Cele|bitchy | Another arranged marriage reality show is coming

Another arranged marriage reality show is coming

CBS is moving forward with plans for an arranged marriage reality show in which couples are set up and married off by their friends and family. The show will then follow the couples as they live with each other and get to know each other. Fox tried a similar concept in 2003 with a controversial show called “Married to America” in which the television audience voted on which couples should be “married” off. In this case the people on the show really will be legally married instead of just trying to live that way:

CBS is treading into potentially controversial reality TV territory again.

The network has ordered a new series from the producers of “Top Chef” that puts lovelorn singles into arranged marriages.

The show introduces four adults in the 25-45 age range who are eager to get married but have been unsuccessful in their search for a mate. Their friends and family select a spouse for them, and the newly paired couple exchange marital vows.

The series follows their marriages.

The rest of the details for the project, whose early working title is “Arranged Marriage,” are being kept under wraps.

The series is from Jane Lipsitz and Dan Cutforth of Magical Elves, which launched “Project Runway” on Bravo and produces the network’s “Top Chef.”

It is the second series green-lighted by CBS’ new reality chief, Jennifer Bresnan, after the recent order for “Block Party,” a competition among neighboring families.

The series order for “Marriage” shows that CBS is not shying away from reality projects that might draw a few pointed editorials in the wake of the network’s previous envelope-pushing social experiment, the fall 2007 series “Kid Nation.”

“Marriage” also will inevitably draw comparisons to another arranged-marriage reality show, Fox’s infamous “Married by America.”

The 2003 series drew fire from conservative groups, and one bachelor party scene containing pixelated nudity resulted in the Federal Communications Commission’s slapping Fox stations with a $1.18 million fine (which was reduced last month to $91,000).

But CBS’ project differs from the earlier show in key ways.

In “Married,” couples were paired by viewers voting from home and then sequestered in a hotel to learn more about each other. CBS’ “Marriage” presents itself as a documentary series about finding true love, a show that extends the Eastern tradition of an arranged marriage (where friends and family select the mate) into the West.

Another difference is that on “Married,” despite the pundit outcry, nobody on the show actually ended up getting hitched. On CBS, couples will really tie the knot.

[From TV.Yahoo.com]

It doesn’t sound like they’re going to use a community where arranged marriages are common and accepted. Arranged marriages can work out well for people when they’re part of the family’s culture and religion and both parties enter into it willingly with a commitment to making in work. In this case we’re talking about taking people who normally wouldn’t go into an arranged marriage and sticking them together for entertainment’s sake, which seems entirely different.

Fox burnt out this concept even before “Married to America” with the terrible 2000 dating game show “Who Wants to Marry a Multi-millionaire?” The bachelor turned out to be much poorer than advertised and an abusive jerk and the marriage lasted just a few days.

When will producers stop coming up with ideas for this type of trash? Drivers will slow down and turn to look at a car crash. That doesn’t mean people should stage them and sell advertising space on the sides of the vehicles. If it wasn’t illegal someone would be trying it though.

Header photo from Patrick Q on Flickr. Image below from berent on Stock.xchng


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21 Responses to “Another arranged marriage reality show is coming”

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  1. Enonymous says:

    Anything in the name of entertainment.

  2. Shelly Shellz says:

    Yet gays cant marry…what a joke

  3. Diva says:

    It might not be part of their culture, but these people aren’t being tricked into it. They’re signing up to be married off to strangers. It’s just another game/reality show, no different, no worse, no better than any of the other ones… well, except anything with “New York” in it, anything is better than watching her.

  4. Ash says:

    Another show added to the list of many I don’t watch.

  5. Lizbeth says:

    Shows like this, and people like that derranged woman with the 14 kids, will continue to exist for as long as we pay attention to them. All of the other shows mentioned disappeared because of lack of ratings. So if we stop watching, they will go away.

  6. i agree with #2
    this country is misguided

  7. allison says:

    #2- couldn’t have said it better, myself. so true!

  8. Larissa says:

    Yet gays cant marry…what a joke(x2)

  9. sissoucat says:

    OK… so what if a baby is conceived ? Does its life pertain to the producers as well as the one of their parents ?

    Oh, well, so many people already sell their kids to entertainment… making them drug-taking millionaires before they are of age…

    Shelly Shellz, you’re so right.

  10. Rosanna says:

    I agree with you Diva. As long as nobody is forced, there is nothing really “arranged” in these marriages. Just people signing a contract.

  11. NotBlonde says:

    Hopefully this’ll just disappear like the other show. Such nonsense from these people. I cannot believe that they’d rather put this crap on than at least try to get some new, creative scripted shows. This is just sad.

    That cake is hilarious though. I’d get one for my lush of a younger sibling…just kidding.

  12. LDB says:

    I can’t believe people watch this crap.

    Shelly you are so right.. Marriage between two gay people who dearly love each other is not legal but two people who have never met can get married on TV for profit (theirs or the networks) and all is well in the world.. as a matter of fact it’s entertainment!!! Never mind that they will be divorced by the time the show airs. What a joke!

  13. fracuis says:

    so stupid

  14. fracuis says:



  15. Jill says:

    #2, that’s exactly what i thought when i read this. where are the conservative christians screaming about having to defend the sacrament of marriage?

  16. Because I Say So says:

    #2 & Jill: I was wondering the same thing. There better be an outcry from the folks that supported Prop 8 and how this is an offense against the “sanctity” of marriage.

  17. Because I Say So says:

    Yeah, and I love the image of the cake too. For my non-wedding, I want one exactly like that

  18. Keilooooooooo says:

    Wow….Clear proof our world is going to shits. More lives ruined for the sake of entertainment. Not very long until they bring back gladiator arenas and turn it into a reality show. Remember that movie Idiocracy??? Better believe it….the world will soon be taken over by Hiltons, Lohans, Pratts and other uneducated/untalented pseudo Humans at the rate we are glorifying them in reality T.v and so on. Its the devil I tell ya!!!!

  19. Joolzz says:

    I agree with everything y’all are saying. Where are the people freakin out about marriage and mockery…???? Isn’t marriage supposed to be about love and forever. I bet if divorce was slighty harder to get people would not be so inclined to jump into it and cross their fingers that it works. I support two people (man and man or man and woman etc…)who love eachother to get marriend for no profit.

    I’m on a rant now, babies for money, marriage for money, sex for money GAD. Ok I feel better now. 🙂

  20. Anastasia Beaverhausen says:

    And let me just back everyone up here:


    This just burns me up.

  21. me.. says:

    wow… gotta agree w/ 3…this is their choice… they want into this for their own ego sake of being on TV… What people wont do these days for publicity… I have a friend who for real her dad arranged a marriage for her… its a major bummer when ur forced too…