Cele|bitchy | Britney is staying out of the clubs

Britney is staying out of the clubs

Unlike Lindsay Lohan’s first few days of precious maybe-sobriety, Britney Spears is following the program and staying out of the clubs. She’s been seen out at hip hop dance lessons, having dinner with her friends, and this weekend she celebrated her divorce settlement by going to two Lakers games on Saturday and Sunday night. In her first appearance she wore blue contacts, a blonde wig and a tasteful plaid hat. She looked strikingly normal for her.

On Sunday she wore a Laker’s jersey with Kobe Bryant’s number on it and tried to go incognito with sunglasses, a baseball cap and a phonytail. She was seen joking around with two girlfriends that came with her and seemed really happy.

It looks like Britney is getting her sobriety and life back. Maybe she’ll reach a point where she can take custody of her kids back too.

Pictures via Gossip Rocks and Hollyscoop.

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8 Responses to “Britney is staying out of the clubs”

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  1. Anonymous says:

    you know she really wants to be in a cub. Britney does not know one thing about basketball

  2. Anonymous says:

    I am happy for her and her family.

  3. Kolby says:

    Well, to be fair, her first video WAS filmed on a b-ball court, lol!

  4. Saila says:

    She looks pretty good. I thought the basketball pictures were way old ones at first.

  5. AC says:

    Britney played basketball when she was younger.

    I say, YAY! I hope she keeps it up.

  6. Bex says:

    Keep it up! We all know we’re all secretly rooting for her to come back!

  7. Iva says:

    Same attention seeking Britney – she’ll never make a comeback like this – maybe she should have arranged to bring her kids with her to the game…you know a little mother/son bonding.

  8. gavin says:

    do we think her career will make a comeback? Or has she lost too many fans? I think she will make a comeback.