Were Justin Bieber’s swaggy arrest papers fudged by the Miami Beach PD?

Justin Bieber

Here are some photos of swaggy adult Justin Bieber departing his swaggy Miami Beach rental house on Friday night. He peeked out of his car with what was described as a “sh-t eating grin” on his swaggy face. A few hours before he was arrested for DUI and drag racing in Miami Beach (and cussed out the cops during the process), he added to his swaggy rep by posting a cute little skateboarding video to Instagram. Beibs can be seen in the vid skateboarding down a tiny ramp before landing and (in all seriousness) stating, “Swag.” Then he went and got himself a swaggy mugshot. I still think he’s looking for street cred with this whole mess.

Let’s do bullet points to get caught up on swaggy baby Biebs:

* Justin has taken to Twitter and urged his cultish followers to keep the faith: “YOU ARE ALL WORTHY NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE SAYS. BE STRONG GOD IS WITH US ALL. MY BELIEBERS CHANGED MY LIFE> I WILL FOREVER BE GRATEFUL.” He also popped onto Instagram and wrote “thank u lord” (for his arrest?) and “what more can they say.” The latter caption was posted with a photo of Bieber comparing himself to Michael Jackson (photographed here after his “not guilty” plea to charges of child molestation). Of course.

Justin Bieber

* TMZ reports that the Miami Beach PD may have fudged Biebs’ blood alcohol level on his arrest report. Legal intoxication is .08, and the original report stated Bieber had a .04. TMZ’s sources say Bieber actually had a .014. Bieber admitted to police that was under the influence of weed and whatever drugs his mommy gave him, but the fudged report truly messes up this case. I admit not being surprised that the PD effed this up because the report also states that Bieber weighs 140 pounds. No freaking way does swaggy adult weigh more than 130.

* Bieber’s people predictably want him to hit rehab. They also think he needs some serious psychotheraphy to deal with the pressures of being so rich, famous, and successful. If the egg-throwing case gets filed as a felony, the judge might go for rehab as part of a plea deal. Courtney Enlow at Pajiba makes a great case for why the rehab push is ridiculous.

* Manager Scooter Braun is standing by his man. Scooter lovingly tweeted, “@justinbieber love you and i will act in the manner of someone who truly cares. that is all I have to say. thanks for all those concerned.” Scooter baby followed up withBeen a long day. Bottom line is we are defined by how we handle adversity. Be there when it counts. Love fully in good times and bad.” Aww.

* Lady Gaga just had to put her perspective out there. Because grabbing onto this scandal is the only way anyone will pay attention to her anymore. Gaga wrote on her Little Monsters site: “Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and to stand up for themselves, but I think we should be supportive of Beliebers. They deserve, just like any other fan, to feel strong for each other and Justin so they can continue to share the bond they have through music.” Discuss.

* The drag racing, arrest, and other unseemly swaggy Bieber behavior is still everyone else’s fault. Radar Online says Bieber’s handlers are now pointing towards Selena Gomez as a “bad influence.” Team Swag is claiming Bieber only acts like a swaggy idiot after he and Selena have a fight. Whatever. #teamswag

* Bieber is in Panama now. People has the scoop, and it looks like quite the party affair.

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

Photos courtesy of Justin Bieber on Instagram, Fame/Flynet & Pacific Coast News

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105 Responses to “Were Justin Bieber’s swaggy arrest papers fudged by the Miami Beach PD?”

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  1. aquarius64 says:

    If the Miami PD cooked the arrest report, shame on them. This will only give this twerp license to mess up and act out MORE. Now he’s in Panama. I don’t know how that country’s laws are, but if he breaks any laws, especially serious ones, it’s not the US’s problem because he is not a US citizen. Bieber would have to run to the Canadian consulate (if Canada has an embassy in Panama) to get him out of trouble (sorry, Canada).

    • Victoria1 says:

      I doubt anyone in his camp is smart enough to think of running to the embassy/consulate while in Panama

    • Tulip Garden says:

      I detest Beiber’s behavior but I do believe police officers out and out lying on an official police report is far, far worse! If they can do it to him with all of his power (read fame and $) then it makes me hesitate to think what they can do to the average Joe (or Jill).
      Also, couldn’t they just have arrested him for underage drinking, driving without a license, and included his own statements about smoking marijuana and doing Xanax to explain in the report that he was a serious danger. Wouldn’t that report have been just as much trouble for Beiber without padding it?

      • aquarius64 says:

        By padding the report it lessens the other mess in the eyes of the public, and it shouldn’t.

      • Tulip Garden says:

        Completely agree that the focus will be pulled off of what Beiber did and onto what the police did. I think that these issues are two different things. Beiber deserves punishment for what he was actually caught doing and the officers deserve punishment for what they were caught doing!

      • Jessica says:

        I agree. No one expects Justin Beiber to do the right thing but the police should be held to higher standards.

      • MJ says:

        Agree with Tulip Garden.

        The saddest fact about the Miami PD lying/fudging in their report is that it gives Bieber’s lawyers cause to challenge the rest of the report. Even though he is guilty as sin, it gives Bieber and his team an out to say “The police lied about this, what else are they lying about.”

        And this is why he’ll get off or get a minor slap on the wrist. Unfortunately.

  2. Tapioca says:

    Partying in Panama? Whatever happened to the good old days of being caught out, then acting a tiny bit contrite and keeping your head down for a while? Sigh…

    • Sixer says:

      Them’s my tboughts exactly.

    • FingerBinger says:

      That only works when a person understands what shame is. I suspect that Justin thinks getting arrested is a badge of honor,giving him some street cred.

    • Liv says:

      Tapioca, you’re clearly not a Belieber! His father said we should not listen to all the lies! He’s just a normal teenage boy and completely innocent.

      • idk says:

        I wouldn’t say he’s completely innocent. Florida has a zero tolerance law. Justin was also under the influence of weed and prescription drugs while driving (he admitted this himself). He put people’s lives in danger. What the police is wrong for is lying on the report. They should have just wrote the truth, they didn’t need to fudge the results.

        Also, how can they blame Selena for any of this? Come on ! If Justin wasn’t famous and still living back in Stratford, I can bet you he’d still be smoking weed and getting into trouble.

      • Liv says:

        Ehrm, it was meant ironically.

    • M.A.F. says:

      Wrong generation.

  3. bluesmurfette says:

    At least he’s still guilty of under age drinking, drug use and resisting arrest.

    • lucy2 says:

      Yeah, does it really matter what his BAC was, when he’s underage?

      I would hope the police didn’t fudge the records though, but I’m suspicious this is just TMZ or whatever looking for more headlines.

      • Lady D says:

        TMZ badly wants beiber to be their new Lindsay. That website is dying for hits since Blohan left rehab. They will go back and forth with will he, won’t he go to jail stories for as long as they can.

      • Holls says:

        That was my thought…how can anything above .0000 be legal if you’re under age??

  4. eliza says:

    Roy Black’s “Black Magic” at work. Let’s always blame the police because we all know this talented artist is innocent amd the victim of a media and police vendetta. *snort*

    • MaxxHotness says:

      I was coming to say the same thing! Roy make that check….Mama needs a new person to name drop next season!!!

  5. Kiddo says:

    TMZ reported…the angle of a defense attorney.

    Isn’t it also possible that the PD made a mistake with the numbers? I’m no police apologist, but I can see making an honest mistake instead of trumping up charges as an alternative. He may not have not had a high blood alcohol level, but he admitted to taking drugs while drinking which increases intoxication.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Plus, he was drag racing, which is illegal and he’s not 21, so it’s illegal for him to drink, period, regardless of whether he was intoxicated.

      • Emily C. says:

        And he BLOCKED OFF THE ROAD. What would have happened if an emergency vehicle had to get through there? What if someone just wanted to get to their home?

  6. cr says:

    I think that TMZ’s conveniently forgetting about that part. And JB admitted to that.
    I have no idea if the Miami PD actually and deliberately fudged the the BAL report. I know that the Miami police do have a corrupt reputation, which probably makes it easier for people to believe TMZ’s ‘sources’. But that doesn’t actually make JB innocent.

    • Tulip Garden says:

      Posted something similar upthread before getting to yours. Anyway, I agree with you.

      • cr says:

        This starts getting into legal areas, and I have no actual knowledge of that. But this is what TMZ wrote:
        “We have now confirmed Justin’s actual blood alcohol level … it was .014 — next to nothing. Legal intoxication is .08. Law enforcement sources told TMZ Thursday Bieber had a .04 … but we’ve now confirmed that is NOT true. He had a .014 — an enormous difference.”

        So have we actually seen any of the actual results? Initial and subsequent? So we’re still supposed to believe TMZ’s sources? Even if the sources are contradictory? And reading the court submitted arrest report, it’s a lot less sensational than TMZ’s writing on the report.

        Once again, I’m well aware of the reputation of the Miami Police, and of police in general and DUIs. But …

      • Tulip Garden says:

        I completely agree with all of your reasoning. Also, I don’t have any real understanding of the way that the legal system/police procedure works in Florida (or pretty much anywhere) because it has just never been a factor in my life (outside my house being burgled twice when I was at work years ago). We can hope a fellow CB does have some knowledge and will enlighten us!
        I will say that I am very leery of any governmental authority figure overstepping and/or abusing their power. That isn’t acceptable to me regardless as to whom they are practicing their corruption on….even Beiber.
        Hopefully, as someone suggested upthread their was no abuse of power. Also, regardless, Beibs did need to be stopped that night even if not for underage drinking/DUI because he was a menace due to his admitted other inebriants (is that a word?).

      • Bread and Circuses says:

        @cr Yeah, it’s kind of rich for TMZ to be claiming the police fudged their reports when it really sounds like either TMZ or their snitch just heard the number wrong and then started blabbing.

      • Kristen says:

        I’m curious if maybe the .04 originally reported was the result of a breathalyzer, and the .014 now being reported came from a blood test. When I was arrested for DUI I blew a .08 at the scene, but the blood work showed I was waaaaaaaaay under that. Enough under that the case was dismissed due to there being “no reasonable likelyhood of conviction”…

      • Tulip Garden says:

        I wasn’t aware that these two tests would show different results. Of course, in taking the time to think about it, that makes sense. Thanks! 🙂

      • cr says:

        @Kristen: I think I ‘knew’ that there was usually a difference between the initial breathalyzer result and final BAL results, but I’d probably forgotten about it until looking up info on it last night.
        So having a different result on second test isn’t that unusual, and isn’t necessarily a result of the police framing JB.

    • Izzy says:

      It really doesn’t matter WHAT his BAL was if it was more than 0.0, because he is UNDER THE AGE OF 21, which is the legal drinking age in Florida.

  7. Mika says:

    The most disappointing part of all this mess is that now the Beliebers will be like “SEE?!! We told you our precious baby is INNOCENT!1!!!!1” *shudders*
    They’re all so delusional about him. From what I see on Tumblr..when asked about their (the Beliebers) opinions on his arrest, most of them would reply by pointing out his charity works and list out all the wonderful things he had done for his fans (???) and kept on saying shit like “He’s young, of course he’s gonna stir things up” / “He’s only 19! Let him live his life, HATERS!” / “You haters are the reason why he’s acting like this!!!!1!”.

  8. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    Adversity is finding out your husband has cancer, losing your job at 57, having your child killed in an automobile accident by a drunk driver. Adversity is NOT being arrested for a crime you clearly committed, endangering yourself and others.

    I don’t know who sickens me more, Bieber or the adults around him who cash in on his fame while watching him destroy himself with total indifference.

  9. Ruyana says:

    This little BS artist gets me fuming. “God is with us all”, yeah, so you take him into brothels with you? You sit with God while you drink your “lean”?

    Justin is a whiny ass baby who thinks if he makes “prayer hands” in his photos all will be forgiven. And Jeremy Bieber is whiny ass baby, Sr. Deserts the kid most of his life, but sticks like glue once the $$$ start rolling in.

    More puketastic than the Kartrashians – – and I didn’t think that was possible.

  10. Janice says:

    He needs to grow up and realise that if he wants the fame to continue then he should stop doing stupid stuff. He is another Britney. It won’t be long until he shaves his head!

    • don't kill me i'm french says:

      Britney is bipolar and probably suffered of post partum depression

    • Jessica says:

      That was bad ass. Get over it.

    • bettyrose says:

      Even at Brit’s worst she didn’t act like an entitled narcissistic dbag. LiLo, Miley, and Biebs might be cut from the same cloth but Brit is a whole different story.

      • Kristin says:

        Yeah, I agree. Britney was never cruel or an entitled asshole. I’ve always believed she had a serious mental health issue but even at her worst time she was always pretty sweet.

  11. enya says:

    Okay: someone please explain this hat phenomenon to me. Is there, like, a mini-hat inside that actually sits on the head so the exterior hat can float in space? If not, how does the hat seem to defy the laws of physics and rest on thin air? Inquiring minds want to know.

  12. maria says:

    I thought his DUE was in connection to drug use not alcohol. Because DUi also includes driving high. Besides he’s not 21 so any alcohol in his system is legally bad.

  13. Tippy says:

    Why doesn’t the Miami Beach PD just release the dash-cam video of Bieber failing the sobriety test and resisting arrest? Until they do I think that the Court of Public Opinion will begrudgingly side with the Biebs.

    I suspect that this will all eventually be plead down to driving on an expired and possibly speeding.

    • cr says:

      If the MPD is shown to have deliberately lied about the final BAL results and the speeding, the yes, the Court of Public Opinion will, at least partly, side with Lil’ Sizzurp.
      Until he goes and once again does something extraordinarily stupid. Which at the rate he’s going will probably be tomorrow.

  14. Bridget says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think it matters is Bieber blew a .04 or a .014 – he’s underage, which means no tolerance to ANY BAC. And he’s already admitted to weed and Rx drugs that he doesn’t have an Rx for (though I don’t doubt that team Swag is producing an Rx right now). He could actually be in some trouble.

    Also, I don’t think there’s any way to prove a difference in BAC measured, and a police officer’s sworn affidavit trumps an accusation not supported with any evidence.

    • Nemesis says:

      In Louisiana a bac of .04 for someone under age is the same as a bac of .08 for someone of age. These numbers can’t be fudged because they’re recorded on te state terminal as well as the local one. But I don’t know the Florida system.

    • shellybean says:

      The legal limit for minors in FL is .02. Or so I read.

  15. Eliz says:

    I think floria has a separate legal limit for minors under the legal drinking age of 21 and its so low that one drink would put you over the limit and that’s probably what their looking at and because he couldn’t complete the sobriety test. Even without that he was arrested for drag racing, resisting arrest, seeming under the influence, AND confirming he was under the influence or alcohol, prescription meds, and weed.

  16. Tulip Garden says:

    This may be a controversial post but here goes….years ago I read an article about Beiber. I had no particular interest and had never even heard his music but I’ll read a cereal box when I am out of reading material 🙂 Anyway, the journalist did that standard blah-de-blah story and then observed that Beiber was appeared incredibly lonely, isolated, and unintentionally projecting a great deal of sadness. Also, it mentioned that I believe either his grandparents or mother was with him on this tour and that an old friend was being flown out to keep him company. I found it a very eye-opening indictment of just how skewed life can become for these OTT child stars. AT THAT TIME, I felt sorry for him.
    Still, if an observer could see all of that, why couldn’t the other adults around him see that? His manager, his mom, his grandparents. Perhaps, counseling/psychotherapy or something along those lines could have helped Beiber then and prepared him for the inevitable waning of his popularity as well. Also, call me crazy, but maybe just enforcing a break from stardom would have been beneficial as well because they had to know that one day he would hit adult age (if not adult maturity) when, truly, they wouldn’t have any power over him.
    Lastly, despite all of this failure on those around him, Beiber’s behavior is now on him along with the attendant consequences. I do hope he gets punished as anyone should for his crimes. The last thing this guy needs is to be given another “free pass”. Believe me, if he were anyone but who he is, he would have already met with the realities of bad decision-making.

    • Nicolette says:

      Because those around him are blinded by greed as are those around all the other train wrecks that today are known as “celebrities”. Back in the day they would have been called a f**k up. Now they are glorified for all their wrong doings, and it seems the worse the behavior the higher their star rises. It’s nuts. This kid is going off the rails, and it’s really only a matter of time, and not much at that I think before he really does something horrific to himself or worse someone innocent who will be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

      • Tulip Garden says:

        I wholeheartedly agree with your post. I can’t help but wonder why these money-hungry managers/parents don’t see the bigger picture though? Okay, you don’t give two sh*ts about the well-being of this kid but if you care about their longevity to pad YOUR wallet, you might want to see to their mental and physical well-being. It ain’t rocket science!

    • cr says:

      “but maybe just enforcing a break from stardom would have been beneficial as well because they had to know that one day he would hit adult age (if not adult maturity) when, truly, they wouldn’t have any power over him.”
      I’m not the greatest admirer of Richard Williams, father of Venus and Serena. But one of the things he did when they first became noticed, when they weren’t even in their tweens, was take out of the tennis circuit for a few years. They still played, but not competitively, and if they didn’t want to practice, they didn’t.
      And they have lives outside of tennis.
      All Justin has, and all his hangers-on have, is Justin’s fame. Once that’s gone, it’s going to be even more unpleasant for him than it is now.

      • Tulip Garden says:

        @ cr,
        I wasn’t aware of that about Richard Williams and the sisters. Thanks for posting it because with all the stories of negligent, exploitive parenting it is refreshing to know that some parents still get it and, by doing so, they get it right.

  17. dorothy says:

    Pretty bad when even Miami want’s you deported so bad they fudge your arrest.

  18. shellybean says:

    Selena Gomez is a bad influence????


    As if.

  19. aquarius64 says:

    Except from TMZ article – Usher is going to Panama.

    “Sources tell us Usher flew to Panama for a serious come-to-jesus with JB on the heels of his arrest in Miami. We’re told Justin’s manager Scooter Braun is also planning to be there for the sit-down.”

    Read more: http://www.tmz.com#ixzz2rWQJluIX

    This is getting serious. If these guys are flying to Panama they are seeing Bieber’s nonsense is messing with the money. Looking for more stories that two camps are going to clash, and the ones that are looking at to win are going to win. So what the Bieliebers stand by him – most of them are not old enough to have jobs to buy his CDs, concert tickets, etc. Looking at more parents to put their feet…and close their wallets…to Bieber Inc. Adidas is sticking by Bieber now, but if sales take a hit that company’s legal department will be looking for an escape clause. If Bieber wants to be grown he will be dealing with real grown consequences for his stupidity.

  20. tifzlan says:

    1) Yes, let’s ALL be supportive of the Beliebers and their defense of Justin’s drunk-driving antics. Let’s all forget about the victims of drunk driving, some dead, some horribly disfigured, some still in comas, and support Justin Bieber instead. After all, this was just a mistake! He’s LEARNING, people. And the only way to learn is through our mistakes!


    2) I can’t believe they’d try to blame this on Selena. Was she the one who blocked off the road? Supplying him drugs? Giving him alcohol? NO. There’s just NO accountability whatsoever for this little twerp, because his enablers are either too scared of him or too in love with the money to let him know that he’s an out of control piece of sh*t.

    • MavenTheFirst says:

      The kid is completely out of control. But no one in his camp or anywhere in the media wants to address that. Instead, they find excuses for him. Just amazing and shameful.

  21. The Original Mia says:

    I don’t believe a thing TMZ says. MPD would be setting themselves up for a lawsuit for fudging the results. And why would they? Bieber and his band of idiotic enablers broke enough laws that fudging the BAC would be an unnecessary risk. He’s not that important.

    He was underage drinking and drugging.
    He was driving was intoxicated and on drugs.
    He was street racing.
    He was street racing while drunk and on drugs.
    He was driving on a suspended license.
    He was driving on a suspended license, while under the influence of alcohol and drugs.

    Do you see why it would be totally counterproductive to their case to fudge the BAC?

    ETA: Usher & Scooter going to Panama ain’t going to do a damn thing.

    • Ruyana says:

      TMZ also has a long history of whipsawing a story. They start off “Oh, he’s/she’s definitely going to jail this time”, and finish with “The witnesses lied” or “No evidence was found”. They’ve done this over and over again with different celebrities in trouble. They always play both sides of a story.

  22. Jay says:

    I have to say I’m highly offended at the claim that this is Selena Gomez’s fault. Not because I have any love for Selena Gomez (wouldn’t know a song of hers if it hit me), but the notion that HE acts out after they fight is somehow her fault?! That’s the same argument spousal abusers use to punish their spouse: “you shouldn’t have upset me, this is all your fault.” It’s absolutely crass for a PR rep to speak like that. Grow up and take responsibility. No one MADE him do anything.

  23. cleverclover says:

    I am familiar with Florida’s DUI laws, so maybe I can shed some light on some of the confusion surrounding this case.

    First, Florida’s “zero tolerance” policy for underage DUIs starts at .02. So if Bieber truly blew a .014, he wouldn’t be subject to it. Second, the “zero tolerance” statute is not a criminal statute. An underage driver blowing over a .02 gets a ticket and is subject to some other consequences, but it doesn’t mean he can be charged with a DUI.

    Second, there are two ways to prove someone is guilty of DUI in FL. The first is to prove that someone’s alcohol level was above a .08. The second way is to prove that the driver’s “normal faculties” (ability to see, hear, walk, talk, drive, and make everyday decisions) was impaired because he was under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances. So, blowing under a .08 doesn’t mean someone is home free.

    Third, if Bieber had blown below a .08, but exhibited signs consistent with being more impaired, he would have been asked to give a urine test. We don’t yet know whether he was asked to and whether he agreed. In any event, a urine sample has to be analyzed by a toxicologist, so the results can take 3-4 weeks to come back. So, even if he blew a .014, if his urine shows marijuana and/or other controlled substances, and the officer felt that his normal faculties were impaired, sure, he can still be charged.

    Fourth, portable breath-alcohol testers aren’t approved for evidentiary use in the state of Florida. Bieber would have blown on a full-size Intoxilyzer, in a breath-alcohol testing center, probably adjacent to the jail or to the police department. He also will have blown twice. You have to give two valid breath samples for the number to be used against you. It’s a failsafe built into the law to ensure that the breathalyzer is working properly and that the subject is blowing properly.

    Finally, the “drag race” video appears to only capture Bieber and his entourage as the police were pulling up behind him — at which point he apparently was not racing. So I’m not sure this video is as damning as TMZ would have us believe. And also — it’s not a law in Florida that all patrol cars have dash cams. In fact, most of Miami’s cars DON’T have dash cams. There may not be any video at all.

    There’s a lot we won’t know until the DUI test report and the breath test affidavit are released to the public.

    • cr says:

      Thank you!

    • Tulip Garden says:

      Thanks for taking the time to post this, CleverClover. I really appreciate it. Hope I’m not taking up too much of your time but based on what you have said about lack of dash cams is it not possible that the simple statement by the police officers attesting to witnessing the racing is enough to convict on that charge? I would assume that their testimony would carry more weight with the court then Beiber’s or any of his cohorts.

      • cleverclover says:

        Tulip Garden, probable cause is going to consist of a variety of things, most notably the officer’s observations as to Bieber’s driving pattern, demeanor, physical appearance, attitude, and his performance on the field sobriety exercises. Also, it’s been my experience here in South Florida that juries don’t automatically give police officers more credibility just because they wear a badge — and they shouldn’t. Just like everywhere else, we have great, honest police officers and we have some not so great, not so honest ones.

    • Tippy says:

      That’s very insightful but doesn’t explain how the police officer was able to use the “strong odor of alohol on the driver’s breath” argument as probable cause to conduct a field sobriety test.

      Cops did take a urine sample from Bieber. Urine can only determine the presence of a drug , not the amount which may have been injested or it’s effects on the driver.

      • Tulip Garden says:

        I’m learning all kinds of stuff! I actually think that suspicion of impaired driving was a legit reason to give someone a field sobriety test. I also thought the smell of alcohol would give ample reason to be suspicious. Another strong indicator may have been his belligerent behavior and language coupled with seeming speech probems. No?

      • cleverclover says:

        Tippy and Tulip Garden, I read the arrest report again and maybe I’m blind, but the officer writes “I immediately smelled an odor of alcohol emanating from the drivers breath.” He doesn’t use the word strong. The odor of alcoholic beverage can linger after blood alcohol content has dissipated so that’s not out of line with Bieber blowing as low as he allegedly did. That odor coupled with the bloodshot eyes, slow, deliberate movements, the attitude, and the driving pattern are probably enough probable cause to perform FSEs, but I’m sure Roy Black will file a motion to suppress and the officer will have to take the stand and testify to his observations, and the judge will have to rule on his credibility.

        And Tippy is right, urine isn’t great for detecting the amount of a substance, but it can detect its presence. Generally, if urine yields the presence of a controlled substance and the case goes to trial, a toxicologist is called to testify that the driver’s behavior was consistent with having high levels of whatever substance in his system.

      • cr says:

        “Probable cause is not something that any law enforcement officer has in their pocket. In the case of a DUI Stop, probable cause arrests must be based upon more than a belief that a driver has consumed alcohol. Sufficient facts and circumstances must exist that shows a probability that a driver is impaired by alcohol or has an unlawful amount of alcohol in his system.

        Contrary to popular belief, the mere odor of alcohol on a driver does not always establish probable cause. An individual may have recently consumed one alcoholic beverage or recently had a drink spilled on them. In these two cases, the scent of the alcohol me be more prevalent than if additional time had gone by, while at that time the individual may be legally under the BAC level for driving.

        So what does constitute probable cause for in a DUI Traffic Stop?

        For purposes of initially stopping a vehicle, it may only be reasonable suspicion that a traffic infraction has occurred. This may include behaviors that rang from observing your vehicle swerving on the road to performing a simple “rolling stop” at a stop sign. However, a burnt out tail lamp may not meet the standard of probable cause, which may lead to the DUI charge being dropped or dismissed by the judge.

        It is no secret that if law enforcement has a VALID reason to stop you, they will. Additionally, if through their own subjective observations they make the determination that you are impaired, they can and will arrest you for DUI.

        Once you have been pulled over by law enforcement, the officer has the upper hand because they now have physical access to you and the determination of if you are perceived to be impaired is subject to the officer’s impressions of you, your demeanor and your actions.

        While the smell of alcohol on you does not immediately provide probable cause, it does provide suspicion for the officer to further investigate the situation. They will observe your speech, your eyes for redness, if your face look flush or not, if you are at a diminished capacity in the movements that you make.”


    • Kiddo says:

      Thank you.

    • MavenTheFirst says:


      Thank you for the info! You are clever, indeed!

  24. smee says:

    Based on his posture alone, I hate this kid.

  25. msw says:



  26. rudy says:

    I cannot stand looking at photos of Justin Baby. All I want to do is pull up his pants. He looks like an idiot strutting around with his pants around his underwear. He cannot spread his legs more than 1 foot apart. How anyone can look at him without laughing hysterically is beyond me.

  27. FHealy says:

    Give it a rest about JB. Kid is a manufactured joke and sooooo boring.

    • sapphoandgrits says:

      Those of us who have had someone we loved killed by a drunk driver think this is relevant.

  28. meh says:

    Yeah Selena told him he needed rehab and he called her a “no-talent p^$$y.” She sounds terrible, just really enabling and irresponsible and emotionally abusive.

    I cannot roll my eyes hard enough.

  29. sapphoandgrits says:

    1. I don’t trust TMZ — their sources are probably Lil Maple Leaf and his buddies.

    2. Field tests and lab tests can have different BAC.

    3. Underage drinkers usually have a much lower BAC allowed per law. Florida has such a law, and LML was legally drunk driving.

    4. I think Selena Gomez is basically a vaguely talented, inoffensive kid, and to blame her for Bieber’s crimes and antics?! Sociopathic behavior right there. Selena is friends with Taylor Swift for God’s sake.

    5. I agree with the poster upthread who said LML would be like this even if he was just some kid living in Ontario.

  30. Dommy Dearest says:

    Well, he has on his layers of foundation as we all can see. That mugshot revealed just how MUCH he actually wears. And that is more than me.

    Gotta say I’m not surprised. Elected officials and celebrities get off scott free while us ‘normies’ get thrown in jail without even more than a second glance. THIS is the nation we live in and I, for one, am sick and tired of it. I swear a part of me dies every time I read just how corrupted the world is. What I wouldn’t give to pop him in the face a few times. At least then he’d know it’s because I loathe him, not because I express my love through my fists.

  31. Squeakie says:

    When Beiber first got arrested I was pretty gleeful since he was finally getting what he deserves, but as this mess drags on I’m starting to feel sad for him. The whole thing is starting to remind me of the Britney breakdown where as her bad behavior escalates so does the press coverage. Perhaps Justin has some kind of mental illness, If not this should be seen as a cry for help.

    • Jessica says:

      The only mental illness Justin has is thinking he is a king who can do anything he wants. Justin has no mental illness, he’s simply an idiot who has never heard the word no and thinks too highly of himself.

      His behavior is not a cry for help. He does these things because he thinks it makes him cool.

      It’s the same with Miley. She does the crap she does because it gets her attention and because she thinks it makes her look cool or “hard” or some such nonsense.

      Justin Bieber is a child who needs to grow up, not a victim of mental illness.

  32. themummy says:

    This is totally snarky, but whatev: You know the only reason his clothes always look so clean is because he makes enough money to wear things once and throw away. No way does this little brat do laundry.

    Yep. THAT is my contribution here.

  33. MavenTheFirst says:

    I find it telling that his team hired Roy Black as his lawyer instead of some local defence counsel. If he is in the right, then why the need for a powerhouse, high profile defence? Unless it’s to show how special he is.

  34. Emily C. says:

    “DUI” does not just mean driving under the influence of alcohol. It means driving under the influence of any drug. Bieber confessed to being on multiple drugs.

    And he blocked off the road! Just doing that was endangering people. This little twerp thinks he has the right to BLOCK OFF ROADS.

    • Tippy says:

      I’m beginning to have doubts as to whether there was ever any blocking off of roads or drag racing.

      I think it’s well within the realm of possibility that the cops observed Bieber’s vehicle at the strip joint and simply followed him as soon as he left.

      Furthermore, Bieber’s arrest could be retribution for his having gotten 3 Florida cops suspended previously last week.

      • cr says:

        The three police officers who escorted Bieber to the strip club on Monday were suspended on Friday, a day after JB’s arrest.

      • Tippy says:

        @CR, true but they were well on their way to being suspended prior to Bieb’s arrest.

      • cr says:

        Yes, but if you’re questioning the motives of the MPD, which isn’t an unreasonable thing, then it also isn’t unreasonable to question the motives of TMZ’s ‘sources’ who claim there was no drag racing or that his BAL was below legal limits?
        After all, if JB is my new legal client, wouldn’t I want to start throwing clouds of suspicion over the MPD, and take away the focus from my client?

  35. DanaG says:

    The road was blocked off and they were racing and he doesn’t have a current licence he admitted he had been drinking and smoking weed so he will get some sort of punishment. Probably just a fine and I doubt it will mean anything to Justin. I don’t feel sorry for him he is a little prat he has people around him all the time I’m betting any real friends who put him in his place got dropped long ago. Only he has himself to blame if he is lonely. Justin broke the law it doesn’t matter how much he blew he was over the limit for someone his age. Zero tolerance means exactly that I think it’s his side trying to throw mud to try and get him sympathy and it’s working. Justin is off in Panama showing no signs he has learnt anything from all this.

  36. aquarius64 says:

    Here’s a thought of why Bieber’s in Panama…this is the Grammys this weekend. Bieber was not nominated, but I imagined he would have attended parties. What if he was banned from showing up to any in light of the arrest? The Grammy people and others who are hosting would only get bad publicity with his presence now. They would accused of encouraging an underage pop star to drink; and they want the focus on nominees and winners.

  37. Tiffany says:

    No Grammy nominations. No invite to perform. Way to show the Grammy’s that you will not be ignored Lil Maple Leaf.

  38. joey says:

    It would be easier to line Bieber and all of those other morons currently doing the human race a disservice and shoot them for, crimes against humanity!!! Chris Brown in there too!!!!

  39. jwoolman says:

    The legal limit in Florida is not .08 for under 21 drivers – it’s .02. They’re giving some leeway, but really it’s a zero tolerance policy. I wouldn’t assume the police are lying about any of it just because the TMZ interns (who obviously don’t know how to use google) said so. If they googled, they would also have discovered that speed is not even in the law against street racing. If they had a few extra brain cells, they would also have realized that the law is worded so police officers can intervene before speed kills… Any police officer who saw the way they were set up would have been wrong not to stop the drivers and ask for their licenses- and test them if there was anything odd about their behavior. Police don’t have to wait until a crash happens. Little Boy Bieber is not being charged with street racing, but that was clearly a good reason for the police to investigate. So they legitimately found the expired license and the boy acting all giggly and stumbling over his own feet enough that it was reasonable to test further, especially since the boy (to the horror if his lawyers) freely told officers he had been drinking alcohol, smoking weed, and popping some pill his mama allegedly gave him (while he was being all giggly).