Cele|bitchy | Princess Madeleine is pregnant not even 3 months after her wedding

Princess Madeleine is pregnant not even 3 months after her wedding

It was just 12 weeks ago that Sweden’s Princess Madeleine married her Swiss-American commoner, Christopher O’Neill. He’s rich, she’s pretty, and it seemed like they were going to make a life for themselves in New York City. Now it looks like they’ll be having their first baby in NYC too!! Yes, not even three full months after the wedding, Maddy has announced her pregnancy. That happened fast, right?

Sweden’s Royal Palace says Princess Madeleine and her husband, New York banker Christopher O’Neill, are expecting their first child in March.

Madeleine, the younger sister of Crown Princess Victoria, is third in line to the Swedish throne. She and O’Neill got married in Stockholm in June.

The palace said Tuesday that the pregnancy would not affect Madeleine’s schedule this fall, or her work for the World Childhood Foundation, a non-profit founded by her mother, Queen Silvia.

Sweden has a constitutional monarchy in which the royals primarily serve as figureheads. King Carl XVI Gustaf is the country’s head of state, but his powers are limited to representative and ceremonial duties.

[From CTV]

When in March? I guess they’re trying to make it sound like Maddy got knocked up on the honeymoon, but even then… it seems like it’s really soon to announce the pregnancy. So the choices are: A) she got knocked up a few weeks before the wedding or B) she got knocked up on the honeymoon and they’re just announcing it quickly. Anyway, congrats to Christopher and Madeleine. It will be interesting to see if she actually does give birth in New York, which is where she and Christopher live now.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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36 Responses to “Princess Madeleine is pregnant not even 3 months after her wedding”

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  1. Anna says:

    He’s grown on me with the whole lovey-dovey act. Hopefully it’s for reals. And she seems really into him, so yay, congrats to both.

    • stellalovejoydiver says:

      I wish her the best, but his face just screams douchebag. I´m skeptical.

      • Harriet says:

        Look I don’t want to be attacking you in particular because everyone does it but I really dislike conclusions about people’s personality being made by the way they smile in a photo!

      • Anna says:

        But that’s what us shallow, judgy Celebitches DO!

      • Mary says:

        I think what mostly speaks against him is the fact that Madde fell for him. She seems drawn to cheating douchbags.

      • bluhare says:

        I’ve got no idea really, but my first thought looking at him was that he had an overbite that he’s had corrected with new teeth or something.

      • Liv says:

        I find him really likable, don’t agree with you at all. She can be happy that she’s married to him and not her gross exboyfriend! Such a douchebag.

      • call_in says:

        Come on, he’s just suffering from Resting Asshole Face!

  2. Lotta says:

    How can she be third i line? First there is Crown princess Victoria, then her daughter Estelle, the Prince Carl Philip, and then Princess Madeleine. That makes her fourth in line, which I as a Swede is very thankful for. I think she is a spoiled brat who never did a real days work in her whole life. Princess Victoria has all the charm and does all the work.

    • Anna says:

      Even though it’s been said and said and said to death, but CP is so dreeeeeaaamy. And I love Vics and her family too!

      • CG says:

        Speaking of CP, I thought I read something a few weeks ago about how he and his GF are scouting locations for a wedding? Anyone know anything about that?

  3. Frenzy says:

    Christopher is British-American not Swiss-American

  4. Anaya says:

    If it’s a honeymoon baby then she should be at approximately 12 weeks pregnant now. I don’t think that’s too soon or suspicious. Either way congratulations to the princess and her husband. 🙂

    • Malificent says:

      I got pregnant on June 23, and my due date was March 18. Kid was born a bit early on March 7. So, this is either a honeymoon baby, or so close that it makes no difference.

      And lots of engaged couples stop using birth control if they want a family right away. Hardly scandalous in this day and age.

    • janie says:

      She’s very beautiful, and he’s really handsome! Congrats to them both! The old saying… The first baby comes whenever and the second is 9mo. later.. Lol! Who cares?

  5. m says:

    She was drinking at the reception so I doubt she was pregnant. Plus, royals always announce it super early, before the first trimester is up.

  6. pam246 says:

    I don’t see how this is mildly scandalous. They were obviously engaged before getting pregnant. It’s not a shotgun wedding.

  7. mkyarwood says:

    Duh, that’s her job!

  8. truthful says:

    She has a regalness about her, very pretty. Good looking couple, Congrats.

    Mom has gorgeous eyes

  9. Annabelle says:

    I’m happy for them. Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t their children have to be brought up in Sweden to have succession rights/titles? I think I remember reading something to that effect around the wedding.

    • freya says:

      In order to be considered an heir to the throne, the child will have to be born in Sweden, be a Swedish citizen, raised in Sweden and be a member of the swedish church. BUT the king CAN decide otherwise.
      Just like she’s still an heir to the throne even though her husband declined a title. Normally that would have meant that she would have been taken out of the line up, but the king decided otherwise. Like someone already said, she’s very spoiled and seems to have her parents wrapped around her little finger. She almost always gets her way.

      • Annabelle says:

        I understand why she’d still be in the line of succession even though Christopher declined a title. The crown would be passing to her, not her husband, so it wouldn’t seem like his lack of title should effect that. It’s highly unlikely she or her children would be called upon anyway, what with her sister, niece, and brother in front of her. Maybe they’re planning to raise them without titles?

      • bluhare says:

        Example A to Annabelle’s statement: Princess Anne in the UK. Commoner husband who declined title, children without titles. All of whom are in line to the throne.

      • Tara says:

        Do not really understand the whole thing about giving up titles or declining them on your childrens’ behalf. Now gibing back the trust funds, privileges and estates would really be impressive.

      • freya says:

        @Bluhare You do realize that what goes for the UK doesn’t go for each and every other country, right? They all have their own succession and title rules.
        In Sweden we have certain rules for the line of succession and some of them are that the partner is (or becomes if necessary) Swedish, has a royal title and with that gives up any position of power in any business (which is why O’Neill declined) and becomes a member of the swedish church. The reigning king (or queen when that time comes)can however decide against some of these rules which is why Madeleine is still in the line of succession. This will lead to many more of these royal decisions having to be taken, depending on if they want the kids to be in the line for the throne.

  10. Isa says:

    I think 12 weeks is a great time to announce. Especially if you’re in the public eye and the papers start speculating after you’ve ate a cheeseburger.

  11. The Original Mia says:

    What’s suspicious? She was engaged. She got married. Even if she got pregnant within weeks of the marriage, it wasn’t a shotgun wedding. They were already getting married.

    Happy for them. I wonder if the kid will get a royal title since Christopher didn’t take one himself.

  12. melmel says:

    i read on the palace website that she is two months. Also there were some pap pictures of her after wedding party and there was a picture of her smoking. I am hoping she was not pregnant then. It had to be unplanned

    • Bored suburbanhousewife says:

      No far more likely to have been intentional. It is quite typical for a couple to date/live together for a few years then decide, ok we want a family, time to get married & get to business. She threw away her pills for the honeymoon & then….

  13. Anki says:

    Aww!! That’s awesome!

  14. Cool Phosphorescent Shimmer says:

    That is going to be such a beautiful baby! I don’t know anything about her/them, but their wedding pictures are stunning.

  15. Emily C. says:

    And *gasp* she wore white at her wedding too, when she was probably not a virgin! And it’s not like women EVER get pregnant on their honeymoons! And if she was pregnant before marriage, scandalous!

    Seriously, on what planet could this conceivably be a scandal?

  16. A says:

    She was seen smoking at her wedding reception.