Tom Hiddleston’s loonies started a petition to get him a stand-alone Loki franchise

Tom Hiddleston has left Toronto. I think? I don’t believe we got to see photos of him leaving, but I’m pretty sure he’s back home in London now, probably trying to snuggle up to his BFF Benedict Cumberbatch (ha). Tommy is going to do a live Twitter Q&A session today. You have to tweet your questions to him using the hashtag #TomQandA. It’s going down at noon EST, 9 am PST, 5 pm GMT, etc. You get the idea. All of you dragonflies should remember to tweet him your pressing questions. Stuff like, “@twhiddleston Will you marry me in Loki drag? #TomQandA”. And of course, “@twhiddleston Do you have a girlfriend and WHY WHY WHY do you have a girlfriend? #TomQandA”. Ask him for gossip about his BFF Cumberbatch!

Anyway, have you heard about the Loki-loonies and how they’ve started a petition for Loki to get his own stand-alone movie/franchise? You bitches and your petitions. Ugh.

In more confirmation that Tom Hiddleston commands an army of uniquely passionate followers on the Internet (confirmation that, for once, does not involve creepy fan fiction), a campaign aimed at getting the character Loki his own movie is nearing its goal of 20,000 signatures, a number that should at least force Marvel executives to say, “Oh, that’s nice,” before returning to plotting their multibillion-dollar franchises on their own.

As with the recent petitions calling for Ben Affleck to be preemptively fired from Batman and Alexis Bledel and Matt Bomer to be installed as the stars of Fifty Shades Of Grey, the “Free Loki” movement seeks to rally the army of fans of Tom Hiddleston’s Thor villain, in a show of support of a standalone film exploring his story. Also like those petitions, it will doubtless have little impact on the actions of a major movie studio, none of which have yet relented to the awesome moral authority of the Internet petition. (Perhaps because no one’s made a petition about it.)

But unlike those petitions, hey, at least “Free Loki” is positive, its sentiment echoing movements like “Free Mandela” in both its earnestness and its propagation by a bunch of ultimately powerless young people who could otherwise be doing drugs or playing hacky sack. In explaining its reasoning, the movement cites Loki’s “Best Villain” win at the most recent MTV Movie Awards as statistical proof that the character has his devoted followers (among the people who participate in this sort of web-based campaigning, at least), as signees chime in with additional arguments ranging from “Loki is a three-dimensional villain who has his own problems and who deserves a proper closure and bigger highlight on how his mind works” to “Because Loki is so f–king hot.”

In the meantime, Tom Hiddleston fans will just have to content themselves with Loki as a Thor: The Dark World supporting character—which, some might argue, is where not being obligated to undergo the redemptive arc of a standalone film is what enables him to be so interesting, and that forcing him to carry the lead in that way would actually be the opposite of “freeing” him. Still, let them have their moment. As we alluded to up top, this is definitely the least objectionable method of Tom Hiddleston fans contenting themselves.

[From The AV Club]

The number of signees has reached more than 19,000 this morning, by the way. You can sign the petition here. Personally, I wouldn’t mind if Loki DID get his own film, although I do think what The AV Club is saying is dead-on: if Tom/Loki had to carry the film, it would fundamentally change the way the fandom saw the character. Loki needs to play off of Thor or whomever – his story needs a proper foil.

Photos courtesy of WENN, Tom’s Twitter.

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197 Responses to “Tom Hiddleston’s loonies started a petition to get him a stand-alone Loki franchise”

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  1. T.fanty says:

    Hiddles twitter questions. Go!

    1- paddle or whip?

    (And Kaiser, if you loved us you would go online and ask them all in the name of research)

    • Amelia says:

      2. Sub or Dom?
      I think I can guess the answer considering his woodland frolicking, but hey, it would be nice to hear it from the horse’s mouth.

    • j.eyre says:

      I am handing the baton to Miss Jupitero on this one.

      However, I have so, so many questions for him. And you know that sassy bastard would answer them too, if Luke lets him off the leash.

      • Miss Jupitero says:

        You haven’t heard about the secret video of him pursued in the woods by a bear and a flock of dragonflies, clad only in a half eaten candy floss Marie Antoinette wig? Mendelssohn playing in the background?

    • Anna says:

      Hemsworth or Cumberbatch?

      • TommyAnnE of the Forest says:

        Cumberbatch? Who is he? Ignore that bonfire with all of the magazines on it.

        Chris is just likemy brother, and if you heard anything about the Crimson Peak script, that does not stand in the way of anything.

        *prances off*

      • TommyAnne of the Forest says:

        Song of the Day, just for you, Anna (in the hopes of an offer coming over the phone):

        David Hasselhoff singing Rhinestone Cowboy!

      • TommyAnne of the Forest says:

        “A smile can hide all the pain…”

        *Sips cheap wine and breaks down sobbing*

    • Sixer says:


      Twatter said so.

    • Miss Jupitero says:

      What’s your safe word, and are you okay with discreet bruises?

      • Sixer says:

        What does second skin mean?

      • TommyAnne of the Forest says:

        My safeword? I believe it is “More please!” and “harder! Harder!”

        Sixer: My second skin is the underwear I never wear. It will have to do.

        *whimpers and wipes tears away with a very expensive Dolce Gabanna handkerchief*

    • T.Fanty says:

      Will you ever buy trousers that fit you appropriately?

    • Miss Jupitero says:

      If We could guarantee you a BAFTA nom, would you eat a bug for us right now on Twitter and post of video?

    • Sixer says:

      Well, sir, what answer made the belly?

      • TommyAnnE of the Forest says:

        I believe one too many butterflies. They tasted disgusting, but I will do anything for the Dragonfly Crown. Please don’t let Ben wear it. This would make me cry.

    • Sixer says:

      Why the great toe?

      • Miss Jupitero says:

        What do you do with that toe is your abundant spare time?

      • T.Fanty says:

        Exactly *how* homoerotic is your Coriolanus and Aufidius going to be? Preferably with diagrams.

      • TommyAnnE of the Forest says:

        My toe? Why I use it to distract from the Hiddleconda, which does need to feast and sleep once in awhile you know. Sometime I stuff a hedgehog into my trousers to comfort it when it is sulking. Anyway.

        @Tfanty: we are completely reinterpreting the relationship and adding a hot steam room scene and a bottle of veuve. and tears. lots of tears. Because… Well, I am not sure we really need towels this time around. What do you think.

        Choose your words well. I have already ruined two white shirts and corroded my Rolex with my tears.

      • TommyAnne of the Forest says:

        TFanty, this Song of the Day comes straight from my soul and is just for You.

        Nobody else but you can hit me without hurting me and hurt me without hitting me. And I love every minute of it:

        I’m a Lonely Little Petunia in an Onion Patch:

        May I cry now?

      • T.fanty says:

        Darling, I revel in your tears. They are the liquid emblem of your soul’s majesty.

    • Sixer says:

      Who Put the Benzedrine in Mrs Murphy’s Ovaltine?

    • j.eyre says:

      Pray tell, kind sir – have you ever won a pie eating contest? #TomQandA

      • TommyAnnE of the Forest says:

        No, but I could start right now with muff pie if you can promises a BAFTA. And a crown!

    • TommyAnnE of the Forest says:

      Bugger. Answered in the wrong place. Luke! Help me!

    • Lucrezia says:

      Why are there no size B batteries?

      What is your stance on Syria?

      What is another word for thesaurus?

      Cookie or biscuit? (That one might be a trap >.>)

      Are you aware that your foundation is orange?

      • j.eyre says:

        Oh my stars! Why ARE there no size B batteries??? I hope he answers that. SOMEBODY MUST ANSWER THIS QUESTION!

        You have destroyed my entire day, Lucki. I am mortified at not having thought about this before.

      • TommyAnnE of the Forest says:

        I love to munch on biscuits. And pie! All my batteries are D-sized. I stuff them in my pants just to make sure they are fully charged.

        Thesaurus: Luke!

        Syria: it’s something to tweet about when I’m unemployed. Luke! Help me! You are supposed to be prompting me with this one! What do you think this earbud is for?

        You are listening, aren’t you? Who is Benedict? Wait! Come back!

      • TommyAnnE of the Forest says:

        Jane! You are not paying attention to me! I am going to cry now!

      • j.eyre says:

        What do you mean I am not paying attention to you? Were I to pay any more attention to you, the Heir and Heiresses memoir would be titled “Mumsy Said Tommyanna was More Important than Dinner”

        I have my life size doll of you currently face-planted in my cleavage – it is making it very hard to write this.

        No, my Dragonfly King, I think enough about you to keep the lingerie manufacturers flush. And the horse tack manufacturers.

      • TommyAnne of the Forest says:

        Miss Eyre, as my dear friend Alain du Botton said “To believe in a friend is to imagine an ostrich smile.” I have no idea what he was smoking that day, but Tilda always liked that one. Doesn’t she smile like an ostrich?

        Want a gumdrop? Look at my long seductive fingers reaching out to you. Mmmmm… I promise it is better for the waiting.

        Are you paying very close attention to me now?

    • Lucrezia says:

      Since I’ve suddenly started picturing Hiddles as Greebo (it even explains the orange foundation!) …

      TommyAnnE: Do you have an eyepatch? (And can you pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese post a pic of you wearing it?)

      • TommyAnnE of the Forest says:

        Haaarrrr harrrrr! Eheheheh!

        I’d wear the eyepatch on my arsehole if it would get me that goddamned BAFTA. Not talking to you Ben Whishaw!

    • LilyRose says:

      1. How dare you?

      2. Who let the dogs out?

      3. Stop:
      a. collaborate and listen?
      b. in the name of love

      4. How often do you google yourself, and is that what you call it?

  2. Anna says:

    I’d sign this petition. In fact I might go do that now…

  3. Jen says:

    I’m so sick of these stupid women on the internet using for their stupid sad petitions.

    CHANGE.ORG IS A POLITICAL WEBSITE THAT IS INTENDED FOR POLITICAL AND SOCIAL JUSTICE CAUSES YOU TWATS. Of course these losers would probably deem a Loki a social justice cause.


    • Pastyousayyouneverknew says:

      +1 And the poll about changing the actors that have been selected for 50 shades of Gray? People take the entertainment business way too seriously.

    • Uni says:

      It’s not for some crazy bitches actor idol. This is out of control.

    • Side-Eye says:

      Yes, thank you! I’m so sick of these little girls and their shit. I want Loki to die at this point, just so I can drink their tears.

      • Lexi says:

        “… so I can drink their tears.”

        Omg, I just died. LOLOL thank you for that statement.

      • Rachel says:

        I think you and Kaiser are both wrong in assuming that it’s a bunch of girls/young women signing this petition. I guarantee you it’s a bunch of middle age women.

      • Jen says:

        Nope, pretty sure it’s mostly pathetic grown women doing this.

        Like, have you read the comments on this website? (love it and all, but self-reflection please…)

    • Sloane Wyatt says:

      You’re right, IS intended as a vehicle for social justice. Then again, I’m not one to talk. 🙂

    • blue marie says:

      exactly, it’s gone beyond ridiculous. I bet if he were to change his hair color someone out there would petition to change it back.

    • T.Fanty says:

      I agree. And it’s pointless crap like this that undermines’s capacity to make online petitioning beneficial to a real cause.

      But you know, what does Syria matter when we have an Asgardian catastrophe in the making?

      • Anna says:

        Exactly. The fate of 9 WHOLE REALMS is at stake 😛

      • Sloane Wyatt says:


      • Lindy79 says:

        You can’t fight the cray-cray in some people. Like when Cumberbatch thanked his fans for sending him stuff for his birthday but politely suggested that as he was very fulfilled in his life, that they go out and do something nice and thoughtful and good in the world, spread the love so to speak as there are many who get nothing and are lonely etc…most saw what he meant but the crazy few called him ungrateful and turned on him.

      • LilyRose says:

        Stuff like this and the 50 Shades shit trivializes the whole mission of sites like Change.Org. But they’re clueless and am sure freedom of speech or something…

    • Sixer says:

      Also agree. Mind you, 20k signatures isn’t many, is it?

      In the UK, you can start petitions on the main government website. But you need to get to 100k signatures before the petition goes forward to the shortlist for parliamentary debates.

      Presmuably has meaningful, righteous petitions with many more signatures (at least, I hope it does).

      • Sloane Wyatt says:

        It does, Sixer.’s ( purpose is to mobilize hundreds of thousands locally and around the world to make governments and companies more responsive and accountable.

        ‘Browse’ing the topics of:

        Criminal Justice
        Economic Justice
        Gay Rights
        Human Rights
        Human Trafficking
        Immigrant Rights
        Sustainable Food
        Women’s Rights

        quickly reveals the purpose of petitions started here.

      • Rachel says:

        Sixer, is a private site. You can also formally petition the White House on matters. I forget how many signatures a petition must receive in order to receive a response, but the President has obligated himself to respond if the petition receives the required amount of signatures.

    • j.eyre says:

      Permission to come aboard this thread. This use of petitions is almost insulting in concept and devalues the point of petitions.

      And what is the intended outcome? Is Matt Bomer then forced to do a role he most likely turned down repeatedly? Didn’t we call this Indentured Servitude at one point?

      • Sixer says:

        If we are being serious for a moment, Miss Jane, I think it’s just the interwebs, having discovered it can make noise, trying to make the noise focus. There are bound to be idiocies along the way.

        For this kind of thing, daft haporths of the kind who make petitions like these will eventually cotton on that social media analysis of positive/negative sentiment has already done the job for them. Then it’ll all die down and a sensible balance will likely ensue.

        Then again, I do have my best techno-utopian hat on today.

      • j.eyre says:

        First of all, I had to look up “haporths” so the discussion is already slanted in your favor, in my mind.

        I understand that these are not huge numbers and that this is an internet petition which may not carry the weight of a physical petitions earned by the pounding of feet on pavement and knuckles rapping on doors. But the internet is a viable and effective way to get information spread and supported. When I was in college, in the Dark Ages, we could not cite any information found on the internet in our footnotes as the information could not be corroborated. That has changed. When launching any kind of business, the first and most concentrated wave of marketing is targeted at social media rather than print now. Presence on the internet is not only expected, it is vital. has a way to bring to light persistent flaws in the system or tragedies that are overlooked by issues with larger budgets. People who shy away from political activism for whatever reason can lend their voice to a cause that has struck a cord with them with enough anonymity to cater to their comfort level. But with movements like “I Don’t Like Who is Playing Christian Grey” it would be easy for a politician or business leader to say “ petition against us for cutting into the feeding grounds for coyotes? Aren’t they the ones who try to recast movies?” Eventually, the product of these “protests” could dismiss the organization and their efforts.

      • Sixer says:

        Apologies for the Britishisms! I guess it should really be ha’porth, anyway.

        I agree, Miss Jane – nonsense use could devalue, as could nonsense use of many interwebs innovations.

        BUT – the interwebs is also open. And if we start moaning or intimidating people not to devalue innovations like this, we lose the openness and access-for-all. I see this as a bad thing – sunlight warms us all. And who is/should be the arbiter of worthy?

        I think this kind of thing (the misuse of for fripperies) will decline as the interwebs matures. Already, companies are offering algorithm services that collate and assess social media. Silly petitions like these are already not needed: it’s just that the daft ha’porths don’t realise that yet. When they do, it’ll die off.

      • j.eyre says:

        Never apologize for Britishisms – I find them sexy.

        I would like to agree that they will die off and they may; I hope they do. I guess I just get worried when I see how disaffected people are about what it took to get us where we are today. A petition to put it on the ballot got women the right to vote. I suppose I am over thinking this (when do I ever not. ) And yelling at some poor kids to get off my lawn.

        Let’s go get drunk instead, shall we?

      • Sloane Wyatt says:


        I love the word fripperies. That is all.

        P.S. j.eyre, I’ll lift a glass with you right after a meaningful protest, or whenever, really.

      • j.eyre says:

        Well done, SWyatt. As I am off petitions and into marching now, drinking during would spill precious drops. Let’s have rest stops along the way to wet our whistles… oh! and then let’s whistle while we march. This is coming together so nicely, I feel – don’t you?

  4. Sloane Wyatt says:

    I’d watch Loki alone, but it would be genius to have Hemsworth as a supporting player.

  5. TheyPromisedMeBeer says:

    “uniquely passionate followers”

    Well that’s diplomatic.

  6. TheyPromisedMeBeer says:

    Oh, I just realized: if his fans are petitioning for a Loki stand-alone movie, are they going to do another petition if they get their wish and Marvel tries to shoehorn in a love interest that isn’t them? Because I can see that happening in a “be careful what you wish for, ya nuts” sort of way.

  7. Tish says:

    Is that QandA a part of Thor promotion or he just thought of it???

    He looks yum in the first photo.

  8. Renae says:

    And people say the cumberbitches are crazy….and they are but not this crazy…sickening.

  9. mom2two says:

    Ugh, please no. I think Loki having a stand alone movie would be too much.

  10. Opp says:

    I am tired of Loki! If they haven’t already made a movie about him now then he shouldn’t get one. He needs to die already. And I am sick of Tom Hiddlestons crazy dumb fans. Do something else with your time.

  11. Yoli says:

    Dumbass fans ugh

  12. blended says:

    He was still in toronto as of yesterday morning. He did a radio interview at the cbc (a show called Q which you should all check out if you haven’t already). He may have left by now tho.

  13. MBP says:

    Loki could be an interesting character, but he needs someone to play off. And he’d need to *not* turn in to a redeemed good guy at the end.

    Now to think of an interesting twitter question….

  14. Denise says:

    This reminds me of when his fans demanded he be voted sexiest man alive on some hot list. Why? He is not sexy!

  15. Godiva says:

    You bitches and your petitions..I can’t.

  16. Amarie says:

    I will participate in his little “ask tom” thing just to ask him about other actors.

  17. Miss Jupitero says:

    He can never be stand alone: this doesn’t even make sense in the Marvel universe, or from a storytelling perspective. Thor also needs Loki: this rumor that they were going to kill off Loki but the devotion of some super fans changed their mind is just silly.

    What the fans want is something like they portray in their fanfic, weepy emo Loki who only needs true love to save him. In other words fanfic cliches.

    Here is what could really be good if Marvel were willing to do it: a film version of Journey into Mystery, in which Loki is in fact redeemed. Unfortunately (for the crazy fangirls anyway) this would not include TommyAnnE as it is all about Loki transmogrified into the child version of himself. They’d have to find a truly amazing thirteen year old actor.

    I suspect this is not what they have in mind. They just want Hiddles to forever be the one man theme park he has become, redeemed by the tears of a unicorn.

    • Lucrezia says:

      So you’ve read JIM now? Did you enjoy it?

      (I read The Handmaid’s Tale. It was okay, but didn’t strike me as particularly amazing. However, Oryx and Crake was much, much better. Something about Jimmy’s character voice reminded me of Michael Marshall Smith’s work. I’ve started the sequel, but haven’t finished it yet … real-life decided to interfere in my reading-time.)

      • Sixer says:

        Lucrezia – I feel the Burgess YA novels have an Oryx and Crake feel about them. Would you agree?

      • Lucrezia says:

        At the time, no. The Burgess reminded me of Pratchett, and as for Oryx & Crake, I was too busy noticing the M. M. Smith resemblance. (Have you read Only Forward? If not, do so!)

        But now that you mention it … I think I see what you mean. The overlap would be good writing + subtle touches of satire. (I don’t think I can define what I mean by “good writing”, but I know it when I see it.)

      • Miss Jupitero says:

        Yes! It was wonderful! I think that should boot Hiddles. Hire some young genius, and take this on.

    • Dommy Dearest says:

      I HATE those fanfics. I won’t lie, I read some but they have to be in character. I think I read the five that are out that portrays him accurately and now all that’s left is crap. It’s just like how after TDK came out all the fangirls made ff of the Joker in the same manner with the same plot. You’re correct, it wasn’t by the fans that made Loki ‘not die’. He’s able to reattach his severed head in the comics and other body parts. Death doesn’t come easy to Loki and only when it’s Ragnarok does it actually happen.

  18. Lindy79 says:

    *makes mental note to avoid his Twitter at 5pm and also to start a petition against petitions-seriously, they’re like those Facebook things that say “Like this if you hate Cancer”….nobody in their right mind doesn’t hate Cancer so f*ck right off*

    You just know he’s going to get spammed with “you’re amazing, we love you, please come to (insert country name here), you’re my inspiration, WHY DONT YOU FOLLOW ME BACK, ITS MY BIIIIRTHDAY TOM!”
    the really interesting questions (such as mentioned above) will get lost in the looney noise.

    • T.Fanty says:


      I shall petition against your petition against petitions.

    • T.Fanty says:

      (the word petition has just lost all meaning for me after seeing it ten thousand times on this thread. Every time I see the word “petition” now, I think of a lady with frilly undergarments riding a Penny Farthing bicycle)

  19. lady mary. says:

    what do u love more a bafta or your orange foundation?

    • TommyAnnE of the Forest says:

      Tell me this is a trick question. Luke! She’s bring mean to me!

      • lady mary. says:

        aint u a clevver little thing ,now can u recollect a single day in ur life where u havent quoted shakespeare?

        ps : ( ur a complete riot @tommyanne ,thanks 4 entertaining the bitches)

      • TommyAnne of the Forest says:

        You are making fun of me! Luke! She’s making fun of me!

        As flies are to wanton boys…. I’m going to cry now….

        Say whatever you want, I WILL NEVER CHANGE AND THIS WILL BE MY REVENGE!

        Here’s a song of the day for you:

        David Hasselhoff singing Hooked on a Feeling:

      • TommyAnne of the Forest says:


        *sips more cheap wine and cries*

        It’s so beautiful and inspiring…..

      • lady mary. says:

        thanks a lot….. ( passes into a coma)

      • MiniMiniB says:

        God I added that song of the day video to my favorites

  20. Marrisol says:

    TommyAnne…I wouldn’t be surprised if he blocked me for calling him that. why are you a try hard? Do you secretly dress up as loki when no one is looking? Why so serious? If your gf wanted to roleplay in the bedroom would you dress up as loki.?

  21. betsy says:

    He’s doing the Q&A to try and take some attention back off Cumberbatch. Its hilarious. He must be green with envy over the Hollywood Reporter cover. I suspect the last thing he is is a friend to Cumberbatch. Cumbrbatch is far too trusting.

  22. Green Girl says:

    Haha, even in an article about Hiddles good ole Cumby gets mentioned a bunch of times. I love this site!

  23. Lucrezia says:

    Wait … Twitter? Is Tom even capable of answering questions in a format that limits you to 140 characters?

    • Browniecakes says:

      +1 This may take all night!

    • TommyAnnE of the Forest says:

      Song of the day: fluegardaveradogensluveig, written for me personally by Siger Rós. I need to go for a joyful run now.

      • Sixer says:

        Ok. Ijust choked on a Malteser. And my cheeks hurt from laughing.

      • Lindy79 says:

        Can you please be the real TH?
        You’re way more fun!

      • TommyAnne of the Forest says:

        Lindy, DARLING!

        Drink some of this Gallo boxed wine with me! It tastes like ass, but once we are face down in the heather, we can talk about really profound things. You know, together. Let’s make the fangirls scream!

        “Brosandi, Hendumst hringi, Hldumst hendur, Allur heimurinn skr, Nema stendur…”

        Don’t those lyrics make your heart melt?


        Got a handkerchief on you?

      • TommyAnne of the Forest says:

        I am crying because…..


        I FINALLY HAVE A JOB!!!!!

      • Lindy79 says:

        Wine that tastes like ass and complaint icelandic rock…how could a girl resist?

        Shhhh its ok TommyAnnE, your captain hook movie will win all the awards..even sports ones!

  24. tubular_trekkie says:

    Is this all part of the hype for Thor 2?

    I dread to think what he’s letting himself in for.

  25. Browniecakes says:

    TH’s #TomQ&A is now trending on Twitter – that only took 15 min! I signed the petition. I wish we could vote on all movies being made actually. (Pirates 5 – seriously?) Someone just asked if he ever searches himself on the internet.

  26. Lindy79 says:

    Ok I cracked..he needs to speed up… and answer more interesting questions.

    Hes raving about Crimson Peak and the amazing script…

  27. Miss M says:

    “All of you dragonflies should remember to tweet him your pressing questions. Stuff like, “@twhiddleston Will you marry me in Loki drag? #TomQandA”. And of course, “@twhiddleston Do you have a girlfriend and WHY WHY WHY do you have a girlfriend? #TomQandA””

    Someone is reading a lot of Tumblr lately…

  28. FW says:

    can I give all my money to Marvel to make sure a Loki stand alone movie is NOT happening? and why would I encounter BC’s fans in this thread? a twitter event to rival THR cover? oh come on, someone is the new A-lister. can we just have some Tom-only moment?

  29. FW says:

    and in response to the petition:” I am flattered and amazed. Really and truly. It means the world that you love the character so much.” basically says nothing but flattery, just so…TH

    • Lindy79 says:

      I know hes not going to answer anything controversial but its all stuff hes answered before. Its one of the most boring celeb Q&A sessions I’ve seen.

      His Ben Whishaw answer made me snort, after reading how he didn’t congratulate his BAFTA.

  30. I Choose Me says:

    I’m an unapologetic Hiddleston fan but to the petition I say, struuuuuups.

    A redemptive arc? Seriously? Do his more rabid fans even know the Norse mythology Loki’s based upon?

    • j.eyre says:

      I don’t really have anything to add. I agree with those above and you – a stand alone movie would most likely kill any flame any fan of Loki’s has. Although I would like to see Loki and the horse but I want him to remain in human (demigod, whatevs) form and really seduce the horse in the film.

      “Darling, it must not have been easy for you to witness me killing that flock of geese the other day and I just wanted to… well, I brought you some sugar cubes. Yes, that’s it. See, you’ve already forgotten. What, well, I suppose we could. You on top? Oh, that’s – ow! No, your biting too hard. Yes, my neck is sensitive – whose isn’t? Listen, I don’t know if this is going to – whoa boy!” Or, you know, something like that.

      I just wanted to say hi to you, ICM.

  31. Mary-Rose says:

    Why is he only answering the fans that he tweets regularly on twitter ? On his hash tag thing there is a lot more interesting questions but he ignores them

    • Felice says:

      Are you serious? I don’t follow his tweets super closely so I wouldn’t know. Also, I was under the impression this was the first time in a while that he’s been active on twitter.

      • Mary-Rose says:

        In recent week and a half he been back with a mixture of olla, Thor and UNICEF as well as selfies. But I’ve noticed those twitter names before – he also followes them. I thought this Q&A was about branching out to new fans

      • Felice says:

        Wow, I’m sorry but that is a d!ck move on his part. Even Mark Gatiss and Misha Collins have responded to new fans. (Moffat had too but usually had rude answers)

    • Dommy Dearest says:

      I now declare him a douche.

    • MiniMiniB says:

      That’s what douchebag’s do, they ignore things. I guess that’s how they see people “things.” Sometimes I wonder how do “celebrities” automatically pick out a tweet from another “celebrity” over the thousands of other tweets they get. It’s like damn…

      There was no way in hell I was participating in this…

  32. Portia says:

    Yeah, no. The movie is never gonna happen. Loki doesn’t work without Thor. These petitioners should just stick to their Loki fan fics. Or keep role playing out their Loki fantasies with each other on tumblr.

    These Loki fans are obnoxious and embarrassing. I wonder if that lady who interviewed TH at TIFF and started hyperventilating and squealing about Loki signed the petition. She was certainly enthusiastic about the stupid thing.

    And it’s mostly middle aged women. Most of them are married with kids. Is it some sort of maternal instinct gone wrong with them with the Loki obsession? I really don’t get why anyone would find Loki THAT appealing.

  33. WendyNerd says:

    NO. No Loki movie. And I say that as a girl who would hit it with the fist of an angry God. Marvel is already making too many movies about dudes. If they announce a Loki movie before getting around to giving one of their heroines her own movie, fuck that shit. I mean, they’re already making an Ant-Man movie, for cry out loud and Hank Pym sucks.

    Also, a Loki movie just doesn’t sound like much fun. They’ve already done everything they could to make him about as threatening as a teletubbie and as about as skilled a trickster as that person who still thinks Rick-rolling is hilarious.

    That being said, I’m tweeting him a question. I want to learn of his opinion (and state of awareness) regarding Tromeo and Juliet.
    That being said, I’m

    • Dommy Dearest says:

      Even though ‘Ant-Man’ is a stupid idea Hank Pyme has done A LOT for the Avengers/Marvel universe. I can’t spell out my rage that they’ve made Ultron a Stark invention over Hank’s invention. And also, the Ant-Man movie has been speculated that instead of using Hank they might be using Scott Lang. Hank’s biggest plot arc (other than him being Yellowjacket) was Ultron. Making it a Stark invention pretty much makes it useless to have Hank so using Scott sounds like what they’re going to do. The lack of body that is Wasp also kinda proves that. Scarlet Witch being with the Avengers proves that Civil War has already happened within the movies which is going to bring about Young Avengers soon- and Scott Lang’s daughter is a part of that.

      I’m with you on no to a Loki movie. I’ve lost faith in Marvel after they announced what Avengers 2 would be.

  34. Browniecakes says:

    TH tweeted to @almostgaby I couldn’t have put it better myself. “There is no Loki without Thor & no Thor without Loki”. #TomQandA

  35. Madpoe says:

    I’d start a petition for him to kiss me passionately and in-between read me poetry. 😉

  36. Flower says:

    As expected, all of the twitter questions and his answers were canned spam. I would love, just once for him to break out of the box and answer a question that isn’t canned and pre-planned. Damn he’s become so boring.

    • Mary-Rose says:

      There was a quite-normal-for-them suggestion on DL that TommyAnne could of got drunk to make it more Intresting and I’m actually inclined to agree with them for a change. The answers were a bit pre-planned and there was nothing new in what he said. Come on TommyAnne , unleash your wild side and let’s see you more entertaining. Also play a character that is not upperclass and Posh. Spontaneous is good

      • TommyAnne of the Forest says:

        Hey, I’m doing my part right here!

        Remember, you are not happiness, happiness is you. Alain du Botton said that will I was baking my one potato for dinner.

      • MissThing says:

        Quite the snoozefest that Q and A was. I wish they would let him off his leash once in a while but no. Nothing really all that deep or informative or new.

        The rabid whining and begging of a subset of the fans did annoy the shit out of me though.

        I like the TommyAnnE here instead. Can we just pretend its him? I mean with all the typos and such it could be… and thus why the “sore fingers” from 3 hours of hardly typing ANYTHING on twitter.

      • TommyAnne of the Forest says:

        My arsehole is really sore! You would not believe what a morning I have had!

        It’s me, it’s really me! Really, really! I will even sing for you if you want, just pllllleeeeeeasssseee love me!


      • Flower says:

        I remember one NYE Tom was on twitter and drunk or as high as frak and oh man those were delicious tweets. This was pre-Avengers, when he was real.

  37. Sixer says:

    This thread has made me very happy.

  38. icerose says:

    Funny before I came on this site I was pretty much against a Loki stand alone film despite the fact that he has had his own story within the comics. But you guys have made me see things completely differently and I now feel a Loki film would be a great antidote to all that is negative and facile within social media. Just imagine his mischievous venom and wit spreading across internet sites completely eradicating the need for celebrity blogs.

    • Side-Eye says:

      You think even MORE oversaturation of him in the media would counteract the negativity directed towards his oversaturation?

      Sis…let’s put our thinking caps on for a second and really simmer and reflect on what you just said.

  39. Dommy Dearest says:

    I am a comic fan, a comic Loki fan and the fangirls that have jumped on due to the movies/actor is ridiculous. They are worse than Supernatural fangirls. Loki has a lot to do with the Marvel universe but not anything that would make a stand alone movie actually be a success (other than the rapid fangirls buying twenty tickets at once). I’m getting to the point of crazy irritation with this. The fangirls can get all they want if they actually picked up a comic or graphic novel. And as much as I enjoy Tom in Loki gear a movie is NOT a good idea.

    At all.

  40. MiniMiniB says:

    I love you guys. I just had to say that. -_-

    I’ve come here for awhile since I discovered this site, and OMG I am so happy there are other people out there that dislike Tom as much as I do. Yes, I am a transformed ‘hater’ – I used to loved him…it wasn’t healthy.

    Now everytime he does something stupid on his twitter page or (elsewhere) I say “let me go to Celebitchy to see what those bitches have to say.” But with a bit huge laugh mwhaha! I hope that more of us can wake up an be cleansed of the Tom curse XP. Oh and ‘Sixer’ much love..XPP

    The question and answer thing is what brought me here today. I think it is so funny that he is doing that now. He must KNOW that people have been saying that he does not talk to his fans anymore. I’ve noticed him slowly trying to trickle in half assed responses to them. Ugh, so glad that I don’t like him anymore. Hah…trying to have a Q&A to build of morale. I bet he totally knows about this site. Why else start doing all of this stuff all of a sudden???

    • Felice says:

      I understand. I’m curious about what the future holds.

    • Flower says:

      He gets on my damn nerves, but I would still do him if he asked. I guess it’s a double edged sword. He’s grown as fake as a $3 bill, with a fake as a $6 bill “I am just as normal as you are” persona. Been a fan since Thor came out, so maybe he’s like a boil one cannot get rid of? No matter how many creams you use or how many rubber doughnuts you sit on, Hiddleboil just remains LOL.

      I hate his stans. Nuff said.

      I remember when he wasn’t as pandering nor as fake, and just himself. Pre-Luke. That was a fun time.

      • MiniMiniB says:

        That’s how tricky this has become =[ If people are not careful they might fall into desiring him again. Me, myself I have had several relapses XP!

        But not this time…I’m good.

        We don’t know him personally but by the way he seems, I agree with you when you say – “He’s grown as fake as a $3 bill, with a fake as a $6 bill “I am just as normal as you are” persona.”

        Tis Hollywood, and maybe he is trying to play the game. I think that is what it boils down to. I’m just going to keep Loki and him separate. Cause the character is too cool to allow how I feel about his actions to mess it up.

  41. Mary-Rose says:

    Oh Flower , you don’t know how much I want to see those pre-avengers tweets. I also think they are pre-Luke from the sound of it. When would TommyAnne realise we liked him the was he WAS

    I do remember one time on twitter when he was pissed about being asked if he rode a horse in war horse.

  42. icerose says:

    Sometimes giving up a fandom is like giving up smoking. Ex smokers become rabid advocates of the perils of smoking and the need to banish it from existence. Tom gets a rough ride on this site which is obviously the place to go for those who dislike him. But as with most negativity based on speculation and personal bias it has very little to do with the subject and is more about the need to find others to share their own single minded perceptions.

  43. betsy says:

    He was at Elton John’s itunes concert last night. Cumberbatch was there. Probably picking his brains for more info on roles.

    He mentioned on the Q&A that he was rereading the Patrick Melrose novels. How convenient when Cumberbatch had said the day before that he was reading the books. Probably means there’s a project rattling around somewhere.

    • Abby says:

      OMG can he leave Cumby alone. Seriously going to the same places, reading same books, auditioning for same roles like what are they Siamese twins???

  44. icerose says:

    BC and TWH are very similar and because of the quality of their acting will go up for the same roles. Although I think Tom has more of an interest in art house/indie films. Why they would be trying to use each other to find out what roles are going is just silly. They have agents for that. But yes both could have been putting feelers out for the role in the same way that BC’s publicity team started the rumour re Star Wars once he had pulled out of Crimson Tide. The quite often are seen at music events together and probably sit and laugh about some of the tripe that is written about there relationship. By all accounts Tom has a wicked sense of humour. Lets face it they both have had beautiful intelligent girlfriends and a now have flourishing careers.I suspect that people talking about them internet sites which pride themselves on vitriolic snark are not really going to have a hug effect on their day to day lives or their well being. The only people who might be upset are young relatives who stumble on it accidently and cannot understand with people negatively speculate on someone they love. But no doubt some wise person will say do not worry sweetheart its them nit your uncle.

    • Mary-Rose says:

      I thought both TommyAnne and Cumby are single but have the occasioal FWB?
      Ooo I’ll find you that video of crazy interview lady soon

    • denna says:

      Arthy was strictly a FWB, still surprises me that fangirls think she was his gf. LOL.

  45. kaisei says:

    “Meanwhile actors Tom Hiddleston and Benedict Cumberbatch were spied dancing up a storm in the front row of the upstairs balcony.”