaborating only with “the best”, best photographs, best directors, she was tied with Gianni Versace and on and on… Lady Gaga can sing better but she has one decent album, that’s why I think she is not worth one foot of Madonna in 1988.

      • IamAcylon says:

        I am sorry but you are so wrong. Madonna was the deal back in the days. Lady Gaga is just fake. Google her pre-fame picture. Wallflower made ‘artist’ by record company.
        I am so glad being born in the 70’s. The young people of today don’t know shit, when it comes to good music or being truly edgy.

  19. joanne says:

    Perez Hilton is the blogger equivalent of the Kardashians: without talent and a waste of space. And he KNEW gaga was going to be in NYC later that day, how could he not know she was arriving in NYC to debut that music video of hers on GMA? it was all over her Twitter a few days ago.

    • Eleonor says:

      Sorry but according to you he shouldn’t go house hunting in NY only because Gaga is there??? What the hell? Gaga doesn’t own NY.

      • Lama says:

        +1 Eleanor. That’s ridiculous

      • joanne says:

        No but I’m saying that the possibility of him stalking her may be real. If he was actually harassing her that way, I think it was right of her to call him out. Her music may be meh but this is a completely different issue (if the allegations are real).

      • blue marie says:

        if her were truly stalking her, then wouldn’t he be in the same state as her? just a thought.

      • Dido says:

        And who would take their family and realtor on a stalking trip?!?

      • Samtha says:

        I don’t like either one of them, but…why that building of all the buildings in New York? It’s not as if there’s a paucity of apartments to choose from. And considering how close he and Gaga were at one point, his claim that he didn’t know that was her buildings is hogwash.

        He was there to be a dick. That doesn’t mean his child deserves to get death threats, but it is gross behavior. (What else can you expect from him, I suppose.)

  20. tifzlan says:

    Lady Gaga is a hack and her fans are disgusting. I don’t give a crap about Perez Hilton. I think he’s a self-centered bully. But Gaga’s fans took it too far when they threatened to kidnap his son and kill him. Ugh. And why is Gag trying so hard to look like Marina Abramovic? Get over yourself, Stefani. You’re not ground-breaking or important in any way, whatsoever.

    • Pastyousayyouneverknew says:

      +1 I read that tweet about his son and I was horrified, what do these people think they’re doing?

      • tifzlan says:

        I was shocked too. Picking on Perez is absolutely fine to me, he’s an adult and he can defend himself. But to threaten his son’s life is just crossing so many lines. How can these people even conceive such horrible thoughts? I also forgot to mention that they insulted his son by calling the poor child, who isn’t even 3 years old yet (i think), names like piglet, ugly and homophobic slurs. THESE are Lady Gag’s fans, people – the complete opposite of everything she so-called stands for. And the worst part is, Gag doesn’t even call out this appalling behavior. She stands idly by, which to me is essentially her condoning their insanity.

      • jaye says:

        I don’t think his son is even a YEAR old yet. I could be wrong, but didn’t he announce that he became a father this year?

    • Emily C. says:

      I agree with everything you said. If it were just Perez and Gaga tearing pieces out of each other, I’d laugh — it would be the only time either of these no-talent despicable jackasses had actually entertained me. But bringing the kid into it makes the whole thing horribly unfunny.

  21. Pastyousayyouneverknew says:

    I’m no one’s side tbh, dislike them both but some of the stuff her “little monsters” were saying were just cruel – saying stuff about Perez’s kid, threatening to kill him and stuff, twitter has really become a platform for talking shit and sounding like a sad excuse for a human being.

    • MonicaQ says:

      +1 seriously wtf. Leave the kids out of it. What’s wrong with kids and twitter? Do they think no one can find out who they are?

    • fingerbinger says:

      +1 Twitter in general is out of hand. All the racist,sexist, and homophobes seem to be on twitter. Death threats,rape threats,etc. It seems like anything goes.

    • Hakura says:

      You’re totally right, about Gaga. Her lack of condemnation for those disgusting threats her ‘fans’ made toward an innocent CHILD really makes it crystal clear what sort of person she really is. She cares more about the ‘power trip’ & her bottom line than basic human decency, or upholding her so called ‘anti-bullying’ stance.

      As far as I’m concerned? They can *both* go to hell. Leave children OUT of this BS. (*totally pissed off by this nonsense*)

  22. Jayna says:

    Isn’t it funny how she whines she is going to be shot in the head by her bullies but never once addressed all the hate and death threats that Kelly Osbourne talked about receiving from her Little Monsters and that Mother Osbourne asked her to address in a private email about the hate issued by Gaga’s Little Monsters. Now poor Gaga is going to be killed by Perez. LOL

    • tifzlan says:

      Not to mention the horrifying, frightening and disgusting messages her fans sent to Perez Hilton, threatening him by telling him that they were going to kidnap his son and “kill that little piglet”. Bravo, Gag. These are the people that make up your insane, psychotic following.

  23. diva says:

    I’m not a Perez fan but I have to side with him. Gaga exaggerated that situation to the extreme. You going to claim he’s stalking you but not your weird fans that were camped out at your building? Then have security let them in to get proof for you? Who does that but an attention whore. If there was a real that call the police. She obviously isn’t a nice person and a bully much like Perez is. She had no problems with being his friend when he was promoting her and taking crap about other female artist (mostly Christina and claiming she was copying Gaga). She knew what he was about so she gets no sympathy from me.

    • Jillian says:

      I bet her doorman can’t stand her. How annoying that she insisted some psycho fan be let in a luxury apartment building so he can take pictures of a potential resident.

    • bluhare says:

      Right. Because I’m sure the doorman is incapable of taking a photo and the lobby has no security video. As if!!

  24. truthful says:

    yeah, I peeped their dramam over the weekend, LOL!!

    lord, knows I cannot stand Perez but this went a lil too far.

  25. Sam says:

    Hold up – perhaps this is just my lawyer brain going off, but bear with me. She is terrified because Perez Hilton shows up in her building (just in the building, not at her personal residence), and that scares her. But there are random fans camped out around it as well as and that doesn’t freak her out? Personally, I’d be less afraid of Perez (who has a public image to think about) and more afraid of randoms camped out in the building. But to each their own, I guess.

  26. The Original Mia says:

    Her little monsters were busy this weekend. In addition to threatening Perez, they were also tweeting vile things to her ex music director, who tweeted he liked Katy Perry’s ROAR. These “kids” need to step away from Gaga’s butt and reevaluate their lives.

    • Zoid says:

      Seriously? I don’t have children yet, but I would feel like a failure of a parent if I raised children that threatened people in such a manner. That truly is toddler logic. ‘You like someone else’s music?? Wahhhhhhhhhh!!!’

  27. Kiddo says:

    So basically, High School goes on forever, doesn’t it?

    • Bijlee says:

      Seems like it hey? Except much scarier with all this social network crap. Another outlet for scum of the earth to express their horrendous thoughts.

  28. Nev says:

    double post

  29. Jillian says:

    I normally don’t like Perez Hilton but I’m with him on this. Lady Gaga thinks the world revolves around her and she’s become unbearable to me. I can’t even stand the sound of her ugly voice. Rant over.

    • NM9005 says:

      Perez and Gaga used to be good friends in the time that Perez drew cum on children’s faces and bullied every celeb about their weight or sexuality. She knew who he was.

      They actively tried to destroy Aguilera’s career and Perez couldn’t praise her enough. Then he was ‘good’ in her book. Now she blasts him on twitter and then goes on to say her fans should ignore him knowing well enough the damage is long done when she herself takes the lead in fighting online. They both need to grow the eff up.

      At some point, you have to question her REAL personality when she lets people know she befriends scumbags like Hilton and Richardson.

      She’s an adult, she can make her own choices and now that it comes to bite her in the ass, we should feel sorry for these assholes? LMAO.

      • Bridget says:

        They were tight, and he featured her so much on his website that he considered some of her success to be his making. They seemed like one of those friendships that you just knew was going to get ugly if they ever had a falling out.

        Also, aside from the venom he spewed at everyone Perez just wasn’t a very good gossip blogger. His site was just photos of celebs walking in and out of places. He stopped breaking anything a Long Long time ago, in fact this Gaga fued is probably the biggest news he’s been a part of in a long time.

    • TheOneAndOnlyOnly says:

      Your point re Gaggle’s reason for making music is spot on; and to generalize, that’s why so much of today’s music is just bad; it’s narcissism and vanity, and not the love of music, that is the driving force.That wasn’t the way it was, say, in the 60s – 80s generally speaking.

      • Emily C. says:

        It’s all about the money. Money’s been very important, even central, in the music business for a very long time, but people used to think “make good music to make money.” Now it’s just… make money. Promote an image to make money, I guess.

  30. Sc says:

    I haven’t paid attention in awhile but didn’t Perez used to worship Gaga? They were like besties.

  31. Izzy says:

    She should of handled this in a private manner. Not give the unstable twats on twitter more fuel for the fire. I dont like perez either. But to say you are going to kill his innocent son his so below the bottom.

  32. houseofbeatrix says:

    Why didn’t she just call the front desk and or police if she felted threatened? Why did she go to Twitter about it? This nonsense wreaks of stunt queen juice.

  33. Londerland says:

    1. He’s built a career being utterly vile to people; she’s happy to wind up her devoted fans to the point of hysteria if it boosts her ego and her “legend”. I can’t muster much sympathy for either of them.

    2. Third pic, with the turtleneck and the drugged-out smile, she looks so much like Heidi Fleiss.

  34. vv says:

    The fact she got on Twitter to handle a ‘very serious’ situation when a fan of hers tweeted about Perez being in her apartment building, is a clear sign she is an attention starved nut. She caused unnecessary alarm and drama without knowing the specifics or going directly to those who could verify and handle the situation.

    I also read some of the hate Gaga fans were then blasting at Perez and his INFANT son afterward and it was sick.

    She caused this. She sent these psychos on the warpath against him and no amount of beverage serving or mugging for the camera can make up for how irresponsibly she behaved. She needs to go away.

  35. Christo says:

    The problem with so much of today’s music is tied into the ease with which we can access information. Previously, people had to recreate themselves what they heard if they wished to imitate or copy what they heard. In those days, people went to work with a certain producer or remixer if they desired a particular sound. This would often lead to nuanced and different variations based upon an original inspiration. Unoriginal? Yes, but certainly more varied that what we see today.

    Today, the digitization of every allows one to lift pieces and copy things wholesale by altering things in the most minimalist of ways. A sounds can be replicated without the needs of human interaction. The computer itself coldly cuts section of a track and alters ever so slightly to make it deemed “original.”

    And when a person can’t sing but has the marketability, we previously had stand-ins such as with Black Box and Milli Vanilli. Today, we can autotune even the worst vocalists and yet still call it “original.”

    Needless to say, mindless fakery and copying abounds in today’s music.

  36. gg says:

    why do famous people engage in these public twitter wars – don’t they realize how immature and awful it makes them look?

    Also – she looks great in dark hair. I don’t understand her insistence on blonde hair. It looks like crap on her.

  37. TOPgirl says:

    I don’t know how much I believe Perez, he’s known to be quite a crazy fan of some celebrities. I think GaGa has a good reason to feel that he may have been stalking her. I think that Perez just needs to chill and back off from her. Especially when in the past he’s known to have called her his “wifey” and take pictures with her anytime he runs into her at some club or place. If I was GAGA I’d be a bit paranoid about him too.

  38. snappyfish says:

    i can’t take a person seriously when she is wearing a shirt that makes her look like a walking salt pan.

  39. iheartjacksparrow says:

    I thought Perez was the person that made her famous. Back when I used to read his blog every day (before his sister or whoever took it over and made it boring), he was always talking about Gaga and how great she was and telling people to buy her records. And now he hates her?

  40. Evie says:

    Seriously, whatever happened to the cute a fun ‘just dance’ version of Lady Gaga. I cannot watch her videos anymore or listen to her new stuff because she creeps me the hell out. And I wouldn’t be surprised by Perez Hilton’s stalker tendencies. Dude seems like the saddest and loneliest person ever.

  41. CAM says:

    Oh you should have screened capped the what Perez tweeted during that ordeal. Basically Gaga called off her crazy ass monsters because Perez threatened tot ell the truth about her, saying she’s not the person people think she is. That she’s heavily mistreated the people who work for her, that she’s done things to try and sabotaged other singer’s careers, etc.

    I usually don’t give a crap about what Perez says, but after that whole courtcase with the former assistant, and the judge saying that the details from it would definitely harm her career if they were released, then i tend to believe she’s this crazy asshole (or worse) pretending to be all good and enlightened.

    Think about it. Her monsters are always saying the worst, most vile things to other female popstars on twitter (adele, miley, katy perry,kelly osbourne) and she does nothing. She talks a big game about how bullying is wrong, but that seems to be unless it’s done to her “enemies.” She’s horrible.

    • Jayna says:

      Darn, I came in on the end of it last night when I had insomnia.

    • Emily C. says:

      I thought it was an open secret that she tried to destroy the careers of other women. Nothing new there, though more evidence would certainly be interesting to see.

      • CAM says:

        @Emily C I always sort of thought Gaga was kinda awesome. until i heard this about this sabotage. I’m willing to bet many, many people don’t know how horrible she is. I think she encourages vile behaviour from her fans, and secretly enjoys when they viciously tear down other female singers in the industry.

  42. floretta50 says:

    If Perez Hilton moved into the building of any celebrity they would have him removed by the owners, legally or by any means necessary he makes his living selling their gossip, why is Lady GaGa any different,also he had to know she was living there, he is a gossip columnist.

    • Apsutter says:

      It’s an apartment building and last time I checked we live in a free country where anyone who could afford it could buy a place in the same building.

  43. shelley says:

    I love Lady Gaga…in spite of what her cray fans get up to on twitter

  44. Christo says:

    Not sure if any of you caught her GMA interview, but her haircut looked atrocious. With her big schnoz and hair color, she looked like a cleaned up version of Lena Dunham.

    • TheOneAndOnlyOnly says:

      Caught a little of it; it’s so “dangerous” to be on GMA, even with the fawning – maybe it’s just me, but she doesn’t come across as truly mature, as opposed to acting in a certain way.

  45. Jeanette says:

    He posted a video about a week ago on his website that he would be moving to NYC with his mom and baby..I believe him.

    I also think she is the monster here, not her delusional followers.

  46. TheTruthHurts says:

    Lady Gaga seems like the biggest fake out there. Yes, she completely rips off Madonna in her songs, that has been an issue from the beginning. I think she is another “artist” created by marketing execs at record labels. I also think her support of the gay community is a marketing ploy, which is incredibly sad.

    • Leslie says:

      My thoughts exactly. She does a lot of wacko things to stay in the public eye. She’s way over the top crazy. I’ve always thought it was drugs.

  47. Lea says:

    I don’t like Perez Hilton, but I believe his version of the story. And seeing Lady Gaga’s fans send death threats towards his baby was absolutely disgusting.
    Lady Gaga is losing her mind because Perez Hilton is right: her music is all about herself, how she is the queen of the fu***g universe, an icon, an art revolutionnary, blablabla. I think her first album was really good, but she doesn’t have Madonna’s talent to reinvent her music, and therefore will never be at her level.

  48. Apsutter says:

    Perez is a POS but he’s totally right about Gaga and her new music. It sucks and he wasn’t bullying by questioning the fact that it sounds like Madonna and it really IS all about HER. Gaga’s nuts and is so deluded thinking that her crappy pop is art and thinking someone is going to kill her…bitch , you’re not John Lennon.

  49. Vanessa says:

    I believe Perez Hilton when Christina Aguliera bionic came out Perez and gaga went on fully fledge attack on Christina Aguliera Most of the bad press that Christina Aguliera got for bionic was from Perez site and the lady gaga fans . Perez would not let up on Christina Aguliera he was relentless lady gaga had no problem with Perez then they were best friends when he tried to destroy Christina Aguliera career . In the words of mr feeny lady gaga is poseur she use her fan base to further her Narcissistic ego she so against bullying yet her own little monster bully and harassed other artist on twitter all the time .The only reason lady gaga called off her crazy fans last night is because Perez threated to reveal her secrets she only put a stop to her crazy fans when was Convenient to her . She had no problems with her fans threating Perez life or his son lives she only put a stop to all the “hate ” when her ass was going to put on blast .

  50. LaurieH says:

    Does anyone even read Perez Hilton anymore? For years, he was Queen of the Bullies, sinking so childishly low as to draw penis pictures on the photos of celebrities he didn’t like. Then he had some kind of political correctness-induced epiphany in which he turned syncophantically saccharine. Throughout his bi-polar transformation, he has always been the world’s biggest suck-up when it came to Lady Gaga (to the point of it being a near-religion for him). If he’s now taken to criticizing the very object of his idolation, one can only assume that his meds have worn off.

  51. Anaya says:

    Aha! The truth. I should put a question mark behind the ‘truth’ but this is probably what is actually behind the Perez vs. Gaga feud.


    So it’s all about Perez confronting Gaga about her drug addiction. Oh, allegedly. I can’t say I’m surprised.

  52. Amanda says:

    Perez is a nasty, vile person. Always has been an always will be. Lady Gaga obviously isn’t a saint either if she was a former BFF of Perez. That’s all I’ve got to say.

  53. Jennifer12 says:

    I don’t feel sorry for Perez. He deliberately and viciously turned on Brandi Glanville in public and began calling her sons Leann’s kids. He tweeted ugly and spiteful things to her. Karma is a bigger bitch than he is.

    • Littlewood says:

      How about feeling sorry for his child, the one people are threatening to kidnap and murder because Gaga had to be a attention wh*re and use twitter to air her “problems”. If she really was afraid of her safety she should have called the security at her building and the police not random fans on twitter who just happened to hang out at her building (I’ll be more afraid of them, then a man with his mother and baby). I don’t care about Perez at all but Gaga showed her true colors and they weren’t pretty.

  54. Meggin says:

    The way her “monsters” attacked Perez Hilton’s son was really disgusting. They called him ugly and threatened the baby. It was crazy.

  55. Sasha says:

    I like PARTS of this video- BUT what is wrong with it and other Gaga videos?
    She dives into many artistic realms ( here she does freak show, magic, mime/clown art, haunted halloween….) and connects them..However, then she starts adding in these new “elements”, such as “cyborg lad”y..When she could just explore a few realms, show us more of these few AND ACTUALLY BE CREATIVE with them, BLOW OUR MINDS!
    But she just introduces new shit before we can really take in the “essence” of the video–and the result is a very surface, ever-changing plot and visual stimuli…no heart.

    • Jayna says:

      I agree, but I like it because compared to her Born This Way album videos like Born This Way, You and I, Marry the Night, it’s cohesive. Those other videos were a hot mess. She got great repsonse to her videos during The Fame/Fame Monster eras, that she wanted to outdo them and take the credit. She threw everyhing but the kitchen sink at her BTW era videos and directed most or had a huge hand in directing them and they were a hot mess. It’s why people got sick of her. Trying to be better than anyone else and more artistic was really just her throwing anything in trying to look artistic and having a jumbled mess. She tried to take Madonna’s career from 1983 to 1997 (Ray of Light) and at warp speed throw it all into two years or three years. What a mess. Then you go back and look at Madonna’s iconic videos like Express Yourself, Vogue, Papa Don’t Preach, Deeper and Deeper, Justify My Love, etc., and they are visually interesting without overloading the senses. So in that sense, at least this video by Gaga has less elements compared to her last album.

  56. Dommy Dearest says:

    Never thought I’d be on Perez’s side but Gaga needs to go somewhere. She’s as fake as Kim’s face. Someone needs to tell her she isn’t THAT important.

  57. meowmix says:

    Story is:
    Lady Gaga and Perez were coke head buddies/bff’s (he lost all that weight once they became friends. healthy lifestyle thing is a lie). He helped make her famous. The time she took off for her injury was also spend detoxing from a plethora of substances including pills. He told other people about her substance abuse problem to try to help her and this set her off.

  58. tmbg says:

    I’m so sick of her. I know nobody seems to like Madonna on here and she *does* have a huge ego, but her music blows Gaga’s out of the water. I wish she’d put out a really good album that would make us forget Gaga existed.

    As for Perez, I barely think of him anymore. I didn’t even know he had a kid. His site has barely any comments compared to what he got in his heyday. Perez and Gaga can both take a hike.

  59. Isabel says:

    Ok, been wondering something: from what I understand a lot of Gaga fans are crazy, judging by twitter.
    Gaga now labeled PH as a creepy dude, out to hurt her. What if one of those crazy fans picks up a gun and kills Perez, because ‘Gaga needs protection from this monster’. What is Gaga gonna do? Whine that she didnt cause this? Because, yes she did, with her stalkerrant. Judging by the hysterical fan behavior I can see this happening, she has an insane fandom, young and old.

  60. Annie says:

    I don’t much like Perez Hilton but this is a case of biting the hand that feeds you since Perez helped make her a star to begin with. Gagme is an awful hypocritical human being and I’d certainly defend Perez before her.

  61. elvisgrace says:

    Didn’t they used to be besties? When did all this happen?