Cele|bitchy | Tom Cruise Playing a Nazi “Hero” In His Next Film

Tom Cruise Playing a Nazi “Hero” In His Next Film

I can see summer blockbuster written all over this:

There are bad ideas in Hollywood, and then there are bad ideas. Kevin Costner as a futuristic water avenger with gills? Terrible. Demi Moore as a stripper? Yikes. Tom Cruise as a samurai? Even worse.

But no one says no in Hollywood when a star says yes. So Cruise, unable to stop his career suicide, has picked one more impossible mission: He is set to play a Nazi who tried but failed with a group of other resistors to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944.

The character, if depicted correctly, will have a heavy German accent. He will also have lost his left eye, his right hand and the fourth and fifth fingers of his left hand by the time of the film’s climax. He will then be murdered by Hitler.

If Cruise goes ahead and makes this movie, he won’t be ingratiating himself to the Germans. The problem stems from the fact that Germany has branded Scientology a cult and has denied it tax free status as a “religion.” As a major Scientology spokesperson, Cruise is usually questioned about Scientology whenever he comes to Germany to promote his films. It could therefore be presumed that Cruise, an Operating Level VII Thetan (which probably means he has their god Xenu as No. 2 on his cell phone speed dial), would hardly be Germany’s first choice to play such a “hero”.

The family of Count Caspar Schenk von Stauffenberg (the rebellious ex-Nazi officer Cruise would be playing in the film) aren’t happy that Cruise is considering playing the character, either. They are staunch Catholics and are fearful that Cruise is using this role as an opportunity to allow him to spout his Scientology logic in Germany via movie junkets.

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13 Responses to “Tom Cruise Playing a Nazi “Hero” In His Next Film”

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  1. ER says:

    Tom Cruise portraying a Nazi – that won’t be much of a stretch for him!

  2. wendy says:

    he rılly looks lyk he’s goin 2 bring down d roof

  3. jenny says:

    Count Caspar Schenk von Stauffenberg is NOT a “nazi hero!!” Nobody who attempted to kill Adolf Hitler with a bomb, yet accidentaly murdered 4 innocent party members is a “hero” to the group in question, in this case the Nazi party. He was considered a traiter to the cause. The German’s are so ashamed of their Nazi past that I’m certain any movie made about this will tick them off, the casting of cruise is only ticking of the family Count Caspar Schenk von Stauffenberg

  4. Rho45 says:

    Maybe somebody there will try to blow him up! 🙂

  5. Mr. T says:

    Tom has a belief that is not popular. However, I have not seen it affect his life in a negative manner (yes, that is debateable – but he’s a millionare several times over, he’s been married to stunningly beautiful women) I like Tom and I enjoy his movies. Being a Christian, I do not dislike people because they don’t believe in the same things I do.

  6. countrybabe says:

    You’re right Jenny, he’s trying to tick them off. And that Germany is one country that considers Scientology a cult. Hello, Mr. T they married him for the money.
    Can you see him trying to mix dyslexia(he was cured of it) with German?

  7. Mr. T says:

    countrybabe, I respect your opinion. I don’t think any of the women married Tom for his money. That is a pretty low blow to women in general don’t you think?

  8. Cha Cha Loca says:

    Wake up Mr. T. These women had little to no career when he married them. This is not a low blow to women in general. Most women would not sell their soul to the devil/xenu for fame and fortune but these women did.

  9. countrybabe says:

    Mr. T apparently you don’t know how far 100 million will go when you like to shop. I’m surprised too at the women who still marry for money- but look around Anna Nicole shall I go on. I do think Nic has talent and would have made it without him. Kate doesn’t seem as if she cares about her career.

  10. Mairead says:

    Mr T. how is suggesting that someone married for the money/power/prestige is a low blow for women “in general”. It may be a bit insulting to the three women involved, but I doubt that other women are going to get hysterical on their behalf.

    Cruise being a Scientologist has nothing to do with my dislike of him. I’ve not been able to stand him since the 80s. But in all fairness to him, he’s never been afraid to take on challenging roles, e.g. “Born on the 4th of July”

    BTW, Jenny – it’s spelt “traitor” 😉 And while Hitler didn’t die on that occassion it was not due to malice against the SS officers who died, it was due to the unfortunate circumstance of the table taking the brunt of the impact. And those that died weren’t exactly the national ministers for Fluffy Bunnies and Cotton-candy and General Prettiness. They were high-ranking Gestapo and Nazi officials.

    I wonder who will play Von Haeften?

  11. Blahblah says:

    It’d be so cool if someone finally got fed up enough with this asshole’s act that they beat his scrawny little dwarven ass into the ground. He’s just such an obnoxious dickwad.

  12. Busy Body says:

    Actually, I kind of like the fact that he will not change his crazy cult ass just because people want him to. You Go Tom Crazy.

  13. gg says:

    I hope he keeps going off the deep end and buries himself, personally. He’s a loose cannon.

    And high five, Mairead. I vote to change the SS to the “Cotton-Candy Stormtroopers”. hee!