There’s a new interview in Time Magazine with the director of the Ho Ch Minh City, Vietnam orphanage where Angelina adopted Pax, formerly Pham Quang Sang. The director says that Pax was the only orphan boy of the 31 others his age that met Angelina’s specifications. She requested a boy betwen 3 and 5 that was healthy with no known relatives, and Pax was the only one who had no medical issues and no outside visitors.
Since Pax was one of the few up for adoption, it is likely that he would have been taken in by another family:
As it happened, according to Trung, when the actress Angelina Jolie applied to Vietnam through an agency asking for a healthy boy between ages 3 and 5, Pax happened to be the only one at Tam Binh orphanage who met the criteria. There were 31 other boys the same age, but all of them had relatives or were not “healthy.” “Only Sang met the set criteria for adoption in general and her request,” Trung said. “She was lucky at the time she applied that there was this boy who met the request and criteria.” (Vietnam’s national adoption director says that he prepared 10 dossiers of boys, including those at other orphanages, in response to Jolie’s original application and criteria.)
“In past years, we have received so many applications for adoptions but few children really meet with the requirements,” Tam Binh’s director Trung continues. “In so many cases, they are not totally or really abandoned — they still have parents out there and sometimes even other family who come to visit them. For example, the mother may have been sent to jail or is in a mental institution, or the parents may have leprosy — so we cannot let them go.” Some of the children also have physical or mental handicaps that make them harder to place. In the end, only about 30% of Tam Binh’s children eventually get adopted. The same situation applies to the rest of the country’s orphanages. In fact, in the group picture of Tam Binh orphans that circulated shortly after the adoption took place, the boy who is now Pax Thien Jolie was the only child in the portrait who was eligible for adoption, according to Trung. “None of the others in the photo are slated for adoption.”
Trung describes Pax Thien (a name in two languages, the Latin for “peace” and the Vietnamese for “sky”) as a bright and amiable boy,though with a tendency to be laughing one moment
and then turning suddenly shy, as he apparently did when he started crying when he met Jolie on the day he was adopted. “It’s common for ophans to be shy. When they play in a group or team, he’s very active, but shy once separated…”
If Jolie had not whisked him from the orphanage to instant fame, Pax Thien most likely would have ended up being adopted by another, probably foreign, family, because of the intense overseas demand. “At present, there are more [foreign] requests for adoptions than there are eligible children for adoptions,” says Vu Duc Long, head of Vietnam’s International Adoption Department, which is part of the Ministry of Justice. “There is more demand than supply.” Last year, 163 U.S. parents adopted Vietnamese children, making Vietnam the 14th most popular adoption source. (China is number 1 with more than 6,000 U.S. adoptions in the same period.)
The article goes on to quote Pax’s caregiver at the orphanage, a woman named Bui Thi Bach Tuyen, who says that it’s sad that he’s gone but people are proud of him and happy for his new life.
She also said that she wished she could have told Angelina what Pax likes to eat, but that since he enjoys Western food like yogurt and spaghetti he should be ok.
Pax’s original name, Pham Quang Sang, is common in Vietnam and means “bright light.” It is likely the only thing that his mother, who abandoned him right after he was born, left him. In Vietnam hospitals they often have laboring mothers specify boy and girl names in case they die in childbirth. Authorities tried for 30 days after he was abondoned to contact Sang’s parents, but were unsuccessful.
There’s a lot of controversy over whether Angelina did the right thing by renaming the boy and spending just 30 minutes at the orphanage before taking him from the only home he’s known.
The Enquirer is quoting “experts” like Dr. Joyce Brothers as saying that “Angelina should have done it better,” and “he should have been better prepared for [leaving the only world he knows]”
Brothers says that “Angelina should have spent more time with the boy before they left, saying what was happening.” And they quote another Hollywood psychiatrist, Dr. Nathan Kuemmerle, as saying “I am startled that Angelina Jolie would so abruptly disrupt the apparante three-year-old bond between Pax and his primary caregiver. It could potentially traumatize the child.”
The Enquirer also has an “exclusive” interview with Pax’s caregiver:
Bui Thi Bich Tuyen – a nurse and the substitute mom who cared for the 3-year-old from infact – told The Enquirer:
“It all happened so quickly.
He’s now surrounded by strangers. He will be asking for me, but no one will understand what he’s saying. There was no time for me to say goodbye.”
[From The Enquirer print edition, April 2, 2007]
Hopefully Brad and Angelina will hire a translator and work to ensure that the rest of the transition goes more smoothly for little Pax. It’s got to be a lot for the child to take in.
Here are pictures of Angelina, Pax, Zahara and Maddox boarding a plane to return home from Vietnam that you’ve already seen.
She had no time to bond. The media monkey on her back was way too much to bear. She needed a flashblub and she needed it quick.
that seems so shallow to me, to ask for a child with no health problems. with 2 extremely wealthy parents, they could certainly afford to give a child with health issues (who would be less likely to be adopted by the “common folk”) a better life
I find it odd, that she wanted a child with no relatives, but I read somewhere else that Pax biological mother wanted money from AJ, and that they interviewed his grandparents..?????
How do you get to that place in your mind where you have to go shopping for a child. This woman is sick her parents are screwed up and her brother. People think that her money makes her a good mother.
“that seems so shallow to me, to ask for a child with no health problems. ” I have two VERY healthy children and I find being a mom a difficult road to travel. If I were adopting, I as well, would ask for a healthy child.
“I find it odd, that she wanted a child with no relatives”. Why would you find it odd after the criticism that Madonna just underwent? Plus, if the child had family you’d feel obligated to make sure that they were part of his life, and that could be an expensive and heart-wrenching undertaking.
The ‘most be healthy’ I find surprising, especially if it was something curable. Not surprised about the ‘no relatives’ demand though – I wouldn’t want relatives to come out of the woodworks to demand support, and AJ’s fame and money would be certain to invite that. I can understand that she’s want to avoid that.
What does she care if the rapid changes in his life, and the sudden life with strangers, traumatizes him. She imediately had his hair cut in a ridiculous do like his new brother, she took his name and thus his identity away from him … he’s an accesory.
I have a lil baby at home, and I would probably ask for a healthy child.
And can I say.. what an AWESOME problem to have.. too many parents and not enough kids. Very good.
And guys, the boy is 3. Children are very resilient and I think that Angelina will dote on him and that he will be just fine. It’s never easy at first, with any family. Adjustments will be made, but Pax will be just fine.
What the guy from the orphanage is saying doesn’t seem to make sense. If it were true that there are too many requests for adopting the young children in orphanages, especially healthy, young kids, then why did the boy that Angelina adopted live there since he was abandoned at the hospital at birth? There were three years where he could have been adopted by someone else, if there was such a demand.
typical. she and brad have resources to help a real child in need (ie) one with a health issue, but they request a healthy one. like the article said, he would have likely been adopted by another couple, but angie took the only really healthy child there. it is selfish when you think of the one of the less fortunate that really could have benefitted from her money,resources and some good old western medicine. and yeah, i have three kids, and of course we all want our kids to be healthy, but if i had millions upon millions of dollars and truly wanted to “help a child in need”, i would not only go for the cute, healthy photogenic ones that look good in a mag spread. just mho.
The media monkey was on her back???
Excuse me, but wasn’t it Angelina herself who sold out this child and invited the media in for private pictures???
I think we can all take that halo down off Angelina’s head for now…seems she is very particular on those children she wants to save. Unlike someone like Mia Farrow who was willing to take in children with handicaps – not Angelina – only the cream of the crop for her – no damaged goods children for her.
I think Joyce Brothers backs up the comments I made a couple days ago about this child and the trauma and grief he has experienced in recent days – it’s nice to hear it from an expert.
Iva, because a child has a disability does not mean the kid is ‘damaged goods’. As a former special ed. teacher I take serious offense at that. All children have a lot to offer to our world regardless of ability.
Also, Angelina DOES need to take into account the personality of the child she is adopting and how it fits with the rest of her family. It may not have a lot to do with ability, but more with personality for all we know.
Although Iva, I do agree that Mia Farrow is one amazing woman.
I have a sister who is severly retarded, so don’t talk to me about being offended or how special these kids really are – I know first hand what a blessing they are. Having said that – what I said was meant to be extremely severe – because of the request of a “healthly” child – what if there were no “healthly” children, there would have been no adoption. Heaven forbid that one would reach out to a special needs child.
I’ll talk to you about what I darn well please, dear, so get used to it.
Blessings to your sister.
She is an IDIOT! She adopts kids like I collect handbags!
Action – thank you for the blessings to my sister – she is a blessing on this earth – a true angel.
why cast stones?
I don’t like Angelina Jolie. I pretty much think she’s a homewrecker and I’m sick and tired of hearing about how she’s superhot with her superhot husband doing charity all over the world like she’s better than everybody else.
However, I have to admit that the critique she’s recieving about her recent adoption is not fair. I too would request a healthy child. Should she only be allowed to adopt sick or disabled children just because she has money?
Why don’t YOU go adopt a disabled kid if you think it’s so important.
By the way, I really don’t like Angelina, did I mention that?
I believe her request for a healthy child stems from the fact that a number of the children at that particular orphanage were HIV-positive. If I had three small children at home I think I’d ask for an HIV-free child as well.
Apparently no good deed goes unpunished. I say let her adopt him! A loving parent is worth way more than an upbringing in an orphanage.
I think it’s great that she’s adopting the child, why do people have to criticize every single thing she does? Charity work= publicity, what a faux-Mother Teresa. Adoption= that poor child, leaving all his friends, she only wanted the healthy one, blah blah blah. If I were adopting a child, I would want it to be healthy as well, and I don’t think that’s too much too ask, I mean, you’ll be taking care of the child for the next 20 years or so. It’s not like she’s adopting blonde, blue eyed aryan babies, I don’t think she’s being particular at all. Plus, if she were to adopt a disabled child, you people would probably be screaming “ATTENTION WHORE” at the top of your lungs, so she’ll obviously never be good enough for you.
I believe this is called envy. This girl is giving children a lovely home. She is working to help underpriveleged children through UNICEF, she is lobbying congress to help children here. That bitch….how dare she.
She IS gorgeous. Clearly not just on the outside.
I understand why they wouldn’t tell the little one that he was being adopted until it was an absolute sure thing, but did she make several visits first and spend time with him or did she just pick him out of a line up and show up on the day she took him home? I’m not trying to be rude, I’m really asking. Did she visit this child many times before she adopted him, or did he not meet her until the day of the ceremony?
I really don’t think I like that she changed his name. That is one of the few things that he would be able to take with him from his old life and it was taken away too. At 3 or 4 I would imagine that your name is one of the few things that you really truly understand – it is literally your identity, after all. It would be hard enough to adapt to new surrondings, people and a new language without being called something strange.
I don’t know, I am going to reserve judgement on whether or not these adoptions are a good thing for about 10-15 more years. Then we’ll see.
My brother was adopted from Japan, and my family used an agency. He was 2 and a half when we picked him up, and we had no information about how the transfer was going to happen. We went to the orphanage expecting to meet him, maybe play a little, and come back subsequently to pick him up, but the orphanage had his bags packed and they basically said “OK, great, thanks for taking the kid!” In fact, I think we spent about 30 minutes there total, same as Pax and Angie. So who knows if Angelina tore him away or if they just gave him to her immediately?
I have read that she had made a few trips to the orphanage starting back in November last year. Whether it was right or wrong to not tell him, it was the orphanage’s decision. Their rep said so himself. And you can bet your booty that if I were adopting a child from a country where AIDS and leprosy ran rampant I would be asking for a healthy one. Lastly, I think it is completely obvious why she didn’t want him to have any relatives.
1. You people would say she “took him away from his family”.
2. She would probably be extorted and/or harassed the rest of her life by his family. “We want to come to America to see our little Pax” “We need money to (whatever)” You know damn well if his family asked for something and she didn’t give it to them everyone would be screaming villain again.
Another juicy little titbit for the haters to latch on to. Geez, she gives third world orphans a loving home and you pick on her because she wanted a healthy one?? Ask yourself – what does that say about YOU? If you want to be a bitter hag Iva thats your perogative but don’t tell me who I should and shouldn’t support.
Think about this: Sharon Stone is also an adoptive mother. She’s adopted three blonde, caucasian, healthy boys who were all babies at the time of adoption. What lengths did she go to to pull to that off and what does it say about her ego that they’re all white and male?
In short, save your cynicism for those that really deserve it.
To her credit — she did adopt a 3 year old instead of an infant.
I believe that it is age 4 when most of your personality is developed. So, she is taking on some challenges. No doubt living in an orphanage has made quite an imprint on him and she will have to work with that.
Calling Joyce Brothers and expert is like calling Dr. Phil a doctor, pocketbook psychology is fun but it’s rarely 100% accurate… Could she have done it better? Sure, there’s always room for improvement, and Jell-O, that too. Will any of this matter in a few months? I’m doubting it. Should they stop adopting for a little while and let everyone get settled? In my opinion yes… Is Angelina a bad person? No. Will people never ever let it go that she and Brad are together at the expense of Jennifer? No, unfortunately no. Do I think that Jennifer was an innocent victim? Not even close. Am I on a tangent? Yes. Is it because there’s nothing good on TV right now and I’m sick in bed? You bet your bippy.
and yes, she did hire a translator.
I don’t think its to her credit that she adopted a three or four year old. SHe did it because by three or four its easier to see that a child does not have developmental delays.
Angie hands her kids of to her handlers and Brad.
Fine, they have a home and better care than any orphanage can provide.
But Miss Jolie is one woman who is all about her, all the time. Period. Brad is the real hero, and from what I have heard, Brad’s parents do a crapload with the kids, far more than Angie.
Apparently whispers in the industry is that Zahara had a lot of difficulty and some developmental delay that is not too played out in the media, (which is a good thing) as she is a beautiful little girl. Angie did not want to take any risks of having too much too handle with a special needs infant.
Has anybody ever noticed the care that Angie goes about in selecting much better than average looking kids? I don’t think she is looking only for the inner beauty. But hey, who am I to judge?
My two sense is that I think Angie adopts for Ego and acclaim, not for charity. Angie is addicted to attention, and making herself into a saint. Her extensive travels away from home and kids hardly demonstrate motherly instincts.
I echo your sentiments IVA. If I am not mistaken, I think Mia Farrow is much more deserving of the beatification being attributed to Angie. Mia took in children of all kinds, and in particular special needs kids.
Its lame to compare deeds, I know. But I agree with Iva, special needs kids are so overlooked, and they have so much to teach us. I only hope that one day I will have resources to reach out to a very underserved population.
And although I am not a fan of Angelina’s methods of adopting kids left and right and then flying around the globe and putting herself in potentially dangerous situations which would leave her little ones motherless, I do have to say, I think its nice for Maddox to get a brother. Kids usually like siblings, and I think Mad is her favorite still.
To anybody who ever has a bad word to say about a special needs kid. No one chooses it, but if you take the time to get to know kids who don’t fit into the same mold as everyone else, many blessings will truly be revealed to you.
Its really sad that its almost acceptable to bash on the retarded whether comically, or with a slur like calling someone a retard. Do we forget that people born with special needs have no control or choice in the matter, and often have to display bravery and courage that is unparralled? But call someone a faggot, (WHich I actually think is a horrible and unforgiveable slur,) and people will villify you and demand rehab. Where is the compassion and justice in this world.
Its not like choosing to be a slut, a man-stealer, or a liar. The three aforementioned qualities which are some of the lowest of the low. And seem to be looked upon with more forgiveness than a disability you are born with.
Sorry my rant got a tad off point. THanks for reading. I just could not help myself.
I agreed with you, Gavin.
oh, ffs, Gavin, get off the podium and stamp out the joint. When in hell did you become such close friends with/stalk Angie and Brad? Since when do you know every single move they make on a daily basis?
And how long are people going to drivel on and on and on and on and on about Jennifer – the woman has moved on – why don’t the rest of us?
Interesting that someone mentioned Sharon Stone and her adoption of Children – Meg Ryan also recently adopted – Rosie O’Donnell is another example and there have been many, many other people.
So looking at it like that – why is Angelina the only one seeking Sainthood through the media???
gg, you are the one who should move on. Who talks about Jennifer now?
BTW – Gavin for a little support for your comment you made…
“My two sense is that I think Angie adopts for Ego and acclaim, not for charity. Angie is addicted to attention, and making herself into a saint. Her extensive travels away from home and kids hardly demonstrate motherly instincts.”
Her brother makes the comment about her not getting congratulations from her father or that he’s told her he’s proud of her charity work.
Also, she was in Chicago (alone) this weekend – arrived Friday for work on her upcoming film – so much for the “bonding” with her latest addition to the family. Yep, pick him up, have your big staged Photo Op, fly him home and dump him – I mean leaving the kid within the first week to even more strangers..
I so agree with you that it is about the attention and the need to feed her ego and NOT out of a selfless act or kindness and I too am tired of her PR machine.
Iva, I don’t know if what you say about her being alone in Chicago is true, but if so…WHAT??? I have NEVER left my 16 month old son for more than 6 hours. When my mother-in-law wants my 4 year old daughter for the weekend, she has to fight me for her because I hate to be separated from her for two days. It floors me that with so many very YOUNG children at home, she can comfortably continue her work schedule. You blink and things change and you can’t get the time back.
According to the Newspapers, she was here in Chicago – read below – I post this because I do NOT want to be accused of making up stories about Angelina.
According to the Chicago Tribune that didn’t last long. Liz Crokin reports in her Red-Eye column that she flew to the Windy City without Brad Pitt and the family Friday to do screen testing for her new flick “Wanted,” according to a set source. The sexy actress is scheduled to shoot most of the scenes for the action movie in Prague within the next few weeks. However, the source said she is expected to film in the Windy City later this summer.
gavin, I love me.
Good God Gavin, what a rant. Though you are right. She just wants attention this one. That is why she sold pictures of Pax immediately to the papers. She should have left him wit his grand parents and sent him money instead of bringing her into her crazy world. Poor Brad. Has he seen her for a whole month or two?
MM, I love me too 🙂 You are too funny!