The third trailer for X-Men: Days of Future past has arrived. This one is better than the others. Nick Hoult‘s face after Hugh Jackman‘s last line is classic. [Reddit]
Anna Paquin will appear in Days of Future Past after all. [Buzzfeed]
Beyonce & Jay-Z might tour together this summer. [LaineyGossip]
Happy 60th birthday to Ellen Barkin! Still fabulous. [Dlisted]
Billy Bob Thornton was creepy good in Fargo last night. [Pajiba]
New York bridal week features the fuggiest dresses. [Go Fug Yourself]
Kourtney Kardashian wears Beetlejuice pants. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Did Hilary Duff flirt up a storm with Kellan Lutz? [A Socialite Life]
Selena Gomez got with Justin Bieber at Coachella. [The Blemish]
Emily Blunt steps out two months (?) after giving birth. [Popoholic]
Tamra Barney‘s ex-husband accuses her of child neglect. [Reality Tea]
The Magic Mike sequel gets a suggestive title. [Starcasm]
Demi Lovato covers Ed Sheeran‘s “Give Me Love.” [Evil Beet]
Gisele Bundchen & Tom Brady make out on the beach. [Wonderwall]
Tori Spelling is really working this adultery storyline. [Bitten & Bound]
Heroes producers don’t want Hayden Panettiere back. [CDAN]
Movie stills courtesy of Fox
He’d be a good additon to the Lord of the Rings films if any are still being made.
No, it’s over. Sir Peter Jackson had said he had had enough even before the Hobbit 2 hit theaters., thanks to a dispute with Tolkien’s estate.
Silmarillion won’t be made or so it seems…..
How is it that Charles can walk?
And DINKLAGE!!!!!!!!! I finally saw the part of GoT, when they have Tyrion confess his ‘crimes’ and he says that he ‘beat the eel’ in some soup that his sister ate..oh my Lord!!!!Hahaha…I’m sitting here giggling about it now….and I love that Bronn is in the background giggling about it too.
‘I made the bald man with one eye cry!’ π π
@VC. From what Bryan Singer has said, apparently the movie will explain how Charles Xavier is able to walk again with the help of something created by Hank aka Beast. But I think it involves a lot of pain/problems, and so he needs to decide to embrace his reality. I think it’s a fairly large part of his story arc in the movie.
Oh, thanks! I think I’m going to see this—it has too many gorgeous dongs in it, for me to not see it. I missed Winter Soldier, but we’ll get it on dvd (my mom hates going to the movies), so I can see that Cap ass….
VC- Don’t think – just do!!
My two main men – McAvoy and Jackman – are having a dongmance on and off screen with this movie. I’m in my own little personal dong heaven.
Plus add to that all the other quality dong in the film- Hoult, Fassbender, Stewart, McKellan, etc. etc.
I repeat –!
I got biscuit-tingles, I did…
Nice to see someone is still a loyal follower, folks turned on him with a quickness. Still have no idea why though?
I still love me some Fass-dong. I guess people ‘turned on him’ because he was himself–which is something that he’s never hid. Like with that Madgalina chick, who banged the Butler before, who’s probably the worst fame-ho ever, because I’ve never heard of her before, until Fassy.
Fassy ain’t going around saying he wants to make babies and get married to a strong, independent woman. He’s said that he likes ‘strong women’, while he was with Nicole Beharie–but guess what? He’s not said one word about this Madgalina chick. At all. Which leads me to think that they’re f-ck buddies. At best. And if he is dating her, actually dating her, not just sleeping with her–then who cares? He’s not going around pretending to be a paragon of a man. He’s not a virgin. He doesn’t want you to think that he’s only had a few girlfriends. He very rarely speaks about his love life.
It’s the same thing with Johnny Depp, for me. Dude has always dated younger women. He’s always dressed like a hobo (a hot hobo, but a hobo nonetheless). None of his girlfriends, with the exception of Winona and Kate Moss (I guess, because of her supermodel status, I don’t like her look that much) have been exceptionally talented to me–not even Vanessa. So him getting with Amber, who I think is a pretentious, non acting so and so (I think she does feel pressure to be something she isn’t, because she’s with Depp, I would too), is par for the course.
I could see trashing him for that hack job he tried to do to Vanessa when they broke up, but other than that? He hasn’t abandoned his kids for the new woman, like some guys do. Amber seems to get along with them really good–and I can imagine that it took some doing–I don’t see his kids as spoiled brats who will cozy up to their dad’s girlfriend because she buys them stuff, or anything like that.
In both cases, they’ve never hid or tried to pretend who they were. I still like both of them. They’re both still hot. Johnny needs to quit doing Disney movies though.
Unless he kicks a puppy or says something racist, Fass will always be my celebrity β‘β‘β‘
There was a post on here that slated him for coming across as a bit of a himbo. Which amazed me. He was truly slated in the comments for sounding a bit dim.
Say what you want about male chauvinism and unrealistic expectations of female beauty, apparently the female demographic requires male eye candy to be Mensa members too… Oh and they all need to be willing and devoted family men.
@ VC- Your observations about Fassy and the public’s perception of him are spot-on. I think he suffered a bit from overexposure and a bit of idolization and became victim of The Pedestal Syndrome. But I disagree with you about Depp……
During the first half of his career, Depp presented himself as a kind of rebellious indie-hipster with a penchant for off-beat roles. He seemed to really reject the 21 Jump Street “pretty boy” image that he was initially saddled with and worked hard not to be typecast. He worked so hard in fact, that there came a time where his slightly eccentric public persona and the quirky characters he played started to meld together to the point where people were having trouble separating the two. Sure, he had the requisite “bad boy” moments with trashed hotel rooms and tempestuous relationships but overall, he maintained an image of a serious, slightly recalcitrant yet wholly enigmatic actor.
Eventually, he matured and started his relationship with Vanessa, moved to the French countryside, and began a family. He all but dropped off the Hollywood radar yet kept making movies.
The image he presents now is very, VERY far away from his previous image, which was essentially one of a recluse who was fed-up with the Hollywood Game and just wanted to make movies.
Now he is dating a woman half his age who seems very—and I’m watching what I say because I want to be fair to Amber—-let’s say, COMFORTABLE with Hollywood and media attention.
He moved back to the Hollywood spotlight in LA and is very open about his current relationship. This is a HUGE departure from the private way he approached personal matters in the past.
Is there any real crime in the fact that he’s changed so much? Not really. I think it’s more just disappointing for a lot of us who have followed his career since 21 Jump Street and who were convinced that he was the type of guy who genuinely seemed to care more about the “art” than the Hollywood scene. He was an actor who was quite secretive and that made him magical in a way. We’re just sad to see him front-and-center with his 20-something blonde, bland arm piece, talking about making babies and his fancy new engagement ring.
I think some of us just feel conned, that’s all. We miss the the mysterious, elusive, yet exceedingly talented actor that Johnny used to be and we want him back.
Kitten, I almost forgot about that stupid engagement ring. But yeah–I don’t know. I still don’t see it as a departure from himself. I also wonder if he’s a lot more open with Amber, because she’s American, and younger i.e. a lot more interest in their personal life, especially because he’s not with Vanessa anymore, and is living in LA. And there’s a lot more interaction with celebs–like that reddit thing. There is going to be interest in them, as a couple, because Depp is famous and hot, and Amber is…well, hot. I would think that he thinks the trade off is worth it–he talks about her, and in return, they aren’t hounded as much.
I often wonder about those kinds of things.
Like people say that Ben Affleck only hangs around his kids when it’s Oscar season. Now, that may be true–but I’d also be willing to bet that Jennifer brings the kids out the most (so that’s her interest–hollywood mom), and Ben does it too–but there’s a lot more interest in him when he’s in promotional mode. Same as the JP’s…they’re everywhere when it’s Oscar season/promoting stuff, when they’re in LA–is it because they call them, or because there is twice the interest (or both).
I guess I never found Depp all THAT private. Like I remember seeing his Oprah interview, and they showed one of Vanessa’s Chanel ads…if he didn’t want that shown, it wouldn’t have. But I’ve seen very few of his old interviews.
I guess it doesn’t bother me, because I can get why a celeb would talk so much about their personal life (it only bugs me if that’s all they have i.e. are untalented)–because I relate a ton of stuff to my family, have a lot of interesting family stories that often relate to a subject being discussed, etc. You’d all be telling me to STFU if I was a celeb.
Btw, I think the same of the ‘Batch. Everyone was freaking about some chick (the russian one whose name I can’t remember) that he said he was ‘friends’ with, who he may or may not have slept with (who knows?) based on a photo of them in Greece or wherever, where they were both invited to a wedding, he to officiate it. They weren’t making out or anything, he said absolutely NOTHING about her AT ALL–but he’s the hypocrite. Some chicks are triflin’
You’re a lot younger though, VC. I’m talking about people who remember seeing him on TV for the first time in Jump Street, I’m talking f*cking “Crybaby”. Our perception of him has changed.
You probably don’t remember Depp when he was a relative nobody-he’s probably always been a “Big Star” to you.
Really, even early in his career Depp’s only direct competition was someone like RDJ, who was also being cast in quirkier indie films.
Right, but The Oprah interview was 2004, I’m talking about 1987 (Jump St) to 1990 (Scissorhands) and 1993 (Benny & Joon, What’s Eating Gilbert). By 2004 Depp was already known for his Jack Sparrow character.
Depp was an “indie” actor doing independent films before independent films were even a “thing”.
I mean, we don’t have to agree on it but I know that there are a lot of us who feel the same way as me.
That’s what I’m saying, Kitten–the first movie I had ever seen Johnny in was Pirates of the Caribbean–I get that you’re saying he’s not as mysterious/private anymore, and I’m saying that I can see why he’s not so much anymore (beyond having a faux famehoish fiancee)–I think there’s a lot more interest in his personal life, now that he’s actually with someone who’s willing to play the game as much as she can (i.e. name dropping him AND repeating in every interview that she doesn’t want to talk about her boyfriend, she just wants to be an artiste), AND because she’s not ‘some french singer that no one’s heard of/has barely seen’…..I think a lot has changed with celeb culture.
Even fifteen years ago, celebs could get away with a ton of stuff, because gossip blogs weren’t a huge thing, and neither were tabloid magazines–and they printed a lot more factual/pr driven stuff (at least that’s the impression I get–I looked through old Us magazine covers, and saw a lot of interviews from legit celebs). I mean–Julia Roberts and her ‘Low Vera’ tshirt–she’d be ripped to shreds if she tried something like that nowadays.
Now it’s a lot worse, because of twitter, etc–you feel like you ‘know’ the celeb–there’s a lot more ‘personal’ interactions….so then you want to know more. I think it’s a mix of both. Plus I do think that he’s aware of what people say about Amber (they all are, in some respect)–that’s she’s a golddigging, non acting fameho, and he either doesn’t care if she is, or they both truly love each other and want to be together, no matter what (which, I do think that they genuinely do care about each other–you can be truly in love and be a fameho), and he doesn’t like people talking about her like that, and so overcompensates during interviews.
Kitten summed up Depp perfectly. He’s always been seen as the anti-star and it’s weird to see him now playing the ‘star game’ as he actively ran from it for years (decades in fact). I don’t like it which is prob part of the reason Heard is getting a side eye from so many of us. Depp has done such a 180 that many don’t recognise him anymore.
BUT your analysis on the dichotomy/double standards for celebs IS weird. For example, I totally don’t get how being honest is lauded with one star but shaded and shamed with another. Same with the Russian ‘model’ and BC. We throw most famewhores under the bus and don’t believe a single thing they say yet *she* gets believed and BC thrown under the bus. Huh??? It’s fairly obvious that she used him to up her profile and that’s probably the extent of it since she has a live-in boyfriend. But that’s not how the story played out. It’s really weird….
I wouldn’t say I turned on Fassy. I both liked him as an actor and crushed on him a little when he was new to fame and I knew very little about him beyond his performances and a small number of interviews I’d enjoyed. Once I saw a little more, he’s not really my type, and now I just like him as an actor. But that doesn’t mean others shouldn’t like him in a crush-type way or that it’s wrong to do so!
I would say that Johnny Depp’s audience has turned on him, in that people who thought they knew what he was about a long time now openly disapprove of him. I think others have explained what happened fairly well. I’ll add that I think part of the problem is that Johnny hasn’t managed this transition very well. Other actors have made changes in the type of work they do or in their relationships while retaining fans. RDJ moved from doing indie fare to the most mainstream of blockbusters, for instance. Howard Stern (admittedly in a different fame bracket) left his wife of many years for a much younger woman, and has roughly the same reputation. I think Johnny could have pulled through this transition better if he’d (a) waited until his relationship was more established to give it the red carpet treatment and been more restrained when talking about it, (b) made better movies in the last few years, (c) both.
@Lady Shippers, funny you should mention BC. I ventured onto Tumblr this morning and there’s a new rumour going around that he has a secret girlfriend. Some woman photographer he was snapped on Instagram apparently said she is his gf, then made her IG private. It was on some dodgy showbiz website.
Seems like another example of someone trying to up their profile.
Good points, Lunchcoma. I think Depp’s biggest issue is that he spent 20+ years cultivating a fanbase that bought into his anti-celebrity thing. He was very explicit about turning his back on the Hollywood scene, to the extent of making some pretty anti-US statements in an attempt to paint himself as more European (specifically French). He prided himself on being branded ‘box office poison’ during his Inside The Actor’s Studio interview. He enjoyed being seen as a Eurotrash, Indie darling.
The rapid 180 to promote the career of a 20-something starlet he just hopped into a relationship with was never going to sit well with the fan base he’s spent his impressively long career building up.
I never thought of it that way VC but you’re right. I’ll have to remember that next time I think about knocking Johnny.
^^I wholly endorse your enthusiasm. π
Ugh, I’m only gonna watch this because everyone is hot.
Damn those smart casting directors.
See, casting directors should take female viewers into account JUST BECAUSE OF THAT. I fully admit that I watch some movies (action films, usually) because the male lead IS HOT. I just started to watch ‘The Shield’ because of Walton Goggins, even though I don’t generally like those kind of tv shows.
I will admit to willingly buying a ticket to Need for Speed solely to stare at Aaron Paul for a couple of hours.
I started watcing Game of Thrones only for Jason Momoa.
Yup I was soley going to watch 50 Shades because Charlie Hunnam was going to play the lead. Relieved I won’t have to put myself through that now lol.
VC, how do you like The Shield? isn’t that first episode a shocker?
I miss that series so much…
Haha, yes I was afraid having to do the same ordeal for Matt Bomer. SO GLAD he was never considered.
As for Charlie Hunnam – Crimson Peak is going to be so much better than this 50 shades trainwreck…
Virgilia, I think they already do π
I mean this film alone stars Fassbender, McAvoy and Jackman! Where do I look first??
But in all seriousness, I really do think Hollywood bosses have realized the financial power of the female lust. Maybe Twilight brought that to attention?? Who knows, I am only certain that no woman ever went to see those films because of any reason other than she fancied some actor in it. I know I’ve suffered my share of cringe-worthy epic failures only for the actor I fancied.
Okay, seriously–trashy confession–I confess to watching ‘The Shield’ not just because of Walton, but because I came across an exceptionally hot sex scene (like sex with clothes on, up against a wall in a dark alley hot) between him and this black woman….but the stupid video had music over it, so I couldn’t fully appreciate it π
His butt truly is magnificent, isn’t it? I admit to rewinding his sex scene with Emilia, where he walks in naked at least a hundred times….
I’m about three episodes in–I switched to Justified, because I’m still on season 4 (I’m at the part where Boyd proposes to Ava). But the show is really, really good. I like that there are so many characters…the one where the dude kept his sperm in a refrigerator was creepy….he was talking about his BALLS….
And to sedge into Justified for a minute–when I first saw the show, I never thought it would take the turn that it did with Ava and Boyd….I like it. I like that Raylan has sex with all these different women–that even though he’s in love with Winona, he isn’t just stuck on her, he handles it like most adults would…try and get over it, be there for her (bc she’s pregnant), and still attend to his ‘needs’….
I do hope Boyd and Ava survive though–I will sh-t a brick if either one of them ever dies. I about died laughing when he told those Cove Hill dudes that he wanted a Dairy Queen franchise….
That show is really good but hard hitting. I binge watched on a holiday as no English speaking TV.
Isn’t the Shield great? I find Walton crazy hot too, and he is freaking amazing in that show. And Justified. Guy’s a genius. Virgilia, if you have a chance, check out some of the little indie films he did with Ray McKinnon.
As for watching not great stuff for hot guys, I still watch Hawaii 5-0 for Alex O’Loughlin. And the Hawaii scenery is still pretty.
I agree!
It’s about time they value a female audience.
But dayum, have mercy. There’s a lot of hot men in that film.
This theory has been reaffirmed with the recent photos of both Tom and Charlie on the set of Crimson Peak.
My heart is collapsing, I can’t deal…
Hayden Panettiere won’t be in the next ‘Heroes’? But how are they going to kill her off? Or they’ll just pretend to send her to boarding school?
Don’t get me wrong, Emily Blunt looks great but she gave birth two months ago, not two weeks ago.
X-Men looks great. Don’t care if Anna comes back. Her version of Rogue grates on my nerves.
Seriously doubt Hayden wants to go back to Heroes. It was crap by the 2nd season. Not really sure who wanted this or why they are doing it again. Desperate much, NBC?
Love Ellen!
I want James McAvoy, and I want him now!!!!!!!
Since you were here first, I’ll just fall in line behind you. Try not to break him.
Well, @blue marie that depends…
does the Pottery Barn Rule apply?
If so, consider The Mac a broken man!
ha, “the break it you bought it”? that doesn’t apply to him, I have glue.
Um, I’m sure that between all us ladies of Celebitchy, the only thing that might get broken is his dong—like in Grey’s Anatomy when Little Grey broke Sloane’s dong while they were doing it–and we can keep a doctor on call for that….DONG DOCTOR! And maybe one for his BALLS…
Ouch! I dont want to break anybody’s dong. That will only limit our usage.
So, yes – I go first with McAvoy and after our epic sexapalooza – I will share him with others. Sharing is caring!
P.S. VC you invoked “Balls” – and in this case I counter with McBalls!
@mia girl
That just means that we’re getting good use out of it….
Damn. Fassbender is even hotter when he rips up a baseball stadium. I .. have issues.
I know what you mean.
He does wreck sweetshops and your biscuit, remember?
I can’t believe I forgot about him talking about going crazy and destroying the sweetshop! I don’t know why, but I find it so hot. He sounds like a primative wild beast.
X-Men trailer: *Ahem*
(Off to camp out at the movie theater line ;))
James McAvoy, my boo. He could get it anytime, anyplace.
Fassy forever. He looks so good here.
First Class was the introduction of Fassbender to me, as I have been a huge fan of
X-men for years (didn’t realize he was Steleois(sp) in 300 until afterwards and then caught up on his other films). Love Fassbender in this! A definite must see for me!
Daily Ma il UK today has a head article about the director of the X Men charged with sex with underage’;s pretty revolting if true. Really creepy.