Benedict Cumberbatch sings, plays piano, is lovely in ‘August: Osage County’ trailer

Have you noticed that Benedict Cumberbatch’s Hollywood Reporter interview has been everywhere this week? He’s a thing now. No one can even say “Who IS this dude?” anymore. You might not like him, but damn it, you know his name and his beautiful lizard-alien face. Anyway, there’s a new trailer for August: Osage County and wouldn’t you know? There’s more Cumberbatch in it. Of course, there’s also way more Meryl Streep too. Here’s the newest trailer:

I haven’t read the play or seen it performed, but (SPOILER) I think he’s in love with Julianne Nicholson’s character? I’m only getting that from the trailer, so is it really a spoiler if they’re basically putting it in there? Anyway, Vulture had this AMAZING breakdown of The Cumberbatch Autumn:

The Fifth Estate

Character: Julian Assange, the prickly spiller of government secrets who founded WikiLeaks
Accent: An Australian accent, deemed “grating” by the real-life Assange
Hairstyle: A long, lustrous white mane
Monstrous family member: His mother’s ex-boyfriend, who supposedly plied Assange with drugs at a young age and abused him
Romantic attachments: None are portrayed in the film, though a closing-credits crawl notifies us that Assange was accused of sexual misconduct by two Swedish women in 2010
Special skill: At an Iceland nightclub, Cumberbatch’s Assange takes to the dance floor and busts out moves that resemble a demented, flailing octopus.

12 Years a Slave

Character: William Ford, a genteel Southerner who is the first to purchase our protagonist, kidnapped slave Solomon Northup (Chiwetel Ejiofor), at auction
Accent: A nineteenth-century Louisiana drawl
Hairstyle: Brown and wavy, with a forelock often coming loose just so
Monstrous family member: His preening wife, who looks askance at a grieving slave who’s just been separated from her son and daughter, purses her lips, and counsels her: “Your children will soon be forgotten.”
Romantic attachments: Ford is at least faithful to his wife, unlike Northup’s next owner, the vile Edwin Epps (Michael Fassbender), who regularly rapes prized slave Patsey (Lupita Nyong’o).
Special skill: Cumberbatch’s glorious oratorical skills are in full bloom during the scenes where Ford, a Baptist preacher, reads scripture at loud and at length.

August: Osage County

Character: Little Charles, the most derided member of a family that includes his aunt, vicious matriarch Violet (Meryl Streep), as well as cousins Barbara (Julia Roberts), Karen (Juliette Lewis), and Ivy (Julianne Nicholson)
Accent: Midwestern and slightly dim
Hairstyle: Parted to one side and combed assiduously
Monstrous family member: It would be hard to select just one, but even though the hot-tempered Violet is the family’s lead gorgon, Little Charles endures most of his insults from his mother Mattie Fae (Margo Martindale), who constantly calls him stupid and aimless.
Romantic attachments: To reveal the object of his affection could be considered a spoiler, but let’s just say that Little Charles keeps it in the family.
Special skill: In the movie’s sweetest, swooniest scene, Little Charles plays and sings a song he wrote for his secret girlfriend, and even though the character is presented as unemployed and not too bright, women in the audience had to be stopped from hurling themselves into the movie screen to be with the tender Cumberbatch.

[From Vulture]

“Little Charles plays and sings a song he wrote for his secret girlfriend… women in the audience had to be stopped from hurling themselves into the movie screen to be with the tender Cumberbatch.” TENDER CUMBERBATCH. Oh, God. Now I really, really need to see Osage. And he sings too?! Mother of Batch, I need that in my life. And he dances (as Assange) like a “a demented, flailing octopus”? I don’t believe it. But YES on his preacher skills. Cumby could read me the telephone book and I would be turned on.

Photos courtesy of The Hollywood Reporter.

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126 Responses to “Benedict Cumberbatch sings, plays piano, is lovely in ‘August: Osage County’ trailer”

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  1. A. says:

    Mod note: banned multiple nicks

  2. Finn says:

    Mod note: banned multiple nicks
    I’m really looking forward to him in this film. I actually like his singing voice to.

  3. T.Fanty says:

    I like snarkyBatch. I read another testy interview with him, from TIFF, and find him much more fun when he isn’t toeing the party line.

    • Finn says:

      Mod note: banned multiple nicks
      I agree. I thought that part of him was gone for too long. I loveeeee when he is in snapping mode.

    • ag says:

      @Tfanty – as you seem to be on here a bit are you familiar with Cumberbatch fan or something like that? If so have you noticed they no longer put on the print interviews he has done (they use to scan them etc) I just thought how odd, maybe his people told them to take them off.

      • T.Fanty says:

        Hi Ag,

        Sorry for the late response. I’m not entirely sure what you’re talking about. I can’t really distinguish between a lot of the hardcore tumblrites, but EsCon might be able to help – she gets much entertainment from the intricate politics of Cumberfandom and gets what’s going on. From what I understand, there’s a whole little hierarchy of insanity among the regular Cumberfolk on Tumblr, that would put Tom’s lunatics to shame if more people paid attention.

    • cakes says:

      Mod note: banned multiple nicks
      Agree. I like when celebs are being themselves. After all they are human just like us.

    • Sixer says:

      Benny the Bitch is also my favourite incarnation. And man, he looks hot in these photos.

      Osage is not getting the greatest reviews, though?

      • T.Fanty says:

        No. It’s being dismissed as cheap melodrama. Fifth Estate isn’t setting the world alight either. Regardless off his performance, it’s unlikely that Cumby’s getting his oscar this year.

      • Tish says:

        I have read scathing reviews on Streep’s (too technical) and McGregor’s (impostor, out of place) performances.

      • Sixer says:

        @Fanty – I think you are right. A great consolidation year, nonetheless.

      • T.fanty says:

        @Tish. I want to sign up for “acting lessons” at the Cumberbatch School of Dramatic Arts.

      • CaribbeanLaura says:

        I read middling reviews about August: Osage too. However I believe that Ben’s perforamance has been generally praised. the same goes for fifth estate too. Too bad that the movies aren’t being better received but at least no one out there doubts his immense talent

      • Lucrezia says:

        I only read the first few reviews of A:OC, and they were raving about it.

        Do you think this is a backlash against it (for being obvious Oscar bait) or are they balanced reviews?

      • Tish says:

        I’m pretty sure it’s The Imitation Game that will bring Cumby Oscar glory. They’re hiring top notch crews and Mark Strong and Charles Dance have just joined the cast. Blacklist script too.

        I think it’s great that he’s not in the Oscar race this year. He has enough press and acclaim anyway. And as THR declared, he’s A-list now. Next year will only get better.

      • T.fanty says:

        When is the Imitation Game out? They’re cutting it a little close for the 2014 Oscars, no?

      • Maureen says:

        I’m so glad this came up because I didn’t want to say something negative about the movie for people who are excited. So I can vent now, nu? It looks awful. Just awful. It’s just bad country accents, people throwing things around, and Meryl and Julia grossly over-acting. Julia looks awful, although that does work for her character since her character is an unhappy woman. The dialogue is lame and disingenuous. And I am really tired of hearing that everything Meryl does is PERFECT every time. See that thing she does with her fingers in the scene at the table? She does that in every single movie!! And that thing she does with her mouth where she purses her lip when she’s doing “annoyed”? Again, she does it in every movie. Meryl has basically done every expression and gesture she has in her arsenal and there is nothing new and hasn’t been for a long, long time. Chris Cooper looks and sounds like he always does. Again, nothing new in that arsenal. And Ewan? Don’t get me started. I hate to sound like a “Cumby fan girl” but I sincerely think he’s the only original thing in this movie.

      • T.fanty says:

        I skipped the play because it seemed a little like an old-fashioned melodrama. The company that produced it tend to stay very safe, so none of this really surprises me.

    • Katia E. says:

      Mod note: banned multiple nicks
      Sorry but you will be getting no lessons from him. I’m the only one.
      And if you respond please use simple English. I used a google translator to type this because you know I’m so Russian.

      • curlsunited says:

        You’re the real? You’re on twitter? Always have been? Always will???

      • T.fanty says:

        Oh, I’m sorry. I was just alluding to sex. My understanding is that you are a Serious Artist now so clearly only want him for his mind.

      • Alison says:

        Really? People are still giving oxygen to her publicity machine? Time to let it drop I think.

      • T.Fanty says:

        @ Curls United,

        That’s a beautiful verse. It brings tears to my eyes when the immortal words of The Batch are put into the mouth of such raw, emotive Ruski talent.

      • Miss Ginger says:

        Thanks, T.Fanty! Damn, I enjoy the stern professor side of The Batch. I do love a man who won’t take any shit.

      • TommyAnnE says:

        (Note: this is *not* me posing as Katia, in case anyone was wondering. I have standards: they are low, but I do have them.)

    • Katia E. says:

      Mod note: banned multiple nicks

      Yes I am a serious artist. I will be in my bikini next to him again soaking up sun while we read about my countries gay problems.

      • EscapedConvent says:

        Hahahahaha! Welcome, Katia E! How lovely of you to drop by & torment the Cumby-bitches!

        How’s your play going?

    • Miss Ginger says:

      T.Fanty, do you have a link to said article?

  4. Donna says:

    Mod note: banned multiple nicks
    I might go see the movie just for him and Meryl. Don’t really care for Julia.

  5. Lucrezia says:

    I’m not sure Assange himself dances like a flailing octopus. It’s more standard goth. But it is terrible, so if Cumby is dancing badly, it’s in character:

  6. Abby says:

    I am so eager to see Osage…dysfunctional family dramas are my thing lol

    Plus he is singing in this movie gahhh December come soon.

    Cumby will be death of me courtesy those hot photos.

  7. Mary says:

    Mod note: banned multiple nicks
    He sings??? Oh I have to hear this. Never knew that. And looks from the trailer his secret lover is Julia Character.

    • Green Girl says:

      I love his voice. Looooove it. I have listened to his voiceovers for ads on YouTube repeatedly, and — well, I don’t want to embarrass myself, but I will say he has a great voice.

      But his voice in August? Eh, I don’t know, at least not from the trailer. I don’t know if it will be as effective with a Midwestern accent, you know? In this part of the country, we’re not exactly known for having melodious accents.

      I wanted to add that from what I can tell in the trailer (and it’s only a few seconds), his accent is definitely convincing, and I think people who don’t know who he is prior to seeing the film will say “Wait, he’s from England?”

      • Mary says:

        Mod note: banned multiple nicks
        When I saw the whistle blower, he did a regular American accent and he sounded so different it was weird hearing him speak like that.
        I to am interested to see how his accent will be there.

      • Green Girl says:

        I wonder if he’s like Meryl Streep and can do just about any accent. I’ll have to check out Whistle Blower. Is it any good? Is he in it for more than 5 minutes?

      • Mary says:

        Mod note: banned multiple nicks
        He is in it for about 5 mins. Not long at all. I can’t remember since I think I saw the movie in 2011.. Don’t know if you will enjoy it. Just go on youtube and type in the whistleblower trailer and you will get a taste of it. Now that I think about it he sounds a lil like zack quinto.

      • T.fanty says:

        Whistleblower is a great movie, but his accent isn’t great and he’s giving off Dennis Quaid vibes that I would prefer to unsee.

      • Green Girl says:

        Thank you for the heads up!

      • T.Fanty says:

        Don’t let that putt you off the movie, though. It’s REALLY powerful and Rachel Weisz is phenomenal in it.

      • Green Girl says:

        OK, thanks!

        Sort of on-topic, but I have a friend who wants to check out Cumby’s work. What should I recommend first? I was thinking Sherlock, but what do you wise sages recommend?

      • EscapedConvent says:

        I got this, ladies. Hello, Green Girl! Pull up a chair!

        For a delicious voice appetizer, listen to his Ode to a Nightingale (Youtube). You & your friend may need smelling salts after this—most of us did the first tme we heard it, so don’t worry. It’s a perfectly normal reaction to something so heavenly.

        Then, no question about it—Sherlock, Sherlock Sherlock. It’s so fantastic on every level that it should not be missed. After that, your friend will be astonished that she is watching the same actor if she watches the following:

        Third Star (Youtube) & Wreckers (Youtube & Netflix).

        He has a few mini-series that were done by BBC/PBS & although some people hate them, I think they are well worth watching.

        1. Small Island—I thought Small Island was very good & very moving. He is not the main character in this, he’s the husband of the main character & very central to the plot.

        2. To the ends of the earth, in which his character is a prim & proper gentleman who goes through lots of changes by the end, & he’s unintentionally funny, I should add.

        Parade’s End is a MUST! I don’t think I should say anything more about this one, because this is meant to be a helpful list, not an essay. It’s a little hard to rein oneself in when discussing Parade’s End. For TV viewing, this may still only be available on HBO, but I think the DVD is out.

        You will see a very impressive range of acting with this course of study. He’s dazzlingly different in every role.

        When I was newly Cumberbatched, & a rookie to his work, Youtube was my main source. This was 2 years ago, & there is much more there now. Also, it is much easier now to find things he’s done away from Youtube.

        I am sure I’ve forgotten something, since I wrote this from the top of my head.

        I hope you & your friend have a lovely time Cumberbatching!

      • Green Girl says:

        Oooh, thank you! I have also told my friend to hold off on watching Atonement and get through his other stuff now.

        I also recommended Starter for 10 and Fortysomething for lighter shows.

      • Katie says:

        He must be watched in Sherlock but of his older stuff, I actually like Hawking the best. The whole thing can be found on YouTube. He is just achingly good in it.

      • Janey says:

        Oh God. Ode To A Nightingale – it’s just lovely. Also concur re: Small Island – Ruth Wilson is a goddess, and Cumby is suprisingly sympathetic. I will respectfully agree to disgree about Parade’s End, but that is because I think I brought my own prejudice about FMF and the Edwardian upper class to the table – I enjoyed Rufus Sewell greatly, mind. And don’t forget Cabin Pressure – it’s radio, I know, but it is really good.

      • EscapedConvent says:

        Hi, Green Girl! You’re most welcome. How did I forget Fortysomething! Especially since he’s in it with Hugh Laurie (mmmmm…).

        It’s funny about Atonement. That was the first time I saw him, & that’s the case for lots of people. That’s why when Sherlock came along, we couldn’t believe it was the same actor.

        I think I can speak for many Cumberbitches when I say “THAT was Paul Marshall? Ewww! No, no no! Can’t be the same guy!”

        Sign of a good actor? I think yes.

        And it would be fun to be able to reverse that, like your friend will do.

      • curlsunited says:

        “Cabin Pressure”! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! And I unashamedly admit to defecting from Team Cumby to Team Allam every time I listen to it.

      • Janey says:

        @curls How could you not? The man speaks in italics, for cripes sake.

      • T.Fanty says:

        Late to the party, but these wenches know NOTHING. NUH.THING. If they were true Cumberbitches/collective/people they would know that *this* is the definitive Cumberbatch performance:

        *drops mic*

      • janey says:

        LITTLE. RED. HEN. Fanty, I bow to your genius. It’s lucky he doesn’t get to improv any of that – Little Red Hen would have gone on a Tarantino inspired killing spree if that increasing annoyance he gives voice to is anything to go by.

      • Green Girl says:

        I would have responded earlier, but I was too busy SWOONING. And who knew Little Red Hen was supposed to be so sassy?!?

  8. Patricia says:

    Mod note: banned multiple nicks
    I can see the cumberbitches right now swooning in the theater tweeting “omfg dead ovaries gone 4 life” lol

  9. Agnes says:

    I have to say Ewan McGregor looks so hot in this trailer that I almost forgot about Cumby.

  10. Tish says:

    I want BC to be my *personal* acting jukebox.

  11. Lucy says:

    Kinda off-topic but, that skull-printed tie he’s wearing in the THR pictures? Pure awesome!

  12. Sallie says:

    Mod note: banned multiple nicks
    Meryls character is dying in this movie yet she looks better than Julia? Something not right.

  13. ds says:

    I know it’s a Batch post and he’s really becoming one of my favorites, but Meryl… can this woman be in a film without taking over it? I’d give her all the Oscars in the world, she’s brilliant.

  14. Fab5 says:

    Mod note: banned multiple nicks
    He looks REALLY GOOD in these photos. And it looks like he will have cute written all over him in this movie also with feelings of sorrow for him.

  15. curlsunited says:

    Thank God, finally another Cumby post. I was getting nervous and fidgety at work and actually started reading the Hiddleston posts (which I never do) just to get a bit of the Batch.
    Can’t wait to see the albino octopus. Plus lovely Ewan.

    • T.fanty says:

      Come over to the Hiddles posts and join the glee!

    • curlsunited says:

      @T.Fanty: Diss? As if I ever would.
      I am still groping for les mots qu’il faut to describe the rare beauty and boldness of this, um, garment(in the meantime I called it a day after slaving away at my desk for 12 hours, then shuffled home to my un-fireplaced and un-singlemalted flat).
      Okay, I might come over to the Hiddleston posts once in a while, but I am very shy. I’m the one in the corner with the iPod, listening to “Casanova. Read by Benedict Cumberbatch”.

      • T.Fanty says:

        By DUC? Do you not know that Hiddles’ version will be at all good retailers within the week?

      • curlsunited says:

        Will it indeed? Gosh, it must have escaped me. Do you think the topic came up in their little literary circle? And did Cumby give him some advice on how to pronounce all these Italian names?

      • Sixer says:

        Curls – I would like to see you on the TommyAnne threads, too. We can agree there are NO “mots qu’il faut”!

      • curlsunited says:

        @T.Fanty, Sixer
        Ladies, how could I decline your most generous invitation? I understand that the liquor cabinet is well stocked, and as long as I can bring my own Cumby audiobooks …

  16. Forever says:

    Mod note: banned multiple nicks
    Why be in a movie BC? I would pay you much much more to sing and play piano in my bedroom.

  17. Daisy says:

    Mod note: banned multiple nicks
    I have a question. Why do people hate Julia? Is there anything I’m missing?

    • ag says:

      Possibly that tshirt she wore when first started dating her husband can’t remember what it said exactly but I am sure others do

    • Lucrezia says:

      There was a snarky incident when she wore a shirt printed with:

      A LOW

      After stealing her hubby from his then-wife: Vera.

      There were other rumours about her being nasty, but every celebrity gets those … people were willing to assume they were made up. But then the t-shirt incident happened, and was so blatantly rude and passive-aggressive, that she doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt any more.

      • Daisy says:

        Mod note: banned multiple nicks
        Hmmm interesting

      • Maureen says:

        You know what I’ve noticed as BC has done the rounds talking about Osage (not that’s he’s in full promotion swing, but during TIFF and in interviews it has come up several times)? He’s never mentioned Julia one single time. He’s mentioned Meryl, he’s even mentioned Chris Cooper, he’s mentioned the director, and he’s done a photo shoot before with Juliette Lewis…but commentary and photos re: Julia Roberts are noticeably absent and that’s very telling considering she’s the 2nd biggest star of the movie. It seems in keeping with Ben’s pattern that if he doesn’t like someone he simply never mentions them.

    • Maureen says:

      @ daisy

      This question genuinely surprises me given that Julia has had a horrible reputation for years and years, even before the scandal involving her affair (and subsequent marriage) with a married man. There have been numerous pieces of evidence that show her to be rude, nasty, and self-absorbed at the expense of others…from adultery to stealing attention when her other co-stars are in the limelight (Denzel Washington, anyone?) to publicly referring to Republicans as “next to reptiles in the dictionary” to mistreatment of family members to general arrogance and domineering attitude. I really think the general consensus is that Julia Roberts is not a nice person.

      • Daisy says:

        Mod note: banned multiple nicks
        I never knew about any of this. I don’t really follow her career. I can’t tell you the last movie I seen her in. I was just curious because everywhere I go I see people have a strong dislike for her. Thanks for the info.

  18. Paris says:

    Mod note: banned multiple nicks
    Ahhh they put the Assange dance in the movie? Oh lord.

  19. Victoria says:

    Mod note: banned multiple nicks
    “In the movie’s sweetest, swooniest scene, Little Charles plays and sings a song he wrote for his secret girlfriend, and even though the character is presented as unemployed and not too bright, women in the audience had to be stopped from hurling themselves into the movie screen to be with the tender Cumberbatch.”

    I’m already swooning.

  20. Parker says:

    Mod note: banned multiple nicks
    Cumby singing and playing the piano? Plus okie accent? I gots to see how this plays out.

  21. Tessa says:

    Mod note: banned multiple nicks
    Great. Now lets get another preview of Sherlock to top that off. Seriously I need my Sherlock.

  22. betsy says:

    Benedict is singing as loser Little Charles so you wont hear his lovely real singing voice. Its supposedly sweet but still a loser singing.

    Apparently the Assange disco dance is also spot on (and filmed in the actual disco it took place in). Which means the octopus comparison is correct.

  23. Tessa says:

    Mod note: banned multiple nicks
    And these pics are doing it for me.

  24. betsy says:

    The Imitation Game wont be released till tail end of 2014

  25. MissMary says:

    I like bitchyBatch. As sweet and goofy as some of his interviews are, I enjoy the ones where he’s off his filter. It makes me think his PR has said “alright, enough smooshy swoony shit. Go.”

    • Leah says:

      Or, I wonder if it’s a bit like a very well dressed, well spoken, well educated, talented… sleepy, hungry, tired toddler and his PR people sort of see it coming, but can’t do anything, so just like… throw their hands up and hope for the best?

      I wonder if GrumpyBatch comes out when he’s getting interview fatigue and he’s just too tired to give a care, so he just lets it rip. And if the question is inane or awkward, than duck and cover.

      • MissMary says:

        I think part of it has to do with his mood, too, like you suggested. He’d just had that awful hack piece from the Daily Fail, he’s promoing three movies, had the b.s. thanks to a certain “model” going on, and, well, he’s human. I think his governor was off (and does shut off for some of these interviews) and his PR knows there’s no chance to reign him in on some things and doesn’t really try since, while he can get foot in mouth (like the Downton Abbey comments), it’s never full on “omg pr crisis” bad.

    • Heather Tyler says:

      Mod note: banned multiple nicks
      Me to. I find him much more interesting and entertaining that way. I feel like if it was anyone else I would be rolling my eyes but with him I love it. Goofy, sweet, and bitchy. The holy trinity for me.

  26. Alexandra says:

    Oh my, The Batch sings. I had the weirdest dream the other day (night) and oddly enough, I wasn’t even thinking too much about Cumby. Turns out me and Cumby were invited to the same party. He arrived on a motorcycle, having the Sherlock look and at some point, he goes to the bathroom. I follow him (Don’t ask me why!) and he suddenly starts to sing to me “New York, New York”. I recall actually hearing the song in the dream with his voice in real life, but it was the version you hear in “Shame” sung by Carey Mulligan. After that, he sings “Rock Around the Clock”, but that was pretty much a pa pa pa pa, since he didn’t sing the “words”, but the instrumental part. I was just looking at him in amazement LOL.

    After he finishes his representation, he asks me if I want to hear a story about his stepmom (I kid you not!) and I respond to him in a kinky voice: You’ll tell me that story later, in private ;-)! Cumby then just goes to tell that story to the other guests and I stay in the bathroom as if I was a piece of furniture.
    THE END.
    This was weird.

    • EscapedConvent says:

      Yes, *very* weird. You had better notify Cumby that he has a stepmom. His evil parents obviously kept this from him & it will be a terrible shock.

      • Alexandra says:

        I think he already got over the shock, since he was so eager to tell me all about it LOL. I have no idea where all that stuff came from and I wasn’t even making anything out…

      • T.Fanty says:

        Please. Wanda will beat that impostor down, without spilling a drop of wine from her glass. I’d wager that while Wanda might be willing to share Mr. Cumby, BabyBatch is all hers.

      • EscapedConvent says:

        Awww…BabyBatch! I’m sure you’re right, Fanty. Wanda is one fierce Owl Mother.

        Don’t worry, Alexandra. The dreams I’ve had about him are unprintable. 😉

    • Katherine Winters says:

      Benedict sings in the mini-series “Parade’s End” and also in BBC radio’s “Neverwhere.”

      • curlsunited says:

        I wouldn’t classify it as singing in “Parade’s End”. He certainly can do better, look into “The men in their flying machines” (short but powerful) or “Come fly with me” in some episodes of the radio comedy “Cabin Pressure”.

    • janey says:

      I enjoy very much that Dreamcumby was so annoyed that he didn’t get to act out a scene for you that he wandered off until he had found a willing audience. Bless him.

  27. Beth says:

    Ah…needed the daily Cumberbatch fix. Thanks a bunch! (Or…thanks a batch? <ok lame)

  28. Katia E. says:

    Mod note: banned multiple nicks
    My day has been fine for those asking. Great topless photo shoot today. I texted Benedict to see if he was going to come by the shoot today but he didn’t answer. Since he is my friend I needed a second opinion on the photos. I guess I shall call my Boyfriend. BTW I miss Russia. Home sweet home.

  29. Katia E. says:

    Mod note: banned multiple nicks
    My play is a success. Those acting lessons came in handy. My reality show is going to kick ass.

  30. EscapedConvent says:

    I absolutely cannot wait to

    1. Hear the different accents he’s doing for these roles, since we have only heard his own ccent so far except for a blip in “Whistleblower” as mentioned by others.

    2. See his flailing octopus dancing! We have sen a taste of Cumby dancing on Youtube. He apparaently loves to dance, so this should be a highlight of the viewing season.

    3. I’m almost adraid to see him in Osage County. If I already love him, should I pop a Xanax once settled in the theatre so that I don’t try to vault through the screen?

    • curlsunited says:

      I am waiting for him to do “Sherlock. The Musical” with some serious tap dancing.
      And yes, I did mean tap dancing, not table dancing.

  31. TQB says:

    STOP IT I have work to do.

    Afternoon = shot to hell.

  32. Katia E. says:

    Mod note: banned multiple nicks
    Ekkkkkk everyone listen to me! Pay attention to me!

    • EscapedConvent says:

      You have my full attention, Katia dear.

      Would you like to tell us about your play?

      P.S. I think you should have worn the *other* dress to that wedding.

  33. Chrissy says:

    About the whole Julia thing, when August was filming there were a lot of reports coming out about how Julia was a terror on set. For some reason it stuck in my mind because people from the set were comparing her to Meryl and commenting on how amazing Meryl was in person. I wonder how many of Ben’s co-stars he really has not liked and then had to go promote a movie with them and pretend play at being friends..

  34. Celebitchy says:

    Hi everyone. You may notice that there are banned notices above certain comments. This person used so many different nicknames that I wanted to clear up confusion and let you know that it was the same person. They also commented in the Tom Hiddleston thread, and I’ve made the same notes in those comments.

  35. T.Fanty says:

    Do you think that there exists ANYWHERE a Cumby photo shoot that doesn’t include a picture of him touching the back of his head? Is he just *really* itchy or something?

    • EscapedConvent says:

      Yes, because Miss Jane thought it would be cute to put itching powder in his shampoo. I don’t think she should be allowed to be in charge of the Thornfield Bath Cabinet anymore.

      I’m going to try to get that key out of her apron pocket, & you know she can be very vigilant about her keys.

      • T.Fanty says:

        I’m glad to hear that she’s vigilant about something below her waist, even if it is only her hedgehog keyring.

    • MissMary says:

      I think it must be one of his go-to poses, like making sure his hands are showing. He mentioned to some photog and it got reported as part of a story recently that if the pics were aimed at a mainly female audience, he should show his hands. I’m thinking someone told him the head touch was another winner so it, the folded hands, and the leaning/staring off to the side of the camera and looking introspective are his main go-to poses.

      • T.Fanty says:

        That makes sense, but begs the question: surely then putting one’s hand BEHIND one’s head kind of defeats the purpose? Although, god bless our little drunk uncle – this is kind of par for the cumbercourse.

  36. princesslizabeth says:


    I love Cumby. Thanks for making my day.


  37. Ag says:

    I guess you guys will like The Guardian cover storey of their Saturday magazine

    • janey says:

      Are we allowed to talk about this here? Or will we thread-jacking? The many intricacies of internet relations sometimes elude me. Anyways, I just wanted to say that the interview has boggled me somewhat.

      • Ag says:

        Maybe another thread and yes Internet eludes me too I am very new to this. Most times I just read the comments. I agree though re interview