Cele|bitchy | Tom Cruise not planning to play hero pilot in Hudson River plane crash

Tom Cruise not planning to play hero pilot in Hudson River plane crash

Earlier today, rumors began to circulate that Tom Cruise said he wants to play Captain Chelsey Sullenberger in a movie adaptation of the recent Hudson River plane crash. Seems like a viable story, considering that Tom is a huge self-promoter and that Hollywood likes to profit on real-life tragedies. If done right, a film about the Hudson River landing could be quite good, though predictable. It’s just a little early to be planning a project so soon after the crash. Also, Tom is ten years too young for the role.

Now it seems that Cruise said nothing of the sort – and if he did, he didn’t mean it in “that way.”

While the movie star—and avid flier—was quoted heralding U.S. Airways’ Capt. Chesley B. “Sully” Sullenberger’s heroic landing on the Hudson River last week and claiming that there might be “a movie in here,” Cruise’s rep denies that a big reenactment is in the works.

“There’s nothing here,” he told E! News.

The rumor mill went into overdrive with various tabloids and websites reporting a film was in the works based on sound bites Cruise supposedly gave to Entertainment Tonight.

“I was with people today and they said, ‘There’s a movie in here,’ ” the actor reportedly said. “I’m thinking about that.

“To have done such a heroic job…I know what it’s like, because we train for emergencies and then for it to happen and to have it turn out the way it did—that’s how we want them to end.”

[from Yahoo]

A reporter could have made up the original Tom Cruise quotes, but I’m inclined to believe that Tom did actually mention a possible movie, and maybe even his own starring role. And then his reps had to play clean-up. Tom and Kate may be able to sell tabloid covers, but he’s not exactly on anyone’s list of top kick-ass movie heroes anymore. But because people are interested in his private life, it is interesting to see what kinds of role he chooses to resuscitate his career. On his IMDB page, he only has one movie in production, Men, which based on the description could either be a light-hearted romantic comedy or a heavy drama, it’s hard to tell.

Tom Cruise is shown at the London premiere of Valkyrie on 1/21/09. Credit: WENN


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5 Responses to “Tom Cruise not planning to play hero pilot in Hudson River plane crash”

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  1. geronimo says:

    Tom knows what it’s like? Because he trains for emergencies like this? Is Tom part of the emergency services?

    Tom aside, fab story, extraordinary courage and presence of mind from the pilot but don’t really think there’s a movie in it. They took off and then they landed. It would require too much padding out and the facts don’t need embellishing, and particularly not by Cruise.

  2. Syko says:

    Of course Tom knows what it’s like, you know how he is the only person who can save people in traffic accidents and all that.

    I was thinking the same as you, geronimo, when I was reading it. Not exactly enough going on there to fill 90 minutes, is there? Take off, hit a few birds, engines go out, set her down like a jetski, climb out on the wings, get picked up by boats. A wonderful thing but not the stuff of which movies are made.

  3. Baholicious says:

    Now if only they could make a film where he is hero pilot AND he gets to kill Hitler!

    I agree Syko that there’s not enough material there for a movie. I did see United 93 and I did think it was really well done (you can’t go wrong with Paul Greengrass) but there was much more to work with in terms of the actual events inside the plane.

  4. Me2 says:

    Good, because the producers and creative team are probably not planning to offer him the role.

    What a ma-ROON!

  5. Mairead says:

    Oh thank Christ I’m not the only one who thinks that a film about this would be a bit of a snorefest. I always watch those air-accident programmes. But considering they use plenty of technical stuff and interviews to pad out 50 minutes, what in the name of Xenu are they going to do with 120? Especially as the pilot will be “Clear” and able to set her down with the power of his miiiiiiiind.

    “Airport” and that one about the Hawaiian disaster, and hell even Pushing Tin have pretty much sewn the dramatic bits up.

    But if there were to be an “inspired by” film, the role would rightfully belong to William H. Macy.