Cele|bitchy | Jared Leto sustains broken nose, overinflated ego still intact

Jared Leto sustains broken nose, overinflated ego still intact

Blogger abuser and moody rocker Jared Leto broke his nose when fans rushed him at a concert in El Paso, Texas. He went on with the show, but got checked out by a doctor afterwards. Leto sustained other minor injuries to his face and body:

True chaos ensued Thursday at the Taste of Chaos tour stop in El Paso, Texas, resulting in 30 Seconds to Mars singer Jared Leto sustaining a broken nose and other injuries.

According to a spokesperson for the band’s record label, Leto was injured when he ran into the crowd during “The Kill” and thousands of fans overpowered security and rushed toward him on the floor of County Coliseum.

Along with his nose, which was unintentionally broken, Leto suffered a foot injury and superficial injuries to his face and body.

Leto finished the show and even declared it one of the best of the tour, but eventually checked into a hospital to ensure that none of his injuries would require surgery. 30 Seconds to Mars are scheduled to perform Friday (March 2) in Dallas.

No fans were reportedly injured.

It looks like someone reads Best Week Ever and jumped on the opportunity to punch Jared Leto in the face when it presented itself. There are many stories of this guy generally acting like an asshole and threatening people. He also really hates blogs because they point out how shitty his music is and occasionally pay attention to all the arrogant abuse he heaps on others.

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10 Responses to “Jared Leto sustains broken nose, overinflated ego still intact”

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  1. miss luigi says:

    I feel embarrassed by the fact that I used to have a crush on him.

  2. Bex says:

    I know! He is a really good looking dude without the makeup. What a shame!

  3. Elle says:

    Leto is morphing into a woman circa 1972….his mom? Check out the hair-do, the cowl neck shirt, the over-done makeup…

  4. Jenna says:

    I’m with you miss luigi…I am so ashamed to say I used to think he was hot (in his My So Called Life days). Is this what dating Tila Tequila does to you?

  5. frewtloop says:

    Jennifer Connelly and Jared Leto – separatated at birth?

  6. Randi says:

    Forget his nose — what about his makeup!?! Was his mascara smudged? What about his lipstick? Please, not his eyeliner?

  7. coochie coo says:

    funny article. lol

    he looks like he is wearing a superhero costume. maybe he is super doofus, and his magical powers are hypnotizing young fans into worshiping his singin

  8. xiaoecho says:

    Never ‘eard of ‘im. Is he the marilyn manson you have when you’re not having marilyn manson?

  9. regina morris says:

    r yall idiots?? his music is the best out ther it had so much meaning to it!! and the eyeliner thing is hot, yall kno emo boys wear it all the time, but he pulls it off! and how is he air headed? ive nvr heard of hime doing anything rude to people, he seems like such a sweet guy! && no one punched him in the face, intentionally ass holes! y dont all yall stop wasting ur time call all these celebs bitchy, cuz ur ones that actually are bitches!

  10. Echelon [Kristen] says:

    Regina, I agree with you completely.

    xx Kristen