Justin Long’s friends say he should dump ‘serial dater’ Amanda Seyfried: ruh roh?

Amanda Seyfried

Amanda Seyfried is a bit of a maneater, which is strange because she also seems to favor the douchey variety of men. Off the top of my head, I can name several of her love interests in the past few years. There was Dominic Cooper, Ryan Phillipe, Josh Hartnett, possibly James Franco, and a couple of civilians. She falls hard and fast and then leaves them. At least I assume she leaves them. I don’t think she sleeps with all of them either because she’s terrified of being promiscuous.

Amanda’s current guy is Justin Long. It was only mid August when we heard that they were hooking up as a weirdly unexpected couple. Within a few weeks, Amanda let Justin do the unthinkable — enter into the life of amazing celebrity dog Finn Seyfried. Soon they were hopping on an airplane with Finn in tow to canoodle at the U.S. Open:

Amanda Seyfried

Amanda Seyfried

Amanda Seyfried

According to the new issue of Star, Justin’s friends aren’t happy with the relationship. Justin’s crazy about Amanda and wants to settle down in a big way, and she’s a serial monogamist. Justin’s buddies think Amanda’s going to leave him huddled in a pool of his own tears. Oh boy:

Amanda Seyfried’s new romance with Justin Long is already under fire by the actor’s inner circle — because they’re afraid she’ll break his heart! “Justin wants to settle down and get married, but his friends don’t think Amanda is the right girl for him,” reveals an insider.

The actor, 35, who seems smitten with Amanda and is frequently spotted on outings with her and her beloved dog, Finn, may want to listen to his concerned pals, who think he’s going to experience her reputation as a serial dater firsthand.

While the Lovelace star, 27, appears committed to Justin now, she confessed as recently as July that she was crazy for another man who isn’t in show business. “He’s someone separate from my industry life,” Amanda gushed. “I’ve known him since he was 16. I picture him as the father of my children all the time.”

For now, Justin is choosing to ignore the warnings. “He tells his friends that he’s a big boy and they shouldn’t worry about him,” says the source. “But only time will tell.”

[From Star, print edition, October 21, 2013]

I hate to say it, but if this relationship follows Amanda’s usual pattern, then Justin’s Finn-walking days are numbered. That’s sad because these two make a really cute couple. Methinks it is time for Justin to pull out those hidden talents of his.

Here’s Amanda and Finn all alone together in L.A. a few days ago. Where’s Justin?

Amanda Seyfried

Amanda Seyfried

Amanda Seyfried

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet & WENN

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33 Responses to “Justin Long’s friends say he should dump ‘serial dater’ Amanda Seyfried: ruh roh?”

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  1. brin says:

    I think she should dump him, she can do better.

    • Liv says:

      I can’t believe Kate Mara left her boyfriend for Long!

      Long seems like a nice guy, but so boring. And something’s about him, I don’t know – he hides something. I got a feeling like he wants to believe he’s the perfect boyfriend but has big expectations of a girlfriend. Weird.

  2. QQ says:

    Finn Should walk away from all this impending mess

  3. j.eyre says:

    I heard Justin is actually dating Finn and Amanda is Finns beard.

    • blue marie says:

      ha, no one puts Finn in the closet, he needs no beard!

      Seriously I have no feelings toward Amanda, but absolutely love her dog.

    • loveisthecoal says:

      J.eyre, I am having a terrible morning at work and I just wanted to thank you for providing the spit-out-your-coffee laugh that I desperately needed. Thanks! ๐Ÿ˜€

      • Obvious says:

        Have you guys checked out Finns Instagram or twitter? I follow him because my lord that dog is amazing. And if it truly is Amanda posting everything for him-not some handler (which I kinda tend to doubt) I think she should be my new bestest friend.

  4. mkyarwood says:

    Serial dater, eh? Not possible she’s only dated dicks so far and gets out while the getting’s good?

  5. Katren says:

    That dog is beautiful! Anyone know the breed?

    • Bedhead says:

      Australian Shepherd!

    • Hautie says:

      I swear that dog must get a daily bath and blow out. He has the best looking coat, I have ever seen on a Australian Shepherd.

      But I am curious what is wrong with being a serial dater. Everyone is grown and has their own home. So it is not as if either one of them are using each other. Both have careers and cash.

      The only thing that gives me pause. Is her comment about some boy she loved at 16.

      Good grief. Has she learned nothing about men. What one was like at 16… has nothing to do with who they really turn out to be. Ugh. That will not end well.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      I just came here to comment on the dog. I love Australian Shepherds!

      This one is gorgeous but a friend of mine has one that’s even more beautiful.

      @Hautie-I agree with all your comments.

  6. Scarlet Vixen says:

    I am so madly in love with that dog! (Just please don’t tell my couch potato of a greyhound that I’m emotionally cheating on him-it’ll break his heart. ๐Ÿ˜‰ )

    • bluhare says:

      If you break your greyhound’s heart, I’ll come over and fix it. We’ve had three greyhounds and loved them all. The last one was the most uncoordinated dog of all time . . . until he decided to run.

  7. Vesta says:

    That’s a one fine looking handsome dog right there. And I love the funky scarves he’s wearing. Especially that green one! Finn Seyfried should have his own posts.

  8. Lola Lulu says:

    her dating history makes me feel better about mine & that’s hard to do

    • Tulip Garden says:

      Don’t feel bad about your dating history! Besides it is a lot easier to look back at a bunch of sketchy guys than to settle down with one sketchy guy and think “OMG, what have I done?”
      IMO, you are doing it the right way. Try them on and if they don’t “fit”, get rid of them ๐Ÿ™‚
      Anyway, I don’t think it makes sense that people giving this girl or T. Swift sh*t about their dating history. They are supposed to be dating until they find the “one”. As far as their partners go, hey, those guys know their history so don’t be surprised if it’s a short-lived romance!
      NOTE: If this girl or T. Swift “dated” married guys, that’s a different thing which IDK if Amanda was with Ryan Phillippe when he was married or not.

    • Relli says:

      Never feel bad about your dating history, it all helps you in the long end when you do get married or have a long term relationship.

      Some of my college friends used to put me down and try to make me feel bad about all my bad dates and failed 3 week relationships (yes seriously I was the queen of these). But in reality we were just in different places in our lives. Most of them had met their husbands or fiances in college and I hadn’t really made that connection with anyone. What I was experiencing was totally normal for dating in my 20’s they just didn’t know it because they weren’t doing it. Not only are those bad dating tales now great stories but i feel like so many of those instances have taught me a lot about how to be in a relationship. Because when I did meet the right guy he never left my side.

  9. Jacqueline says:

    Like her purse. That’s all I’ve got. These two are so damn boring.

  10. serena says:

    Oh my god, I’m in love with Finn!

  11. Anna says:

    I love how Finn always has a cute little bandana tied around his neck!

  12. eliza says:

    They both bug me so they are perfect for each other. Neither one can act.

  13. jesb says:

    why is she considered the serial dater? Not that I follow Justin Long a lot but seems to me like he’s dated way more a-list people than she has

  14. Talie says:

    She dates a bunch of hot people, enjoys and moves on. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do if you’re a rich movie star?

  15. Nikita says:

    I remember reading that she started an Affair with Dominic Cooper on the set of mama mia while he still had a girlfriend.
    Nasty Girl ๐Ÿ˜›

  16. Nessa says:

    I just like this story because it gave me a chance to read the old thread about Justin liking to go doooowwwwnnn. I say good for Amanda!!! Enjoy it for what it is then move on to someone better. Because… Obviously!

  17. Caroline says:

    It’s a bit sad how she’s always getting dumped. (or it seems that way)

  18. lady_luck says:

    Who knows what goes on…..I mean, c’mon Ryan Phillipe was a car crash coz HE was the serial dater and a total douche….I’m not convinced that she is running around getting bored of guys and replacing them.