Cele|bitchy | Star: Kristen Stewart’s juice detox has made her ‘extremely feisty’ & snippy on set

Star: Kristen Stewart’s juice detox has made her ‘extremely feisty’ & snippy on set


Here are some photos of Julianne Moore and Kristen Stewart filming Still Alice in NYC last Friday. I think they’re playing mother and daughter, and I think they were probably filming some heart-wrenching scene where their characters were dealing with Julianne’s character’s health crisis. To me, they do not look like mother and daughter, but that’s a minor complaint. Especially since “sources” have already run to Star Magazine to say that Kristen has been an absolute nightmare on set because she’s doing some random juice detox:

Kristen Stewart already has a toxic reputation around Hollywood, but sources on the NYC set of ‘Still Alice’ say the actress’s new detox diet has turned her into a raging witch.

“Kristen isn’t a friendly person on movie sets to begin with, but she is extremely feisty lately due to her green juice diet,” a source tells Star. “The other day, she yelled at one of the crew for eating normal food in front of her.”

Costar Kate Bosworth finally had enough, calling Kristen out for her “snippy attitude,” but costars Julianne Moore and Alec Baldwin have taken to flat-out avoiding their famished castmate.

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

Well, if I was on a juice detox, I would be in a foul mood too. That’s why I don’t do detoxes and such – I don’t want to be in a horrible mood. And I have an inability to keep to any kind of diet program, but that’s another story altogether. I like the “feisty” adjective to describe Kristen’s alleged bitchiness. I guess I could buy that she’s on a diet or something and that it’s put her in a bad mood, but any story that includes a story about Kate Bosworth taking the high ground is somewhat suspect.

Also: maybe this is what’s been wrong with Gwyneth Paltrow all this time. Maybe if she stopped detoxing constantly, she would be in a better mood.



Photos courtesy of WENN, Fame/Flynet.

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59 Responses to “Star: Kristen Stewart’s juice detox has made her ‘extremely feisty’ & snippy on set”

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  1. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    What a crazy time to do a detox. Not that I’ve ever done one, but dieting makes me veddy veddy cranky. Don’t get between me and my food. You’ll be sorry. Why didn’t she do it before or after the movie? It would also affect my concentration.

    • Lawsy says:

      Kristen Stewart is pregnant y’all. When it breaks it will be huge. Seems no one wants to believe, but all you have to do is examine all her pics from the last 3 mos. Yes, and of course Rob is Daddy. They never broke up. You’ll call me a crazy shipper, but I’m the farthest thing from it. Just an insider.

      • mimi says:


        Nah, you’re not an “insider” but I do believe you are one of those crazy Robert Pattinson stans posing as a crazy Robsten stan scouring every site that does a story on and also leaving bizarre comments on her friends’ Instagrams and twitter accounts about this fake pregnancy. Seriously, you’re not fooling anyone.

      • moon says:

        I think Lawsy’s comment is meant to be ironic.

      • Guest says:

        Oh HKN troll here too, go away SANE fans don’t believe this PG lie

    • tracy says:

      More likely Kristen is getting all the attention and is naturally thin. Katie on the other hand is in line behind Julianne, Kristen and Alec for attention from the press. And Katie looks like she starves herself to be thin. Katie calling the paps out of jealousy.

  2. blue marie says:

    I believe this tidbit was provided Kate, she’s the only one who comes off looking good. But I seriously doubt it, I think cast/film crews tend to like Kristen. (haven’t I heard that before?)

    • Original Lee says:

      I’m with you. I don’t care much for Kristen one way or another, but she’s supposed to be really professional on set. Hasn’t it been consistently reported that she gets along well with cast members, knows her lines, shows up on time, etc?

      Say what you will – girl knows after the Rupert scandal that she better be on point when she’s on set.

    • LOLPAL says:

      I have a friend who is working on this movie. She’s never worked with KStew before but says she’s great, not at all actor-y and the type of person you want to hang out with afterwards.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I agree, I don’t believe this story either.

      • Camille (The Original) says:

        Neither do I. The Jolie level of vilification of this girl is ridiculous.

    • Lark says:

      Pretty much. I read an interview once where she said half her family is crew….I believe her brother is a grip or camerman or something like that, etc. As one of the few KStew fans on here (duck), I wrote below about how there are fan pics of her eating in restaurants so this is obvious STAR magazine BS.

    • CTgirl says:

      During the filming of the first Twilight there was a post by Lainey about how KS isn’t the friendliest person to crew. Lainey kind of went to town on her actually.

  3. stormtrooper says:

    LOL this is a another ridiculous story from star. i can’t remember the last time we got an accurate story from them. also, she is the daughter of 2 crew members. please… i call BS

  4. GeeMoney says:


  5. booboocita says:

    Hmmmm. My first thought on seeing the photos was that KStew had gained a little weight. Her face looks fuller, rounder, and her legs aren’t as slender as they usually are (although that could be due to the jeans; for once, she’s not wearing those heinous skinny jeans). Maybe the juice diet is part of an effort to shed some pounds?

    • Vanessa says:

      She looks better though…

      • mimi says:


        Yes, I think she looks better also with a little bit more weight. Well, she’s 23 going on 24. Her metabolism rate is probably changing. Mine did at that age. I went from eating anything and everything without ever gaining an ounce but all that changed as I got older.

    • Lawsy says:

      Yeah, keep telling yourself that. LOL Is that the reason she hasn’t even shown her waistline in 5 mos. Think about that for a second. Hahaha. She’s a size double zero, why and how does an early 20 something ACTRESS who’s career in large respect depends on appearance, suddenly lose their waistline because of weight gain, and not bother to work it off? Does that sound reasonable? Come now. lol She’s pregnant.

      • Dani2 says:

        @Lawsy You do realise that you’re basically calling her fat right? Get a life and stop spreading rumours that sound bizarre to every same human being. This “child” of hers must be an elephant according to you and your stupid @ss cult. Go see her movies and support her instead of calling her fat on a daily basis. Watch your own f-cking waistline.

      • Lawsy says:

        Um try again my little foamy mouthed genius, lol. I’m calling Stewart what she is, pregnant – there’s a difference. I’m calling you, however, very scared at the possibility that it’s true.

      • Dani2 says:

        @CrazyLawsy She’s not pregnant and she still won’t be a mum by the end of the year. You will still be a sad old creep that is scarily overinvested in the personal life of a girl that’s the same age as me. Now that’s “scary”.

    • ely says:

      yeah She gained weight, she looks pudgy now; she’s been wearing a calorie tracker too, so clearly she noticed and doesn’t like it.

  6. mimi says:


    For starters…it’s The Star. Nuff said! They never get anything right!

    The very first Still Alice onset pap pics of Kristen showed her holding a green juice and eating an apple…but she was smiling and looked really happy in the pics…not looking grumpy or feisty! Then these pics of Kristen and Julianne filming a very serious, emotional scene pop up and someone with an overactive imagination starts to write a fanfic about Kristen being grumpy, anti-social, snippy and feisty onset while on a juice detox???? I see the pics from this same shoot of Kristen and Julianne laughing, smiling and looking happy weren’t posted…just the ones of them both looking serious and down in the mouth.

    Sorry, not buying one iota of this silly fanfic.

  7. Nroth Wset says:

    If AND when her attitude is to bad, Alec will let her know.

  8. Seriously?! says:

    She can be a little prickly as it is; take away her food and put her on a movie set, and I could buy this. Then again, she has been seen with juices a lot lately, so it could be someone at Star saw the pics and built fiction around it.

  9. Jaderu says:

    I would do a detox diet if it meant Alec Baldwin would flat-out avoid me.
    I too call BS on this one though.

  10. BeBeA says:

    I find it annoying, yet hilarious that she always looks like she’s on the verge of tears.

  11. Roxanna says:

    Detox’s are a load of bull, our body detox’s itself, that’s what the liver is for. Dear God the only people who could benefit from detox’s are alcoholics and drug addicts. Hope this fad gets out of style.

  12. Side-Eye says:

    I think the bigger story will always be how she continues to get work despite being a horrible actress. I don’t think I’ll ever get over this.

  13. maybeiamcrazy says:

    I am not buying it. First, i don’t think Kristen Stewart can be anything other than boring and monotone, second it is Star.

  14. Kelly says:

    A story where Kate Bosworth tells someone off for starving themselves and being in a bad mood about it? LOLOLOLOLOL
    I really wish this were true!

  15. Huh says:

    I’ve seen store front mannequins who show more emotional range than Kristen

    • Nola says:

      I guess I’m confused what emotional range is on display when a person walks to a bench?
      Or when pictures are shown out of sequence?
      Not everyone can be a walking, breathing emoji like JLAW. Who displays over exaggerated emotions with no subtlety.

      • AnnaM44 says:

        Lol typical Jennifer bashing kstew fan. Why do her fans always have to trash everyone if she’s so talented? Have some wine w/ the jelly boo.

      • Seriously?! says:

        Why do Kristen’s fans feel the need to constantly compare her to Jennifer Lawrence? If I were a big Kristen fan, I would resist the temptation to start comparing the two because that opens the door for people to list all the accolades and glowing reviews Jennifer has racked up, and how could a Kristen fan possibly respond to that? Quote her lukewarm reviews and name all the Razzies she’s won? Just saying!

  16. Hubbahun says:

    Have a biscuit and get over it, love 😀

  17. Nola says:

    I don’t understand why people assume that kristen is bitchy to the crew on her movies.

    Her family all work below the line and she also expressed gratitude towards the people who work below the line as well.

  18. Sunshine says:

    I know it’s not a popular opinion here on CB, but I love her. And I’ll stand by that. 🙂

    • Rice says:

      Good going Sunshine! You’re entitled to love any celeb you want. I don’t love her but I’ve got nothing against her. I like Anne Hathaway but popular opinion says that she’s annoying. Go figure.

  19. Rice says:

    Wow. Unbelievable. Other sites are reporting over 400 pics of this chick on set with her laughing and smiling with Julianne but Star chooses the pics where she’s doing an emotional scene as “proof” that she’s fiesty and snippy? Okay then.

  20. Her Indoors says:

    She looks great. Healthy, glowing.
    If that’s what juice detox looks like, I want some.

  21. wooley says:

    She looks really pretty in those pictures

  22. Lark says:

    As I am one of the few KStew fans on here (ducking), I will attest to there being fan photos of her in restaurants in NYC. So obviously Star Magazine fan fiction. My guess is they came up with this because she’s gained a teeny bit of weight, and there was a photo that ran in JJ or something like that of her drinking a green smoothie when handing her bodyguard a cup of coffee. Besides, any story where Kate Bosworth tells someone off for not eating is LMAO.

  23. Isadora says:

    I call BS too… I mean, being professional and enthusiastic on set is probably one of her key qualities. All the people she ever worked with said that she’s 100% into the stuff she’s doing. She still can’t act as far as I am concerned and she pretty much ruined SWATH for me because of that, plus she grates on me on a personal level with her mannerism and eternal bitchface and her marie claire poem might be the worst thing I’ve read in a long long while, but still.. she doesn’t seem like the person The Star describes, juice detox (horrible thought… ) notwithstanding.

    And yes, she looks quite pretty in the pics.

    • Lawsy says:

      Yeah, anyone who knows about her Marie Claire poem to begin with is pretty much announcing their overinvestment with that admission. LOL But yeah she is pretty, pregnancy becomes her. 🙂

      • Dani2 says:

        @Lawsy Insanity becomes you, boo 🙂

      • Lawsy says:

        While denial and fear becomes you…boo. 😉 Let’s check back here in a few months, shall we? lol

      • Isadora says:

        Yeah, let’s do that. Who’s the supposed father anyway? Rob??? Oh god… Or Rupert? lol

        And I’m not really “overinvested”, someone sent me the MC poem quite a bit after it was published because it’s so hilarious and this person knew that I have an interest in poetry as well as gossip. So it was the perfect tidbit of course.

      • Lark says:

        “Lawsy” is trolling having read her comments above (she made some rather nasty comments about KStew’s weight). As one of the few KStew fans on this site, posts on her can bring out some really nutty stans and trolls.

      • Dani2 says:

        @Lawsy Nope, how about you check yourself into a facility that can help with your problem.

        @Lark you’d be surprised, she might honestly think she’s right love Kristen in her own creepy, overinvested way.

  24. tracy says:

    Kristen’s dad is a stage manager, her mother is a director and script writer and at least one brother works behind the scenes. Her friends are hair stylist, photographers and clothing designers. Kristen private life is filled with the behind the scene movie/television/clothing people. No way we she mistreat the crew. She grow up behind the scenes watching her parents work. Out of the two Kate/Kristen, Kate is scary skinny, to the point is seems obvious, she is doing something odd to stay so small. Plus we have seen pictures the last two weeks of Kristen eating out, more likely, Katie is jealous Kristen is getting all the attention.

  25. margo says:

    I’m sure the story’s BS since it’s Star. So I’ll just focus on these filming pics, and WOW, marveling at this girl’s range! Swapping out her usual skinny jeans for boot cut….what kind of transformative performance are we in store for?

  26. ely says:

    She doesn’t treat the crew poorly, she just doesn’t acknowledge anyone besides her costars and director.