Cele|bitchy | Courtney Stodden designed some platform bedazzled shoes, y’all!

Courtney Stodden designed some platform bedazzled shoes, y’all!

Courtney Stodden Shops At DASH

I’m honestly just covering this story because it’s easy. This is a story that pretty much writes itself. You have a 19 year-old dim-witted reality “star” who has few life skills and circus boobs. She’s just coming off of a stint on UK’s Celebrity Big Brother and is trying to trade on her small amount of infamy overseas. A UK company, which looks like a budget version of Forever 21 meets Fredericks of Hollywood, gives her the awesome task of designing a pair of shoes. The company did this to trade off the reality personality’s name. Since many media outlets mock the star they know they will get their money’s worth out of the deal. The result is a towering eyesore of a painful-looking shoe, with a mishmash of buttons, hearts, stars, tulle and ribbon. The shoes sell for over $500. But it doesn’t matter, because the stunt is meant to bring interest to the company’s other products, made by people in third world countries who work harder in a week than the reality star will work in her entire lifetime. (Although that may not be true, we still don’t know how this is going to play out. I know that sounds dark but it came to mind!)

Here’s more about this business venture, thanks to The Sun:

Courtney Stodden is known for her towering platform footwear, so who better to design her own pair of shoes?

The Celebrity Big Brother star has teamed up with Primo Fashion to launch her very own pair of sky-high heels.

And guess what colour she went for? Barbie pink, of course!

The blonde bombshell has gone all-out with her design, adorning her shoes with glitzy rhinestones, pearls, jewels, mirrors and cabochons. If you look closely, you’ll spot mini hearts, lips, stars and silver roses.

And as if that wasn’t enough, she’s even added pink mesh and a ginormous bow on the heel!

The made-to-order shoes are the ultimate attention grabber, featuring an eye-popping seven inch heel and a two inch concealed platform. Gulp.

And it’s not just the height making our eyes water – the skyscraper heels retail at a staggering £325. Well, they are handmade!

The ‘Courtney’ launches exclusively at primofashion.co.uk on 21 October, and will be available in sizes 3-8.

[From The Sun via Fishwrapper]

It doesn’t matter than no one will ever buy these. It doesn’t matter that they look like an art project thought up by a first grader with a lack of imagination and a stripper for a mom. It doesn’t matter that they could be recreated for less money with hot glue and a bunch of rainbow nerds. What matters is that a few young women and girls who like cheap revealing clothing will learn about these horrible shoes, visit this company’s website and buy some outfits for the club. They got their money’s worth with Courtney.

After I wrote all that it occurred to me to check this store’s website to see what else they had. They already have a shoe that’s very similar to the ones Courtney allegedly designed. Here’s that other pair of shoes, they’re called the “Barbie shoe.” It looks like Courtney just told them to turn the shoe pink, use pink junk on it, and stick a bow on the back. Voila!


Courtney Stodden leaves the ArcLight Cinema

Courtney Stodden Shops At DASH

Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchison

Courtney Stodden Leaving Dash Clothing Store

Photo credit: WENN.com and FameFlynet

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64 Responses to “Courtney Stodden designed some platform bedazzled shoes, y’all!”

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  1. Dani2 says:

    Those things are crazy, kudos to any one who can successfully walk around in that for extended periods of time.

    • Erinn says:

      I was just thinking how heavy they looked. I’d break my neck.

    • Jay says:

      Platform heels like that actually aren’t that hard to walk in. The high platform means the rise isn’t that high so your foot isn’t arched as much as it is in other heels, and believe it or not, stiletto heels feel pretty stable to walk on if they’re well-balanced. Most of my comfiest heels are stilettos with at least a small platform.

      I mean, those shoes are fugly as all get-out and I wouldn’t wear them if you paid me. But I think you’re criticising them for the wrong reasons.

    • MonicaQ says:

      I am far too fat to wear those. I’d be drilling for oil every time I took a step.

  2. ray says:

    katie price’s dream shoes.

  3. brin says:

    Shauna Sand 2.0.

  4. Maya Memsaab says:

    That header photo and my mind just drifted to tranquil images of trout.

  5. Shauna says:

    I kinda like them. But, my eyes are still blurry and I need my coffee.

  6. Buckwild says:

    Courtney’s feet are going to be entirely mangled in a couple years…

  7. T.fanty says:

    Double post. So I’ll edit and wonder if they come with a free creepy pedo-spouse.

  8. T.fanty says:

    Oh, thank god. I have a conference to go to next week and I need a little pizazz to go with my suit. Heck, I need these for the morning school run. The other mothers will be SO envious.
    *tries to swagger off but slips and breaks both ankles*

    • j.eyre says:

      You need to be careful, though; if she didn’t use the right glue, when you stumble out of a bar drunk, wetting yourself, some of those rhinestones will pop right off. I lost half of the left side’s hearts Friday night.

  9. blue marie says:

    I can’t help it, every time I see this girl I think she’s going to fall over from being so top heavy. Is that her mom beside her? I always get the vibe that her mom and husband are using the hell out of her.

    You know what the shoes look like, remember the plastic charm necklaces on a string you used to get when you were younger? It looks like she cut the string and super glued the charms to the shoes.

  10. Paige says:

    Did she get her lips done?

  11. Rhea says:

    At least now she’s doing something that doesn’t need her to show up in public with an extra skimpy clothes. Yet.

  12. putchka says:

    Top photo – she has Minnie Mouse feet.

    • Belle Epoch says:


      ” It doesn’t matter that they look like an art project thought up by a first grader with a lack of imagination and a stripper for a mom.” HAHA

    • Decloo says:

      Yes! Or like something Wilma Flintstone would wear if she were a prostitute.

  13. M.A.F. says:

    The shoes look like they belong with a Halloween costume.

  14. Sim says:

    I would totally wear those for work, then again I am a stripper so they are perfect, I would never wear them on the street!

    • TheyPromisedMeBeer says:

      I was thinking on those lines, too, lol! I know a couple of drag queens who would be all over those if they didn’t already know how to make their own higher quality version.

  15. Nicolette says:

    It just irks me how she walks around like she’s it. Look at me, I’m somebody! I’m a cheap bimbo that married a pervy creep. I have nothing going for me except a bad boob job and ratty extensions and a wardrobe fit for a hooker.

    Wish she would fall over on her ridiculous heels. But then again her enormous chest will probably just cause her to bounce back up. Weebles wobble!

  16. Sea Dragon says:

    Looking at these newest pics gives me that same old feeling: I’d like to slap her mother’s face and then punch Doug where it hurts the most.

  17. rep says:

    Please, someone tell me, is she Still doing that lip posing, prining thing she used to do?

    • bbb1975 says:

      No, she finally stopped. My daughter and I used to make fun of her so much for that! Did she really think that looked sexy?

  18. paola says:

    I blame the mother. Some people should need a licence to have kids.
    This ‘girl’ will never be respected in life. ever.

  19. DD says:

    Courtney can be called a lot of things, but, dim isn’t one of them.

  20. Izzy does it says:

    Her mom carrying a Dash shopping bag

  21. fabgrrl says:

    To all those people who refuse to believe Courtney is under 30 — look at those shoes! Would an adult woman design or wear that? Does she have some bizarro Dorian Gray-esque portrait in her apartment showing the body of a naive, fresh-faced, 16 year old girl with the mind of 38 year lot lizard?

    • Happyhat says:

      I dunno man…I’m 33 and those shoes look like something I’d come up with. Subtly in arts and crafts is not my strong point.

      Oh, but I’d totally do those shoes in green.

  22. rep says:

    I hope the company gives her a pair of shoes cause I just noticed her shoes are scuffed and dirty. WTF?

  23. dorothy says:

    Someone got a new glue gun!

  24. CT says:

    My 5 year old kids made these first. They are wizards too with a glue stick and sparkles and beads. I should have gotten in on this first but there was the whole child labor law thing to deal with first. Slowed me down. Damn it.

  25. But Why says:

    im still praying for her.

  26. Audrey says:

    Someone should have called child protective services probably 19 years ago.

    Poor girl needs therapy, a divorce and to stay as far away as possible from her parents

  27. bondbabe says:

    So Famewhore and Famewhore Mom went to Dash—the store owned by Famewhores Kardashian….

  28. teehee says:

    She did a good job— not that I would wear it, but heck, as gaudy as it is, it IS well designed. I havent seen any other shoes designed like that. You can tell she put her heart into it…. so, thats my compliment.

    • BW says:

      I don’t think she actually designed the shoe. I think she took an existing shoe and “designed” the stuff glued to it.

  29. Dragonlady sakura says:

    Man, I want some candy right now after looking at these shoes!

  30. Faith says:

    It actually looks like she was given a shoe and stuck some pretty decorations on herself. Bitchyness aside I actually feel sorry for this girl it looks as if everyone around her is using her for something.

  31. DEB says:

    Never mind the fug shoes. Her mother has some bad cheek implants. Uck.

  32. Dawn says:

    I think she designs like the Kardashians design. In other words shakes her head yes or no and signs on the dotted line. Am I the only one who feels bad for her for wasting her youth on such ugly people and making her young self into such a characterization of Jessica Rabbit? I hope her mother is enjoying the money because it won’t be there for long and this girl is going to have major emotional issues when it all goes away. It is so sad to me.

  33. Yogiktor says:

    Look at momma walking her cash cow.
    And shopping at Dash… how is this level of (shallow, meaningless, materialism…?, can’t even find the word…) even possible?

  34. NeoCleo says:

    “circus boobs”! Hee hee!

  35. irishserra says:

    I find her obnoxious to look at, but I have to admit that when I see her husband’s face, I literally want to vomit. He’s revolting to me.

  36. JuliaGulia says:

    Is it just me, or do her ‘rill’ boobs look bigger???

  37. Shelley says:

    I find her mom to be a good deal creepier than her husband. Nice sheer shirt, Mom.

  38. Darkladi says:

    When are going to organize the rescue party for her?

  39. Madpoe says:

    yeahhh you can’t out run a murder/zombie in those shoes…but I guess you can dazzlin’ ’em, I guess.

  40. MegG says:

    The shoes look as cheap as her

  41. I’ve never seen a picture of her with friends her age. I wonder if she has any friends at all or if she’s totally isolated by the generation above her, who’ve been channeling her into this uber-ho wannabe celebrity image. The more I see of her, the more I want to go and rescue her or something. Teach her how to get a job and have her own life and be her own person before she completely destroys herself.

  42. locheed says:

    Poor girl looks like the worst parts of a Bratz and Barbie doll Franken-hootchie. I wish she would find someone who cares about her inside person more they do about her outside person/money-maker.

  43. locheed says:

    Poor girl looks like the worst parts of a Bratz and Barbie doll Franken-hootchie. I wish she would find someone who cares about her inside person more they do about her outside person/money-maker.

  44. crab says:

    Well they finally have a legit name for her! “The Celebrity Big Brother star” That’s the best they could come up with!