Sarah Palin movie in the works

sarah palin 281008

Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s star is still shining brightly. Even though she’s back in Alaska and no longer involved in politics on the national level, people are apparently still interested in her story – at least enough to make a movie about her. And it doesn’t sound like some low-budget hack job either – two versions of the script are being written, each by respected screenwriters.

Sarah Palin’s 15 minutes of fame is not over! A movie about America’s favorite Vice Presidential candidate is reportedly in the works. And it gets better! Two of Hollywood’s top screenwriters are both in a fight to write the script!

Sarah managed to become one of the top news stories of 2008, and was a major topic of controversy prior to Election Day. But drama makes for a great story, which is why these screenwriters are eager to write the script.

And these aren’t just any old writers. They’re Dustin Lance Black who wrote Oscar-nominated Milk, and The Visitor scribe Todd McCarty. But the two have very different visions for the movie. Black wants to focus on the humorous aspect of Sarah Palin, while McCarty wants the movie to center around Bristol Palin and her boyfriend, and their surprise pregnancy.

Black tells Variety, “I’m always down for politics as humor. I’m also interested in great characters.”

McCarty says, “This young man gets his girlfriend pregnant and ends up on the Republican platform at the National Convention. There’s a dark comedy there somewhere. He was like a deer in the headlights.”

Both of them sound intriguing! We’d like to see a combination of the two! Maybe they’ll work together and write the script. Either way, we want to see this movie made! Who do you think should play Sarah Palin?

[From Hollyscoop]

Even though I’m not exactly a Sarah Palin fan, I’ll admit that she’s an interesting enough character that I’d probably see this movie. And I agree with Hollyscoop – both versions sound interesting. I do think the one focusing on Bristol Palin and Levi Johnson could be especially funny, if done in the right way. Sarah Palin was somewhat intriguing on her own, but for me what set her apart from others with similar political beliefs was her daughter’s pregnancy.

Governor Palin has also been offered a $7 million book deal, a beer with Rosie O’Donnell, and a vague “sure, what the hell,” offer from Hugh Hefner to pose in Playboy. I think the movie sounds like the best option. Somehow I can’t imagine wanting to read her book, unless it’s heavily edited and mostly ghost written. But watching a faux-Palin on the big screen could be kind of fun, especially if it’s humorous.

Here’s Sarah Palin being interviewed by Brian Williams for the NBC Nightly News in October. Images thanks to WENN.

sarah palin 281008

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16 Responses to “Sarah Palin movie in the works”

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  1. mel says:

    I dont get this. What has she done that she deserves to have movie made of her life. Interesting.

  2. geronimo says:

    Only if it’s completely satirical, a vicious, dark, black comedy that ridicules her, berates her, exposes her and sends her up mercilessly. That I could watch.

  3. xiaoecho says:

    Hope they include the turkey killing intervie

  4. xiaoecho says:

    er, interview


  5. prissa says:

    WHY?????? *blank stare*

  6. Dorothy says:

    Amen to that geronimo!

  7. Bodhi says:

    Ditto Geronimo!

  8. Bob says:

    Let me guess. Starring Tina Fey and Will Ferrel with a script by Oliver Stone?

  9. Leandra says:

    Have they hired the helicopter for the movie yet? They certainly can’t leave out her her aerial wolf hunting skills. Once the wolves have run themselves to exhaustion trying to escape, she’ll be able to finish them off, hopefully with lots of blood to add to the excitement.

  10. Baholicious says:

    Pedro: Have they picked anybody to play you yet?
    Sarah Palin: No, but who could? I have so many amazing skills.
    Pedro: What do you mean?
    Sarah Palin: You know, like nunchuck skills, bow hunting skills, lipgloss skills, aerial wolf-hunting skills…great scripwriters only want to write about political one-note wonders who have great skills.
    Pedro: Aren’t you pretty good at being a preachy moralistic twat, and saying “you BETCHA,” being tight with Joe Sixpack and having a great up-do and stuff?
    Sarah Palin: Yes… probably the best that I know of.
    Pedro: Just play yourself because you’re so perfect, nobody else could do you justice.
    Sarah Palin: That’s a pretty frikkin’ good idea, you BETCHA!

  11. Ron says:

    Who cares? She’s a FAILED VP canidate. Why not do a movie of Lloyd Bentson or Geraldine Ferraro while we’re at it.

  12. Orangejulius says:

    Baho, hilarious. Another ditto to the Geronimo pile.

  13. vdantev says:

    A porno called,’Drill Baby, Drill’

  14. Annie says:

    I just wanna know why she hasn’t dropped off into obscurity yet dammit!

    DAMN YOU JOHN MCCAIN FOR BRINGING HER INTO THE GAME! Old men make such rash decisions when it comes to younger,pretty women.

  15. Leandra says:

    Baholicious – perfect and horrifyingly – true

  16. Jack says:

    Umm, they already made a movie of her life. Its called “Nailin Palin”