Anne Vyalitsyna: ‘I’m living an American dream. I just became an American citizen’

anne cover

I came into this Anne Vyalitsyna (“Anne V”) interview thinking that she was going to sound vapid and full of herself, but I came out of it really liking her. I mean, she’s not a brain surgeon or anything, but she seems down to earth and realistic about her industry, and she’s really not asking for anyone’s pity. I also didn’t know that she had become an American citizen, which is always exciting. I love a good naturalization story (truly, I love them). Anne is promoting her new gig as host and mentor on The Face, where she works alongside Naomi Campbell. And Anne still hasn’t gotten a face full of phone, so that should show you that she’s pretty resilient! You can read the full Ocean Drive piece here, and here are some highlights:

Growing up in Russia: “I come from a very normal family—both of my parents are doctors. But in Russia, doctors and teachers are the lowest-paid professions. So we never traveled; we didn’t have much money. But I always wanted to be a model. It was one of those dreams I never thought would come true. Every kid has an unrealistic goal like, “I’m going to be an astronaut,” but no one becomes one. I know it sounds so clichéd, but I never thought I was pretty. I was the tallest in my class and very skinny, and no boys liked me.”

Leaving Russia: “Russia is amazing during the summer. It’s warm and green, with so many fields and rivers. It’s stunning. But Russia during the winter is the most depressing place ever. Now I’m living an American dream. I just became an American citizen, and I feel like America is my home now.”

Downsides to modeling: “For the young girls, it’s an industry that makes you not very confident. You’ll hear things like, “Not pretty enough.” “Too fat.” “Too skinny.” “Your nose is too big.” I learned how to deal with it, but I’m 27 years old and I know how hard it was when I was 18 years old to deal with those things. I was a child.”

Now she knows she’s pretty: “I’ve been modeling for 12 years and I can do it with my eyes closed. I know I’m pretty. But there are a lot of things that I don’t like about myself. I wish I wasn’t this white. I never get tan. I wish I could eat everything and not put on weight. Sometimes I wish I didn’t have freckles.”

Dating in the spotlight: “Honestly, it sucks, but it is what it is. People don’t really realize that at the end of the day we all want to be loved. We all want to have normal families and relationships and kids. No one wants to get divorced and have someone create stupid dramas and articles about your relationship.”

Body image issues: “When I was 18, I put on a lot of weight because I was eating pizza and pasta, and I didn’t know how to handle it. I never ate salads in Russia; we didn’t have salads. The only salads we had were with tons of mayo in them. It was really hard, and I’ve battled with it for many years.”

Working with Naomi Campbell: “She’s awesome. It was quite an experience, because she is one of my idols. We would fight a lot, but we were all one big, happy family. I was mentoring girls, but in a way I was getting mentored by Naomi, too.”

Charity work: “I work with the charity called Red, which deals with mothers transferring HIV to their babies, and we went to Zambia in June—and really for the first time in my life, I realized that even though I’m not technically saving lives or donating millions of dollars and I’m not a doctor or a teacher, I have this opportunity that people see my face and know who I am. I have this opportunity to help, in this case my charity. When you come to this realization that you can use your success and fame to do something in the world, I think that’s a really fantastic thing.”

[From Ocean Drive]

I think my favorite part is “I never ate salads in Russia; we didn’t have salads.” And “I wish I could eat everything and not put on weight.” As opposed to all of the models who claim they eat everything and we know they’re made of lies. Anne makes it sound like she does have to work at it (even though she could “model with her eyes closed”) and that she still struggles with her body image even though she knows – intellectually – that she’s pretty. I don’t know, you guys. I think I kind of like her…? Plus, she’s not with douchey Adam Levine anymore. Bonus points for that one.



Photos courtesy of Ocean Drive.

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87 Responses to “Anne Vyalitsyna: ‘I’m living an American dream. I just became an American citizen’”

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  1. Hannah says:

    She seems nice. And dodged a bullet when that Adam Levine went elsewhere.

  2. Lark says:

    She comes across as very likable here. And I like that she admits that she’s pretty–I always roll my eyes at the conventionally beautiful blonde girls who fit societal standards and pick one aspect of their appearance and trash themselves to seem more relatable or likable. It think it’s ridiculous when a size 4 woman calls themselves chubby, for example. I prefer this more upfront and honest answer.

  3. Kali says:

    Awwww, I love naturalization stories too! She comes across pretty well in that interview.

    • Zadie says:

      What are the perks of becoming a citizen? I don’t think I would ever want to become a citizen of a country that is not my own, even if I lived there,
      One of our actors, Goran Višnjić ( Luka Kovač on ER, I don’t know if any of you guys heard of him) recently became an American citizen, and people weren’t exactly pleased. It felt like betrayal.

      • SonjaMarmeladova says:

        OMG, I so agree on Goran. I was disappointed.

      • AG-UK says:

        In the US they want you to become a citizen and not hold the Green Card for eternity which is probably what he had also coming in/out of the US with a Green card they start to ask you loads of questions. My husband had the Green card but it was too much drama then we moved to the UK so he gave it up. The US allows you and other countries too like Britain to hold dual Nationality, so she can keep her Russian ppt and get the US. It enables you to vote for one thing.

      • V says:

        Last time I checked, the reason people become a citizen of a country “that’s not their own” is because they like it and want to consider it home or “their own” country. I think that just like a house is not a home, the country you’re born in isn’t necessarily the place you’d call home. Unless you’re a relative, I don’t really see how a stranger choosing a new home is a betrayal to you or the country you both happened to be born in.

        Personally, I think if you can afford to choose where you want to live and can pass the rules of citizenship, then good for you because I certainly don’t have that option!

      • Zadie says:

        Yeah, but I checked her wikipedia page and it said Russian-American. I don’t know, but I wouldn’t like that. Especially if I was famous.
        Are there any other benefits? Taxes or something?

      • Kali says:

        Fair enough comment! I personally hold dual citizenship (NZ Dad, American mother) so I get double the trouble when travelling sometimes 😜

        Here’s a good example of what can happen sometimes with US immigration though if you’re not fully “squared away”. Back when I was quite young (a good 25 years ago) Dad started the green card process as we thought we might live in the states for a few years. Mum and Dad couldn’t afford to complete the process plus other things came up so we ended up living in N.Z. EVERY TIME my Dad goes through Customs now when we go back to see the fam, he gets grilled incredibly (we’re lucky he’s only been hauled off for questioning once) so we’re pretty sure there’s a red flag.

        So I can imagine that part of it for Anne could just be pure logistics (ie if America is her home base, it could save so much time going through customs lines etc if she’s travelling constantly, no more having to deal with green card/visa issues if you’re a citizen etc etc). I think it would be a bigger deal if she specifically renounced her Russian citizenship (which she doesn’t appear to have done, as far as I can tell).

        Plus basically ditto on everything that V said. It’s like committing yourself to your country of choice. Putting a ring on it in a citizenship kinda way.

      • V says:

        Yes, taxes on property investments would be one benefit. Once you’re a citizen, you can also sponsor visas for relatives, use the US consulate offices when overseas, can’t be deported (which can be done even if you have a green card) and can transfer citizenship to your children even if they aren’t born in the USA. If she does a lot of work in the USA, it’s simply easier for her to have citizenship here than constantly applying for residency whenever she’s out of the USA for 6+ months. Again, she’s still considered a Russian citizen as well since the USA isn’t one of those countries that make you give up your other citizenship when you apply to be a USA citizen.

      • QQ says:

        For me Voting was a HUGE huge thing, I Never wanted to be a citizen (i have this crazy weird attachment to my shitshow of a country, Holla Venezuela, also Immigration took my money TWICE a Lot of money and THE day of the interview simply said “OOPS you don’t qualify cause you were in a military base overseas too long…sorry no money back!) especially NOT during the xenophobic reign of Bush with all that gross ass rhetoric about immigrants, which just was infuriating to no end, I’ve also had friends deported or randos asking for their papers in public places …so Gross… But then I saw Obama win (when I had 0.0% faith that this would happen!) I cried so so so hard that night, just joy for like people who never thought they’d see that in their lifetime and It hit me like a ton of bricks: I wanna be a part of this! (I put in my papers and vote on EVERY single thing, give money and educate my shitton of family on voting, who has their best interest at heart, I force their hand on gay issues a lil but fuck it they need the “Come to Jesus” push!)

      • Zadie says:

        The country you’re born in may not be a home, but it is YOUR country, whether you like it or not. Just like your family. You don’t get to pick and choose them, like socks or something.

      • Kali says:

        But she’s still Russian. She’s just also chosen to commit herself to America too. Would you prefer she fully renounce her Russian citizenship after getting American citizenship?

      • Dani says:

        People also become citizens because you can’t technically stay in the US without being a permanent legal resident. I came from Israel with a visa when I was like 4 or 5, and they allow you to stay on that visa (or they used to) for 3 years, and then you either had to leave or apply for your green card (or live here illegally but you can get into all sorts of stuff doing that). You green card expires within 10 years, if I’m not wrong. It’s a long process to actually go for it because you get working papers, white card etc and then they give you a green card. Once it expires you either have to leave or reapply but they can reject your second application because you had so and so amount of years to become a citizen (after 3 years of holding a green card you can apply to become a us citizen). Phew – so she probably went for her citizenship because she wants to be able to stay in the country and travel back to Russia without issues. Traveling with a green card is a pain in the ass – btdt.

      • Zadie says:

        No. I would prefer her to stay only Russian, to be quite honest. I know it sounds ridiculous, but that’s just how I feel.

      • Kelly says:

        “The country you’re born in may not be a home, but it is YOUR country, whether you like it or not. You don’t get to pick and choose them, like socks or something”

        Actually no, in the democratic world you are free to pick and choose the place you want to live and the people you want to associate with in life. You don’t HAVE to take anything you don’t want to.
        If I was born into an abusive family I’d damn well leave and disconnect any associations with them as fast as I could, and I’d build my own family from more deserving and decent people.
        Same as with a country, if I was born say in Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia as a woman, I’d probably do all that I could to gtfo.

      • Irene says:

        I gave up my Russian citizenship for the U.S. and I AM SO HAPPY. That country betrays its people on a daily basis. I have zero attachment to it, I do not plan to ever live there and I have no sentimentality about it whatsoever. Thankfully (and I am thankful for this every single day), you DO actually get to choose your home country, if you are very very lucky like me. The perks of being a U.S. citizen is that you get to live here, as a citizen, you get to vote, you get the constitutional protections of being a citizen and you also get U.S. protection wherever you travel.

      • KB says:

        Thank you for sharing your story, QQ! It made me tear up a little and I’m not a crier. Plus it sounds like we gained one more voter with some sense!

    • Cecilia says:

      And she did it legally. If she can take the time to stay within the confines of the law, why can’t the illegals? Sigh…there really isn’t much of an advantage to being an American Citizen any more, I agree.

      • Kali says:

        I’m trying to properly educate myself on some of the immigration issues that the U.S is facing but one thing I do know is that the process of getting a green card and getting through to citizenship can be eye-wateringly expensive. I could only imagine that to people who could be facing a horrible situation in their home country would look at the U.S and think “well, it’s still gonna suck but it’s gonna suck less”. Not excusing, just trying to think of the other side.

        As for illegals, you need to look at what modern countries like Australia have with the refugee detention centres (any Aussie readers, I’m not shi**ing on the country, it’s just that some of your politicians kinda suck b@lls at the moment) and ask yourself whether you really want things like that to happen in the U.S. I would bet no, for the most part.

      • Wren says:

        Kali I’m Aussie and in no way am offended. Our government is failing miserably with regard to refugees. Quite frankly it’s embarrassing and most Aussies are appalled by it. Unfortunately our media makes a huge beat up every time a boat comes in and ignorant people complain about queue jumping. Honestly, what is wrong with sharing our beautiful country with desperate disadvantaged people?

    • Hiddles forever says:

      I am also applying for citizenship, British one. UK, with all its flaws, faults, call them whatever you like, is also my ‘home’. Why should I refrain from getting it?

      If my ex fellow citizens feel betrayed, honestly… Who cares?
      If I liked the place where I was born and also people living in it (which I don’t….), I wouldn’t have bothered to migrate.

      I don’t know but it feels natural to “naturalise” (sorry for playing with the words here) when you have no attachment whatsoever to a place you were just born in.

      Home is where your heart is, always.

  4. Anna says:

    The salad line is hilarious and totally true. In Russian definition, a salad is made of 3 things: potatoes, a meat and yes, MAYO. Bonus vegetable – very finely chopped and added in small amounts – is optional.

    • Maureen says:

      I have a feeling “salad” means different things in lots of different places. I hosted a dinner party a while back and one of my best girlfriends who is from Egypt offered to bring a salad. I honestly did not even question what kind of salad because “salad” only means one thing to me — unless it’s tuna salad or chicken salad, but then we call those things “tuna salad” and “chicken salad”, not just “salad”. So she shows up with a “salad” made of shrimp and pasta with some iceberg lettuce and it was all covered in some kind of mayo. At this point she had only been living in the States for a few months (we were friends for some years before she immigrated) and I guess it never occurred to me that she didn’t know what Americans mean by “salad”. It still tasted good, though!

    • ol cranky says:

      you can get vegies in Russia though. The best tomatoes I ever had were when I was working there (the ones I had in Moscow were a tad sweeter than the ones in St. Petersburg) I was never much of a tomato eater until spending time there and my Russian colleagues thought my reaction to them was pretty funny.

      I think Maureen is right, outside of the US salad means greens and vegies, it means something like egg/tuna/chicken salad

      • Kelly says:

        “I think Maureen is right, outside of the US salad means greens and vegies, it means something like egg/tuna/chicken salad”

        I dunno, around the Mediterranean a salad means raw vegetables chopped up and served with oil, vinegar and spices.

      • grubber says:

        Well, in South East Asia (from where I live), salad means greens and veggies.

    • SonjaMarmeladova says:

      We have the same word for “salad” and “lettuce”. So here, salad can be everything from tuna/chicken/whatever ( there is actually a type of salad called Russian salad and it contains, among other thing, meat and mayo) to vegetables with olive oil and/or vinegar and/or Vegeta ( we rarely put any other dressings).
      The thing I’ve noticed is that Americans tend to eat salad before the main course, whereas here, the salad is a side dish.

    • GreenTurtle says:

      Anna, I LOVE salat! Especially Olivier, but yeah- so not a health food.

  5. Crikey says:

    I like that she’s become a naturalized citizen. With so much of the focus on the millions of illegals in the country, I find that the people who are following the rules don’t get the praise/recognition they deserve. Bravo, Anne!

    • Maureen says:

      I agree. I have a lot of respect for their willingness to tow the line, and also to make our country their home. They could realistically choose other places, like France or England. Congratulations to Anne V!

    • nicegirl says:

      I agree. I too have a lot of respect for those who dedicate themselves to becoming a naturalized citizen. It takes a lot of hard work and quite a bit of money to do so, and as an American, I am pleased that others continue to immigrate here and believe in the American dream. I was born in the 1970’s, and I still believe in the ‘melting pot’ ideal.

  6. We Are All Made of Stars says:

    Well she seems like a totally nice and normal person with a good heart.

    I don’t think she’s super good looking and the Adam Levine thing kind of ruined it… but hey, it was the last sentence of the article, so I’ll overlook it. 😉

  7. GiGi says:

    For some reason I’m always surprised when people become American citizens. I’ve had a handful of friends do so in the last few years and they’ve been so overjoyed at it, that I’ve really had to reexamine my own Americanism (?) which I suppose I’ve been a bit jaded about.

    That said, I think she comes across as a very down to earth person – and she is drop dead gorgeous to boot!

  8. Renee says:

    How is it that people who have freckles don’t appreciate them??????

    • SonjaMarmeladova says:

      Freckles are so awesome.

    • harpreet says:

      I agree, in my opinion, she is pretty, but not memorable as a model. her face can get lost amongst the others. Freckles really do set you apart in a good way.

      Cintia Decker is teh best example fo that.

  9. Frenzy says:

    I love naturalization stories too! You can achieve that American dream by doing it the right and legal way.

  10. Kelly says:

    So how exactly do you become an American citizen without marrying an American or having American family members?? I’ve had friends who went through a rigorous ordeal just to get a tourist or student visa. My mom’s friend actually married an American and it took her two years to get full citizenship papers!
    I seriously want to know how she pulled it off?
    Or does the US welcome rich famous good-looking people without any problems?

    • Crikey says:

      For starters, a person must be a permanent resident of the US for five years, speak and write English fluently, and pass a test that includes questions on American history and government. Obviously, it’s a little more involved than just that, but that’s it in a nutshell. Also, if you’re married to a US citizen, you can apply to become a naturalized citizen after three years instead of five.

      • Roseline Evans says:

        Also, do not leave the country for more than 6 months or you have to start counting the years all over again (happened to me!)

      • Kelly says:

        “a person must be a permanent resident of the US for five years”

        But don’t you need a green card or some visa to stay in the US for five years?? you can’t just come and stay and wait for the time to pass in order to apply for citizenship.

        I’m wondering since she is Russian and has clearly grown up in Russia and she didn’t marry or have family in the US. How did she just enter the country and remain there?

      • Erinn says:

        @Kelly I’d imagine she needed the appropriate work visas – she didn’t just show up and hide 🙂

      • V says:

        @Kelly – Generally people renew their visas/green cards after a set period of time. Generally, as long as the majority of the time you’re in the USA, you can still go to other places or back to your home country for short visits.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      How dare we have rules about citizenship?

      • Crikey says:

        I know you’re joking, but it’s pretty shocking the number of people who think we make it “too hard.” You’re attempting to become a citizen of a foreign country, not making a cup of coffee! It’s not meant to be easy.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        I totally agree. I wasn’t completely joking. I find it really irritating that people think they should just be able to breeze in and become citizens just because they feel like it or married an American. Being a citizen is a privilege, and you if you don’t want it enough to go to some trouble then stay where you are.

    • paranormalgirl says:

      I’m a naturalized American citizen, though I do maintain dual citizenship. I came here on a student visa, While I was still in school, I applied for a green card and received one. Once you’ve held a green card for at least 5 years and lived in the United States for 5 years, you can apply for naturalization. There’s an interview and a test. If you get through both, you take an oath of allegiance and turn in your green card. There are a lot of other little things in between, but that about what I went through.

      • Kelly says:

        “I applied for a green card and received one”
        Is there a requirement, how did you manage to just get one, if you don’t mind me asking? My close friend is currently studying in NYC and her visa expires this year and she’s forced to leave as soon as her classes finish. She’s been in the US 3 years now and it was a grueling process altogether, even though she received a scholarship, had all the papers, was going there merely to study, etc.

      • paranormalgirl says:

        @Kelly: I was offered a position following graduate school and my employer petitioned for me. That’s how I got my green card. Then I went to medical school. But let me tell you, it was a bitch and a half to get into medical school in the US in the first place, the green card made it easier and I was able to maintain work through my university.

      • KB says:

        @Kelly your friend’s next step would be changing her temporary status to permanent status making her a permanent resident. This explains the steps:

        She basically needs to have a full time or “permanent” job and then her employer would fill out a form to petition on her behalf. The problem is unless she’s got American relatives, she’d basically be wait-listed. If she wanted to stay in the US, extending her academic visa and going to Grad school or getting a work visa for a job would be much easier and give her time to be on the wait-list.

      • paranormalgirl says:

        It took me 15 years to become a citizen.

      • Kelly says:

        I get it, basically you need to find work first and then you can start the residency application process. Thnx for your answers!
        I kinda doubt my friend will stay then, she’s studying poetry, unless she decides to switch careers drastically, doubtful she’ll find a job within the next 6 months… Oh well, I’ll just tell her she’s got 6 more months to find a husband asap 😛

    • V says:

      Is it easier in other countries to become a citizen? I know I could never become a citizen of Canada because of the math section of the citizen test, but most of the people I know who have dual American citizenship (I don’t know anyone who gave up citizenship of their birth country) said the hardest part was the waiting.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        They have a math section? That would be a non-starter for me right off the bat. Lol

      • Erinn says:

        lmfao, I AM Canadian, and I probably couldn’t pass the math section. I suck with numbers. I feel like it probably isn’t excruciating though. Probably more focus on language and history type stuff.

      • V says:

        I saw a copy of the test (well, a study guide) for Canada a few years ago and it looked like advanced algebra to me. Personally, I enjoy history, but I doubt I’d be able to pass the USA test! I’m not sure I’d pass any citizen test for any country. LOL

      • Hiddles forever says:

        I passed the life in the UK test and…my hubby, who is British, couldn’t answer half of the questions lol
        Well I will also renounce my citizenship once I get the new one, but no regrets there.

    • grubber says:

      Someone has to petition you. I have a lot of relatives who became American citizens. My mom and aunts were petitioned by my uncle in the 80’s, but were only granted 3 years ago (yeah that long). My aunts have a green card, so they have to stay in the US for 5 straight years before they can be naturalized.

      My sister-in-law just became a US citizen last year. She was also petitioned by mother-in-law, who is a U.S. citizen based on jus soli.

    • Pandy says:

      Hi Kelly – agree with your last question. I’m sure Anne was fast-tracked because she’s a model and has the fashion world calling in favours/pulling strings. I’m betting it’s the same getting citizenship as it is with the good jobs – who you know or who you blow.

  11. gemm30 says:

    She’s dating super-hunk Mets pitcher Matt Harvey, a TOTAL score and lightyears better than Adam Levine. I really like her too, appreciate her honesty about weight and having to work at it.

    • Mr. Stinky FishFace says:

      Yep, I was like OH thats Matt’s girlfriend lol He is FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE. I’d have his babies any day and Adam Levine on the other had is meh. Give me a sweaty aggressive stud baseball player over him any day!

      • gemm30 says:

        Sweaty and aggressive that looks like a GD superhero! Matt looks like superman!! UPGRADE!

      • Mr. Stinky FishFace says:

        Yep. I tell my husband he can have Anne V when Matt realizes I’m his fate LOL The real Dark Knight!

      • Mr. Stinky FishFace says:

        except for his creepy babyfinger toes. I can’t look at his body mag pictures without being grossed out by them LOL He would just always have to wear socks.

  12. Anastasia says:

    So what is the thing that everybody is going to remember after reading this? They don’t have salads in Russia! OMG! How horrible the life must be. I hate these sort of headlines or highlights in interviews because they only fuel the fire of basic assumptions and generalizations so many American people already have towards other countries and their cultures. Go and order a salad in Moscow and see what you get before you read about it an interview with a popular model.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      No way am I going to a country that doesn’t have salad! Just teasing you. It is very annoying to see generalizations about your country. We get a lot of that, too.

      • Anastasia says:

        LOL. No don’t go, why would you want to risk going somewhere where they don’t have salads? I agree these prejudices people have about countries are ridiculous. Like I once had a business person on the phone asking me whether to bring a toilet roll or we “use these things”. I was just about to say we use hands because it’s enviroment friendly.

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Ha! You should have said that!

    • Zadie says:

      I hate hate hate when people get famous and start trashing their own country( not that she was doing that, but there are examples who do)

      • Kelly says:

        I trash this shithole that I live in all the time, and I’m not even famous! You can totes quadruple hate me then 😛

    • GreenTurtle says:

      Aw, I hope not! I love Russian food- especially the different types of soup. In general, we don’t do soup well in the States. Dumping a bunch of crap in thin broth is not even worth any of the calories. I’d cut a b for some authentic pelmeni right about now. Sigh.

    • yup says:

      Silly oversensitive bint.

  13. Mr. Stinky FishFace says:

    As a Mets fan I only know her because she’s a place holder till Matt Harvey meets me….because the Dark Knight and I are destined to be.

    But no really she seems nice enough and jealously of her man aside (because I am a married woman lol) I think she seems truly grateful for the things she has.

    • Coconut says:

      Am glad to know there is a Matt Harvey contingent here. I’ve asked the CB ladies to start covering him. He is hot, hunky, bright and charming. Pls no more Anne stories without some photos of him too!!!!

  14. Mar says:

    She seems down to earth. Good for her

  15. Olga says:

    I am glad she seems to be a down to earth and wise individual. I also have to say that I appreciate her serene attitude towards Adam having formed a couple with one of her closest, at the time, friends. I think she behaved like a lady taking her distance and keeping quiet about it.

    Additionally I think she is smart taking this career step being mentor in this new show and working with another smart lady, Naomi

    why do I think that this big cat would be a perfect match for my beloved alien cat ? with a glimpse at her I immediately thought of him… isn’t it just weird ?


    • Kelly says:

      Hahaha, oh god, please, no more Russian models for Bennykins, I can’t take another Ibiza shitstorm all over again

  16. Dommy Dearest says:

    At least she’s living the American dream. I was born here just like many others and it’s a nightmare rather than a dream. No picket fences but rather work work work. Our economy… It’s more laughable than Justin Bieber.

    • Kelly says:

      LOL Dommy, how about that, huh? Russians living the American dream, whatever next 😛 McCarthy must be rolling in his grave…

  17. Lala says:

    She looks like Kate Bosworth

  18. GreenTurtle says:

    She looks a little like Diana Krall on the cover.