Drew Barrymore longs for traditional dating


The publicity rounds for He’s Just Not That Into You have started, and the girls are telling it like it is. And by “telling it like it is” I mean complaining about the lack of tradition and over-all difficulty in officially, seriously dating someone… anyone, really.

The quotes coming out of this junket are sort of funny. Scarlett Johansson is definitely the quiet one, probably because she’s the married one. Drew Barrymore and Jennifer Aniston are more vocal with their complaints about the modern dating landscape, with both taking the obvious sides based on their personality. Drew, ever the daisy-covered optimist, sounds wistful and hopeful. Aniston, a bit more of the self-help-book-quoting pessimist, sounds like she’s sort of whining.

Jennifer Aniston may have been out with some hot Hollywood hunks in her time, but she reckons the dating game these days isn’t exactly easy.

“I think it’s just hard to date,” the actress told Extra, while discussing her new romantic comedy movie He’s Just Not That Into You.

“It’s not like we’re kids. We’re not ‘dating’. We all have these ideas and these pictures of what love’s supposed to look like.”

Meanwhile, Jen’s female co-stars in the film, Drew Barrymore, Scarlett Johansson and Ginnifer Goodwin, say they all quite enjoy a traditional night out.

“I like dinner. I like to be asked on a date,” said Drew. “I like tradition.”

“Dating to me is like you’re with somebody and you’re committed to them,” added Scarlett, who married actor Ryan Reynolds last year. “And you have date night, and it’s romantic.”

From The AP Hosted by Google

Some sources have Aniston asking Drew out to dinner after Drew says that bit about liking “tradition.” For me, it’s impossible not to like Drew. She’s such a girly-girl, so upbeat and funny, and someone who really wears her heart on her sleeve. Even if that means showing up on the cover of People magazine every time she has a new boyfriend, declaring her love “for real” or some such nonsense. I hope they give Ginnifer Goodwin a chance to talk more – I’d love to know what happened between her and Chris Klein.

Here’s Drew at the Golden Globes on the 11th. Images thanks to Bauer-Griffin.

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11 Responses to “Drew Barrymore longs for traditional dating”

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  1. KDRockstar says:

    I want to know more about what happened between her and Tom Hanks… are the rumors true?

  2. Person says:

    “self-help-book-quoting pessimist”.. genius. Jennifer Aniston always seems to be whining about something or another. she’s got a lot going on for her, why does she think that the whole world is against her and it’s just not fair.

  3. meow mix says:

    Hmmmm. So wondering if her breakup with JM is just a coincidence considering how she has a movie coming out about ‘being single’?

    Yes I do think she’s playing the media. There. I said it.

  4. Aspen says:

    I think celebrity women are blinder than even the average American woman to the hostility they show to partners and the needy, clingy, AFFIRM ME EVERY MOMENT OF THE DAY ego stroking they adamantly REQUIRE of their men.

    Men get sick of that shit and leave. It’s not a big mystery.

    You have to bring a little bit of compassion and an ability to think about the other person in the relationship now and then in order to maintain something worth having.

    Whenever I hear women talk about men, I typically end up thinking, “Wow. I would’ve dumped her whiny ass, too.”

  5. Aspen says:

    BTW…not a fan of the bouffant hairdo, but Drew looks stunning. The pale skin with that delicate dress…that girl is looking awesome these days.

  6. tigerlille says:

    Don’t worry Aspen, you will never have the opportunity to dump the likes of Drew Barrymore.

  7. xiaoecho says:

    nice hair

  8. Aspen says:

    What on EARTH are you talking about?

  9. stellapurdy says:

    I don’t think Aniston is whining, just stating that as you get older you are more apt to have an image of what love is supposed to be like.

    Geez Kaiser, isn’t that just a bit too nitpicky?

  10. Christina says:

    wtf is that quote by scarlett? that’s the dumbest thing i’ve ever heard… i picture her chewing gum and twirling her hair while saying that… is she high?

  11. bruno says:

    My name is bruno Martinho i am Portuguese and lives in Brazil leaves my MSN brunomaltez@hotmail.com