Cele|bitchy | Brangelina are no-shows at Oscar luncheon

Brangelina are no-shows at Oscar luncheon

The annual Oscar nominees luncheon actually sounds like one of the nicest perks during awards season. Weeks before Oscar night, the Academy hosts a press-friendly luncheon, and for several hours the nominees pose for pictures, talk to journalists and eat, all in a relaxed atmosphere. The deal is that actors don’t sit with actors, and that all the nominees get mixed up. This is how a short-film nominee in 2006 wound up sitting next to George Clooney. She ended up thanking George in her acceptance speech, too.

Some news comes out of the annual luncheon, usually from the lesser-known nominees that get drowned out by the winners and the big stars at the awards shows. Anne Hathaway broke news by telling People magazine that her father will be her Oscar date. Reuters talked to a few of the nominees, and the stories are interesting.

When asked about his first nomination, Michael Shannon, who earned an Oscar nod for his turn as a voice of reason in suburban adult drama “Revolutionary Road,” related this story. He said when he first started to get steady acting jobs about 10-15 years ago, he received a letter from another actor named Michael Shannon who lived in the United Kingdom. This other actor told him they should talk because Shannon really couldn’t use his name if he planned on having a career. “I’m just so glad I’ve gotten to a point where I can write him back and say, ‘you can’t intimidate me, man.’”

Taraji P. Henson, nominated for her role as a caretaker in “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” said it was only at the Oscar nominee luncheon that she finally believed she was really nominated. “Clearly, they’re not going to ask for a recount,” she said. “My insides are crazy, my heart is pounding.” She added that for her, the nomination truly was a dream come true and added, “In my opinion if you’re not dreaming, your not living because dreams can come true.”

But the newcomers weren’t the only ones who were overjoyed or, for that matter, had funny stories to tell. Spanish actress Penelope Cruz, nominated for best supporting actress playing a fiery painter in “Vicky Cristina Barcelona,” said that when she was nominated she received so many congratulatory calls that her cell phone simply “collapsed.” It quit because it was overloaded. ”I took it to repair and they said they couldn’t fix it because they’d never see that happen before,” she said.

From Reuters

Some prominent nominees didn’t come to the luncheon. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were no-shows, I think because they’re still promoting their films in Asia. But lots of nominees showed up – Sean Penn, Josh Brolin, and Kate Winslet to name a few. Everybody looked nice too!

Shown at the luncheon in order are: Kate Winslet (lead actress, The Reader, Anne Hathaway (lead actress: Rachel Getting Married), Melissa Leo (lead actress: Frozen River), Penelope Cruz (supporting actress, Vicky Cristina Barcelona), Amy Adams (supporting actress: Doubt), Viola Davis (supporting actress: Doubt), Taraji P. Henson (supporting actress: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button), Sean Penn (lead actor: Milk), Richard Jenkins (lead actor: The Visitor), Frank Langella (lead actor: Frost Nixon), Mickey Rourke (lead actor: The Wrestler), Michael Shannon (suipporting actor: Revolutionary Road), Robert Downey, Jr. (supporting actor, Tropic Thundert), Josh Brolin (supporting actor: Milk), Dustin Lance (screenwriter, best screenplay, Milk), David Fincher (director, best picture, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button), Danny Boyle (director, best picture, Slumdog Millionaire), and Ron Howard (director, best picture, Frost/Nixon).

Photo credit: Splash News

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23 Responses to “Brangelina are no-shows at Oscar luncheon”

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  1. Megan says:

    Do they all sit round one big table like a dinner party? Imagine the ego battles!

  2. Enonymous says:

    I see Mickey Rourke is looking creepy as always, I hope at the Oscar night he overdoes himself and dresses as Count Dracula or the fifth Musketeers, he already is half way there. D’Artagnan eat your heart out.

  3. kap says:

    Mickey is scary looking, that’s why I like him so much! I use to like Kate, but she’s seeming very pompous lately (so I’m secretly hoping she loses to knock her down a peg or two). Hathaway looks like a wacko on speed, and poor Angie doesn’t stand a chance, so Streep all the way!

  4. DD says:

    Aaaa, penelope. I missed seeing the chick who shares the same ginormous double eyelids I have.

  5. neelyo says:

    That headline seems designed to bring out the Brad and Angelina haters when the story doesn’t even mention them and I’m sure they weren’t the only non-attendees.

    When people speak of celebrities being overexposed, I think it’s a reaction to articles like this one. The story isn’t about them and yet the author makes it seem as if it was. It’s insulting to the subjects of the story.

  6. Gemma says:

    Gosh kap, I’ve been feeling the exact same way about Kate!I hope Meryl gets that 3rd oscar, she is the queen.

  7. Gemma says:

    And Taraji P. is such a darling, looks gorgeous.

  8. Sauronsarmy says:

    Kate and Penelope look great. Taraji P. Henson annoys the ever living sh*t out of me, I really can not stand her. Anne hathaway looks like one of those people in Soundgardens black hole sun video.

  9. daisy424 says:

    Wow, not a bad picture of Sean, for a change. He almost looks, um, good?

    Congratulations to the nominees, good luck.

  10. Chiara says:

    Enjoyable group of actors. I missed seeing Downey’s film, and Langella’s, but loved Richard Jenkins, Amy Bell, Tariji, Penn, and (Always Meryl).

  11. Len says:

    Anne Hathaway has such a strange face! I don’t find her attractive AT ALL. I actually have a hard time looking at her face. Her nose and mouth are so big and her eyes are droopy. I don’t know how anyone can call her beautiful, I’m sorry, I know that’s mean but really, I feel like people who say she’s beautiful just aren’t looking at her in the right way.

  12. Orangejulius says:

    She’s one of those women my mother always referred to as beautiful/ugly. I don’t find her attractive at all either, but I can see why people do.

  13. aleach says:

    Len- i agree! i dont think shes ‘ugly’ but i was always trying to figure out what it was about her face that was a little off. i think its just that ALL of her features are BIG.
    anyways, i saw milk the other nite and my love affair with sean penn has been renewed. it was amazing. not to mention a bare-assed james franco….:)

  14. prissa says:

    @Sauronsarmy: Anne hathaway looks like one of those people in Soundgardens black hole sun video.

    LOL!!!! :0)

  15. BluePlanet says:

    Josh Brolin – yum!

  16. caribassett says:

    I think Anne Hathaway is adorable, but she would probably look more “even featured” if she gained a few pounds. She is too tall to be so very thin. Either was I think she great, has that nice girl next look.

  17. caribassett says:

    Was trying to say either way. Sorry I can’t seem to edit this evening.

  18. Randi says:

    MerylS was not there and she did not attend 2 years ago either when nominated. PhilllipS Hoffman also did not attend.

  19. Jane says:

    I love how RDJ’s tie matches the color of the Oscar statue. :]

  20. czarina says:

    I like that Anne Hathaway has an interesting, mobile face with character–rather than the “cookie-cutter” beautiful that is ultimately uninteresting (Kate W is a perfect example).
    In all fairness, though, these are two really lousy pictures of AH!!

  21. raven says:

    Anne Hathaway has the biggest eyes I’ve ever seen. I think she’s attractive in an offbeat sort of way.

  22. ShowStalker says:

    I guess at this year’s Oscar luncheon many prominent celebrities were missing. Still Kate Winslet, Sean Penn were there to compensate.

  23. cheetahstripes says:

    Brangelina who? LOL

    I’d take meeting serious actors such as Winslet, Penn, Brolin etc. any day over actors who are so overexposed they have earned a merging of names. Brangelina, TomKat, etc. Ugh.