Cele|bitchy | “Easter” Links

“Easter” Links

– Easter candy porn [The Evil Beet]
– Fug Kirsten Dunst making an Easter basket [I’m Not Obsessed]
Entertainment Tonight celebrates Dannielynn’s first Easter. Do you think they should move on now? [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
Melanie B named her baby – get this – Fortuna Daphne Bay! [Rhymes with Snitch]
David Beckham doesn’t shake dry [Agent Bedhead]
Lauren Conrad of The Hills says there’s no sex tape that exists because she thinks she destroyed it [DListed]
Gemma Atkinson in Loaded Magazine [The Grumpiest]
50 Cent disses the “Je-Je-Je-Jews” that presumably charge him for legal assistance when he gets into trouble for beating the shit out of people [yeeeah]
Taryn Manning never got paid for Hustle and Flow [ICYDK]
George Michael is in Texas [Mollygood]
Star Jones still trying to score freebies [Celebslam]
Pete Wentz tries to raise awareness of depression [Buzznet]
Kate Moss is so pretty [CelebWarship]
Scarlett Johansson is coy about if she’s still with Justin Timberlake, kind of suggests she’s not [Socialite’s Life]
– Lots of dumb ass new movies are coming out, because they do well at the box office [Pajiba]
Tori Spelling, her houseboy and their new baby Liam [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
– Has been Tiffani Thiessen still looks good [Bastardly]

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11 Responses to ““Easter” Links”

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  1. Easter Day says:

    Offers information on Easter’s Day history, crafts, games, books, songs, gifts and recipes.

  2. Pecarrie says:

    Okay, I’m so mad and confused at the comments made at ‘dry Beckham’.
    Such backward thinking, really:
    What? Hygeine is gay?
    It’s “manly” to be walking around with your body covered in dried up urine, and to have your clothes soak it up too???
    What kind of ‘man’ is that– reminds me more of a cow that walks around with shi** and pi** crusted onto it’s ass.
    WTF- you guys have twisted bullcrap for ‘male ideals’.

    What if it caught on in women– we should quit wiping you know- its ‘gay’ to wipe after we piss.
    Would you guys like it??
    Isnt that the peak expression of femininity…

  3. Angelika says:

    I think it’s kinda cute.. A nice little band by some old guys trying to be cool =P I’ve always loved Kevin Costner, and even though that “mommie” thing is kinda weird, I like that country style, it suits him well! Isn’t his wife expecting a baby? That would explain the “mommie” comment..

  4. Angelika says:

    Sorry, posted my comment in the wrong place, it was related to the Kevin Costner band story..

  5. Fabiola Thing says:

    I wondered how long it would take Tori to start pimpin’ out the baby. ABout 3 weeks.

  6. celebitchy says:

    Pecarrie, I did not say anything about Beckham’s hygiene being metrosexual and would never do that. Agent Bedhead didn’t say that either, she just said that she would have checked it out too! All I did was report that he doesn’t shake dry, no judgment was intended. I do agree with the wiping and think it’s better and does not reflect upon the wiper’s sexuality at all. 😉

  7. MissMara says:

    CB, Pecarrie is probably mad at the comments made on AB’s site, not by you or AB yourselves.

    I’m with you Pecarrie! I train my 3 year-old son to wipe, but I must say he’s insisting on shaking and it’s quite a struggle!

  8. Pecarrie says:

    I said that about the commentors on AB’s site.
    One of the people said it was ‘gay’ to wipe; so by his own logic, the ‘manly’ thing to do is to “be above” hygiene…GROSS.
    Another reason to be celibate. 🙁

  9. Sadly, I think guys (in general) just don’t care about hygiene. It must be a female nesting instinct to keep ourselves as clean as possible. Just a guess. 😉

  10. celebitchy says:

    I think the wiping thing is a European practice, as I know of at least one guy who does it. 😉

  11. Pecarrie says:

    Fittingly, I am going to transfer to Europe when I finish my degree here… 😀 Good to know!