Cele|bitchy | “Rihanna looked pretty awesome at the Balmain show in Paris” links

“Rihanna looked pretty awesome at the Balmain show in Paris” links


Rihanna looked hot/strange at the Balmain show in Paris. [Go Fug Yourself]
Nicole Kidman looks especially tight for the Oscars. [LaineyGossip]
More photos from Kim Kardashian’s Vienna trip. [Dlisted]
Congrats, Michigan women! You get to buy rape insurance now. [Pajiba]
Okay, some of these stories/photos of wonderful acts/people made me cry (I’m lying, ALL of them made me cry, I’m a mess!). [Buzzfeed]
Kim Kardashian spent a few minutes with little IgNori. [A Socialite Life]
The Game got with Kim Kardashian, not Khloe. [PopBytes]
Robin Thicke is “lost” with Paula Patton. [Evil Beet]
Joanna Krupa is broke-ass-broke too. [Reality Tea]
I’m sorry, Anne V, but this looks like an outfit LeAnn Rimes would wear. [Moe Jackson]
Paul Rudd & Jimmy Fallon’s lip sync battle. [The Blemish]
Selena Gomez looks cute here. [Popoholic]
How to get the rock n’ roll pouf. [The Frisky]
I really did not know Jacinda Barrett married Gabriel Macht. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]


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47 Responses to ““Rihanna looked pretty awesome at the Balmain show in Paris” links”

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  1. RR says:

    CB! Did you see her after party look with the mesh top? Totally ballsy, she looked amazing.

    • Jen says:

      Her body is amazing, but I thought it looked super trashy.

    • Crank says:

      Yeah that was kinda trashy lol. Even though she looks nice, I still can’t believe she’s only like 26 or 27…like I’m wondering what she’ll look like 10 years from now.

      • annaloo. says:

        if genetics have a (strong) hand, I’m betting she’s going to still look 26 or 27 a decade from now.

  2. Jen says:

    I’m surprised there aren’t more stories on various websites today about what Rihanna wore to the afterparty – a see-through mesh top with her nipples hanging out for all to see.

  3. littlestar says:

    Love Rihanna’s hair and lip colour. She has such an amazing body.

  4. Lisa says:

    That lipstick be illegal. I love her in red/orange, true red or even a very dark berry.

  5. Pants says:

    Gabriel Macht is so hot. Mmm! I wish he were around more/more popular!

  6. Nev says:


    Rihanna takes over fashion week. Love it.

  7. blue marie says:

    Love the Buzzfeed link, it’s nice to be reminded there are good people out there.
    Paul Rudd/Jimmy Fallon lip-synch contest reminds me why I love Paul Rudd.
    I like what Rhianna is wearing but it took me a while to figure out it is a dress and not a coat under a coat.

  8. Amy Tennant says:

    Nori is the cutest thing

  9. Lee says:

    Oooh, I LOVE that shade of green! Especially with that lip colour.

  10. Mylene - MontreL says:

    it is WHY she is a fashion icon .. and i’m agree with that ! Don’t like her on every move she do but for that .. Balmain do a good move

  11. booboolarue says:

    Channeling her inner Naomi Campbell?

  12. bns says:

    Rihanna is so gorgeous, like perfect in every way. And I love her chest tattoo, idgaf.

  13. Virgilia Coriolanus says:

    This is totally OT–

    I just spent the week watching Pride and Prejudice–the BBC version. And oh my God–I had no idea that Colin Firth was so *dreamy* when he was younger. He may have earned a spot on my hitlist because of it. I wish he and Jennifer Ehle had stayed together–they had an understated passion in that miniseries. My favorite part was when Lizzy and Georgiana were playing the piano, and Darcy just looked on, with the happiest smile on his face.

    I also have a renewed love for NICE GUYS. I’m watching The Painted Veil—I think Edward Norton is a pain in the ass–but an amazing actor. I LOVE Walter. The saddest scene for me is when Kitty went into the convent/orphanage, and that nun came up to her with the baby and said that Walter loved babies, and spends as much time as he can with them. I love the movie, because that’s what Walter is. A nice guy, who loves his selfish wife.
    That’s all I want. I don’t give a f-ck how many muscles he has, how many clubs he can get into, or whatever else people my age are interested in. I want a dude who will eat all my baking and cuddle with me on the couch while we watch Jane Eyre (2006 version, of course) for the fourth time in a month 🙂

    • A Mascarada says:

      The BBC version may not be my favorite, BUT… This look exchanged between Darcy and Lizzy after Caroline Bingley was such a bith is EVERYTHING. Loved that.

    • Liv says:

      Omg, I love the BBC series so much! Best Austen adaption! And Colin Firth is so young in it, really fun to watch. I also love the connection between him, Mr. Darcy and Bridget Jones! 🙂

    • SonjaMarmeladova says:

      I’ve seen pretty much every adaptation of every Jane Austen novel ever, but I prefer the Keira Knightley movie. And I prefer Matthew Macfadyden and the more shy version of Darcy.
      I just can’t get excited about Colin Firth, he’s old enough to be my dad.

    • neelyo says:

      I love THE PAINTED VEIL and it’s the only time I’ve found Edward Norton to be sexy. Good to see some appreciation for a very underrated film.

      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        I think Edward Norton is probably an ass of the highest order–I went on IMBD and a bunch of people from around LA posted that he was extremely rude to them, if they ever approached him, asking for an autograph, etc. One person said that they came up to him while walking down the street (seems like they were passing each other), said that he/she liked his movies, and Norton said ‘Can’t you see I’m f-cking walking here?’, and walked away……

        But my God–he is one hell of an actor, and he is VERY sexy to me. I hope his wife and baby chilled him out, because damn.

        I also loved him in American History X and The Illusionist (saved that movie from Jessica Biel–I’d PAY to hear what he thinks about her).

  14. ashley says:

    Yes!!! Rih- rih werk! That color and lipstick against her skin,wow!

  15. Happy21 says:

    The best part of these links is that I get to laugh at the Kardashians expense!! IgNori…really!!?? That is bloody classic!!

    And the fact that the Game got with Kim years ago and is now a possible love interest for Khloe kinda grosses me out even more than he does. And that pic of Kim with Paris is something Kim would pay to burn. Her lips are half the size and her top is low and her boobs are not even close to being the gigantic-p0rn star boobs they are now! And no, you can’t REALLY tell but how big those suckers are now, they’d be falling out everywhere.

  16. I Want To Live In New York says:

    I kind of expected Penn and Theron to be covered as they posed together for a pic, but nothing. Now that it seems that Moses couldn’t part them shouldn’t they have a name?
    Charlize Theron, Sean Penn = Seaize, Charean, Penron, I suck at this.
    Also something to do with a baked ham?

  17. smee says:

    Olive Green is my favorite neutral – every color looks great with it (ex. purple lips)

    She looks amazing. RiRi – please, please please – do not reconsider the Chris Brown dong. Drake AKA Wheelchair Jimmy is a talented, good looking guy with a future – your equal – go with it…………

  18. Amanduh says:

    …as with most stars who have great style, isn’t there a “stylist” behind it all?! I’d look pretty awesome if someone shopped for me and told me what to wear!

    • Kim1 says:

      Stylist don’t tell them what to wear they offer suggestions.The stars who appear on the Worst dressed list also use stylists.They dont look “awesome” despite having someone shop for them.

      • Amanduh says:

        ….regardless, I would love for someone “in the know” to suggest what I should wear (and the millions to afford said clothing, lol). Imagine?!

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I know for some celebs, like those in a band, they will be lead into a room/semi truck, etc. that will have rows of clothes for them. They will then be told to take items from those racks that they like. So they do get to choose, but at the same time their choices are usually limited before hand by a stylist.

  19. OriginallyBlue says:

    Omgosh. That Buzzfeed link killed me. So sweet.

  20. A Mascarada says:

    Can’t help it. Love Rihanna.

  21. LadySlippers says:


    With glasses Nicole almost looks normal. Huh. Go figure.

  22. kitty-bye says:

    Free boob in leather? NOT

  23. A Fan says:

    Yup, she should continue to be seen and not heard…

    [unless she’s singing…]