Kate Gosselin sues Jon Gosselin for wiretapping, hacking and identity theft

There have been stories for years that Jon Gosselin regularly snooped into his ex wife Kate’s phone and email. Jon worked as some kind of “IT professional” before his flash-in-the-pan reality career. From what we heard of his “hacking” it wasn’t that advanced and involved things like automatically forwarding messages to himself. Last year, Jon reportedly handed over electronic information including Kate’s personal diary entries to an “author” who wrote a tell-all vilifying Kate. The author, Robert Hoffman, claimed to have “found” Kate’s hard drive in the trash, just waiting for the picking. The book included bank statements and diary entries allegedly from Kate. Hoffman was quickly shut down by Kate’s lawyers. Given the barely readable quality of the excerpts that were online, I doubt the book would have sold many copies anyway.

Now Kate is suing her ex, Jon Gosselin, and his co-conspirator, Robert Hoffman, or wire tapping, hacking, identity theft and invasion of property. As if those yokels were that sophisticated or had enough money to sue for. Radar reports that it’s a multi-million dollar lawsuit although US Weekly claims that it’s for “unspecified damages.” (Those two things might not be mutually exclusive.)

Jon and Kate plus lawsuit. On Monday, Aug. 26, Kate Gosselin filed a lawsuit against ex-husband Jon Gosselin, alleging he hacked into her computer and phone and stole her hard drive.

The Associated Press reports that Kate, 38, claims in the federal lawsuit that Jon, 36, accessed private information for the book, Kate Gosselin: How She Fooled the World, written by Robert Hoffman, who is Jon’s friend and business partner. “Jon violated a federal anti-hacking statute in order to publish salacious, scandalous and defamatory information about Kate,” said Kate’s lawyer A. Jordan Rushie. “It’s damaged her reputation.”

The lawsuit said that the 2012 book was taken off stands after two days for illegally obtaining information. The suit accuses Jon of identity theft, wiretapping and invasion of privacy.

Kate and Jon, who starred on TLC’s reality series Jon & Kate Plus 8 alongside their eight children, divorced in 2009 after 10 years of marriage. Kate is seeking unspecified damages in the lawsuit.

[From US Weekly]

Kate admitted in a recent People interview that she’s running scared now that she has no employment to speak of. She also said that she had to let her bodyguard/alleged lover Steve Nield go because she could no longer afford to pay him. I’m thinking this lawsuit is more about publicity than it is money. Jon is living in some cabin in the woods and I doubt this Hoffman guy has any money to speak of either. Kate wants us to talk about her again, because she knows that’s the only way she’s going to land a job somewhere. Her People Magazine cover barely generated any interest and this is plan B.

photo credit: WENN.com and FameFlynet

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80 Responses to “Kate Gosselin sues Jon Gosselin for wiretapping, hacking and identity theft”

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  1. Erinn says:

    This should be interesting. Jon really doesn’t have anything to give her. Unless she fights for complete parental rights.

    My question is who’s hard drive was it really? Was it hers, or was it a shared computer, or Jon’s computer?

    And why hasn’t more come of the fact that she admits to essentially abusing the children in the diary?

    I think if this goes to court a lot more things are going to come out than she expects.

  2. brin says:

    Those poor kids.

    • Kcaia says:

      Why? Bc of Jon? Bc those kids are lucky to have Kate for a mother. Women nowadays don’t know how to handle ONE child, and Im not talking about the uneducated or unwed. Im talking about normal women who can’t figure out who’s in charge, the parent or the two year old. Kate should be used as an example of how to raise kids. One thing so many ppl don’t seem to get it, a spoiled child IS NOT a happy child. 99% of the time, Children are better off with a mother that smacks their assses with a woodens spoon every once in a while, to teach discipline, than having a mother that struggles with having to tell her precious baby NO.

      • Dap says:

        Yeah and children are also better off with parents who don’t exploit them for money and rip each other head in public.

      • TG says:

        You never watched the show. That monster abused her children and her husband. You must be really stupid not to see that or else you are abused yourself in which case I hope you get help. It is always better to live poor than put up with an abusive spouse.

      • vennie says:

        Children do need discipline but they don’t need to be hit or afraid of their parents to behave. Not if you are consistent and actually spend time with your children. I don’t spank or hit my child, I don’t need to. She is disciplined, told no and grounded when she does things wrong. She is a joy to be around, has good self esteem and is being taught to make the right choices through communication not fear.

        Most people wouldn’t kick or hit their dog or cat but some have no problem hitting their children. I don’t understand this.

      • Kcaia says:

        I don’t hit my kids, never said you have to. But it is better to discipline a child physically than barely. There is a big difference between abuse and discipline, and from what I understand, she supposedly felt terrible for the spoon incident, and realized she needed to get control of herself. How many of us could handle a week in Kates life? I have watched the show, and there’s no doubt in my mind that those kids are healthy and happy and an ideal picture of well raised children. I go in a grocery store and see moms with ONE kid having a meltdown over a piece of candy. Haha, my kids know better than to try that. Not bc they have a fear of ME or of violence, my kids have a fear of consequences, plus they have this rare thing for a child called respect. I would bet money that even my one year old listens better than most three year olds. And on top of that, she is extraordinarily happy.

      • nicegirl says:

        “the uneducated or unwed” . . .

        HARSH JUDGMENT there.

        we take issue, sir

      • Kcaia says:

        Nicegirl, I have a GED and some college. I’m trying to be clear here Im talking about your average soccer mom, not teen mom.

      • nicegirl says:

        Congratulations on your GED and college education.

      • Bridget says:

        There are so so so many things wrong with your statement. If Kate Gosselin is your idea of a good parent then god have mercy on your children. That woman’s priorities are her own fame, not her children’s well-being, and once the show was over the children apparently hada LOT discipline problems. There’s a vast difference between giving physical punishment and being a pushover who’s children have no boundaries, and it concerns me that you don’t seem to see a difference. Remember, as much as kids can misbehave when we strike or physically punish them all we’re teaching them is to solve their own problems that way – in the same way that we try to teach children that their actions have consequences, we have to remember that our own actions have consequences.

        Also, don’t ever brag that you’re better than the mom in the store who ia trying to cope with her children’s temper tantrum. You don’t know her, you don’t know her atory and you don’t know her kid’s story. And I’d also point put that the kid is acting out because the parent said NO. When you say things like ”my kids know better than to try that” all you’re doing is setting yourself up for karma to smack you down. Also, it’s a dick thing to say.

      • springingforward says:

        Don’t feed the troll. She will go back under her bridge.

      • HappyMom says:

        She is a disgusting person and not a mother that anyone should aspire to.

      • Kcaia says:

        Bridget, children have meltdowns for two reasons. Because they have not been shown how to handle their emotions in a situation, and/or bc they have had previous success with this behavior. This can all be googled. In some cases of fear or the unknown, a tantrum might be expected, but a child freaking out over candy is not the fault of the child. That doesn’t mean that the mother is intentionally hurting her child,but in that case the child is missing some important life lessons, mainly that life will be hard if you expect too much and/or don’t know how to handle what life throws at you.
        I can see how you could interpret what I said as a dick move, (so is god have mercy on your children) but Im not saying Im personally better than the mom in the grocery store, but I believe my parenting skills are in that area. And my kids do know better. Bc my kids know nothing good will come from that kind of behavior. They’ve been taught that by example and by consequences. Ppl who have their children’s full respect know you will rarely have to punish your children, I can give my kids the look that they’re going too far, and I can get more regret from them out of disappointment then punishment. These are behaviors that can be taught, but are hugely ignored. Watch Mars Needs Moms and check out how a young son and moms relationship is portrayed in the US. This is a portrayal meant to be relatable to the American families.
        You don’t know me, but Im not a judgemental person, its a human trait I fight as much as I can. That’s why I don’t like this declaration by the online gossip fans that Kate is a bad mom when the only evidence there is, the kids, points to the opposite. I believe firmly that kids today are way overstepping their boundaries when it comes to respect. Some of them turn out ok, but children raised with it turn out to be excellent adults, assuming there is no abuse or life altering circumstances. Those kids don’t have to learn all their lessons the hard way, bc they believe in the lessons they were taught in childhood, and in general they have way more self esteem.

      • jwoolman says:

        Those kids showed all the signs of being afraid of their mother. Their body language told the real story. She is cold and abusive. They relax only with their dad, who shows genuine affection and was clearly the one who was taking care of them physically and emotionally from the beginning. We don’t hear about the kids running wild on his watch.

        Google for info on narcissistic mothers- they do tremendous damage to their kids, and Kate seems to be way over on the pathological end of the spectrum. Jon is just an average guy and had no idea how to deal with her (and honestly, the universal advice on how to deal with such a person is to run away as fast as your legs can carry you). She is such a germophobe ( “boys are icky”), I do believe that they had an arrangement where he could see whomever he wanted as long as he played the role of husband for the show. Meanwhile, he was actually living over the garage the whole time. When Jon was directly asked on camera if he had cheated, he immediately said “no” with no signs of deception and clear signs of truthfulness. In a just world, he would have had full custody of those kids and she could have given up the charade of pretending to care about them. She stopped even pretending she liked one of the twins long ago. Good luck when she has a passel of angry, resentful, emotionally disturbed teenagers on her hands…

      • Montréalise says:

        I have never, ever shown any warmth or affection towards her children. All she does is bark orders at them, like a drill sergeant. Those kids always look tense and unhappy around her.

    • Decloo says:

      Too bad they don’t live in the U.K. Then those kids would not be too young to send off to boarding school and they might actually have a chance.

  3. Belle Epoch says:

    Has anybody read this book? Erinn, where did you read the diary entries? The book might actually have made money if they hadn’t screwed things up!

    • Erinn says:

      I didn’t actually read the diaries. I remember reading a bunch of articles at the time of the book coming out though. This was one of them. There were more, but I’m at work lol


    • Montréalise says:

      I read the book – I managed to download it just before it was pulled. It portrays a very, very nasty person – a lot of really horrible stuff. And as Kate herself tacitly admits through her lawsuit, this wasn’t made up – the author got all this information from her own journals and other personal documents. She isn’t suing for libel and slander – just for invasion of privacy.
      Actually, this lawsuit will backfire in a big way. The book was only available for two days before it was pulled, and very few people actually read it. Now, everyone wants a copy!

  4. Naye in VA says:

    But see, i kind of want her to succeed, because, look at those beautiful children. I can’t imagine that if she were to go back to nursing solely, she could even begin to afford to take care of them.

    • Amory says:

      Mere mortals survive just fine on a real salary, and she has tons of money socked away. Her cries of poverty are outrageous — she made millions. And if she cut down on her budget for her own personal appearance, she could feed the kids for a year.

      And suing people for living expenses is a pretty short term strategy. real success would be building a safe life for these kids, but constantly battering their father is only going to make them feel insecure. When she batters the father, she batters them. It is absolutely that direct.

      She is a sickening person who has always put her needs and emotions above that of her children.

      • AustinMJ says:


        Pretty sure I’de be fine if I never had to read about or see this woman or her douch X again.

    • NerdMomma says:

      She could easily go back to nursing now that the kids are in school…and I recall that they were given all kinds of perks “for life” so I think she’s well-supplemented by a lot of companies. Somehow I really think the kids would rather have a fun and relaxing life than tons of money, when that comes with a psychotic desperate mother who will shill them out to the highest bidder.

      • Maureen says:

        She does not want to work. Bottom line. That woman had a taste of the rich life and she will even make a pact with satan to not have to go back to being “normal”.

    • Ok says:

      Well Naye I was just thinking. Jon and Kate were just a regular couple who had twins thru fertility treatments then went back to fertility treatments for additional treatments.

      With the additional treatments they wound up with 6 MORE CHILDREN !!!!!

      Exactly how did they think they were going to afford to raise 8 children, 6 of whom were coming thru all the milestones at the same time??

      The reality show was a blessed occurrence for them because it gave them access to a lot more money in order to raise the family.

      But think about it — what would have happened if they never for the show?? They would be an average couple with 8 children to raise. They would be broke and in debt struggling to make ends meet.

      • Kcaia says:

        Ok, ITA. I mean, lets be serious here. Someone explain to me how it would be so “easy” to go back to work after all this and support 8 kids as a single mother on a nurses salary? Especially when shed have to work with at least a few ppl that would probably feel that since they watched her show and read some interviews with Kate that they have the right to judge and determine what she should or shouldn’t do with HER kids and life.

      • Noodles says:

        She had IUI as a fertility treatment. That’s playing with fire for her right there.

        As for how she can go back to a regular job? Tough luck. That’s called life. The kids are in school. She could hire a babysitter to take care of them either before/after depending on her schedule.

        Sell the giant house and get a real job. No, her life won’t be comfy, but if she plans carefully, she could be fine.

        She just wants to stay famous and not work.

    • emmie_a says:

      There are plenty of people who have huge families and work ‘normal’ jobs to support them. Kate is a royal bitch who thinks she deserves to be rich and famous and that’s the only thing she wants, no matter what is best for her kids. If she didn’t spend so much money on plastic surgery and sports cars and extras for herself then she would have enough money to support her family. And I’m not saying that she shouldn’t spend money on herself, but she invested too much money in making over herself (physically) in hopes of finding fame and fortune. That was a dumb move and now she’ll have to find money elsewhere.

      • Kcaia says:

        I think the little she spent on hair, make up and surgery paid her back tenfold everytime she made it on a magazine cover in a bikini or just looking hot. Like it or hate it, that’s the business she’s in. Fame is fleeting, and it seems to me like she did a pretty good job of making it last, and I think she prooved that it all really comes down to providing for herself and her kids. I mean, who exactly did such a good job raising those kids? I just feel like with ppl like Kate, everyone’s so busy focusing on her negative side that they completely ignore all of her positives. She’s not perfect, like the rest of us, as a mother or person, but she is a strong, intelligent woman/mother that loves her family, and imo, a lot of ppl could take to learn a few lessons out of her book of parenting.

      • EG says:

        Well said, emmie_a. There is no hiding this woman’s true nature, either behind plastic surgery, or motherhood.

      • emmie_a says:

        Kcaia: Did you ever watch her show? Hear about how she operates? Track her lies? Kate Gosselin is a monster and a huge liar — she might love her family but she loves herself more and everything she does is to better her life, not necessarily her family. And spending $30,000+ on plastic surgery and hair extensions, etc. is not a smart move unless you are wealthy enough to not have to worry about how you are going to feed your family in years to come.

      • Kcaia says:

        Emmey, but the makeover was smart and benefited her financially. We wouldn’t even be having this conversation if she was still frumpy Kate. And I know Kates a bitch sometimes, but her kids are happy, intelligent, smart, mature, polite, behaved etc, etc. And abused kids may be some of those things but not eight abused or neglected kids, being all of those things, bc abuse will manifest itself some way or the other. I think its more damaging to these kids to have ppl that never met them talk about how they pity them and how evil their mom is, especially when nobody can ever explain how these kids show proof of possible damages to their well being. Last year every one took it as their right to say the kids are fd up bc the one boy got in a fight and suspended. He probably did, and its hard to blame a child for losing his temper when he probably has other jealous kids talking crap about his family that they learned from adults, as my assumption. Either way, kids make mistakes too, and this hasn’t been a repetitive issue. These kids have had pressures most adults will never face and they’ve came out strong and wise and humble, imo, and their dad being the man he is, I give the credit to Kate for showing those kids how to be survivors, and providing so well financially, emotionally and structurely under their circumstances.

      • emmie_a says:

        “…her kids are happy, intelligent, smart, mature, polite, behaved etc, etc.”

        You can’t really base your argument on that statement because you don’t know that. You can think that because that’s what Kate tells you but nobody knows anything about her kids except for what she claims. And she’s a very deceitful person so I’d be wary of anything she says.

      • Kcaia says:

        Maybe, but I can cite tons of examples that the children are all these things, but there is barely, if any, reasonable examples of how they are not. They are the picture of well raised kids. I doubt that is something that can be faked after years of their lives on full public display.
        Plus, if my argument is invalid bc I don’t know for sure, than no one here really has any argument at all about KG and her kids, unless we know her personally, by the same logic.

      • bluhare says:

        kcaia: Kate’s “brand” (I hate that word) is that of a mother raising children. Yet she had to go and get a boob job, veneers, extensions, fillers, botox and/or plastic surgery, and basically turned herself into every other Hollywood wannabe. (I don’t blame her for the tummy tuck after 8 kids.) She’s also on twitter accepting freebies and gifts from anyone who’ll give her something. I actually know this because I went and read about her after seeing the level of vitriol she gets, so I was curious.

        And she filed this lawsuit over a book that was pulled from Amazon a day or two after it went up because TLC was upset their contracts were reprinted in their entirety which violated some agreement. So all this is over a book no one read and no one will read because you can’t buy it.

      • jwoolman says:

        Kcaia- two of the younger kids were expelled from kindergarten for being physically and verbally abusive with staff and other children. And that was even after being assigned someone to watch them all the time. Tip of the iceberg and all that. Those kids are all under tremendous stress and she is the focal point. Their time with their dad is probably what’s keeping them relatively sane, but they will need extensive therapy to undo the damage from their mom. Even Sarah Palin, not exactly the most nurturing of parents, was appalled by Kate’s behavior with the kids when they did a joint episode with them. She just ain’t right in the head. She hasn’t figured out yet that someday, she will be outnumbered by teenagers who won’t be so easily intimidated.

      • emmie_a says:

        jwoolman: I was never a Sarah Palin fan but after that episode I became one! Kate acted like an entitled bitch the entire time she was with Sarah, complaining about everything while Sarah came off as fun and adventurous and carefree. Kate’s kids wanted to stay and camp but Kate made everyone leave because she was cold, or some lame excuse like that. Personally I think she wasn’t the center of attention so it wasn’t working for her.

        Months later I ran across pictures of Kate in NY with her *bodyguard*. It was winter and everyone was wearing winter jackets because it was cold — everyone except Kate, who was wearing a tight shirt and showing off her bolt-ons. I laugh at that because when she should have been cold she wasn’t but when she wanted to leave Alaska, she was cold. She’s so full of it.

      • Montréalise says:

        Kcaia – Kate was successful when she was “frumpy” because viewers could relate to her – an average, middle class mom who was trying to raise a very large family with her husband. People changed their opinion of her when she decided she was a “star” and spent thousands of dollars trying to turn herself into a blonde bombshell. Hollywood is full of starlets who are younger and prettier than Kate, and many of them have actual talent – something Kate lacks.

      • Kcaia says:

        I get ppl are very passionate about the type of person KG and the Kardashians are on these sites, so Im starting to think Im just wasting my time, but to me, she’s just a tabloid star/reality mom, but human too. Not some wicked, abusive, psycho. This publicity/fame is a game, and yeah it went to her head, and that’s understandable, as it is for her to see fame as an opportunity. With women like Kate, she can do no right in domes eyes. Nobody said Kate is perfect, but she is neat, organized, structured, independent, tireless, she has a lot of great qualities I think in a woman, plus she is tough, strict and assertive, and I think these things bother a lot of people. She definitely has a hard shell, but often that’s to protect oneself, and I really can’t blame her.
        I think its obvious she has some deeper issues, but again, she’s human, not perfect. Why is it so wrong that she put down her husband but not wrong for millions to put her down and predict how messed up the kids will be?

  5. Dorothy#1 says:

    They probably had a plan in place on how to raise these kids on a regular salary. They had no idea how popular their show would become. And I would hope Kate saved some of the money from the show, she made millions of dollars. If not, go get two jobs to support the kids, lot of Americans do it.

    • Noodles says:

      They had a website up looong before they became famous. Their fame was not an accident. It was deliberate.

      • apsutter says:

        Not to mention that they would go from church to church spewing their little sob story and begging for donations. Their fame was calculated and Kate clearly thirsted for it and money.

  6. dorothy says:

    My guess is this one last chance to garner attention. Her show failed, her website failed as did her cruise. It’s time to admit your 15 are over! Now, get a real job and go away!

  7. Flora Kitty says:

    She is a Nurse Ratchet wannabe.

    • Lisa says:

      Legit. If she went back to nursing and ended up being my nurse, I’d rip the IV out of my arm and fly down that hallway with my robe open.

  8. Andrea says:

    I agree this is entirely to keep herself in the media spotlight. That said a lawsuit is the dumbest idea, it gives credibility to Robert Hoffman’s claim she abused her children. The poor kid’s.

  9. ErinINPitt says:

    Kate is a famewhore. She’s withering from the lack of attention, that’s all. Now she can cry on a few Insider episodes, maybe get a new People story – it’s like air to her. Plus, she already made clear she has no intention of getting a real job – she thinks it’s beneath her.

  10. JudyK says:

    She’s despicable to put her children in the middle of this…anything to make her relevant again.

    So over her or any damned thing she’s doing.

    And she has plenty of money. This is rubbish.

  11. Anname says:

    So much money spent in this lawsuit – doesn’t she realize that this money going to lawyers from both her and Jon just means less for the kids? Who wins here?

  12. Dawn says:

    Remember this when reading this article, they had the world by the tail and then Kate told Jon the marriage was over and he could do whatever he wanted as long as he was discreet and showed up for filming. Jon tried to get her to go marriage counseling but Kate would have none of that because she believed that people loved her when they didn’t love her they loved the kids. TLC helped Kate make Jon look like he was the one who ruined the marriage which was a falsehood. Jon was the main caregiver of the kids from the time they were born until Kate kicked him to the curb. Kate spent the majority of their money on herself thinking she would achieve fame forever and guess what she didn’t. Jon got the raw end of this from day one. He has nothing to lose any longer as Kate and TLC made sure to destroy him while trying to protect the brand and now neither of them has anything. As far as I’m concerned Kate deserves nothing but a kick in the butt because she is big phony and as lazy as the day is long.

    • JudyK says:

      This. And my last comment anywhere EVER on Kate Gosselin.

    • Maureen says:


      This is basically my perception all along, too. I also think that whatever Jon became as a man it was Kate who helped create that. Jon–as we have come to know him post-show with the women and the douche behavior and the extraordinary wasting of money–is what happens when a man gets free from an emotionally abusive relationship where a woman hounded him and beat him down verbally and emotionally for over a decade. He went a little bit insane.

    • Ok says:

      Dawn — I agree.

      I remember watching the season where the marriage was ending. Jon mentioned something about how Kate wanted him to just keep going as if “nothing had happened”. And he was in angry shock and disbelief.

      I think Kate started having feelings for another man and wanted Jon to keep up the facade for the sake of money and keeping the show going.

      And, when you look back, Kate really really blew a good thing. That show was still doing really well, it not only offered them wealth, but a wealth of opportunities wherever they went.

      How many families get to go to Disney and skip all the lines? They were given first class treatments wherever they travelled because the show made it happen.

      When the show ended, it must have been culture shock for the kids with the realization that there is no more
      Hopping to the front of the line anymore.

      The downfall of the family’s lifestyle and opportunities is all on Kate

    • Cowgirl says:

      This is exactly what I saw. Now she’s just desperate for minute 16.

  13. lisa says:

    i dont think this is for publicity. kate knows jon has no desire to work and not much of a resume to use to get addl work. taht IT job he had was for a friend who did him a favor. some of his legal work has been for free from a friend of his father. she wants to shut him down because desperate people do desperate things.

  14. Maureen says:

    She’s flat broke with 8 kids…but still manages to have fake-bake tan and press-on French manicure nails.

    Whatever, Kate.

  15. Amy says:

    What lawyer takes on a case like this? I never watched the show but I vaguely remember he’s working construction now or something, right? Seems to me like Jon doesn’t have a pot to p*ss in. She’s not the only one fame-whoring here.

  16. Jayna says:

    I have to say, you’d have to be stupid not to know Jon gave the hardrive to this guy, and I think it’s despicable for the father of these children to participate in a big way in a book to disparage the mother of his children. Jon is a spineless, lazy man, who drifts from job to job, and wanted to take down Kate without regard to his children. And I can’t stand Kate, believe me, but at least she takes care of the kids. This was just too low of a step for me as a parent. But I have no love for Kate, so don’t really have any sympathy for her in this. Just a lot of sympathy for the children. I don’t know what this lawsuit is going to get her, because he has no money. I suspect she had to include him in the suit against the author. It will be an empty judgment and Jon probably won’t even have a lawyer and she will never go after him for the judgment. He doesn’t even pay child support. But lawyers are expensive and she won’t get hardly anything from the loser author either as I don’t think he is very successful, so I don’t see why she’s wasting money on lawyers. Again, all this does is hurt the children. Move on. Paying these lawyers is money she doesn’t have, so I don’t get why she’s doing it. Since there’s no big financial reward that’s going to come from the author.

  17. NewWester says:

    Let’s hope Kate and PMK never get together. Because those Gosslin children would be doomed!

  18. Lisa says:

    Two points worth remembering:

    Kate easily vilifies herself.

    She also penned her own tell-alls, and promoted every bit of her life in various media outlets, so for her to cry about privacy is ridiculous.

    That doesn’t excuse him if he actually stole from her, but it’s hard to feel sympathy toward her.

  19. Amanda says:

    Why did the fertility doctor let her have six kids at one time? Did they even realize how dangerous that was and are Jon and Kate even able to appreciate the fact that all their kids are alive and well?

    • Rain says:

      They knew the dangers. The six started off as seven. Kate didn’t want to selective termination.

    • jwoolman says:

      The doctors told her not to try for conception that month because there were too many follicles and the risk of multiples was high. I’ve always wondered if she ever bothered to let Jon know about that bit of advice. She seemed rather obsessed with multiples very early. Jon was quite happy with just the twin daughters, he wasn’t “trying for a boy”. The continued fertility treatments were driven by Kate.

  20. BooBooLaRue says:


  21. tracking says:

    I don’t follow her closely enough to get the Kate hate. But I think she’s doing something right if she’s raising all those kids on her own. They seem well groomed, behaved and happy. That doesn’t usually happen with horrible parenting.

    • springingforward says:

      Wrong. A couple of the kids have already been suspended for behavior problems at school and they are only in elementary.
      Check your facts. Google it.
      These poor kids are having the worst of it with a narcissist for a mother.

  22. teri says:

    I really admire Kate, hard working and can clearly multi task. Looks like a good mother in my opinion supporting her kids with whatever it takes. So her marriage didn’t work but she was when she decided to get pregnant. Don’t be so hard on her.

  23. Assistant Rachel says:

    Dear Kate,
    You did a fine job of ruining your reputation all by yourself.

  24. Maritza says:

    I remember her when she was on wife swap, Kendra was really impressed with how well organized her house is and how well educated and smart her 8 kids are. That can only be accomplished by a good loving mother, she may be bitchy and strict but her kids aren’t spoiled brats, they are responsible sweet kids thanks to her.

  25. Chrissy says:

    Soooo. All of those slamming Kate for this lawsuit, I guess if you found out your ex-husband illegally stole emails and financial information and then used that information to publicly embarrass you … I guess you wouldn’t do anything about it? Okay. Amazing how Kate is being slammed in comment after comment when once again her ex and the father of her children did an incredibly awful thing to hurt her … which would also hurt their children.

    • bluhare says:

      Kate says Jon stole it. They say they pulled it from the garbage that Kate put out in the street the day after she kicked Jon out and told him anything that wasn’t gone that night would be in the trash. She actually called the police when Jon called this guy to help him move that night, so there’s actually a record of it.

      Jon’s friend was a reporter for USWeekly so you think he’d know what was legal and what wasn’t. THat being said, nothing these people do would surprise me.

      • anne_000 says:

        So kate threw away jon’s stuff in2 the trash? & jon picked his stuff out of the trash? so how is this theft in any form? isnt this an admission that it was jon’s pc?

  26. Rain says:

    For those who saying Kate is raising the kids on her own, she had at least four nannies helping her. Plus the filming crew helped with the children.

    Half the six had to be home school at one point because of behavioral issues.

    Also, didn’t Kate discard the hard drives without erasing them?

  27. Vera says:

    True, this case is all about getting her name back into the press and social media since Jon has no cash–although she’s probably better off donning a Batman costume and twerking to generate the kind of publicity she wants.

  28. Cali says:

    Kate is no saint, but Jon is a douche. If he cared at all for the kids, he wouldn’t have sold this info, he would have taken it to the authorities to have her investigated. If you suspect your ex is abusing your kids, you don’t sell that to a tabloid, you step in and protect your kids.

    I think Kate is a decent mom. She is probably not the warm and fuzzy type, but I think she does a decent job in a difficult situation. As far as the kids acting out at school, you guys need to take a chill pill on that. Lots of kids, whose parents are going through a divorce will have temporary transitional problems. And given the ridiculous amount of hatred directed at their mother, the kids could be victims of bullying, teasing, etc at school. I don’t think this alone is proof she is a bad mom.

    I agree with those who have said you don’t need to physically discipline children. My kids are grown up now, but I can remember spanking them on a rare occasion. I hated myself for doing it, and I could see it was ineffective, but it was in the moment, what ended up happening. And I just had 3 kids. I can’t imagine having 8 and not at some point losing a bit of control.

    Rather than judge, it is better to have empathy. I learned after about 3 times, that physical discipline didn’t work and it was destructive. So I learned other ways to cope. Kate may have had some rough days and made some bad decisions, but it sounds like she did realize it was not right and changed.

    I do think she is a difficult woman, she likely has narcissistic tendencies, and I don’t think she has much sense of humor about herself or an ability to convey warmth and empathy (odd for a former nurse), but I don’t think she is the devil incarnate. I think Jon was a decent father, but a lazy husband and provider. I think Kate bossed him around, but given his continual pattern of aimlessness and lack of ambition, she may have had to harp on him continually in order to get anything accomplished.

  29. Tara says:

    She looks kinda cracky … Like she could star in a lifetime movie about Heidi fliess.

  30. Angie says:

    I never watched the show but can someone explain to me why she is supposedly such a monster and a terrible, ABUSIVE mother and wife? Examples, please? People state it as such a fact when I’ve never seen any evidence. Or anything to even suggest anything so horrible as all that.

  31. Jennifer12 says:

    Kate doesn’t want to work for a living. She could be a nurse, but she wants to be a star. She had kids for the wrong reasons and now she can’t support them. She’s a moron.