Cameron Diaz & Dr Oz fangirl over poop practices: TMI or cute?

Cameron Diaz

I should have seen this poop alliance coming. Dr. Oz is a man obsessed with talking about poop on his syndicated show. I don’t watch him regularly, but everytime I’ve tuned in by chance, there’s Ozzy telling his audience to look at their poop. As for Cameron, she’s always been fascinated by the subject. Just as an example, I’ll refer you to the 2005 MTV eco-tourism special, Trippin’. The program featured Cameron and Drew Barrymore touring the Chilean rain forest. At one point, Cameron grew insanely jealous of Drew when she “took a poo in the woods hunched over like an animal.” For better or worse, I’ve always associated Cameron with that declaration of poop revenge.

So it was a match made in stinkin’ heaven when Cameron visited Dr. Oz to promote The Body Book. Cami’s steadily progressed through the topics of adult acne and grooming her lady area. Now she’s going for the great equalizing topic: poop. Let us all bask in the wisdom of Cameron showing the world how to poop in the most optimal manner. Her secret? Chugging a full liter of water immediately upon waking. Dr. Oz practically genuflects in worship:

Cami: “Water wakes you up. First I brush my teeth because I don’t want to swallow all the bacteria in my teeth from the night before. So I make sure that’s gone and then I…” [Chugs an entire liter of water in 20 seconds.]

Dr. Oz: “I can’t believe you can do that! It’s unbelievable! It hydrates you, of course, but it also boosts your mood. This is the best way for me to go poop in the morning.”

Cami: “Yes, yes it is and thank god I already did that, because I just did that.”

Dr. Oz: “I love how in the book you’re so honest about poop. I’m going to high-five you on this.”

[From The Dr. Oz Show]

That isn’t all, folks. Then Cami and Ozzy pulled out seven pieces of fake poop and discussed each type. They instructed the audience to construct their “most recent poops” from clay. Cameron then enthusiastically told everyone which piece of fake poop is closest to what she created that morning.

This is all very hilarious if not somewhat immature. But medically useful, right? I used to be pretty squeamish about poop, but all of that ended when I had a baby. One fateful day, I opened up my kid’s diaper, and she pooped across the room. Both the sheer velocity and distance of her effort were amazing, and I forever regressed into an 8-year-old who giggles about poop. So I guess Cami is pretty cool for being so candid about her #2 habits.

Here’s a video of Cameron chugging the water. If you want to see the full segment (including the fake poop specimens), head on over to Dr. Oz’s website.

Cameron Diaz

Screencaps courtesy of Dr. Oz; photos courtesy of WENN

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34 Responses to “Cameron Diaz & Dr Oz fangirl over poop practices: TMI or cute?”

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  1. blue marie says:

    Meh, if you watch Dr. Oz then you’re used to the poop talk, the man loves his poo.

    • Sullivan says:

      He certainly loves to lecture on poop. And Cameron, well, she’s all about pooping & farting, belching, and boogers.

  2. Anna says:

    God I love poop talk. TMI but I get constipated a lot because I have to take iron pills. When I do poo it’s a victory and I totally celebrate it.

    I think she’s a little nutty though. I’ve always heard that drinking water that fast isn’t good for you.

  3. LadyMTL says:

    I don’t find it gross but at the same time I don’t care that much either. I mean, I don’t look at my poop and if you put a gun to my head I couldn’t tell you what my last one “looked like” but hey, if that’s what floats your boat (no pun intended) then have fun. I’d rather talk about movies or books or fashion.

  4. eliza says:

    No. Dr.Ox is a fool.

    • Renee says:

      You know, I’m not a big fan of his either. I disliked him after the first time that I saw him on Oprah, the show was trying to scare people into taking care of their health, they made someone who was overweight hold bags of fat to see how much stress the extra weight she was carrying placed on her frame, they made someone who smoked look at body parts ridden with cancer cells. The one who stood out for me was a woman who had diabetes but couldn’t give up sugar. She was actually scary, she would eat so many sugary foods that she had gone into a diabetic coma more than once if I remember. And she was old enough to be a grandmother, her adult daughter had written in because she was so afraid for her mother. The woman was not overweight but had some serious psychological issues around sugar and her disease, she needed intense therapy but Dr. Oz’s diagnosis??? He told her that eating a lot of sugar would cause her to be overweight. And the woman wasn’t overweight at all!!!! I thought he was a quack.

      Another time I was watching his show and he had an extremely obese family of adults on, they each looked to be about 300 lbs. They had written in because they needed were concerned about their health, and one of their siblings, a brother had in fact died before the show was able to contact them. They seemed like really sweet people and you could see that they were visibly in pain over their brother’s death and their out of control weight. So Dr. Oz had them on and took their health stats because he was going to put them on a weight loss program. When he was measuring one sister’s waist he unfurled the tape measure and said, “I’m not sure if there’s enough tape to go around” and smirked. Any idiot could see that the woman was in pain and he has to add to it by humiliating her on national television???!!! I was like, I am f’ing done with this guy, what a dick!! I’ve hated him ever since.

      • Mich says:

        OMG. Those stories – the last one particularly – are terrible!

      • Mika says:

        GEEZ, I never knew about that. That shit is fked up.

      • Natalie says:

        I always knew he was a douchebag. And he’s not even the best person for health advice…a lot is just opinion, such as diet constructs…he tells you not to eat saturated fats even though that theory was debunked years ago…he’s a jackass and places all of his theories as facts. Oh, and regards to the story you shared, he doesn’t care about how you feel, he wants to “look cool.” Big time doucheeee

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      He’s a total fraud. He’s always promoting some magic pill you can take to lose weight, and yes, I took those stupid horse pills he was hawking so I am just as stupid, but they did absolutely nothing and I just want to smack his smug little face every time I see him.

      • Francesca says:

        He is such a hack. And sure there could be some helpful info shared about bowel movements, but he is so immature and vulgar about it. Cannot stand him.

      • Pandora says:

        Exactly! Really smug and all about promotion. Dr Oz did for the health industry what Oprahs book club did for books. He takes really sketchy research and draws ridiculous conclusions about practices, supplements, foods etc that the average tv viewer will take as gospel.
        And while I’m ranting, one more thing. Doctors study medicine, not nutrition, it’s a completely different expertise as is health research. He was a cardiothoracic surgeon, I.e completely isolated from general medicine and health. I could get better advice from the dude who stacks produce at my local wholefoods.

    • Cel says:

      I agree. Really really hard. Some of the things he promotes are not very scientifically sound either.

  5. Renee says:

    WHAT IS SHE WEARING??? I thought that her white sleeve was some kind of medical contraption until I got to the last image and realized that it was a part of her shirt.

    I also don’t think it is good to consume anything that quickly. It’s hard for me to drink water but it seems like it would be better for you spread out over the day…

  6. Sara says:

    Your poop and skin will tell your true health. If you aren’t going once or twice a day, you got a problem. For those that don’t go daily, I highly recommend a good probiotic supplement. You will be amazed.

    • Jay says:

      Bowel movements are controlled by multiple factors…. there isn’t necessarily a problem if you’re not going once-twice a day. You can go every other day and be perfectly healthy. Skin isn’t necessarily a reflection of health either. Furthermore, probiotics have only been shown to make significant changes for people with certain digestive diseases. There is very little evidence to show they make any difference in normal, healthy people.

      People always seem to want to be believe watered down second-hand health information rather than reading peer reviewed studies themselves. I understand some studies are dense and use a lot of jargon and are difficult to get through, but it’s worth the effort.

      Pubmed… it’s just a click away, people.

  7. TherapyCranes says:

    It’s a normal process for every human being and we should talk about the health of our poop. Taking away taboos and embarrassment from subjects so people will feel bold enough to discuss it if they have an issue is a good thing.

  8. Brown Eyed Girl says:

    my husband’s friend is staying with us for the week and literally everytime he needs to go poop he announces it. now hes got my husband onto the same habit and its like ARGH i cannot have a calm moment watching netflix without hearing “im going to poop!” or “im going to go drop some kids off at the pool”.

    its like their inner toddler has emerged and there is so much pride in pooping.

    Cameron Diaz is trying to reinvent herself and its not too annoying yet. I wont be buying her book though. I’d rather have left her and jennifer lopez back in 2002 but we cant have everything.

    • Erinn says:

      Ahahaha, that must be soooo annoying. Honestly. Whenever my fiances best friend comes home from college, he totally reverts to a jr. high like state. He acts so different when the guy comes down. Drives me nuts.

  9. Lauren says:

    I never thought about the bacteria in your mouth overnight. Do you think that’s really a thing? I drink coffee first thing…I can’t imagine brushing my teeth first.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Me, too. Now I’m grossed out. Thanks, Cammie.

    • Jay says:

      As a dental student I can tell you that no, it’s not a thing. The vast majority of bacteria in your mouth are harmless. In fact, there are hundreds of millions of bacteria in your mouth pretty much at all times. The ones you swallow will not survive in your stomach.

      It really irritates me when celebs try to speak on medical issues they clearly know ZERO about.

      So don’t worry about it; enjoy that coffee in the morning 🙂

  10. NerdMomma says:

    I never thought I would say this…. Cameron was absolutely adorable and charming and she said some stuff that is so positive and uplifting. I think I will have to get that book. Whoa.

  11. MaryBeth says:

    I am a Nutritionist.. It’s a fact that your bowels hold over 12 lbs of waste so if you don’t drink water… Yeah, you get the picture. I tell my patients this and they refer to Dr freakin OZ! It’s annoying.

    • Dave says:

      I can understand why people would prefer to trust a doctor (even a ridiculous one) over a nutritionist.

  12. L says:

    Dr. Oz is a idiot and a quack. But poop as a measure of health is a scientifically proven thing. There’s a scale (google bristol stool scale) and it can be a important measure about gut health.

    Still a quack though-but at least he managed to find google on this one.

  13. Flounder says:

    I love dr oz! I think you can find lots of snippets of good info about your general health.

    • MP says:

      I like Dr. Oz, too, because I learn a few things every week it seems. However, I’ll admit that I’m often overwhelmed when I watch his show because of all the diet stuff and different product he seems to tout daily. I’m thankful for my DVR because I can forward through whatever doesn’t interest me.

  14. Mean Hannah says:

    I’m obsessed with poop – ever since I had a baby and adopted a cat. I look at their size, color, texture, regularity, etc. and make babysitters and cat sitters describe my babies’ poops in detail.

    Poop talk is not TMI for me. Most Koreans I know talk about it like any other beauty or health conversation. I’m not sure if it’s still true, but Korean women’s magazines used to have ads for toilets and health products promoting regularity right next to ads for beauty and fashion. Any editorial about weight loss or skin care always included poop talk.

  15. Naddie says:

    I think it’s good for us, specially women, to talk about poop. Most women I know have constipation, and I think it’s also psychological.

  16. says:

    I was oddly curious so I watched the segment Cameron did with Dr. Oz on bowel movements. Wow-that was a bit much. What was up with Dr. Oz giving the audience clay to mold in the shape of their last crap? I’m fine with discussions about bowel movements on a medical show but that was over the top and really juvenile. Dr. Oz talks to the audience like they are children.

  17. gabby says:

    I don’t want to know about Cameron Diaz’s excrement practices or anyone else’s for that matter.