Cele|bitchy | “He’s Just Not That Into You” premiere photos

“He’s Just Not That Into You” premiere photos

The stars were out for the premiere of He’s Just Not That Into You in Hollywood last night. Many of the female stars made risky outfit choices, with the exception of Jennifer Aniston, who donned a underwhelming black low-cut tuxedo suit with gold chains.

Drew Barrymore was goofy-looking in a short cocktail gown with a poofy bow on the bodice and her hair in a ponytail.

Scarlett Johansson wore a pink strapless down with giant flowers on it. It looked like a curtain print to me.

Jennifer Connolly showed off her legs in a very short green sequined dress with jeweled gladiator heels that seemed more like a holiday outfit.

Ginnifer Goodwin looked gorgeous in a short orange cocktail dress with a bold necklace and matching strappy heels. I love her hair and makeup.

Jenna Fischer is one of my favorite celebrities, but I’d like to see her get a new stylist. Her navy blue and black dress is too plain.

The guys goofed around on the red carpet, with Bradley Cooper giving Justin Long a hug. Kevin Connolly and Ben Affleck were both dapper in suits and were sporting some facial stubble.

He’s Just Not That Into You is out in the US this Friday, February 6. Here’s the trailer. It looks like a cute, fast-paced movie, and I usually enjoy movies like this with multiple sub plots. We’ll have to see how it does at the box office.

Thanks to Fame Pictures for these photos.

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35 Responses to ““He’s Just Not That Into You” premiere photos”

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  1. HEB says:

    Whoever is doing the press on this movie SUCKS. Sure I’ve been seeing the trailer for ages before other movies, but seriously, they need to hire whoever did the publicity for 27 Dresses and Bride Wars.

  2. truth-SF says:

    Whoah, these pics of Jen A. are not flattering at all. Damn, just damn!!!

  3. bros says:

    jen A. looks SO pleased to be at her namesake movie.

    could she look anymore pissy?

  4. DD says:

    Jennifer Connelly looked the best – but I’m biased cuz she’s my favorite in the cast. Actually the shoulder pad heavy dress and shoes are ugly. The actress in the orange dress actually gets my vote, I just don’t know her name.

  5. bros says:

    DD, thats ginnifer goodwin. jennifer connoly wore that look a while back this summer-the balenciaga shoulder padded dress with another pair of crazy shoes.

  6. DD says:

    Thanks, I was going to say Ginnifer since she was the only one mentioned that I didn’t know but then the picture of that girl in the black dress prevented me since I don’t know who she is either 🙂

  7. vdantev says:

    Justin Long: Because sometime Shia Lebeouf has to work the late shift at the 7-11.

  8. Shelly Shellz says:

    There go the “I hate Jennifer Aniston” comments…boy, so petty

  9. OIC says:

    Jen looks old and pissed off in the face.
    I see how she can have low self esteem.
    I agree that look the best out the bunch.

  10. YoMamma says:

    How could Drew wear that dress? The one shot makes her hips look three times their size. Change stylist.

  11. cheetahstripes says:

    Jennifer Connelly is great. She looks so thin here, though. She has gorgeous eyes and is so classy. She and Paul Bettany are a great couple.

  12. joan says:

    i thought jen looked great!

  13. Kaiser says:

    Amen on Jenna Fischer needing a new stylist – Pam needs serious help for every red carpet.

    Connelly looks gorgeous. Aniston looks okay (for her), but she’s wearing a really pissy expression that doesn’t help. She probably wants to be photographed with someone other than a young hottie like ScarJo.

  14. Jen says:

    Barrymore’s outfit wouldn’t be so bad were it not for the bubblegum pink lipstick. Drew, you are not 12. Put on a woman’s color for chrissakes.

  15. Ash says:

    Ginnifer Goodwin looks amazing, love that dress.

    Can’t say the same for that funky bow on Drew.

  16. silentA says:

    Love what Aniston is wearing.

    Nothing else is very flattering.

  17. Trillion says:

    Jennifer Aniston’s clothes reflect her personality.

  18. Trillion says:

    I never realized Scar had a tattoo!

  19. sandy says:

    yes, not a good night for JA
    she kinda reminds me of Babs in her no bra suit
    her hair up is a miss and she could lay off the injections for awhile, she’s looking puffy

  20. kap says:

    Love Ginnifer Goodwin and I think she looks great. Drew looks like she just wants to have fun, Connelly is always gorgeous (could use 10 lbs), Scarjo looks better as a blonde and Aniston looks like she’d rather be any where but here. Didn’t get good reviews but should do well at the box office anyway.

  21. Ned says:

    Whoever branded Scarjo as “pretty” or remotely attractive should get an award.

    The girl is anything but pretty and she looks awful.

  22. Diva says:

    I don’t know who would have curtains like Scarlet’s dress!!! My grandparent’s camp trailer, maybe.

    This is the first time I’ve seen Aniston look her actual age. Usually she looks way younger, and not just in retouched photos. Here, she looks 40… and dressed it, too.

    I haven’t seen any BAD reviews for the movie, some tepid ones, but not bad. My sister and I are going to see it this weekend.

  23. Jesse says:

    Oooh–But Connelly looks amazing. Saw that dress in Bizarre the other day and I love it!

  24. PJ says:

    Jennifer Connolly looks way too thin, especially considering that sequin-covered dresses add pounds.

    Also the dress is so short that she probably can’t sit down in it without exposing unmentionables.

    I like Scarlett’s hair color but like it better curled, it’s too Morticia Adams looking when it’s so straight.

    Barrymore’s dress is cute but it doesn’t look like it fits her all that well. I love the bubble bottom and the bow at the bodice.

  25. donya9 says:

    i love, love LOVE jennifer connolly, but why does she always look like she smoked the fattest joint?? her eyes, man…LOOK AT THEM! surely i’m not the only one who sees this. but I still love her…been a fan since labyrinth!

    other than that, ginnifer goodwin is the only other pretty one i see

  26. Jesse says:

    Oops! I typed Bizarre instead of Bazaar! Haha. I shouldn’t comment while I’m in class 🙂

  27. Codzilla says:

    Scarlett’s tattoo looks like one of those fake rub on things that my kids like.

  28. Patricia says:

    Someone looks so happy standing next to Scarlett. Hmmm . . .

  29. daisy424 says:

    Does Jen play the house Mom?

    Ginnifer looks great.

  30. aleach says:

    scarjo…what the hell are you doing? youre a pretty girl, but that hair & dress…just NO!
    i need jennifer connolly’s shoes. they are so fierce.
    aniston looks good, i like the suit look.
    ginnifer looks amazing, that color looks great on her. she looks wayyy better here than she does in the movie.
    and drew…NOT a good look. her hair is a hot mess & that dress is sick!

  31. debra77 says:

    I am not going to hate on Jennifer. I liked the suit. But why was this premier was so low key. I didn’t hear about it until the day before. Why no bit whoop.. It just seemed so Dlist. That is not a dig at Jen.. but it just seems so not a big deal.. It could be me.

  32. prissa says:

    OMG, Jennifer Connlley looks sooo thin. Wow. But I must admit, she looks GOOD. So classic, and she must have great genes because she looks as though she’s barely aged at all.

  33. Cha Cha says:

    I’m not a ScarJo fan because I think she was always a dumb blonde tart who couldn’t act (and now sing) her way out of a paper bag, but I have to say, I love her back to her more natural color. The dress, not so much. But she looks great face and hair-wise. Anything to keep her from doing the wannabe Marilyn look.

  34. Amy P says:

    Costuming in the movie – who the hell chose that ugly pilgrim dress that Ginnefer (sp) Goodwin was wearing at the end of the film??????

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