Is this Salma Hayek and is she pregnant?! (update)

A woman who looks a lot like Salma Hayek was pictured paying the meter on her car. The images were credited as Hayek and to me the woman looks pregnant and not like she’s just heavy and wearing an unfortunate dress. The thing is, I wasn’t sure it was Hayek at first as I’m not used to seeing her without makeup. I compared her features with a recent picture of Hayek though and she has the same nose, lips, hair and boobs so it’s possible it’s her.

The last time I remember seeing Salma out was at the Golden Globes about six weeks ago and she looked thinner then and didn’t have any sort of bump. This woman looks pregnant to me.

Is this Hayek and is she pregnant? Would she get big like this in just six weeks? Who is she dating? I haven’t heard of anyone recently.

Salma Hayek’s new film with abusive Jared Leto, Loney Hearts, which is based on murders committed by a couple in the 1940s, is slated for release on April 13th. It also stars John Travolta and James Gandolfini.

Check out the pictures at Egotastic. It doesn’t look like she gained weight to me, she looks pregnant.

Update: a commentor on the US website mentions that the serial killer Hayek is playing in Lonely Hearts is meant to be overweight, and that might be why she’s gained weight so quickly. If that movie is indeed slated for release on April 13th, as mentioned above, the weight she gained cannot be for that role as the film has already finished shooting.

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13 Responses to “Is this Salma Hayek and is she pregnant?! (update)”

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  1. just me says:

    This is Salma. I’ve seen her w/out makeup and hair undone in Univision a spanish chanel. It’s ok if she put on some pounds and why does everyone think people r preg when they have a little bump. Women do get their periods and get retain alot of water during that time.

  2. Charity says:

    um to the other poster thats more than period retention. thats like 20lbs. and yes its possible to gain that much in 6 weeks when you’re preggers. Not reccomended but possible.

  3. Anonymous says:

    She looks pregnant. You don’t gain weight all in one place. Are we sure shes not on the set of a movie?

    I remember a little while ago seeing a picture of her… I think it was the announcing of the oscar noms… and i remember thinking (and other people thinking) she was pregnant there too. Who knows!

  4. kailie2 says:

    This is definitely Salma and she looks pregnant to me. Bigger boobs and definitely a belly. I remember seeing photos of her coming out of a fertility clinic in LA maybe a year ago. I wonder if she was trying for a while. Too bad she has rotten luck with men but maybe she and Pene can raise the baby together 😉

  5. Kerri says:

    Maybe she’s not wearing an Oscar dress, so she decided to opt out on the girdle. I mean, come on. That is a totally unfortunate dress choice if you’re not a skinny girl. And Salma has always been curvy.

  6. Fabiola Thing says:

    Maybe she’s Shelley Winterizing.

  7. Carol says:

    I dont know if she’s pregnant or not but she looks heavier all over. Look at her legs.

  8. Other Karen says:

    In one of the photos, there’s a pregnant shaped bump, but in another, it could just be a gut. It’s really hard to tell in that dress. But she could have been pregnant and not showing much at the Golden Globes, which would put her past 6 weeks now.

  9. FF says:

    That Salma, and she’s put on weight lately. Is she pregnant? Could be, the chest is huge – but she’s not trying to hide it.

  10. Action says:

    Definitely looks pregnant to me!

  11. CookiePuss says:

    OH MY SWEET HOT MESS, I pray that’s for a movie roll.

  12. frewtloop says:

    Thats Salma alright – she’s got a very distinctive profile. She looks gorgeous pregnant or not. I wouldn’t be surprised if she decided to go the single parent route – she very much a feminist and she’s strong, independent and capable.

  13. Fabiola Thing says:

    Here she is at the Oscars in 2000:

    Is it pregnanacy, weight gain or implants or a little of all three?