Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart are back together. Well, maybe they’re just having sex together again. Robsten is unbroken! [LaineyGossip]
Joel Osteen wants you to rub one out for a friend. [Pajiba]
Justin Bieber wants to “Free Breezy”. Idiot. [Dlisted]
Crystal Renn’s red lace Valentino is awful. [Go Fug Yourself]
I could literally spend all day looking at optical illusion GIFs. [Buzzfeed]
Kanye West’s Yeezus tour has been canceled indefinitely because of technical issues. #NoDisrespectToBenAffleck [Evil Beet]
Lady Gaga’s new costume is kind of pretty. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Suzanne Somers doesn’t like Obamacare. [Wonderwall]
Heidi Montag traded in her F-cup implants for Ds. [Amy Grindhouse]
Neil Patrick Harris will forever win Halloween. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Meredith Vieira doesn’t understand Twitter. [The Blemish]
Sophie Turner’s butt looks like a pumpkin. [Moe Jackson]
Queen Elizabeth loves this shade of fuchsia. [A Socialite Life]
The RHOM reunion looked like a botox convention. [Reality Tea]
Dude head-butted a bear, bear tossed him off a cliff. [Gawker]
Joanna Krupa’s Halloween costume was… eh. [IDLY]
Does anybody really care at this point??
Im right there with you! but judging from the scores of comments these two normally get on this site (negative or otherwise), im guessing that people are literally invested in their romance or lack of it.
Ah, you mean like your comment.
You want to see comments, go on Hollywood Life, robert pattinson/kristen stewart and you want believe all the comments every day of the week on these two there. Unbelievable.
no.. not me
Well Rob… she’s a catch, isn’t she?
Considering the stupid things he’s been doing lately, this almost seems like a good thing.
yeah ok….
If he wants to look at her sour face every day, that’s his problem. Good luck to him. He’s going to need it.
So were these Stewart photos (cause I can’t really see Sparkles in them) conveniently papped on the same day the VF Ross article hit a way for Kristen Stewart to outfox Liberty Ross outfoxing Kristen Stewart? Like… sure there is that article but, look over here folks, Robsten unbroken!
Guess Ross is not the only one with a crisis manager.
Probably part of it, but some expensive Twilight DVD set comes out next week. My guess is that is more of a factor, since Liberty didn’t say anything new or juicy. Plus, I do think they are friends.
Vanity Fair probably timed the Liberty interview with the DVD set release and, separately, Pattinson and Stewart planned the pap op for the same reason.
I used to like Pattinson. Sigh.
I used to like both of them, but they are just behaving like idiots constantly. Kristen acts so above everyone, not to speak of her I-hope-you-freeze-to-death-incident. And he seems pretty stupid too. Surrounding himself with L.A. people and partying much with Katy Perry? What a brilliant idea. Ugh!
Don’t you think Rob and Kristen would have at least been papped together with clear images of their faces if they were faking it for PR purposes? Instead we got blurry pap pics of Kristen leaving The Summit gated community where Rob is renting a home and pics of Rob’s Jeep following closely behind Kristen’s truck. They’re not even in the same truck! It appears once they discovered the paps were stalking them, they separated and Kristen is shown driving off and looking angry at the paps as she flips them off. These pap pics don’t prove they have reunited as a couple. The pics only show that they are in contact with eachother for whatever reason, nothing more. Besides, I don’t believe Rob or Kristen would intentionally mislead their overly invested fanbases into thinking they’re on again as a couple. Both go to extreme measures, like moving into gated communities, to keep their personal lives as private as possible.
yeah I figured there had to be a twilight Cd or something coming out
She must be fabulous in bed. And judging by his recent behavior, Robert must know what he is doing as well.
Is anyone surprised that they’re hooking up again? They were together for years and he seemed to be insanely in love with her. Takes a long time to get over that first great love.
I guess the post Twilight offers are scarce. Time to pull out tried and true gossip lures. It may not work this time round….
WHYY? Look I really like Rob like a lot I think he is a sweet kid and he totally didn’t deserve her cheating on him and embarrassing him in front of the world and yeah maybe he loves her a lot and maybe he isn’t happy without her but i just feel sorry cause at the end he is gonna figure it out that she was never good for him (not saying this as a kstew hater just as someone with common sense that its never gonna work out coming back with a cheater) its better so have a clean cut breakup and be miserable for a while than have you heart broken over and over again by the same person
I agree, if they’ve reconciled he’s making a huge mistake and he will regret it in the end.
Do you think she rolls her eyes when she climaxes?
As if she climaxes. She strikes me as a dead fish, in bed or otherwise.
I highly doubt she’s a “dead fish in bed or otherwise” if Rob stayed with her for over 4 years. Even now, 6 months after their last breakup, Rob still wants her in his life in some capacity. Neither of them has had another serious relationship since their last breakup 6 months ago. It’s anyone’s guess what the current status of their relationship is at this point. These recent pap pics only prove they are in contact with eachother, nothing more.
Seriously, Mimi?? Lots of people have crappy sex their entire lives. At at the age when they got together, it’s a good possibility that neither even knew what good sex felt like. I’m always amazed that people think that attractive people have good sex. in my experience, attractive people don’t think they need to try, and she really seems like someone who wouldn’t try. She seems mildly depressed.
Robert Pattinson could have almost any woman he wanted, but for 4 yrs he wanted to be in a romantic relationship with Kristen. Rob was 22 when he started dating her and in his sexual prime. He admitted in numerous interviews that he was physically attracted to Kristen in a big way since the very beginning of Twilight. Sex is a very important factor in most romantic relationships…especially for a guy in his early 20s! He was hardly an inexperienced, virgin when he began dating Kristen. He had past girlfriends before her. I also think he probably had his share of casual, sexual hookups with women before he became romantically involved with Kristen too.
The bottom line is nobody knows the intimate details of their 4 year relationship. But if the sex was as bad as some of you are implying, there’s no way a guy like Rob, with women of all ages throwing themselves at him, would have stayed in their relationship for as long as he did.
maybe he is into the dead fish rountine.
Hahahahaha! Oh my god, his people must be having a fit! Way to move on there, Sparkles. LOL!
This is the point where, if Rob was one of my girlfriends, I would say “Girl, whatever.” Because you know it’s going to go south again, and then there will be boozy tearfests and packing clothes in trashbags (again) and drunk texts, and nobody wants to deal with that.
This. So. Much.
I dont think they are back together. They werein sseperate cars and it was reported that once he saw the paps he turned around and went back home. I guess he forgot that she likes to call the paps when shes with him.
I like Sparkles, but I can’t deal with some of the way his stans try to mother-boy him. He’s a grown ass adult, and I’m sure he knows what he is doing (and there’s the whole expensive DVD thing next week that’s been getting advertised like crazy, so I highly doubt he’s an unwillingly participant being duped by the evil Sulky)…and he’s been getting papped way more than she has lately.
So where are those who cried “studio stunted romance!” No? Oh ok. That’s what I thought.
Ummm, actually that stupid Twilight Forever blu-Ray set is being released next week (I’m sad that I know that) but as far as studio publicity? This would be great timing!
Nothing here precludes that possibility. I think people are just done with both of them, so why bother commenting…
Lol not to start some kind of “religious thing”, but funny how this “Yeezus” tour has been plagued with issues and is now cancelled…don’t declare yourself a “God”.
Are his stans in meltdown yet?
Robert Pattinson and I drive the same car. That was my takeaway here.
Suzanne Somers is as dumb as a box of mall hair even though she *thinks* she knows all there is to know about bio-identical hormones and Medicare. I saw her speak live once and it was painful, she’s about as articulate as a 5 year old. Her books pushing the benefits of bio-identical hormones for all women are medically unsound, and for her to trash socialized medical care is selfish and stupid. Yes, Obama’s plan is a big old hot mess right now, but it’s easy to blast the concept of socialized medicine when you’re sitting on a fat bank account and can afford expensive medical care. Get your information right next time Suzanne, you are the quintessential dumb blonde.
She’s horrid, absolutely horrid. Plus her story about her Canadian relative is incredibly bizarre. Trouble finding a family doctor? OK sure, there are indeed waiting lists in many areas…BUT…there are walk in clinics, urgent care clinics, emergency rooms (duh!), and in many areas a 24 hour a day number to call and speak to a nurse on duty. A Canadian citizen would not pay out of pocket for any of this! Yet they just let this woman suffer?! If true, it’s unconscionable of the family.
Absolutely – I’ve used walk-in clinics regularly and the call-in line for nursing advice as my 91 year-old mother lives with me and I’m her only care-giver. Somers is a thoughtless, self-obsessed idiot and should be shut down.
This is the problem with celebrities they have the platform to spread their nonsense and we have no way of knowing how credible they are. Of course Somers has no credibility as far as I’m concerned, she’s been a nut job for years and her hormone practices are insane and dangerous.
Isn’t there some sort of DVD collection coming out soon? “Robsten is unbroken!! Buy the Special Edition boxed set today!”
Yes, and I think this is nothing more than marketing PR once again.
Not buying this one bit. Two reasons for this “news”: the Twilight DVD set comes out 11/5 (Robsten unbroken is great for sales); or it’s damage control leaked by Team Stewart because of the Liberty Ross Vanity Fair article.
Aww Love NPH – they are such an adorable family. Too cute for words
Both their careers seem to be in free fall and I don’t know what can save them at this point, including a real or fake reconciliation. Outside of the insane cult of Twihardom, nobody cares about either of them any more, personally or professionally.
I don’t think I could ever take back a person who cheated on me in public. Every time I saw that person, that’s all I would think about–is that EVERYONE saw you. You weren’t even trying to hide it. I think that just shows how respectful a person is of their relationship (beyond the actual cheating). If you’re going to cheat, fine. But at least don’t do it in the way that the other person(s) is publicly humiliated by it.
They could be friends. There’s a strong possibility their whole thing was a showmance and not a relationship for Twilight. I’m not sure how people jumped to them being back together based off the fact they are in contact; not all ex’s sever all ties. There’s also the whole thing with the DVD coming out. They may be filthy rich from Twilight, but they can make millions more and milk the last of the Twilight thing.
You don’t move in with a showmance though.
I was coming to say the same… I’ve maintained friendships with ex’s from both long and short term relationships.. non-sex/no physical contact platonic friendships, which have included meeting for coffee or a lunch… they spent four (?) years together.. that’s a significant chunk of time.. not at all surprising that they might consider touching base from time to time…
will this mean that fat british twihard shut in will reactivate her YouTube channel with more sobbing hystronics?
Meh. I figured they were friends, despite their ridiculous stans thinking they were one extreme or the other (#unbroken (lmao snort) or hate). If Hugh Grant and Liz Hurley could remain friends after Hugh got busted with the hooker, I could see them remaining friends (especially since the romance part of their relationship may have been more PR). RME at the timing, though. Some expensive DVD set is coming out next week and it’s been advertised heavily. Liberty Ross popped up and while she didn’t say anything juicy or new about the scandal, it’s still gotta sting for Sulky….especially when the gossip about that was finally on the back burner. And while the stans want to turn him into a mother-boy, I don’t think Sparkles is being duped by Sulky or the Studio either. He gets a cut of the DVD profits which will probably be in the tens of millions, and being spotted with his ex is better than the tabloid stories of him partying hard or hanging out with Zac Efron (just out of rehab) and Joe Jonas (rumored to need rehab). So I can see the positives of them pulling this stunt if they are both friends.
Neal Patrick Harris and his family… soooo adorable
yeah, as if.
You gotta wonder about the timing of all this- from the minute the VF cover dropped, the count down was on for something- and the Rob caravan appears! And of course KS has to do her obligatory 3 finger salute.
What I don’t get- they both are sitting on a boatload of cash. Rent an island somewhere and just go there!
If it was true that Kristen calls the paps I would have to admit she’s a very good actress. In that photo in which she is flipping off the pap, she really looks like she’s thinking: “I f** hate you for following us.” Is she that talented?
She is talented in flipping her finger.
they probably just need it since his PR is bad right now. His image is all drugs and booze since he started hanging with that one produce dude. We’ll see this fakeship by xmas if they sign a contract.
A match made in heaven. Smelly pits and dirty toes. PERFECTION! ROBSTEN4LIFE ~♥~ < That's a smelly heart,btw.
I thought the story about Heidi was interesting. Sounds like she has gotten some wisdom and perspective after everything went to hell in a hand basket after her surgeries.
Of course it was the same paps. I think she planned the Rupert Sanders pics to boost her career and seem more grown up/sexy/bad girl.
Plan failed. Now she’s trying to save her career by being seen with Rob again. Sure they may have a legit romance/attraction going on. But she can still use it for her own gain
There’s no way i’d give someone like Kristen another chance. I hope Rob goes no contact.
Her face… I just can’t with it. The most obnoxious person ever.
I think that the reason I dislike Kristen so much, not because I think she’s a horrible actress, but because she is an ungrateful person. I don’t think that she really appreciates anything that she has–she’s been out of the public eye for a good six months, so maybe she’s changed and learned her lesson, but just some of the stuff she said and did before that–she just expects things to be handed to her, for everything to go her way. Anyway that’s how I feel. I hope she focuses on her work, and actually *tries* to act.
Jeeez…this smacks of PR controlled nonsense. Especially considering that their dopey Twilight forever DVD comes out next week. It would appear that the showmance BS is the only thing keeping these two even remotely relevant. It sure as hell isn’t their acting skills, or films, box office, etc.,….
Kristen and Rob filmed two movies. And both have two movies starting in early 20014. Kristen has been laying low and stay out of the media spotlight. She does not seem to need or want media attention, except to promote her movies. Rob has been in the tabloids every other week for months. He was linked to Katy Perry and Sia both had to released statements denying a relastionship. He has been linked to Kristen’s good friend Riley Keough. Who had to release a statement denying a relationship with Rob. He has been linked to two drug addicts, Mishia Barton and Michelle R. Last week Sean Penn’s daughter was SUPPOSEDLY his girlfriend and every night he is out drinking with random people. He has shoved a security guard in the face and been pictured either drunk of high at numerous hot spots all over HW. This is obviously to clean up his image.
He got tons of backlash for even being in the same frame as his cheating ex – much more so than for the other things you listed above. He knows which will cause his image more damage going by some comments he made before the BD2 release. That is being with KS again.
Its so funny – everyone is sure it is Rob in that jeep while only KS’s sourpuss face is clear and she is sure to attract more attention by making sure she flips the bird too….
Not a single clear pic of Rob though – hmmmmm
This conveniently comes out when Liberty Ross’s interview comes out where she is recounting how horrible KS/RS made her life. This “reunion” wiped out the chatter that VF article would have created otherwise.
Nope KS has lots to gain by the idea of Robsten and Rob has nothing to gain.
Try your reaching theory again.
@sarah: ^Yes, this exactly!!
I don’t think so. This only proves that Robert is the reluctant star in all this. He is getting the most publicity because there is public demand for it. Kristen is famous by association. Don’t tell me she has been around forever, was well known…. I’m an avid movie goer and I didn’t know who she was until she started dating her co-star. Anyone who wants some PR recognition only has to be within 10 feet of him and use his name. You can spin and spin whatever stories you want but that doesn’t make them true. Just saying.
That poor little yellow air freshener certainly has its work cut out for it! Just sayin’…
This is to try to make her likable again after her career has majorly stalled and take the heat off those Rob is doing drugs story. And is there a DVD coming out?
Why are people saying Kristen’s career has stalled? She wrapped 2 films this summer/fall and has been linked to a new sci-fi film starring opposite Nick Hoult which all the major film critic/entertainment sites have recently reported on. She also has her second year Balenciaga perfume campaign going on at the moment. Some of you are acting as if she hasn’t worked on a film since the last Twilight installment wrapped.
Please… she’s so behind the “tops” now.
I believe no one really cares about Kristen’s future projects. They only care about Rob. He has been the good guy through all of this and his fans respect him for it. He has true talent and is working with reputable directors. Kristen only draws bad publicity. Rob needs to stay as far away from her as possible.
These films are bit parts. She had not received a lead part since SWATH. She really Fuck*d up when she got together with Rupert. Of course, she said it herself, she wanted to get fuck*d over.
Kristen is currently in NYC working on yet another film. It may be a small part but the bottom line is she’s working and not being shunned by Hollywood like some like to suggest. In fact, Kristen is doing exactly what she said she wanted to do as soon as the Twilight saga came to an end…go back to her indie roots and work on smaller films which mean something to her personally even if these films do not end up box office hits.
Rob is not the lead in all of his upcoming films either but it shouldn’t matter because the important factor for both is that they are still finding work post Twilight even though both have experienced disappointing box office numbers with some of their recent films. Knowing how both are super picky about the roles they end up accepting proves to me that they both are interested in working on smaller indie films these days that have a personal significance to them. Both started out doing small, indie films so it’s no surprise they are returning to their indie roots now that Twilight is finished.
As a fan of both, I couldn’t be happier that each has several films lined up for 2014 release. I wish them both equal success with all of their upcoming films and fragrance campaigns. I think both are talented enough actors to maintain long, successful careers in film.
Rob has shown no “true talent”. Name one role post twi-hard that critics have loved. They both need this.
Cosmopolis gave Rob critical acclaim. Even though it was just presented in 45 theaters, the critics praised Rob for his acting ability. You can read all the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. Water For Elephants made money as well as Remember Me. Bel Ami was also presented in only 15 theaters because it stayed on the shelf for two years but it made good money on DVD. He is getting parts that will appeal to more males now with the Rover, Mission Blacklist, etc. I think he has a very promising career ahead of him. The Dior commercial was one of the best commericals for a man’s fragrance that I have ever seen and he received a ton of praise for it.
I feel kind of sorry for Kristen. So many of those who take aim at her seem unable to fully separate fantasy from reality. Bella Swan was an empty character. Edward was the ideal man. How many of those going after Kristen are doing so because they feel like “punishing” her for what she did to “their” ideal man? Like a “you don’t deserve Rob!” kind of thing?
Are we sure their romance was always real? it might have been at first… but having your lead actors date is a cheap way to get publicity up. And how big was the house they shared? Even us poors can have roommates.
Maybe they both feel trapped.
The Twilight bubble has burst. Under 100 comments to a post.